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Journal : Jurnal Manajemen Inovasi

Jurnal Manajemen Inovasi Vol 11, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Manajemen Inovasi: April
Publisher : Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (719.103 KB) | DOI: 10.24815/jmi.v11i1.16527


This study aims to examine the effect of price perceptions and brand image on purchasing decisions where the shopping habits variable is mediated in the relationship. Data was collected from 100 people in Banda Aceh City using the Purposive Sampling method. The results showed that the perception of prices did not significantly influence shopping habits and the decision to purchase Marlboro brand cigarettes in the people of Banda Aceh City. Brand Image has a significant influence on shopping habits and the decision to purchase Marlboro brand cigarettes in the people of Banda Aceh City. Shopping habits are proven to mediate partially on the relationship brand image of purchasing decisions.
Co-Authors Abdullah Abdullah Adang HG Ade Anggraini Fahmal Adnan Adnan Agustianur Agustianur Ahmad Buchori Ahmad Ridha Akbar Akbar Ali Mustofa Alimudin Laapo Amin Purnawan ANGGERAINI OKTARIDA Anggriani Anggriani Anggun Mareta Anis Sholihah Anjar Candrawati Arifuddin Arifuddin Asnawan Asnawan Aufa Miranti Azhari Yahya Azwar Ananda Bainil Yulina Bambang Budi Rahardjo Bambang Firmansyah Bambang Soewito Chairuman Chairuman Cut Adelina Deny Setiawan Devi Mediarti Dewi Agustina ELIHAMI, ELIHAMI Evada Dewata Fasdarsyah Fasdarsyah Fitria Muchnisa Gatot Setiawan Hafidh Maksum, Hafidh Iman S. Suriawinata Indiyah Muwarni ira damayanti JAROT BUDIASTO Jasman J Ma'ruf Jawiah Jawiah Kahfie Nazaruddin Khalisah Khalisah Kiagus Zainal Arifin Kiagus Zainal Arifin M Adli Abdullah M Jafar M Jafar M. Husen M. Misbah M. Subur M. Thoyib M. Yamin M. Yamin M. Yamin M.Hussin Affan Maitsarana Ishmaturadhwa Makka, Zulvia Maryaningsih Maryaningsih Mela Santi Mimik Umi Zuhroh Mislinawati Mislinawati Misri A. Muchsin Mitra Yadiannur Mohd. Din Muammar Yogi Muazzin Muazzin Muhammad Adli Muhammad Idham Mukhlis Mukhlis Nailil Muna Nasir Nasir Nasir Nasri Nelia Hera Putri Nurhizrah Gistituati Nurmasyitah Nurmasyitah Nurrahmah Nurrahmah Nurul Aini Nyak Indra Onan Christanto Sepang Permana Honeyta Lubis Rahmadi Ali Rahmah Rahmah Ramdania Zafitri Reza Zubaedah Rifka Irhamna Riri Maifiani Ronnie Susman Natawidjaja Rosma ely Rosnani Rosnani Rusdinal Rusdinal Rusli Yusuf Sabna Nulanda safrin safrin Salsabila Muharani Putri Sarikadarwati Sarikadarwati Shavreni Oktadi Putri Siti Remeja Soedirman Soedirman Sri Aguswarini Sri Sumartiningsih Suci Fitriani Sudirman Sudirman Suhria Atmana Sunarso Sugeng Suparjono Suparjono Surni Gayo Syarful Rahmawati Syarifah Habibah Tatik Melinda Tallulembang Teuku Muttaqin Mansur Teuku Muttaqin Mansur Titien Agustina Tursinawati Tursinawati Wida Gerhana Yeni Vera Yenny Nadia Yuliantina Aryani Yusniar Yusniar Yuza Defitri Zulkifli Halid