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Kondisi sesaat kualitas air di sekitar kampus PSDKU IPB di Kota Sukabumi Hefni Effendi; Mursalin Idris; Gatot Prayoga
Jurnal Pengelolaan Lingkungan Berkelanjutan (Journal of Environmental Sustainability Management) JPLB, Vol 5, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Badan Kerjasama Pusat Studi Lingkungan (BKPSL) se-Indonesia bekerjasama dengan Pusat Penelitian Lingkungan Hidup IPB (PPLH-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36813/jplb.5.3.748-758


This study aims to inform the initial data on water quality around the PSDKU IPB Sukabumi campus before the campus was built. Surface water is represented by the upstream, middle and lower reaches of the Cibeureum River. Residents' well water which represents the location of the planned construction of the PSDKU IPB campus in Sukabumi City, namely Babakan Village. Surface water quality parameters that do not meet the quality standards are BOD, COD, Nitrite, and Total Phosphate, while in well water quality, the parameter that does not meet the quality standards is Manganese (Mn). The pollution index indicates that the surface water quality is generally lightly polluted. For surface water, exceeding the quality standards of several parameters can be related to domestic waste and runoff from agricultural areas. The high value of Manganese in well water is a common phenomenon, which describes the natural characteristics of well water.
Kerentanan DAS Cikeas ditinjau dari perspektif sosial ekonomi dan kelembagaan Kunandar Prasetyo; Hefni Effendi; Gatot Prayoga; Andrian Rizaldy Azhar; Tri Permadi; Dewanti Pratiwi
Jurnal Pengelolaan Lingkungan Berkelanjutan (Journal of Environmental Sustainability Management) JPLB, Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Badan Kerjasama Pusat Studi Lingkungan (BKPSL) se-Indonesia bekerjasama dengan Pusat Penelitian Lingkungan Hidup IPB (PPLH-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36813/jplb.5.2.684-698


The research aimed to determine the vulnerability level of the Cikeas watershed in terms of socio-economic and institutional aspects. The primary data collection method used purposive and snowball sampling. Secondary data were obtained from the Environmental Agency (DLH), Ciliwung Cisadane River Basin Center (BBWS) and Central Statistics Agency (BPS). Data analysis used quantitative descriptive analysis based on the formulation of watershed level characterization system. The vulnerability level of the Cikeas watershed in social aspects (population density and traditional values) was very high (very vulnerable). Conservation behaviour was classified as not vulnerable and somewhat vulnerable. On the economic aspect, most sub-districts in the Cikeas watershed were classified as somewhat vulnerable. The dominant economic sector was in the form of services. In terms of the institutional aspect, it was classified as not vulnerable and somewhat vulnerable because there were formal and informal institutions that have played an active role in the Cikeas watershed conservation activities. Watershed problems were related to the community's concern for environmental management. Thus, the involvement of the community and other relevant stakeholders in the planning, formulation, implementation of watershed policies was indispensable to achieve sustainable watershed management.
Hubungan kualitas air dengan parameter hidrologi di Sungai Batang Arau Sumatera Barat (2013-2020) Dwi Suci Indah Permata Sari; Sigid Hariyadi; Hefni Effendi
Jurnal Pengelolaan Lingkungan Berkelanjutan (Journal of Environmental Sustainability Management) JPLB, Vol 5, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Badan Kerjasama Pusat Studi Lingkungan (BKPSL) se-Indonesia bekerjasama dengan Pusat Penelitian Lingkungan Hidup IPB (PPLH-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36813/jplb.5.3.788-798


The Batang Arau River is the second longest river in the city of Padang (West Sumatra). Many anthropogenic activities can reduce water quality. This study aimed to determine the correlation water quality with the hydrological parameters of the Batang Arau River (2013-2020). The data taken is secondary data from several agencies in the city of Padang. Data analysed was secondary data from various institution in Padang. Simple Linear Regression between water quality parameters towards velocity and river discharge was applied. River discharge correlated with DO (r = 0.68), and velocity is very closely correlated with TDS (r = 0.82) in the rainy season. Meanwhile, very close correlation between discharge and TDS (r = 0.98) and velocity with DO (r = 0.95) in the dry season.
Dinamika persetujuan lingkungan dalam perspektif Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 22 tahun 2021 dan peraturan turunannya Hefni Effendi; Mursalin Mursalin; Rais Sonaji
Jurnal Pengelolaan Lingkungan Berkelanjutan (Journal of Environmental Sustainability Management) JPLB, Vol 5, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Badan Kerjasama Pusat Studi Lingkungan (BKPSL) se-Indonesia bekerjasama dengan Pusat Penelitian Lingkungan Hidup IPB (PPLH-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36813/jplb.5.3.759-787


Given the emergence of several new regulations in the environmental sector, stakeholders need to understand these regulations well. Therefore, this article aims to provide a practical understanding of the mechanism for compiling and evaluating environmental documents to obtain environmental approvals contained in a number of new regulations. The issuance of Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021 requires the issuance of several new Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulations. There are several new requirements that must be met in submitting an application for an environmental feasibility test, namely: Letter of direction for the preparation of environmental documents, Statement letter that the proposed activity is still in the planning stage (for new activity plans), Technical Approval, Initial approval related to the business/activity plan, Evidence of conformity of the location of the business/activity plan with the spatial plan. The authority to assess environmental documents is based on the authority to issue business permits and the establishment of a Feasibility Test Team (TUK) to replace the role of the EIA Assessment Commission (KPA).
Preliminary study of algasidal activities of the episymbiont bacterial consortium from Enhalus acoroides Gede Iwan Setiabudi; Dietriech G. Bengen; Ocky Karna Radjasa; Hefni Effendi
Advances in Tropical Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences Vol 2 No 2 (2018): ATBES
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.586 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/ATBES.2018.v02.i02.p02


Seagrass symbiotic bacteria have various functions, one of which is as algaside. There are 2 types of symbionts namely endosymbiont and episymbiont. This study aims to test the initial activity of algaside episymbiont Enhalus acoroides on diatome and dinoflagellate group plankton. The method used for testing is Mixed Algal-bacterial cultures. On media that has been overgrown with algae will be inoculated with episymbiont bacterial consortium E. acoroides. The results of the bacterial consortium research have not shown significant algaside activity. But, on Nitschia sp. showed significant algaside activity. This mean specific activity in the compound or mechanism used as algaside.
Metode Pengukuran dan Model Pendugaan Biomassa Nypa Fruticans di Sungai Tallo, Makassar-Indonesia Rahman Rahman; Hefni Effendi; Iman Rusmana; mukti ali
Grouper: Fisheries Scientific Journal Vol 11, No 1 (2020): Grouper : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Perikanan Universitas Islam Lamongan
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/grouper.v11i1.65


Penelitian tentang estimasi dan model pendugaan biomassa pada tegakan pohon mangrove telah banyak dilakukan baik dalam tingkat ekosistem maupun spesies, namun belum pernah dilakukan pada spesies Nypa fruticans. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sebuah model penduga nlilai biomassa Nypa fruticans di Sungai Tallo yang terdapat di Makassar-Indonesia yang merupakan salah satu habitat mangrove. Pendugaan biomassa dilakukan dengan menebang mangrove sebanyak 15 pohon pada range diameter terbesar hingga terkecil. Biomassa dihitung berdasarkan berat kering yang diperoleh dari pengeringan sub contoh berat basah pada suhu 130 ⁰C selama 48 jam. Analisis model penduga biomassa menggunakan regresi linier dan model allometrik yang akan menyatakan hubungan antara diameter pangkal atau pelepah dengan nilai biomassa mangrove. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa model penduga biomassa Nypa fruticansbersifat allometrik yang berkorelasi dengan diameter pangkal dan diameter pelepah yaitu B = 0,098(DB)1,4934  dan B = 0,222(DS)2,7048 dan lebih baik dibandingkan model analisis regresi. Total biomassa Nypa fruticans menurut diameter pangkal dan pelepah yakni 174574,4kgatau 40132, 69 kg/ha dan 173959,4kg atau 39991, 32 kg/ha.
Highly Sensitive Phenol Biosensor Utilizing Selected Bacillus Biofilm Through an Electrochemical Method Ariyanti, Dita; Iswantini, Dyah; Sugita, Purwantiningsih; Nurhidayat, Novik; Effendi, Hefni; Ghozali, Ali Aulia; Kurniawan, Yehezkiel Steven
Makara Journal of Science Vol. 24, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


An eco-friendly phenol biosensor from Bacillus biofilm was prepared and investigated. The biofilm, which produced tyrosinase enzyme, was successfully immobilized on a screen-printed carbon electrode surface. A total of 72 Bacillus isolates were utilized because of their capability to produce tyrosinase enzyme in tyrosine media. Among them, Bacillus isolate code 100 was selected because it produced an adequate amount of tyrosinase enzyme and a high potentiostat current. The response surface methodology was also used to optimize the phenol sensing condition through an electrochemical method. Results showed that the optimum condition was achieved after 6 days on a phosphate buffer solution (pH of 8), with an optical density of 0.33. Furthermore, the limits of detection and quantification were 3.0 and 13 ng/L, respectively. The measurements of precision yielded a relative standard deviation of < 5%, which is remarkable. Although the biosensor material was used for 35 days, the current throughout was still maintained at 90%, indicating that the evaluated biosensor material has the potential to be used for phenol monitoring on environmental samples in the near future.
Estimasi Stok dan Serapan Karbon pada Mangrove di Sungai Tallo, Makassar Rahman Rahman; Hefni Effendi; Iman Rusmana
Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan Vol 11, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (484.575 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jik.24867


Ekosistem mangrove memiliki kemampuan menyerap CO2 lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan vegetasi tumbuhan lainnya. Namun upaya pengelolaannya sebagai kawasan penyimpan stok karbon masih belum maksimal. Kota Makassar memiliki Sungai Tallo yang sepanjang bantarannya ditumbuhi oleh vegetasi mangrove dan sangat potensial untuk dikelola sebagai ruang terbuka hijau. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa Sungai Tallo terletak tepat di tengah kota Makassar dan sepanjang bantaran sungai didominasi oleh spesies Nypa fruticans dengan jumlah 18.514 pohon dan kerapatan 4.256 pohon/ha, menyimpan karbon sebesar 21,82 ton C/ha, menyerap 80,02 ton CO2/ha. Spesies dominan kedua adalah Rhizophora mucronata dengan jumlah 8.492 pohon dan kerapatan 2.352 pohon/ha, menyimpan karbon sebesar 19,94 ton C/ha, menyerap 73,13 ton CO2/ha. Spesies dominan ketiga yaitu Avicennia alba dengan jumlah 2.421 pohon dan kerapatan 3.228 pohon/ha, menyimpan karbon sebesar 53,96 ton C/ha, menyerap 197,87 ton CO2/ha. Nilai kerapatan dan kemampuan serapan mangrove tersebut sangat sesuai untuk dikelola pada ruang terbuka hijau penyuplai udara segar dan penyerap CO2.Stock Estimation and Carbon Absorption of Mangrove in Tallo River, MakassarAbstractThe mangrove ecosystem has a higher ability of CO2 absorption than other vegetations. However, the effort to establish the mangrove to be a carbon stock area has not been achieved. Makassar has Tallo River, covered with mangrove vegetation along its riverbank, which is potent to be managed as a green open space. The observations indicated that Tallo River was located in the center part of Makassar city and was dominated by Nypa fruticans along the riverbanks in 18,514 trees and a density of 4,256 trees/ha, stored carbon of 21.82 tons C/ha, and absorbs 80.02 tons CO2/ha. Rhizophora mucronata was the second dominant species in 8.492 trees and density of 2,352 trees/ha, stored carbon of 19.94 tons C/ha, and absorbs 73.13 tons CO2/ha. The third dominant species was Avicennia alba in 2,421 trees and density of 3,228 trees/ha, stored carbon of 263.85 tons C/ha, and absorbs 197.89 tons CO2/ha. The density and ability to absorb values of the mangrove is highly suitable to be managed for a green open space to supply fresh air and CO2.
PENGARUH PERBEDAAN pH PERAIRAN TERHADAP LAJU PERTUMBUHAN LAMUN JENIS Cymodocea rotundata Yudho Andika; Mujizat Kawaroe; Hefni Effendi; Neviaty Putri Zamani; Erniati; Erlangga; Saiful Adhar; Imanullah; Imamshadiqin; Cut Meurah Nurul 'Akla; Ayub Sugara; Bq Tri Khairani Ilhami
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis Vol. 15 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis
Publisher : Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jitkt.v15i1.43331


Penggunaan bahan bakar fosil yang terus berlangsung akan meningkatkan konsentrasi karbondioksida (CO2) di atmosfer. Asidifikasi laut terjadi akibat CO2 yang berada di atmosfer berdifusi ke lautan. Lautan mampu menyerap CO2 di atmosfer sebanyak 35 % lebih yang menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan pH laut. Lamun Cymodocea rotundata merupakan salah satu jenis lamun yang banyak ditemukan tumbuh di perairan tropis. Keadaan ini menimbulkan kekhawatiran tentang kemungkinan terjadinya dampak pada pertumbuhan lamun C. rotundata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kandungan nitrat, fosfat dan kalium dan pertumbuhan lamun C. rotundata yang meliputi pertumbuhan daun, rhizoma, dan akar C. rotundata terhadap perbedaan pH. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan rancangan acak lengkap menggunakan tabel acak. Sebanycak 15 toples dengan ukuran diameter 20 cm dan tinggi 25 cm digunakan dengan 3 perlakuan, masing-masing perlakuan 5 kali pengulangan. Hasil uji regresi linier menunjukkan pH berpengaruh terhadap konsentrasi nitrat, dan berpengaruh kuat terhadap konsentrasi fosfat dan kalium. Laju pertumbuhan daun lamun C. rotundata tertinggi pada kontrol berkisar antara 0,50–1,29 mm/hari sedangkan yang terendah pada pH rendah berikisar 0,07–0,73 mm/hari. Laju pertumbuhan rizhoma lamun secara horizontal dan vertikal tertinggi pada pH rendah sedangkan yang terendah pada pH kontrol. Laju pertumbuhan akar lamun tertinggi pada pH rendah berkisar antara 0,20–0,90 mm/hari. sedangkan yang terendah pada kontrol berkisar antara 0,13–0,43 mm/hari. pH juga memengaruhi laju pertumbuhan daun, rhizoma dan akar lamun C. rotundata. Semakin rendah pH maka laju pertumbuhan daun juga semakin rendah, berbeda dengan rhizoma dan akar semakin rendah pH maka semakin tinggi laju pertumbuhan.
Co-Authors - - mardiyana - - nurjanah . Chaidir A. Zaenal Mustopa A. Zaenal Mustopa Adi Sulaksono Aditya Herry Emawan Agustina Sinuhaji Ahmad Jamhari Rahmawan Ali Mashar Aloysius Adimas Kristianiarso Andrian Rizaldy Azhar Audra Ligafinza Audra Nur Ayub Sugara B Sartono Bagus Amalrullah Utomo Bagus Amalrullah Utomo Bq Tri Khairani Ilhami Bq Tri Khairina Ilhami Budi Kurniawan Budi Nurtama Budi Nurtama Chaidir Chaidir Charles Parningotan Haratua Simanjuntak Cut Meurah Nurul 'Akla Damar, Ario Dea Fauzia Lestari Dedi Soedarma Dedi Soedarma Dedi Soedharma DEDI SOEDHARMA Dedi Soedharma Dewanti Pratiwi Dietriech G. Bengen Dietriech Geoffrey Bengen Dino Rimantho Dita Ariyanti Ditta Ayu Anggraini Dwi Suci Indah Permata Sari Dyah Iswantini Dyah Muji Rahayu Enan M Adiwilaga Eriyatno . Erlangga Erliza Noor Erniati Etty Riani Eva Cristine Ronauli F Farlina Fitri Ariani Flandrianto Sih Palimirmo Fredinan Yulianda Gatot Prayoga Gatot Prayoga Gatot Yulianto Gede Iwan Setiabudi Ghozali, Ali Aulia Giri Maruto Darmawangsa Gunawan Gunawan Gunawan Pratama Yoga Hadi Supardi Hari Wijayanto Harum Farahisah Harum Farahisah Herman Yulianto I Wayan Nurjaya Imamshadiqin Iman Rusmana Imanullah Irza Arnita nur Kurniawan, Yehezkiel Steven Luisa Febrina Amalo Luluk Dwi Wulan Handayani Majariana Krisanti Marfian Dwidima Putra Maryono Maryono Maulid Wahid Yusuf Melanie Cornelia, Melanie Melki . Melki Melki Meutia Samira Ismet Muhammad Mukhlis Kamal Mujizat Kawaroe MUJIZAT KAWAROE MUJIZAT KAWAROE Mujizat Kawaroe Mujizat Kawaroe Mujizat Kawaroe Mukti Ali Mursalin Idris Mursalin Mursalin Mursalin Mursalin Nabil Zurba Neneng Marlian Neneng Sri Hendra Neviaty P Zamani Neviaty P. Zamani Neviaty P. Zamani NEVIATY PUTRI ZAMANI Niken TM Pratiwi Niken Tunjung Murti Pertiwi Niken Tunjung Murti Pratiwi Noveldesra Suhery Novera Nirmalasanti Novik Nurhidayat Ocky Karna Radjasa Ocky Karna Radjasa Prasetyo, Kunandar Purwantiningsih Sugita Purwanto, Yanuar Jarwadi Qadar Hasani Rachma Venita Rachmad Caesario Rahman Rahman Rahman Rahman Rahmat Pangestu Rais Sonaji Rebo Elfida Karo-Karo Refa Riskiana Rezi Apri Ririn Setyowati Rizal Syarief Rizal Syarief Rizki Novia Rahmi Romi Seroja Rozirwan . safrina dyah hardiningtyas Saiful Adhar Sigid Hariyadi Sigit Winarno Siti Rosa Oktavia Sulistiono Suprihatin Suprihatin Suprihatin Suprihatin Suprihatin Suprihatin Suprihatin Suprihatin Suria Darma Tarigan Surya Cipta Ramadhan Kete Taryono Taryono TATI NURHAYATI Tri Permadi Warsiki, Endang Widiatmaka . Widyatmoko Widyatmoko Wiwin Ambarwulan Wiwin Ambarwulan Yonvitner - Yudhi Amrial Yudho Andika Yudho Andika Yudi Setiawan Yunandar Yunandar Yuni Yolanda Yusli Wardiatno Zidni Ilma Palupi