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Journal : Jurnal Vokasi Indonesia

Jurnal Vokasi Indonesia Vol. 8, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Along with the development of understanding about the discourse of the relocation of Indonesia's capital city by existing studies, one of the various positive potentials to be obtained from this policy is the realization of the connectivity of economic equality. In addition to balancing regional development, the new location's connectivity should be as capable as possible in creating economic equality concerning its archipelagic concept of country. It is undeniable that Indonesia's economy is centered on Java island, especially around the Jakarta capital city, with a very high level of development as a center of national scale growth, far beyond the other large islands such as Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua. In creating a more equitable economic growth, the relocation of the capital city should as much as possible refer to economic connectivity as a trigger in improving the economy of the large islands in Indonesia. A question arises how the potential of connectivity of economic equality in the context of relocation of Indonesia's capital city. The article aims to present a literature study producing an understanding regarding this matter for the consideration of stakeholders in decision making. This study uses a descriptive and evaluative method with secondary data sources such as scientific journals, literature books, and internet news. Its result confirms the existence of an opportunity to create economic equality through the policy of the capital city relocation with the assumption that new growth centers of national scale will emerge outside Java. The flow of migration, investment, internal connectivity, and external connectivity are the elements making this happen.
Co-Authors Abdul Halik Abdul Halim Abdul Rahman Abdul Rochman Abdul Wahab Abrani Sulaiman Achmad Albar Permana Suprianto Aji Nur Said, A.Md. Akhmad Sabarudin Al Hadiat Al Hadiat Andi Khaeruni Andy Hendri, Andy Ane Novianty Ani Mulyasuryani Argubi, Adi Hidayat Arif Hadi Sumitro Asmar Hasan Asniah Asniah Asritanarni Munar Bahrin Bahrin Bahrul Anif Dafni Mawar Tarigan Darma Aviva Dartius , Daru Sugati Dedy Sugiarto Desi Ardilla Desrial Dian Indra Sari Endang Purwati RN Endang Supraptiah Erna Krisnawati Etty Gurendrawati Fadarina HC GUSNAWATY HS, GUSNAWATY Habibah Habibah Halimatus Sakdiyah Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha hendriko hendriko Hidayat Hidayat Hijria Hijria Ir. Pranto Busono Irma KRESNAWATY Khaerunnisa Khaerunnisa Kikin H Mutaqin Kiswanto Kiswanto Kosim Kosim La Ode Santiaji Bande Lalu Rudyat Telly Savalas Liana Liana Luky Adrianto Made Rahmawaty, Made MARIADI MARIADI Mariany Razali Miftahul Khair Mohammad Ihsan Mokhamad Nur Cahyadi, Mokhamad Nur Muhammad Botek Niken Nur Kasim NOOR AIDAWATI Oktalia Triananda Lovita PURNAMA HIDAYAT PUTRI MEGAYANTI PADDA Rachmad Harri Mulia Rahayu M Rahayu M Rahayu Mallarangeng Ratu Fatimah Azzahrah Rid Wanto Rida Prihatni Riko Setya Wijaya Rinaldi Rinaldi Royadi Royadi Ruli Inayah Ramadhoan S.M. Sitompul Salsabilla Choirun Nisa’Alfikry Santosa Pujiarta, A.Md SEDYO HARTONO Siti Rahmah Cibro SRI HENDRASTUTI HIDAYAT Susilawati - Syair Syair Tauhid, Tauhid Thoufiq Ridhowan Thoufiq Tineke Mandang Tirta Suci Dian Kasih Tri Pamujiasih Trisna Insan Noor Ussy Andawayanti Wahyu Kurniawan Wahyudi Wahyudi Wahyudianto, Febri Eko Wardi Wardi Wawan Hermawan Widodo Yuyut Suraniyanto Zurohainah