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Keunggulan Komparatif dan Kompetitif dalam Produksi Padi di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah Propinsi Lampung Zulkarnain, Zulkarnain; Haryono, Dwi; Kasymir, Eka
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 10, No 3 (2010)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.018 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v10i3.262


This objective of tis research was to: 1) Determine whether the Central Lampung District has a comparative advantage and competitive advantage in rice production. 2) Determine how the sensitivity of changes in output prices and input prices to the comparative and competitive advantage in rice production. Location of the study was conducted at the Rama Utama Village and Ramayana Village, Seputih Raman Subdistrict of Central Lampung District. This research was conducted by survey and interview methods to farmers by using a questionnaire that had been prepared. Respondents in this research is rice farmer in the Seputih Raman subdistrict of Central Lampung District, totally 73 farmers were selected by simple random sampling method (simple random sampling). Types of data used are primary and secondary data obtained through direct interviews and offices or agencies. To answer the first objective analysis was used Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) and to answer the second objective was used sensitivity analysis. Results showed that: 1) rice farming in Central Lampung District has a comparative advantage and competitive advantage with a value of PCR (Private Cost Ratio) equal to 0.4635 and the value of the DRC (Domestic Resource Cost) of 0.4368 so that feasible and profitable to be conducted. 2) comparative and competitive advantage of rice production in Central Lampung District is sensitive to changes in output prices. Increase or decrease of output prices will affect the comparative and competitive advantage of of rice production in Central Lampung District. Keywords: Comparative Advantage, Competitive, Paddy Production
Kajian Ketahanan Pangan Rumah tangga Pedesaan Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Status Gizi Masyarakat di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan Rusyantia, Anggun; Haryono, Dwi; Kasymir, Eka
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 10, No 3 (2010)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (462.469 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v10i3.261


The objective of this study to analyze the dominant factors that potentially could affect the food security of households in the village of Trimomukti, Candipuro District and the village of Kelawi, Bakauheni District, South Lampung Regency; look for the dominant factors that potentially could affect the nutritional status of children and how the relationship between household food security levels with nutritional status of children in the region. Results showed the average household energy adequacy in both villages is still highly dependent on food energy contribution of cereals, especially rice. Based on logistic regression model, Greater the number of members in a household with low income and food expenditure against revenue high, and obtained a principal food source rice from membeli or aid and subsidies as well as from the community Kelawi Village will have greater opportunities for prisoners vulnerable to lack of food.Based on ordinal logistic regression model, increasing age of a toddler with food consumption of energy sources that do not meet the need and the ratio of food expenditure of households on incomes greater, the chances these children will experience moderate malnutrition will be higher and even worse. Seen the relationship between household food security with nutrition status, if a food is resistant to household, the nutritional status of children under five will get better. Regional differences in factors that contribute to the adequacy of the village of rice per capita did not have a significant influence on household level food security and nutritional status of children. Keywords: food security, household, nutrition status
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Lampung University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jiia.v8i1.1-6


This study aims to analyze income, price and production risks, and farmer behavior on the risk of cassava farming. This research is a survey research, carried out in Bumi Agung Marga Village, Abung Timur Distric of North Lampung Regency in February 2018. There are 46 samples of cassava farmers who were chosen randomly. Farm income is analyzed by income analysis, whereas price risk and production risk are analyzed by coefficient of variation analysis. To determine the behavior of farmers against risk is used quadratic utility function analysis. The research results showed that cassava farming was profitable in which income value was Rp15, 146,206.10/ha and R/C was 3.30. The production risk had a CV value of 0.057 and L 20.061; it meant that the production risk was low, because the result of CV <0.5 and L>1. The price risk had a CV value of 0.135 and L 644.695; it meant that the risk was low because the CV <0.5 and L>1. All cassava farmers behave neutral in facing the risk of cassava farming. Keywords: cassava, farming, income,risk
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Lampung University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jiia.v8i1.15-22


This research aimed to analyses the productivity, thefinancial of feasibility and sensitivity of machine cane harvester. This research was a case study in PT Lajuperdana Indah Site Komering, South Sumatera. The data was collected in December 2016 andanalyzed by descriptive quantitative. The result of research suggested that big productivity machine cane harvester of 17.91 ton per hour work or 0.31 hectare per hour work or three hours of work to finish one hectare of land. The use of the machine cane harvester on PT Lajuperdana Indah Site Komering financially worth it to implement. The used of the machine cane harvester was sensitive at a change in the production of amounted to 19percent and increase in the17.58 percent but the value of payback period of the cane harvester was not sensitive.Keywords: cane harvester machine, financially analyse, productivity.
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Lampung University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jiia.v8i1.61-68


This research aims to analyze pineapple farming income, household income, and the prosperity grade of pineapple farmer?s household in Astomulyo Village. This research was purposively conducted in February-March 2019 at Astomulyo Village, Punggur Sub District, Central Lampung Regency by survey method. There are 63 respondents taken by Simple Random Sampling. The data was analyzed quantitative and qualitative by farming income method (R/C ratio), household income based on the criteria of BPS (2016), and the welfare level of farmer?s household based on the criteria of BPS (2014). The results showed that average income of pineapple farmers based on cash cost and total cost per hectare wasRp46.526.933,00/year and Rp29.502.072,00/year. Pineapple farming was beneficial because it gained acceptance ratio with cash cost and total cost more than one (R/C ratio) as 3.33 and 1.80. The household income of pineapple farmers was categorized as high income for it reached Rp4.000.000,00/month until Rp6.000.000,00/month. The most contributed income was derived from pineapple farming activities (66.49%), the others were from off farming (13.74%), non-pineapple on farming (12.39%), and nonfarming activities (7.37%). Based on BPS criteria, 50.79% pineapple farmers household in Astomulyo Village were categorized in not prosperous and 49.21% as prosperous farmers household.Key words: household income, pineapple, prosperity grade
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Lampung University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jiia.v8i1.30-37


The aims of this research are to analyze income, comparison of income, and marketing effeciency of organic and inorganic rice farming in Pringsewu District. This research was conducted in Fajaresuk Village Pringsewu Subdistrict, Pringsewu District using a survey method Data were collected from August to September 2017. The sample size in research were 14 organic rice farmers, 25 inorganic rice farmers, 15 marketing respondents including 1 member of Sejahtera Farmer Group, 9 rice merchants, and 5 millers based on rice marketing flow (snowball). The data were analyzed using income, comparison of income, and marketing analyses. The results of study showed that organic rice farming income bigger than inorganic rice farming income. There is a significant difference between organic and inorganic rice farming income. The marketing of organic rice is more efficient than inorganic rice.Keywords: income, inorganic rice, marketing, organic rice
Economic Benefit and Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Potential of A Family-Scale Cowdung Anaerobic Biogas Digester Haryanto, Agus; Cahyani, Dwi; Triyono, Sugeng; Murdapa, Fauzan; Haryono, Dwi
International Journal of Renewable Energy Development Vol 6, No 1 (2017): February 2017
Publisher : Center of Biomass & Renewable Energy, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ijred.6.1.29-36


The objective of this research was to evaluate economic benefit and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction potential of a family-scale anaerobic cowdung biogas digester. Research was conducted at two villages in Lampung Province, namely Marga Lestari, District of South Lampung and Pesawaran Indah, District of Pesawaran. Economic benefit and GHG emission reduction potential were evaluated from LPG saving due to biogas utilisation for cooking and fertilizer substitution by slurry digestate. Results showed that a family-scale anaerobic cowdung biogas digester demonstrated a good potential to reduce GHG emission, but not in economic. A digester with 4 heads of cow produced biogas at a rate of 1582 L/day. With average methane content of 53.6%, energy value of the biogas was equivalent to 167 kg LPG and able to substitute 52 bottles LPG annually. A family-scale biogas contributed 108.1 USD/year and potentially reduced GHG emission by 5292.5 kg CO2e/year resulted from biomethane potential, LPG, and fertilizer savings.Article History: Received November 15th 2016; Received in revised form January 16th 2017; Accepted February 2nd 2017; Available onlineHow to Cite This Article: Haryanto, A., Cahyani, D., Triyono, S., Murdapa, F., and Haryono, D. (2017) Economic Benefit and Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Potential of A Family-Scale Cowdung Anaerobic Biogas Digester. International Journal of Renewable Energy Development 6(1), 29-36.
Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Agribisnis: Journal of Agribusiness Science Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Lampung University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jiia.v8i1.4337


This research aims to analyze pineapple farming income, household income, and the prosperity grade of pineapple farmer’s household in Astomulyo Village. This research was purposively conducted in FebruaryMarch 2019 at Astomulyo Village, Punggur Sub District, Central Lampung Regency by survey method. There are 63 respondents taken by Simple Random Sampling. The data was analyzed quantitative and qualitative by farming income method (R/C ratio), household income based on the criteria of BPS (2016), and the welfare level of farmer’s household based on the criteria of BPS (2014). The results showed that average income of pineapple farmers based on cash cost and total cost per hectare wasRp46.526.933,00/year and Rp29.502.072,00/year. Pineapple farming was beneficial because it gained acceptance ratio with cash cost and total cost more than one (R/C ratio) as 3.33 and 1.80. The household income of pineapple farmers was categorized as high income for it reached Rp4.000.000,00/month until Rp6.000.000,00/month. The most contributed income was derived from pineapple farming activities (66.49%), the others were from off farming (13.74%), non-pineapple on farming (12.39%), and nonfarming activities (7.37%). Based on BPS criteria, 50.79% pineapple farmers household in Astomulyo Village were categorized in not prosperous and 49.21% as prosperous farmers household.Key words: household income, pineapple, prosperity grade
Kajian Ketahanan Pangan Rumah tangga Pedesaan Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Status Gizi Masyarakat di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan Anggun Rusyantia; Dwi Haryono; Eka Kasymir
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 10 No 3 (2010)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (462.469 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v10i3.261


The objective of this study to analyze the dominant factors that potentially could affect the food security of households in the village of Trimomukti, Candipuro District and the village of Kelawi, Bakauheni District, South Lampung Regency; look for the dominant factors that potentially could affect the nutritional status of children and how the relationship between household food security levels with nutritional status of children in the region. Results showed the average household energy adequacy in both villages is still highly dependent on food energy contribution of cereals, especially rice. Based on logistic regression model, Greater the number of members in a household with low income and food expenditure against revenue high, and obtained a principal food source rice from membeli or aid and subsidies as well as from the community Kelawi Village will have greater opportunities for prisoners vulnerable to lack of food.Based on ordinal logistic regression model, increasing age of a toddler with food consumption of energy sources that do not meet the need and the ratio of food expenditure of households on incomes greater, the chances these children will experience moderate malnutrition will be higher and even worse. Seen the relationship between household food security with nutrition status, if a food is resistant to household, the nutritional status of children under five will get better. Regional differences in factors that contribute to the adequacy of the village of rice per capita did not have a significant influence on household level food security and nutritional status of children. Keywords: food security, household, nutrition status
Keunggulan Komparatif dan Kompetitif dalam Produksi Padi di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah Propinsi Lampung Zulkarnain Zulkarnain; Dwi Haryono; Eka Kasymir
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 10 No 3 (2010)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.018 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v10i3.262


This objective of tis research was to: 1) Determine whether the Central Lampung District has a comparative advantage and competitive advantage in rice production. 2) Determine how the sensitivity of changes in output prices and input prices to the comparative and competitive advantage in rice production. Location of the study was conducted at the Rama Utama Village and Ramayana Village, Seputih Raman Subdistrict of Central Lampung District. This research was conducted by survey and interview methods to farmers by using a questionnaire that had been prepared. Respondents in this research is rice farmer in the Seputih Raman subdistrict of Central Lampung District, totally 73 farmers were selected by simple random sampling method (simple random sampling). Types of data used are primary and secondary data obtained through direct interviews and offices or agencies. To answer the first objective analysis was used Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) and to answer the second objective was used sensitivity analysis. Results showed that: 1) rice farming in Central Lampung District has a comparative advantage and competitive advantage with a value of PCR (Private Cost Ratio) equal to 0.4635 and the value of the DRC (Domestic Resource Cost) of 0.4368 so that feasible and profitable to be conducted. 2) comparative and competitive advantage of rice production in Central Lampung District is sensitive to changes in output prices. Increase or decrease of output prices will affect the comparative and competitive advantage of of rice production in Central Lampung District. Keywords: Comparative Advantage, Competitive, Paddy Production
Co-Authors Achdiansyah Soelaiman Adia Nugraha Adia Nugraha Adia Nugraha Adia Nugraha Agus Haryanto Agus Hudoyo Ahmad Hafidz Afif Furqoni Alfu Mifta Khusufa Alifia Marsa Aisy Amni Apriyani Anggun Rusyantia Ani Suryani Anindya Putri Nismara Aqie Revita Cahyani Asila Jelita Maharani Astuti, Fitria Kusuma Atika Khoirunnisa Aurora, Ferentia Ayla Vilin Windyata Ayu Indah Gusti J Ayu Triana Canita, Putri Lepia Dimas, Dimas Divya Anggrainingsih Dwi Cahyani Eka Kasymir Eka Kasymir Eka Kasymir Eka Kasymir Ellenia Agustia D S Erinda Pradini Erlina Rufaidah Erlina Rufaidah Evi Valentina Maryanti Fadilah Nur Safitri Fembriarti Erry Prasmatiwi Fibriand Andika Fikri Syahputra Fina Zahrotul Atiyah Fina Handayani, Etik Puji Hanung Adi Nugroho Hermanto Siregar Herwin -, Herwin Indah Aprilia Dirgantari Julica Samara Ktut Muniarti Ktut Murniati Ktut Murniati Lestari, Dyah Aring Hepiana Lidya Sari Mas Indah, Lidya Sari Mas Lina Marlina lina marlina, lina Lismanda, Hendra M. Ryan Afif Marifza Syarif MANGARA TAMBUNAN Maria Marina Herawati Marlica Tri Asmi Maya Dwi Lestari Maya Riantini, Maya Muhammad Irfan Affandi Muhammad Zaini Mukti, Octa Primanda Murdapa, Fauzan Nabilah Rohma Balqis Ni Made Intan Qori Widhiani Nirmala Devi Pratiwi, Othi R Hanung Ismono Rabiatul Adawiyah Ragil Crysanti Wiryaningsih Rakhmiati Rakhmiati Rian Pradikta, Rian Rika Agustina Rika Agustina, Rika Rika Silvia Anggraini Rina Oktaviani Rizki Tri Lestari Rommy Qurniati Rosi Jayanti Safira Puspa Nusa Sari Nurhidayati Situmorang, Suryati Sugeng Triyono Sumaryo Gitosaputro Suriaty Situmorang Sutarni, . Synthia Ayu Disha Teguh Endaryanto Tifany Oktaviana Tika Ariska Torkis Nasution Tubagus Hasanuddin Viona Pramayang Vitratin Vitratin Wan Abbas Zakaria Woeniar Michelle Keny Yaktiworo Indriani Yoyon Efendi Yudiansyah Yudiansyah Yuliana Saleh Yuliana Saleh yuliana saleh yuliana saleh Zainal Abidin Zulkarnain Zulkarnain Zulkarnain Zulkarnain ZULKARNAIN ZULKARNAIN zulkarnain zulkarnain