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POD NUMBER AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS AS PHYSIOLOGICAL SELECTION CRITERIA IN SOYBEAN (Glycine max L. Merrill) BREEDING FOR HIGH YIELD Sitompul, S.M.; Sari, Dian Indra; Krisnawati, Erna; Mulia, Rachmad Harri; Taufiq, M.
AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 37, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya and Indonesian Agronomic Assossiation

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Field studies were conducted in two years using 638 F2 and 1185 F3 lines of selected 16 F1 and 15 F2 parent lines (³80 pods plant-1) to evaluate pod number and CO2 exchange rate (CER) as selection criteria. Pod and seed number, and seed weight of individual lines were observed during harvesting time, and CER of randomly selected 32 F2 and 30 F3 lines was measured at initial seed filling stage.  The selection of F2 lines based on pod number to generate F3 lines increased the average of seed yield by 39%, and pod number by 77% in F3 lines compared with F2 lines. A close relationships was found between seed weight and pod or seed number per plant.  Net CER responded sensitively to a reduction of light in a short-term and showed 78% of F2 lines and all F3 lines with maximum CER (Pmax)³20 mmolCO2.m-2.s-1. The ratio of pod number per plant and Pmax varied between lines and were used to group lines resulting in close relationships between Pmax and pod number. It is concluded that the use of pod number and CER (Pmax) as selection criteria offers an alternative approach in soybean breeding for high yield.  Keywords: CO2 exchange rate (CER), Glycine max L. Merrill, model, pod number, soybean
Model fisik Kincir Air Untuk Irigasi Pertanian Vicky, M Taufiq; Rinaldi, Rinaldi; Hendri, Andy
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 2, No 1 (2015): Wisuda Februari Tahun 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Physical model research of water wheel for agricultural irrigation is executed at Hidrotechnic’s Laboratory University of Riau. Model that is utilized doesn't utilize model scale, but phenomenon of prototype will be represented by model that made. Water wheel bases executed field study previous, having alone uniqueness. Paddle wheel lap speed one every minute (RPM) and debit who can be lifted by waters jacking tube visual's are relative stable. Even so was known it must be water wheel condition be still get improved debit that can be lifted by waters jacking tube. Water wheel model is undershoot water wheel made bases prototype aught at the site or at agricultural location. This waterwheel is made at Technicals Engineering Material Laboratory. This Waterwheel model specification with diameter 55 cm, broad 6 cm, long fan 6 cm, total fan 18 numbers and heavy 1,764 kg. The research did by variated foots up and tube dimension so gotten by water wheel model with tubed optimal one. Variation of tube is 3, 6, 9 and 18 numbers with each volume saves 3,4 ml, 8,0 ml, and 16,8 ml whereas debit flows are not variated.Result of this experiment showing that Waterwheel speed regarde by flow speed that punches waterwheel fans, but relationship both is not linear. Total tube and tube volume regard paddle wheel lap. Diameter 0,8 cm tube can’t lift waters because the diameter of tube are too small but diameter 1,3 cm and 1,7 cm tube both can lift flows.Maximum debits which diameter 1,3 tube can be lifted by jacking tube is 6,39 ml/dt, it happens upon tube amount 18 numbers whereas on diameter tube 1,7 cm maximum debits is 5,38 ml / dt happens upon tubed amount 6 numbers.Keywords: Model, Waterwheel, Undershot
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 7, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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ABSTRAK: Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Jragung terletak pada Wilayah Kerja Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Pemali Juana. Pertambahan penduduk di DAS Jragung wilayah hulu menyebabkan perubahan pada fungsi lahan. Studi Upaya Konservasi Lahan Berdasarkan Indikator Erosi dan Sedimen di DAS Jragung sangat diperlukan untuk meminimalkan permasalahan di DAS Jragung. Pendugaan laju erosi dan sedimentasi dihitung dengan model AVSWAT 2000. Hasilnya menunjukkan besarnya limpasan permukaan, erosi dan sedimentasi sebesar 707,519 mm/thn, 168,51 ton/ha/th dan 229.806,089 ton/th. DAS Jragung memiliki indeks bahaya erosi rendah sebesar 40,19%, sedang sebesar 25,66%, tinggi sebesar 14,63%, dan sangat tinggi sebesar 19,52% terhadap luas DAS jragung Upaya konservasi secara vegetatif dapat mereduksi erosi sebesar 38,19% dan secara mekanis dapat mereduksi sedimen sebesar 48,09%. Kata-kata kunci: Limpasan permukaan, erosi, sedimentasi, AVSWAT 2000 ABSTRACT: Jragung Watershed (DAS) located in BBWS Pemali Juana. The population increase that occurred in the upper reaches Jragung watershed cause many changes in land use. The study of land conservation efforts based on indicators of erosion and sediment in Jragung watershed is necessary to minimize the problems that exist in Jragung watershed. The estimation of the rate of erosion and sedimentation is calculated by the model approach AVSWAT 2000. The results showed that the amount of surface runoff, erosion and sedimentation on the current state of each of 707.519 mm / yr, 168.51 tons / ha / year and 229.806,089 tons / year. Jragung watershed have erosion hazard index was lower by 40.19%, currently at 25.66%, higher by 14.63%, and was very high at 19.52% of the area jragung watershed. Conservation efforts for vegetatif erosion can reduce the amount of 38.19% and mechanically reduce sediment of 48.09%. Key words: surface runoff, erosion, sedimentation, AVSWAT 2000
Pengembangan dan Validasi Metode Spektroskopi Serapan Atom (SSA) untuk Penentuan Logam Berat Kadmium (Cd) dan Timbal (Pb) dalam Produk Cokelat Taufiq, Moh.; Sabarudin, Akhmad; Mulyasuryani, Ani
ALCHEMY Vol 5, No 2 (2016): ALCHEMY
Publisher : Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (890.789 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/al.v5i2.3598


ABSTRAKPengembangan dan validasi metode analisis telah dilakukan untuk penentuan logam berat Cd dan Pb dalam 2 (dua) jenis sampel cokelat. Sampel ditambahkan HNO3 65 % dan didestruksi dengan gelombang mikro rumahan (domestic microwave) selama 2 menit, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan spektroskopi serapan atom (SSA). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa destruksi gelombang mikro telah memenuhi persayaratan validasi seperti linieritas lebih besar dari 0,99, kisaran perolehan kembali 93,8-103,2 %, standar deviasi relatif (RSD) 5 %, konsentrasi Cd dan Pb lebih besar dari batas deteksi metode (LOD) dan batas kuantitasi (LOQ), dan memiliki kekuatan metode (robustness) cukup baik untuk penentuan logam Cd dan Pb dalam cokelat. Uji t indenpenden (sig 5%) menunjukkan standar deviasi relatif (RSD) dan perolehan kembali (akurasi) logam Cd dan Pb menggunakan metode destruksi basah sistem gelombang mikro  dan destruksi kering (standar SNI 7934:2014) relatif sama atau tidak berbeda secara signifikan. Prosedur destruksi gelombang mikro sangat praktis, dan dikategorik sebagai metode preparasi yang mudah, cepat, akurat, dapat diandalkan dan dapat dijadikan sebagai metode analisis rutin di dalam laboratorium dengan beberapa jenis sampel dalam jumlah yang banyak.
Sadar Wisata: Jurnal Pariwisata Vol 3, No 1 (2020): SADAR WISATA
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32528/sw.v3i1.3372


Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menghasilkan sebuah model pengembangan desa wisata yang berbasis ekowisata yang didasarkan pada potensi lokal, yaitu pelestarian alam lokal, konservasi seni-budaya masyarakat lokal, dan peningkatan kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat lokal. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini mengunakan metode deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat desa Sambori Kabupaten Bima. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah proporsional randomsampling. Jumlah sampel wisatawan diambil dengan quota sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini selain menggunakan metode Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD), juga menggunakan metode Rapid Rural Apprasial (RRA), Indept Interview, Survey dan analisis SWOT. Sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Desa Sambori memiliki potensi berupa keunikan bahasa lokal, adat istiadat, rumah adat, tradisi yang langgengkan masyarakat, kesenian lokal, panorama dan kekayaan alam gunung Lambitu yang mempesona, tata cara hidup dan mata pencaharian masyarakat adalah competitive adventages yang dimiliki Desa Sambori. Respon positif masyarakat dan wisatawan yang mendukung pengembanganmemberikan peluang dan prospek yang baik dalam pengembangan.Sedangkan model desa wisata berbasis ekowisata di Desa Sambori Kabupaten Bima yang cocok dengan potensi dan keunikan lokal yang dimiliki oleh Desa Sambori adalah model desa wisata yang dalam pengembangannya melibatkatkan masyarakat, pemerintah daerah, swasta dan juga pelibatan institusi lokal dalam pengembangannya
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Vol 18, No 1 (2022)

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Mesin hammer mill limbah kaca adalah mesin yang digunakan untuk mengurangi resiko kontaminasi limbah kaca. Pada analisis kekuatan rangka mesin hammer mill limbah kaca dilakukan analisis terkait pemilihan model rangka guna mengetahui kekuatan material dalam menahan setiap komponen mesin hammer mill limbah kaca dan menguji variasi terhadap variabel ukuran profil hollow yaitu : 20x20; 40x40; dan 60x60 mm. Penelitian ini menggunakan software solidworks 2021 yang dilengkapi dengan finite element analysis (FEA), dari hasil analisis simulasi dipililah ketebalan profil hollow dengan ukuran 1,4 mm yang kemudian disimulasikan dengan variasi ukuran profil hollow. Hasil analisis simulasi defleksi maksimum pada rangka mesin hammer mill 20x20x1,4 mm = 0,338 mm; 40x40x1,4 mm = 0,041 mm; dan 60x60x1,4 mm = 0,013 mm, sedangkan hasil analisis tegangan maksimum mendapatkan nilai 20x20x1,4 mm = 15,550N/mm2; 40x40x1,4 mm = 3,690 N/mm2; dan 60x60x1,4 mm = 1,658 N/mm2. Hasil defleksi dan tegangan maksimum yang paling besar pada ukuran profil hollow 20x20x1,4 mm akan tetapi masih berada dibawah nilai batas izin material. Sehingga masih dapat dikatakan dalam batas aman.
Metode Single Image-NDVI untuk Deteksi Dini Gejala Mosaik pada Capsicum annuum Asmar Hasan; Widodo; Kikin Hamzah Mutaqin; Muhammad Taufik; Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat
Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia Vol 17 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : The Indonesian Phytopathological Society (Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14692/jfi.17.1.9-18


Mosaik adalah gejala penyakit yang sering ditemukan pada tanaman cabai merah (Capsicum annuum) dan umumnya disebabkan oleh infeksi virus seperti Tobacco mosaic virus. Infeksi yang berat bahkan dapat mengakibatkan tanaman menjadi kerdil dan mengalami kehilangan hasil yang nyata. Metode serologi dan molekuler sudah banyak digunakan untuk mendeteksi virus tetapi pengerjaannya cukup menyita waktu, relatif kurang efisien untuk sampel yang banyak, dan bersifat destruktif pada tanaman. Di sisi lain, pengamatan gejala secara langsung terkendala oleh kemampuan visual manusia dan gejala laten pada tahap awal infeksi. Oleh karena itu, metode deteksi berdasarkan kemampuan tanaman menyerap dan merefleksikan berbagai spektrum cahaya matahari, seperti normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) berpotensi untuk dikembangkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi potensi single image-NDVI sebagai varian NDVI untuk pengembangan deteksi dini gejala mosaik pada cabai merah. Tahapan utama penelitian ialah perekaman citra tanaman cabai merah yang tidak diinokulasi virus (V0), diinokulasi (V1), dan minim hara (M) menggunakan kamera RGB tanpa modifikasi dan filter lensa untuk menangkap reflektansi cahaya biru dan Near-Infrared. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengolahan citra menggunakan plugin Photo Monitoring pada aplikasi Fiji-ImageJ. Perekaman dilakukan mulai 1 hari setelah inokulasi (HSI) sampai gejala terlihat kasat mata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi tendensi peningkatan nilai NDVI terintegrasi pada semua perlakuan. Namun, tendensi peningkatan pada V1 tidak nyata dibandingkan dengan V0 dan M. Selisih rata-rata nilai NDVI terintegrasi antara V1 terlihat sangat nyata dibandingkan dengan V0 (pada 5 HSI) dan M (pada 1 HSI). Tingkat sensitivitas, spesifisitas, dan akurasi metode ini berkisar antara 80–90 % pada 5 HSI.
AGRIUM: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 16, No 3 (2011)

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Abstract                The porpuse of research was to knew influence and the heat of combustion  palm oil  briquette with added additive substance. The work principle of research included foreword working was preparations raw material (Oil palm eggshell) and additive substance (rice husk, bagasse, shell of coconut).Raw materials of  palm oil was  burning in the vurnace at temperature 400 0C for four o’clock and refined at the measure of 1 mm and so also above additive substance was refined at the measure of 1.6 mm, 1 mm, and 0.71 mm but non burning. Oil palm eggshell powder and additive substance was blended then added amylum as much as 30 % from Oil palm eggshell  weight. The compound was taken into press hydrolik to formed and then drying at temperature 120 0C for 90 minute.  The briquet that produced was characterized with heat of combustion, water-content, and ash-content-ash. The result of research was palm oil briquette with added rice husk produced heat of combustion of 7.322.49 kal/gr, content-water 15.14 %, content ash 7.0 %, the bagasse heat of combustion of 10.837.29 kal/gr, content-water 15.26 %, content-ash 18.75 %, and the shell of coconut heat of combustion of 9.079.89 kal/gr, content-water 3.25 %, content-ash 8,09 %. The optimum product of this research was palm oil briquette with added the shell of coconut for 15 gr with measure of 1 mm got heat of combustion of 9.079,89 kal/gr, content-water 3.25 %, content-ash 8.00 %.Keyword: briquette, Oil palm eggshell, additive substance
AGRIUM: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 17, No 2 (2012)

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AbstractThis study aims to determine the growth and production of sweet corn on the provision of cow manure and ABG fertilizer. The design used was Randomized Design Group factorial with two factors were studied, namely: Cow Manure factor (K) is divided into 4 level without giving Ko =, K1 = 2 kg / plot, K2 = 4 kg / plot, and K3 = 6 kg / plot, and the factor ABG fertilizer (A) divided into 4 standard, namely A0 = no treatment (control), A1 = 2 cc / l of water, A2 = 4 cc / l of water, and A3 = 6 cc / l of water. Cow manure as the first factor and ABG fertilizer as second factor, while the parameters measured were plant height (cm), age of flowering (days), cob length (cm), cob weight (kg), dry seed weight (g), number of leaves (pieces) and leaf area (cm2). The results showed that administration of cow manure (K) gives a marked influence on all parameters except number of leaves observed. ABG fertilizer (A) gives significant effect on leaf area, cob length and cob weight and height parameters are not significant at the plant, leaf number and age of flowering. While the interaction treatment gives a significant influence on the length parameter cob and leaf area, and no real effect on plant height, leaf number, flowering age, weight and cob weight of dry beans.Keywords: cow manure, fertilizer, growth, production, Zea mays saccharata Sturt
JASA PADI Vol 5 No 1 (2020): JASA PADI
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi

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The decline in the production of oil palm yields in Tomuan Holbung Village,Bandar Pasir Mandoge Subdistrict, Asahan District was identified as a result of a very highlevel of pest infestation. Pests that are often found and becomes the problems are Setothoseaasigna larva. Controlling these pests is a relatively high cost through the application ofchemical synthetic pesticides. The purpose of this research to determine the best formulationof botanical pesticides and their influence in reducing Setothosea asigna larva pests.Botanical pesticides which will be tested in this research are based from garlic, lemongrassleaves, pepper seeds, turmeric, tobacco leaves and papaya leaves. Formulations from eachsource of vegetable material were put into the leaves of palm plants and then tested onSetothosea asigna larva. The parameter observed in this study was the level of palatability ofSetothosea asigna larva. The observations made were based on the level of decrease in thepercentage of feeding activity, the weight of feed (palm oil plant leaves) that were consumedby the Setothosea asigna larva in the period 1-6 days after application. The results of thestudy showed that all treatments of botanical pesticides consisting of: 1) garlic, 2) lemongrass leaves, 3) pepper seeds, 4) turmeric tubers, and 5) tobacco leaves were significantlydifferent from without treatment or control. Then the results of the study also showed that theapplication of botanical pesticides affected the palatability of the Setothosea asigna larva,which accelerated death, appetite and decreased eating activities. The best treatment ofvegetable pesticides from tobacco leaves in controlling the Setothosea asigna larva'spalatability. Setothosea asigna larva die on first day, It don’t want to eat after the applicationof botanical pesticides, and the level of eating activity decreases to 100%.Keywords : Setothosea asigna larva, botanical pesticide, palm plants
Co-Authors Abdul Halik Abdul Halim Abdul Rahman Abdul Rochman Abdul Wahab Abrani Sulaiman Achmad Albar Permana Suprianto Aji Nur Said, A.Md. Akhmad Sabarudin Al Hadiat Al Hadiat Andi Khaeruni Andy Hendri, Andy Ane Novianty Ani Mulyasuryani Argubi, Adi Hidayat Arif Hadi Sumitro Asmar Hasan Asniah Asniah Asritanarni Munar Bahrin Bahrin Bahrul Anif Dafni Mawar Tarigan Darma Aviva Dartius , Daru Sugati Dedy Sugiarto Desi Ardilla Desrial Dian Indra Sari Endang Purwati RN Endang Supraptiah Erna Krisnawati Etty Gurendrawati Fadarina HC GUSNAWATY HS, GUSNAWATY Habibah Habibah Halimatus Sakdiyah Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha hendriko hendriko Hidayat Hidayat Hijria Hijria Ir. Pranto Busono Irma KRESNAWATY Khaerunnisa Khaerunnisa Kikin H Mutaqin Kiswanto Kiswanto Kosim Kosim La Ode Santiaji Bande Lalu Rudyat Telly Savalas Liana Liana Luky Adrianto Made Rahmawaty, Made MARIADI MARIADI Mariany Razali Miftahul Khair Mohammad Ihsan Mokhamad Nur Cahyadi, Mokhamad Nur Muhammad Botek Niken Nur Kasim NOOR AIDAWATI Oktalia Triananda Lovita PURNAMA HIDAYAT PUTRI MEGAYANTI PADDA Rachmad Harri Mulia Rahayu M Rahayu M Rahayu Mallarangeng Ratu Fatimah Azzahrah Rid Wanto Rida Prihatni Riko Setya Wijaya Rinaldi Rinaldi Royadi Royadi Ruli Inayah Ramadhoan S.M. Sitompul Salsabilla Choirun Nisa’Alfikry Santosa Pujiarta, A.Md SEDYO HARTONO Siti Rahmah Cibro SRI HENDRASTUTI HIDAYAT Susilawati - Syair Syair Tauhid, Tauhid Thoufiq Ridhowan Thoufiq Tineke Mandang Tirta Suci Dian Kasih Tri Pamujiasih Trisna Insan Noor Ussy Andawayanti Wahyu Kurniawan Wahyudi Wahyudi Wahyudianto, Febri Eko Wardi Wardi Wawan Hermawan Widodo Yuyut Suraniyanto Zurohainah