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Journal : Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education

Preliminary Study on Developing Science Literacy Test for High School Students in Indonesia Ariyanti, Ade Intan Permata; Ramli, Murni; Prayitno, Baskoro Adi
Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

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The research aimed to describe the science literacy of high school student tested by Nature of Science Literacy Test (NOSLiT), which was developed by Carl J. Wenning. NOSLiT is a test to measure science literacy, as a research instrument to identify weaknesses of students’ understanding, and determine instrument effectiveness. NOSLiT consists of 35 multiple choice questions with four alternative answers, and true-false questions with two alternative answers. This study was begun with translating the original NOSLiT into Indonesian language, and validated the translated version by expert validators. Second, selected the respondents, consisted of 225 students from ten public and private high schools, i.e. 30 students of SMAN 1 Ngawi, 25 students of SMAN 2 Ngawi, 26 students MAN Ngawi, 21 students of SMAN Kwadungan, 25 students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Ngawi, 17 students of SMA Karya Pembangunan Paron, 29 students of SMAN 1 Madiun, 18 students of SMAN 3 Madiun, 23 students of SMAN 1 Nglames, and 11 students of SMA Cokro Aminoto Madiun. The result showed that the average score of NOSLiT test of grader X was 16.86; grader XI was 15.78; and grader XII was 16.40. Score of student’s science literacy was quite low, or had not achieved at least 50% of total score, which put students into moderate literacy.
Co-Authors Ade Intan Permata Ariyanti, Ade Intan Permata Anang Christian Widyanarko, Anang Christian Andrias Marstanto Setyo Pranoto, Andrias Marstanto Setyo Anfira, Danita Kurnia Anjarwati, Pamula Guruh Prastiwa Annur Indra Kusumadani ashadi - Asri Nafi’a Dewi Astuti, Lia Puji Aulia Richvana Bowo Sugiharto Chrisnia Octovi Deny Febriana, Deny Desy Fajar Priyayi Dewi Puspita Sari Dewi, Alia Purwati Dewi, Asri Nafi?a Eka Sulistyowati, Eka Endang Purwanti Ertando, Alfi Ervan Setya Bakti Nugroho, Ervan Setya Bakti Fitakurahmah, Nur Fitri Susanti Fungky, Nabela Harlita Harlita Hendarto, Puji HP, Noni Shella Ikha - Primarinda Indriyani Palayaswati, Indriyani Intantiasari, Intantiasari Izzatin Kamala, Izzatin Joko Ariyanto Khasanah, Mayasari Mahfudhotul Khasanah, Nadhirotul Kistantia Elok Mumpuni Liina, As Syaffa Al Liina, As Syaffa Al Lina Artuty Widyasari M. Soeprijadi Djoko Laksana M.Pd S.T. S.Pd. I Gde Wawan Sudatha . Majid, Qonita Maridi - - Maridi Maridi Maridi, M. Marjono Marjono Mohammad Masykuri Muhamad Ajwar Muhammad - Masykuri Murni Ramli Mutmainnah, Shofia Nur Muzzazinah Muzzazinah Nisa, Salis Khoirun Nisa, Salis Khoirun Nur Eka Kusuma Hindrasti Nurhuda, Haris Nuriyana, Dana Nurul Faiqoh, Nurul Padmawati, Kusnia Pangestu, Adhe Bayu Pitorini, Dewi Ekaputri Pitorini, Dewi Ekaputri Prayitno, Riski Prihatin, Restu PUGUH KARYANTO Purwati, Rani Puspitasari, Nella Putri, Adelia Rahmadani, Yesika Ramadhani, Rizka Riezky Maya Probosari Ririk Kusuma Handari Rohmani, Silmi Nur Sajidan Sajidan Salma, Safina Salma, Safina Sambodo, Rizki Agung Samuel Agus Triyanto, Samuel Agus Santi, Delinta Herlia SAPARTINI, RADEN RARA Sarwanto Pratama Sarwanto Sarwanto Shelli Febriyanti Sindy Nurinda, Sindy Siti Muthmainah Siti Rokhmatika Slamet Santosa Sri Dwiastuti Sri Sulastri Sri Widoretno Sri Wulanningsih Suciati - - Suciati Suciati Suciati Sudarisman Syamsiyah, Nurul Tutik Fitri Wijayanti Umi Nurjannah Utama, Muhammad Nanda Utami, Nova Indri Wahyu Harjanti Wahyu Wahyu Widha Sunarno Wijarini, Fitri - Wiyadi - Yasir Sidiq