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Journal : Al Kalam : Jurnal Komunikasi, Bisnis dan Manajemen

Publisher : Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (366.977 KB) | DOI: 10.31602/al-kalam.v1i2.262


Each of Indonesian journalists must uphold the Code of Journalistic Ethics in carrying out any work in the field of journalism . However, this time not all Indonesian journalists make journalism ethics as a " crown " in the works . A reliable and professional journalists should have the following three criteria . First , master the skills of journalism . Second , control of field coverage. Third , understand and adhere to journalistic ethics .For that purpose made a post this time to find out what things are often a problem in the world of journalism ethics , so that could be a picture of good press and imaging and uphold the rules of the world press .The world press is also closely related to the world of communication and now it often becomes a problem due to a communication error is in disseminating information to the public , so the performance issues of the press in this case journalists interesting to do in-depth study on the ethics of their work to avoid errors chaos in the world of communication or communication that result in harm to others .The method used Relating to this study , the approach used in this study is using a qualitative approach using sychronization source of primary data and secondary data sources . Sources of primary data obtained through interviews to journalists as press personnel who perform journalistic tasks and conduct field observations , while secondary data sources which include regulations , code of conduct , official documents . books and reports the results of research in the form of secondary data material in this study .The results of this scientific journals can be proved with some interviews to journalists in Palangkaraya who admits that they can not work and understand 100 percent implementation of the code of journalistic ethics , particularly the clauses relating to the independence of the press to do the job .The conclusion in the press itself still needs some improvement in addition to providing training to journalists but also strengthen the structure and capabilities of the institution itself in the Indonesian press . Key Word : Obedience, Ethic Code, Journalism
Co-Authors A Rahim Abdul Hayat Abdul Rahman Aco parawansah Aditya Murtilaksono Afiani, Kunti Dian Ayu Afif Kurniawan Afriyana Siregar Ahmad Khoiri Ahmad Khoiri Aisyah, Noor Akhmad Syarifuddin Aleksander Purba Alun Paranggi Wicaksono Ana Kurnia Andi Baso Andi Makkasau Anisa Nelva Siti Anzelia Srizky Aprillia Dilla Aprima Tirsa Arfanjie Zulham Asep Eka Nugraha Ason Ason Ayuchecaria, Noverda Badruli Martati Basri Nurin Bella Saphira Budi Rachmat Hidayat Budi Setiawati Cahya Yuliani Dahlan Tampubolon Darmayuda Darmayuda Deki Wibowo, Deki DEWI MARLINA Dikpride Despa Diyah Herowati Djoko W. Karmiadji Dwi Rosalina Eko Rudiansyah Ela Sukmawati Elfariyanti Elfariyanti Elfis Umbu Katongu Retang Elita Vasra Eny Winaryati Erna Prihandiwati Fadly Fadly FAJAR FIRDAUS Ferry Fadzlul Rahman Feryadi A. Gultom Valentin Gustimal Witri Hana Yuniarti Hapsari Ayu Firdha Harahap Azwar Hardiansyah Hardiansyah Harlen Harlen Hawalina Hawalina Hermanto Wijaya Herru Prasetyo Hesti Wulandari Hilmah, Zuryani Husmul Beze Idiannor Mahyudin Ihyani Malik Intan Z Irda Mawarni Itail Husna Basra Iyan Yani Rita Joko Sumantri Juaidah Agustina Juana Siska Kamasiah Kamasiah Kartina Kartina Kartini Kartini Katarina Hesty Rombe Linta Meyla Putri Lukman Nul Hakim Lumbanraja D Benget Maemonah, Maemonah Mahfudz Mahfudz Marline Merke Mamesah Maryoto Maryoto Masnur Masnur Mastiah Mastiah, Mastiah Matsna Nurul Kholidah Maulana Risal Naufal Meizano Ardhi Muhammad Melia Digna Pratiwi Misfa Susanto Misnar Misnar Mohammad Rif'at Muh. Sarkowi Muhammad Munsarif Nanda Puspita Dian Ni'matuz Zuhro NICO ARDIATMA OKTAVIO Noor Aisyah Novia Ariani Nuke Amalia Nurliani Bermawie Nurul Apsari Otang Kurniaman Patmawati Patmawati Putri Amami Quinta Normalita Rachmat Hidayat Rahartri Rahartri Rahim Abibur Rahmat Richard Ratna Widyawati Remy Martin Retno Wulandari Richard Rahmat Rikki Manurung Rismawati Rismawati Roberto A Goenarso Rochani Nani Rahayu Rosalia Herlinawati Saat Egra Septiana T Silvia Haniwijaya Tjokro SITI NURHALIMAH Siti Wardah Sriningsih Sriningsih Suarlin, Suarlin Subhan Haris Affandy Sudirmansyah Sudirmansyah Susi Purwiyanti Suwahono Suwahono Syafril Basri Syamsir Syamsir Tupan Tupan Waridah Waridah Wiwik Haryani Yoga Saputra YUDHO JOKO PRESETYO YULI TRIAWATI Yuliyawati Yuliyawati Zainuddin Zainuddin Zariul Antosa Zarwinda, Irma Zuraidah Zuraidah