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Journal : Unnes Science Education Journal

Unnes Science Education Journal Vol 5 No 2 (2016): July 2016
Publisher : Department of Integrated Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang in Collaboration with Perkumpulan Pendidikan IPA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/usej.v5i2.13146


Abstract The phenomenon that occurs is the seventh grade students of SMP N 22 Semarang has an average adaptability 70%, while the services of social information has been provided by the teacher of guidance and counseling regularly. In addition there is a significant difference in the level of student independence. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the influence of students' perception on social information services and independence to self adjustment seventh grade students of SMP N 22 Semarang. This research is an ex post facto with quantitative approach. The study population numbered 240 students sample taken by purposive sampling technique. Collecting data using psychological scale were tested for its validity and reliability. The data analysis used is simple and multiple linear regression. The results are (1) Perceptions of students on social information services influences self adjustment, (2) Independence influences self adjustment, and (3) Perceptions of students on social information services and independence influences self adjustment. Based on these results it can be predicted that the higher level of students' perceptions on the service of social information and independence, the adaptability of students will be increased. Therefore, it is suggested that teachers of guidance and counseling should provide services that fit the needs of students so that students have a better perception on social information services and also they should foster students' independence.
Unnes Science Education Journal Vol 5 No 2 (2016): July 2016
Publisher : Department of Integrated Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang in Collaboration with Perkumpulan Pendidikan IPA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/usej.v5i2.13146


Abstract The phenomenon that occurs is the seventh grade students of SMP N 22 Semarang has an average adaptability 70%, while the services of social information has been provided by the teacher of guidance and counseling regularly. In addition there is a significant difference in the level of student independence. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the influence of students' perception on social information services and independence to self adjustment seventh grade students of SMP N 22 Semarang. This research is an ex post facto with quantitative approach. The study population numbered 240 students sample taken by purposive sampling technique. Collecting data using psychological scale were tested for its validity and reliability. The data analysis used is simple and multiple linear regression. The results are (1) Perceptions of students on social information services influences self adjustment, (2) Independence influences self adjustment, and (3) Perceptions of students on social information services and independence influences self adjustment. Based on these results it can be predicted that the higher level of students' perceptions on the service of social information and independence, the adaptability of students will be increased. Therefore, it is suggested that teachers of guidance and counseling should provide services that fit the needs of students so that students have a better perception on social information services and also they should foster students' independence.
Co-Authors A. Dardiri Hasyim A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Achmad Slamet Afriyadi Sofyan, Afriyadi Agung Slamet Kusmanto, Agung Slamet AHMAD MUNIR Aisy, Dea Farah Andrian Fatmawijaya, Heru Anggraeni, Tika Anwar Sutoyo Arief Yulianto Arinata, Firdian Setiya Aulia Ika Sadewi, Aulia Ika Awalya Awalya, Awalya Baghiroh, Raeh Niken Budi Astuti Cahyaningsih, Sri Cipto Dyan Catharina Tri Anni, Catharina Tri Cheristiyanto Cheristiyanto, Cheristiyanto Danang Januar, Danang Desy Tri Haryanti, Desy Tri Dewi Pradnya Paramita, Dewi Pradnya Dinia Ulfa, Dinia Distira, Riski Putra Ayu Djoko Widodo Dwi Purwaningsih, Dwi Dwi Susilowati Dwi Yuwono Puji Sugiharto, Dwi Yuwono Puji Dwikintari, Aulia Dwikintari, Aulia Edy Purwanto Eko Nusantoro Eko Supraptono Elfida Putri, Mela Endang Rifani Enny Yulianti, Enny Ernawati, Pepti ganang bachtiar, ganang Handayani, Erny Tri Hartati, Maria T. S Hartati, Maria T. S Ifada Retno Ekaningrum Indrajaya, Ary Bima Indrajaya, Ary Bima Intan Kusumaningrum Jendra, Arya Firmanu Jianzhong J Hong, Jianzhong J Joko Sutarto Juminah, Juminah Kusnarto Kurniawan Lacksana, Indra Lita Latiana Mahanani, Sari Maman Rahman, Maman Maspupatun, Imas Masrukan Masrukan Meilanda, Angga Yuda Meilina, Henny Muhammad Japar Purwati Muhammad Khoiru Reza, Muhammad Khoiru Muhammad Rivai Muhlisin Muhlisin Mukaromah, Devy Mukaromah, Devy Mulawarman Mulawarman Muliasari, Mona mungin eddy wibowo, mungin eddy Musafa'ah, Iin Narulita, Gesha Ninik Setyowani noor halida fitriawati ghozali, noor halida fitriawati Nur Sholihah, Nur NURBAEDI, AMIN Nurdiyanti, Isro’ah Dwi Nurlaily Mauludiyah, Nurlaily Nurul Rizkiana, Nurul Oktavia, Lyanna P, Fitri Haryanti P, Yekti Endah Prasetya, Angga Dwi Puspita, Relegia Puspitasari, Yeny Sukma Dian Rahmaningrum, Asri Rasdi Ekosiswoyo Riduwan, Muhd. Riskiyani, Dwi Riskiyani, Dwi S, Nuril Hidayanti Saiman Saiman Samsudi . Sania Nur Hanifa, Sania Nur Santy Indrias Tuti, Santy Indrias Sari, Anggie Nurfitria Sari, Nurul Enggar Permana Selvya Yuliandita, Selvya Septiawan, Rifana Rizki Sigit Gunawan Sinta Saraswati Siti Anisa Siwi, Laras Grahita Slamet Hariyadi Slameto Slameto Sri Maryati Deliana, Sri Maryati Suharso Suharso Suliarsi, Suliarsi Sulistiyorini, Sri Sunawan Sunawan Tomi Kurniawan Tri Joko Raharjo Tyas Prastiti, Tyas Udi Utomo Ulfa Ulfa Wagimin Wagimin, Wagimin Wahyu Hardyanto Wahyu Nila Kanti, Wahyu Nila Wandansari, Carissa Octora Wandansari, Carissa Octora Wasino Wasino Wawan Widhianto, Wawan Widiyanto Widiyanto Widyaningrum, Desy Noor Linna Yuli Kurniawati Sugiyo Pranoto, Yuli Kurniawati Sugiyo Yuli Utanto