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PHONOLOGY OF KAUR LANGUAGE IN GENERATIVE THEORY Wisman Hadi; I Wayan Pastika; I Nyoman Suparwa; A.A. Putu Putra
e-Journal of Linguistics Vol. 6. Januari 2012 No. 1
Publisher : Doctoral Studies Program of Linguistics of Udayana University Postgraduate Program

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Kaur language (abbreviated to KL) is one of the varieties of Central Malay, which is spoken by the people living in Kaur Regency, Bengkulu Province. This study focuses on three problems; they are (1) how the segments of sounds in KL were represented and what features distinguished them; (2) how the syllabic structures, phonetic symbols, and the patterns of stress in KL were represented; and (3) how and why the phonological processes in KL took place; and what its phonological rules were like? The general objective of this study was to analyze the phonological system of Kaur language, and the specific objective was to explain the sound segments, syllabic structure, phonotactic system, and phonological processes and rules of KL using the Generative Theory. Descriptive-qualitative approach was used in this study. The data were collected using interview and documentation methods and were analyzed and presented formally and informally. The results of the study showed that there were 23 phonological processes in Kaur language represented by /a, ?, i, u, p, b, t, d, c, ?, k, g, ?, m, n, ?, ?, s, ?, h, l, w, j/. These segments were  phonetically realized by [a, ?, ?, ?, i, ?, e, ?, u, ?, o, ?, a), ?), ?), ?), i), ?), e), ?), u), ?), o), ?), p, p>, b, b>, t, t>, d, c, ?, k, k>, g, g>, ?, m, n, ?, ?, s, z, Ä, ?, h, h), l, w, j, w, j]. Every segment was described by using 17 distinctive features, which were [syllabic, son., cons., cont., nas., lat., ant., cor., gut., plosives stops, voiced, high, front, back, low, ATR, round.]. In addition, it was found that there were 3 diphthongs, 9 series of vowels, 14 clusters of consonants, 22 series of consonants, and several unique series of vowel-consonants, 36 syllabic structures of bases, 5 basic patterns of syllabic structures of affixes, and 4 structures of mixed affixes. The phonological processes are described in 49 phonological rules. Of these 49 rules, there are several ordered phonological rules.
10.24843 Construction of The Verb Sequence Menjuruh in The Classic Malay Language I Made Madia; Ketut Artawa; I Wayan Pastika; I Ketut Darma Laksana
e-Journal of Linguistics Vol 12 No 2 (2018): eJL-July
Publisher : Doctoral Studies Program of Linguistics of Udayana University Postgraduate Program

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The construction of verbs sequence ‘konstruksi verba beruntun’, which is hereinafter abbreviated to KVB, in this article is defined as a construction without the existence of any linking word and pausing mark (comma). Based on the theory of typology, as far as the complex predicate is concerned, the only KVB menjuruh+Vitr (intransitive verb) whose grammatical object functioning as the nucleus argument located after V2 (the second verb) and KVB menjuruh+Vtr (transitive verb) which is not marked by the morphological prefix meng- are identified as having the complex predicate construction ‘kontruksi predikat kompleks’ which is hereinafter abbreviated to KPK. Based on the theory of transformational grammar, the KVB menjuruh, except that identified as KPK, is identified as having the complex clausal construction ‘konstruksi klausa kompleks’, which is hereinafter abbreviated to KKK.
PERILAKU PENJANGKA KAMBANG DALAM BAHASA RONGGA Jeladu Kosmas; Prof.Drs.Ketut Artawa, M.A., Ph.D; Prof. Dr. I Wayan Pastika., M.S.
e-Journal of Linguistics Vol. 2. Mei 2008 No. 1
Publisher : Doctoral Studies Program of Linguistics of Udayana University Postgraduate Program

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Penjangka kambang merupakan salah satu alat tes kesubjekan lintas bahasa, selain pengetesan melalui perelatifan, penaikan, dan penyisipan adverbial. Akan tetapi, BR memperlihatkan perilaku penjangka kambang yang unik. Penjangka kambang pada bahasa ini tidak bisa dijadikan sebagai alat pembuktian SUBJ. Meskipun terjadi pengambangan, acuannya tidak hanya kepada SUBJ, tetapi juga kepada OBJ dan fungsi gramatikal lainnya. Selain itu, setiap terjadi pengambangan, selalu direalisasikan berbeda karena penjangka pada BR selalu terikat posisi.
Linguistika: Buletin Ilmiah Program Magister Linguistik Universitas Udayana Vol 25 No 2 (2018): September
Publisher : Program Magister Linguistik Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.757 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/ling.2018.v25.i02.p01


This research was aimed to improve Sasak pronunciation skill for mild down syndrome children in East Lombok through the use of articulatory phonetic with intensive teaching method. This study applied a classroom action research design which applies four steps namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. This research was conducted into one cycle by applying those four steps action research design. Analyzing data was done by describing the result of qualitative and quantitative data. The result of data analysis is presented into table and chart as well as is described into narrative sentences. In this research the improvement of students’ pronunciation skill in speaking Sasak language were proven by the result of qualitative data, such as the result of test, observation, taking note and also documentation. The use of articulatory phonetics has successfully improved the students’ pronunciation skill especially in pronouncing vowel sound, consonant sound and pronouncing word or phrase. The improvement of students’ speaking skill were also proven by the improvement of mean score between pretest, cycle I posttest and cycle II posttest. The mean score showed that the improvement from 54,40 % on pretest to 68,62 % and finally became 76,75 % on cycle II
Types of Indonesian Reduplication as The Translation Equivalence of English Lexicons Muhammad Rafi’ie; I Wayan Pastika; Ni Luh Nyoman Seri Malini
Linguistika: Buletin Ilmiah Program Magister Linguistik Universitas Udayana Vol 25 No 1 (2018): Maret
Publisher : Program Magister Linguistik Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (446.589 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/ling.2018.v25.i01.p03


This journal entitled Types of IndonesianReduplication as the Translation Equivalence of English Lexiconsinvestigates the types of Indonesian reduplications and how the English lexicons are translated in Indonesian reduplications. The data of the research is drawn from an English narrative textbook “The Magic” (Byrne, 2012) and its translation version in Indonesian “The Magic” (Purwoko, 2012). This study reveals three types of reduplications with their own distinctive forms and varieties on meaning implications, namely: full reduplication, partial reduplication, and imitative reduplication. Full reduplication consists of four sub-categories, namely: reduplication of simple words, reduplication of complex words, reduplication of bases within a complex word, and reduplication without corresponding single bases. The results of the research show that meaning is structured and therefore, it can be analyzed and represented into another language. English inflectional and derivational morphology can correspond productively to Indonesian reduplications. A menu of affixes of both English and Indonesian are the corresponding features of the morphological processes and the meaning components involvedin the translation equivalence analysis. The translation equivalence is then established by textual equivalence and formal correspondence or by contextual relations of the contextual meaning and relatable situational features of grammatical functions of the English lexicons into Indonesian reduplications.
Linguistika: Buletin Ilmiah Program Magister Linguistik Universitas Udayana Vol 21 (2014): March 2014
Publisher : Program Magister Linguistik Universitas Udayana

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Telex language is a language uses many abbreviations in its making. It is certainly interesting to be searched as in communicating to avoid misunderstandings between the message giver and the message recipient. The purpose of this research is to find out the semantic analysis of telex language used in PT.Garuda Indonesia branch office Denpasar. Method used to analyze the data in this research was metode padan/equivalent (Sudaryanto, 1985:15). The main theory used to analyze this problem is Critical Discourse Analysis proposed by Van Dijk (1997).The findings show that semantic analysis of telex language in PT.Garuda Indonesia branch office Denpasar consists of background on telex language is stated that the telex writer received complaints from passengers; details on telex language are stated with a chronological sequence of events that cause problems both in terms of the documents and procedures that passengers should not be experienced; the purpose of telex language is stated with requests or orders from the writer to the relevant parties to clarify or follow up on existing problems so they will not experience the same problems in the future. The result of the second analysis is there are no presuppositions and nominalization elements occur in telex language in the data.
Proses dan Kaidah Fonologis Posleksikal Bahasa Helong Kajian Generatif Dominikus Dominikus; I Wayan Pastika; A.A. Pt Putra
Linguistika: Buletin Ilmiah Program Magister Linguistik Universitas Udayana Vol 23 (2016): September 2016
Publisher : Program Magister Linguistik Universitas Udayana

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The study aims to know sound changing process or phoneme changing process as the result of phonology post lexical process. Data is taken from list of phrases and simple sentence of Helong language. Theory applied in this study is generative phonology. This study found five processes there are (1) vowel deletion (2) konsonants deletion (3) metathesis (4) dissimilation (5) gemination.
Linguistika: Buletin Ilmiah Program Magister Linguistik Universitas Udayana Vol 16 (2009): March 2009
Publisher : Program Magister Linguistik Universitas Udayana

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Abstract The strength of Masuri poems can be identified in various linguistic aspects that emerge the quality of the messages and the beauty of Malay language and literature. His works mostly exhibit the standard Malay that underline communicativeness, familiarity and solidarity. Masuri does not seem to like to manipulate language in terms of grammar and the lexical choice but his poems is not meant to be explicit. The sound parallelism, word choice and syntax constructions are really quite unique stylistic for Masuri works. To interpret the meaning or the message of his poems one should be ready with various knowledge such as Malay culture, Malay people and Singaporean politics.
Pengaruh Bahasa Asing terhadap Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Daerah: Peluang atau Ancaman? I Wayan Pastika
Jurnal Kajian Bali (Journal of Bali Studies) Vol 2 No 2 (2012): BAHASA BALI DALAM PELANGI ILMU
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Bali Universitas Udayana

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AbstractThe Indonesian language has developed very fast inmodernizing its vocabulary by taking in many influencesfrom foreign languages including Arabic, Dutch, English,Sanskrit, Tamil and Chinese. Similar tendencies areapparent in local languages, taking vocabulary in limitednumbers from limited sources. Balinese, for instance, hastaken loan words in classical and traditional religiousmatters from Sanskrit through Old Javanese and haslet itself be influenced almost exclusively by Englishfor modern vocabulary. Meanwhile Indonesian, whichoriginated from Malay, has developed progressively froman early history, such as Sriwijaya kingdom, to becoming acoastal linguafranca across the country and the declarationof the language as the national language. Nowadays thegovernment and educated people do very little to controlinfluence on the language. A careful academic examinationin relation to microlinguistic and macrolinguistic systems,cultural identity and nationality should be consideredseriously when new foreign words are taken as part ofthe Indonesian vocabulary. Otherwise, in the long run, thenational language will lose its identity and spoken andwritten Indonesian will be massively shaped by Englishelements. This kind of tendency has been very widespreadin recent years.
An Analysis of Pronunciation Errors Made by Medical Students at S&I Learning Centre Ida Ayu Maharani; I Wayan Pastika; Ni Luh Ketut Mas Indrawati
RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : Magister of Linguistic, Postgraduated Program, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (263.906 KB) | DOI: 10.22225/jr.6.2.2527.105-112


This study discusses about pronunciation errors made by medical students at S&I Learning Centre. The study aims to describe the types of pronunciation errors found in students' utterances using descriptive qualitative method. The subject are medical students at S&I Learning, meanwhile the object of this exploration are students' utterances in English. The data was collected through audio recording and then those was analysed by using theory proposed by Corder by classifying errors into three types. The results show that the sorts of pronunciation errors created by medical student and 2) the cause of pronunciation errors produced by medical students. Students’ pronunciation errors are also classified into three types. Those are interference errors, intralingual errors, and developmental errors. In speaking, teacher and students had their effect to each other. The teacher has duties to assess and address the error of students by addressing the errors produced by learners permanently, particularly at the time when they drilled and practiced the correct pronunciation in speaking skill. In addition, students too should be more dynamic in surveying and correcting the pronunciation themselves. They have to create and improve their pronunciation capacity by appreciating the hypothetical about legitimate phonological. In accordance with this reason, it is necessary to apply an appropriate learning model to reduce pronunciation errors produced by students.