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Journal : AMPLITUDO: Journal of Science

The Influence of the Problem-Based Learning Model Assisted by PhET Simulations on Students' Problem-Solving Abilities and Mastery of Physics Concepts Liana Liana; Kosim Kosim; Muhammad Taufik
AMPLITUDO : Journal of Science and Technology Inovation Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Agustus
Publisher : Balai Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56566/amplitudo.v2i2.103


This study aims to examine the effect of problem-based learning model assisted by PhET simulations on problem solving ability and mastery of physics concepts of students. This type of research is Quasi Experimental with non-equivalent control group design. The population of this study were all students of class XI IPA SMAN 4 Mataram with sampling technique using purposive sampling technique, because there were four classes XI IPA, so it was determined that class XI IPA 1 as the experimental class and class XI IPA 2 as the control class. Based on the results of the study, the average value of physics problem solving ability of students in the experimental class was 45.09, while the average value of problem-solving ability of the control class was 39.61, while the average value of concept mastery of the experimental class was 70 and the control class was 51.15. Data on problem solving ability and concept mastery of both classes are normally distributed and both are homogeneous. Data on problem solving ability and concept mastery were analyzed using the polled variance t-test at a significant level of 5% and obtained  of problem solving ability of 2.24, while concept mastery obtained  of 6.18 and obtained  of 2.00, with hypothesis testing criteria if  is greater than  then  is rejected and  is accepted. Based on the results of this study, it shows that there is an effect of problem-based learning model assisted by PhET simulations on problem solving ability and mastery of physics concepts of students.
Co-Authors Abdul Halik Abdul Halim Abdul Rahman Abdul Rochman Abdul Wahab Abrani Sulaiman Achmad Albar Permana Suprianto Aji Nur Said, A.Md. Akhmad Sabarudin Al Hadiat Al Hadiat Andi Khaeruni Andy Hendri, Andy Ane Novianty Ani Mulyasuryani Argubi, Adi Hidayat Arif Hadi Sumitro Asmar Hasan Asniah Asniah Asritanarni Munar Bahrin Bahrin Bahrul Anif Dafni Mawar Tarigan Darma Aviva Dartius , Daru Sugati Dedy Sugiarto Desi Ardilla Desrial Dian Indra Sari Endang Purwati RN Endang Supraptiah Erna Krisnawati Etty Gurendrawati Fadarina HC GUSNAWATY HS, GUSNAWATY Habibah Habibah Halimatus Sakdiyah Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha hendriko hendriko Hidayat Hidayat Hijria Hijria Ir. Pranto Busono Irma KRESNAWATY Khaerunnisa Khaerunnisa Kikin H Mutaqin Kiswanto Kiswanto Kosim Kosim La Ode Santiaji Bande Lalu Rudyat Telly Savalas Liana Liana Luky Adrianto Made Rahmawaty, Made MARIADI MARIADI Mariany Razali Miftahul Khair Mohammad Ihsan Mokhamad Nur Cahyadi, Mokhamad Nur Muhammad Botek Niken Nur Kasim NOOR AIDAWATI Oktalia Triananda Lovita PURNAMA HIDAYAT PUTRI MEGAYANTI PADDA Rachmad Harri Mulia Rahayu M Rahayu M Rahayu Mallarangeng Ratu Fatimah Azzahrah Rid Wanto Rida Prihatni Riko Setya Wijaya Rinaldi Rinaldi Royadi Royadi Ruli Inayah Ramadhoan S.M. Sitompul Salsabilla Choirun Nisa’Alfikry Santosa Pujiarta, A.Md SEDYO HARTONO Siti Rahmah Cibro SRI HENDRASTUTI HIDAYAT Susilawati - Syair Syair Tauhid, Tauhid Thoufiq Ridhowan Thoufiq Tineke Mandang Tirta Suci Dian Kasih Tri Pamujiasih Trisna Insan Noor Ussy Andawayanti Wahyu Kurniawan Wahyudi Wahyudi Wahyudianto, Febri Eko Wardi Wardi Wawan Hermawan Widodo Yuyut Suraniyanto Zurohainah