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Journal of Mechanical Engineering Learning Vol 9 No 1 (2020): Journal of Mechanical Engineering Learning
Publisher : Journal of Mechanical Engineering Learning

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Centrifugal casting has advantages including more dense castings, low porosity, and high productivity. Factors that influence the results of centrifugal casting such as mold temperature, rotational speed of the mold and the centrifugal force that occurs. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the variation of aluminum alloy upright centrifugal casting molds on impact toughness and microstructure in the manufacture of karts wheels. This research is using experimental method. The independent variables in this study were 700 rpm, 800 rpm and 900 rpm mold rotations. The dependent variable is toughness and microstructure. The control variables are mold temperature 250 ° C and pour temperature 750 ° C. Data analysis using descriptive analysis methods and one way ANOVA that is equipped with further tests. Data obtained from the test results in the form of numbers are then presented in tables, graphs and described based on the results of the analysis conducted. The impact toughness test results are that the higher the mold rotation, the greater the toughness value. The highest impact toughness is in the 900 rpm mold rotation specimen of 0.013036 J / mm2. Anova test results obtained the influence of rotational mold variations on impact toughness. Further test results found a significant influence of 700 rpm and 900 rpm mold rotations. The results of microstructure testing are that the higher the round of the mold, the smaller the area of Si grain formed.Keywords: vertical centrifugal casting, variation of mold rotation, impact toughness, micro structures
Developing Learning Service Models for Slow Learners to Optimize Inclusive Education in Semarang Junior High School Fajriah, Fajriah; Samsudi, Samsudi; Haryono, Haryono
Innovative Journal of Curriculum and Educational Technology 2021: Article In Press 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijcet.v10i1.47998


The preparation of adaptive learning models for children with special needs is important because nowadays there is no policy set out in providing appropriate education services based on their specific needs. The slow learner inclusivity type is currently could be accommodated in regular schools. Therefore, this study aims to develop a model of learning services for slow learners. Using research and development methods, we conducted qualitative analysis for model preparation and quantitative analysis to analyze its effectiveness. The curriculum adaptation service model used is substitution. The results of the trials showed that there was a significant average difference before and after the implementation. Providing learning services with this model can make children better at responding to conversations and working with others, able to do independent activities, and able to control concentration in learning. These results require more operational policy support so that they can be implemented more easily.
The Effectiveness of Multimedia Assisted Project-Based Learning and Self-Regulation on Learning Outcomes of Light Vehicle Engineering Skills Probowati, RR. Rina; Samsudi, Samsudi; Ahmadi, Farid
Innovative Journal of Curriculum and Educational Technology 2021: Article In Press 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijcet.v10i2.48881


Project-based learning is used as a reference for developing the ability to create and update because it is seen as having characteristics that effectively direct students to investigate essential ideas and questions, framed through the discovery process, able to accommodate the different needs and interests of students, directing freedom in making products or services and presentations that exceed what the teacher hopes, requires the ability to think creatively, critical thinking, the ability of information to find and write conclusions and present material, and relate to real and authentic problems and the latest issues. Multimedia is a medium for delivering information that contains complete material because it presents the material in writing and is equipped with videos and evaluation tools. The next difference is self-regulation as the variable studied in addition to learning outcomes. The results showed that project-based learning improved student learning outcomes, as evidenced by the Wilcoxon test results with a significance value = < 0.05. Learning outcomes shown from knowledge tests and performance tests are influenced not only by the students' ability to practice based on the theory being learned but also by their ability to self-regulate (self-regulation). The correlation between self-regulation and knowledge learning outcomes is 0.465, and the correlation between self-regulation and practical learning outcomes is 0.890, with the significance of each test of 0.000 < 0.05. It shows that the learning outcomes of cooling system knowledge and practices are influenced by self-regulation. Project-based learning tools assisted with multimedia are effective as a learning model for class XI students of light vehicle engineering at Public Vocational High Schools in Semarang City are classified as valid. Multimedia-assisted project-based learning is effective as a learning model for class XI students of light vehicle engineering at Public Vocational High Schools in Semarang City. This multimedia-assisted project-based learning can improve learning outcomes, achieve completeness and be better than project-based learning. Self-regulation affects class XI students' learning outcomes of light vehicle engineering at Public Vocational High Schools in Semarang City.
Learning Development Based On Multicultural In Inclusion School Wahid, Abdul; Sugiharto, DYP.; Samsudi, Samsudi; Haryono, Haryono
Nadwa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 12, No 2 (2018): Islamic Education and Humanization
Publisher : FITK UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/nw.2018.12.2.2744


The aim of the study was to describe the development of multicultural-based inclusion learning in TK Talenta Semarang. This type of research is qualitative descriptive. The findings in this study are that first, multicultural-based inclusion learning is more emphasized in the implementation and evaluation of learning, second, multicultural values grow in students through activities in religious centers that emphasize social piety respecting differences, third: differences in institutions inclusive education is a miniature of diversity in ethnicity, race and religion.AbstrakTujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan pembelajaran inklusi berbasis multikultural di TK Talenta Semarang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa pertama, pembelajaran inklusi berbasis multi kultural lebih ditekankan pada pelaksanaan dan evaluasi pembelajaran, kedua, Nilai-nilai multikultural tumbuh dalam pribadi siswa melalui kegiatan di sentra agama yang menekankan kesalehan sosial menghormati perbedaan, ketiga : perbedaan yang ada di lembaga pendidikan inklusi merupakan miniatur dari keragaman suku, ras dan agama. 
Educational Management Vol 3 No 1 (2014): June 2014
Publisher : Educational Management

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Penelitian dilatarbelakangi kesulitan guru yang belum dapat diatasi melalui forum MGMP sekolah yaitu dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran saintifik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan desain peer training yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran saintifik. Penelitian tindakan kepengawasan ini terdiri dari dua siklus. Setiap siklus melalui tahap perencanaan, implementasi, observasi, dan refleksi. Terdapat tiga indikator keberhasilan yaitu kualitas peer training, perencanaan, dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran saintifik mencapai skor 75%. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan skor peer training Siklus 1 sebesar 85,00 dan Siklus 2 sebesar 92,50, diperoleh skor gain 0,50 berkriteria “sedang”. Skor rata-rata perencanaan pembelajaran saintifik Siklus 1 sebesar 67,38 dan pada Siklus 2 sebesar 90,48, diperoleh skor gain 0,71 berkriteria “tinggi”. Skor rata-rata pelaksanaan pembelajaran saintifik pada Siklus 1 sebesar 70,78 dan pada Siklus 2 sebesar 91,88, diperoleh skor gain 0,72 berkriteria “tinggi”. Berarti peer training dapat meningkatkan kemampuan guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran saintifik.Peneliti merekomendasikan kepada para trainer dan pengawas agar peer training dapat dijadikan referensi untuk kegiatan pelatihan, baik di lingkup satu maupun beberapa sekolah. Hal penting yang peneliti sarankan dalam peer training yaitu hendaknya peer training dilaksanakan sesuai alokasi hari MGMP sekolah agar tidak mengganggu aktivitas guru dalam mengajar. The research’s settings are difficulties of teachers that not solved by teacher group yet, is to carry out the scientific learning. The aims are to formulate peer training that can increase teacher ability to carry scientific learning. This is an action research of supervisionary with two cycles. Every cycle passes planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. There are three success indicators, peer training quality, planning and doing scientific learning reach score 75%. The observation result peer training score at Cycle 1 is 85.00 and Cycle 2 is 92.50, gain score 0,50 (medium). The average of observation scores of planning scientific learning at Cycle 1 is 67.38 and Cycle 2 is 90,48, gain score is 0.71 (high). The average of observation scores of carrying scientific learning at Cycle 1 is 70.78 and Cycle 2 is 91.88, gain score is 0.72 (high). It’s meant peer training activity make increase teacher ability in planning and carry out scientific learning. Researcher recommends to other trainer and superintendants that could be reference for similar trainings, either scope in a school or in several schools. The important thing that researcher suggests is that in peer training should done in the day of teacher group activity that alocated in school that not disturbs teacher activity.
Educational Management Vol 3 No 1 (2014): June 2014
Publisher : Educational Management

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji keefektifan model supervisi akademik kelompok teknik think talk write untuk pembimbingan penyusunan karya tulis ilmiah guru SMA Negeri di Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian pengembangan modifikasi dari model Borg and Gall. Uji coba model dilakukan secara terbatas dengan melibatkan 1 orang pengawas SMA dan 10 orang guru bergolongan IIIa-IIIb dari sekolah di daerah binaannya. Keefektifan model diukur dari kemampuan guru menyusun karya tulis ilmiah yang didasarkan pada penilaian kualitas karya tulis ilmiah dengan kriteria nilai minimal adalah 80% dari skor total penilaian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model yang dikembangkan efektif untuk pembimbingan penyusunan karya tulis ilmiah berdasarkan indikator penilaian karya tulis ilmiah yang disusun oleh guru, yaitu 9 dari 10 guru (90%) berhasil menyusun karya tulis ilmiah dengan kategori baik. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini adalah diperlukan komitmen yang tinggi dari pengawas dan guru terutama untuk masalah waktu. The purpose of this study is to measure the effectiveness of a group academic supervision think talk write technique model for guiding teacher in public secondary schools in Semarang to writing scientific paper. This study uses a modification of the Borg and Gall development research approach. This study involves 1 supervisor and 10 high school teachers IIIa-IIIb diversified in the area of school proxies. The experimental implementation of the model is measured by teacher’s observation. The effectiveness of the model measured by teacher’s competence in writing scientific paper based on the assessment of the quality of scientific papers with a minimum value criterion is 80% of the total score assessment. The results showed that the developed model effective for guiding teacher writing scientific papers based on the assessment indicators of scientific papers prepared by the teacher, which is 9 out of 10 teachers (90%) writing scientific paper successfully with good category. Recommendations from this research is the application of this model required commitment from supervisors and teachers especially for the problem of time.
Educational Management Vol 3 No 2 (2014): December 2014
Publisher : Educational Management

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Telah dilakukan penelitian dan pengembangan untuk menghasilkan sebuah model manajemen strategis pembinaan soft skill keprofesionalan Perwira TNI Angkatan Darat. Perwira Pertama (Pama) Angkatan Darat yang ada di lingkungan Kodam I Bukit Barisan ebagai sumber data. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui angket, observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Seluruh instrumen yang digunakan divalidasi oleh pakar (promotor) dengan teknik rational jugdment. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan teknik deskriptif kualitatif Model Hipotetik divalidasi internal oleh sejumlah pakar lewat FGD, sedangkan validasi eksternal lewat pemangku kebijakan yaitu sejumlah pimpinan Departemen Pertahan dan Keamanan (Hankam). Aspek-aspek soft skill yang perlu dikembangkan untuk para perwira TNI AD yaitu: (1) etika, (2) kemampuan komunikasi, (3) ketahanan mental dan keuletan, (4) kemampuan bersosiali-sasi, (5) kerjasama dan jiwa korsa, (6) kemampuan memimpin, (7) kepekaan sosial, (8) keberanian mengambil keputusan, melalui sebuah model manajemen pembinaan yang terintegrasi dengan model pembinaan kurikuler. Berdasarkan hasil dan analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa diperlukan adanya manajemen strategi pembinaan profesionalisme yang menyeimbangkan pemberian materi pembinaan antara kecakapan hard skill dan soft skill secara berkesinambungan, proprosional dan terprogram. Research and development aims to produce a model of strategic management soft skills coaching professionalism the Army officer. As a source of research data are First Officer (Pama) Army in the environment I Bukit Barisan Military Command, which amounted. Data were obtained through questionnaires, observation, interviews, documentation. The entire instrument is used validated by experts (promoters) with rational techniques jugdment. Data were analyzed with descriptive qualitative techniques and data from the model development was analyzed by quantitative descriptive technique. The Hipotetic model is validated internally by a number of experts through focus group discussions (FGD), while the external validation through stakeholders that a number of leaders Department of Defense and Security (Defense and Security). Aspects of soft skills need to be developed for the officers of the army, namely: (1) ethics, (2) communication skills, (3) mental toughness and tenacity, (4) the ability to socialize, (5) and the corps spirit of cooperation, (6 ) the ability to lead, (7) social sensitivity, (8) the courage to make decisions. through an integrated management model development with curricular model. There needed to be a strategy for developing the professionalism of management by balancing the provision of guidance material between hard skills and soft skills skills on an ongoing basis, proportional and programmed.
Educational Management Vol 4 No 2 (2015): December 2015
Publisher : Educational Management

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah  menganalisis dan mendiskripsikan pelaksanaan supervisi akademik saat ini, menghasilkan model supervisi akademik yang sesuai kebutuhan, validitas  model, keefektifan model  supervisi akademik berbasis kolaborasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development, dengan pendekatan kualitatif mengungkap pelaksanaan supervisi akademik saat ini dan kebutuhan model supervisi. Tahap pengembangan melibatkan ahli dan praktisi serta FGD. Tahap evaluasi yaitu Uji coba terbatas one group pretest–postest design untuk mengetahui keefektifan model. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pelaksanaan supervisi akademik selama ini dinilai kurang efektif, supervisi lahir atas inisiatif pengawas, kurangnya observasi atau kunjungan kelas,  kurangnya kerjasama pengawas dan guru, sehingga perlu dikembangkan supervisi akademik yang dapat mengatasi permasalahan saat ini yaitu supervisi akademik kolaborasi. Hasil uji coba menunjukan keefektifan supervisi, terjadi peningkatan dari 58,14% (pretest) menjadi 82,4% (postest) atau meningkat sebesar 24,26% dalam hal kemampuan guru dalam mengajar di kelas melalui observasi kelas. Peneliti menyimpulkan model supervisi akademik berbasis kolaborasi efektif untuk meningkatkan kompetensi profesional guru produktif.
Pembinaan Profesi Pengawas Sekolah dalam Pelaksanaan Tugas dan Fungsinya Fadli, Mohamad; Samsudi, Samsudi; Utomo, Cahyo Budi
Educational Management Vol 6 No 1 (2017): June 2017
Publisher : Educational Management

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Dalam pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsinya pengawas sekolah dituntut memiliki kemampuan sesuai dengan standar kualifikasi dan kompetensi. Pengawas sekolah tidak diangkat melalui mekanisme rekrutmen dan seleksi sebagaimana yang diatur dalam regulasi yang ada sehingga pengawas di Kabupaten Lombok Tengah memiliki latar dan kemampuan yang heterogen. Maka pembinaan adalah solusi yang paling rasional untuk mengatasi masalah yang ada. Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsi dan menganalisis pelaksanaan pembinaan pengawas sekolah dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan tujuan agar memperoleh gambaran yang menyeluruh berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang tampak. Sumber data dari Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda Dan Olahraga Kabupaten/Provinsi, Badan Kepegawaian Daerah, Pengawas Sekolah serta Lembaga Penjamin Mutu Pendidikan. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyelenggaraan pembinaan pengawas sekolah SMA dilakukan oleh Dinas Dikpora Kabupaten Lombok Tengah dan lembaga pembina lainnya dengan tahapan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi dan tindaklanjut berdasarkan program kerja dan pedoman pembinaan pengawas sekolah. Peran pemimpin dan kebijakan organisasi, manajemen pembinaan dan SDM pembina serta alokasi anggaran yang kurang memadai menjadi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan pembinaan pengawas sekolah.
The Management of Character-Based Holistic Education Program in Early Childhood Education (PAUD) Anak Cerdas Ungaran Ruhaina, Nelly Ivva; Samsudi, Samsudi; Yusuf, Amin
Educational Management Vol 8 No 1 (2019): June 2019
Publisher : Educational Management

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A holistic human is indicated by the growth of all development aspects. If the stimulation of early age growth and development is not optimal, it will influence the unpreparedness of entering the next education and the incomplete use of all children's competencies. The aims of this study are to deeply describe and analyze the planning, the implementation, the supervision and the evaluation as well as the implementation of character-based holistic education program in early childhood education (PAUD) Anak Cerdas Ungaran. This research used qualitative research method with case study design. The data collection techniques used in this study namely, observation, in-depth interview, and documentation. The research subjects include in this study: managers, coordinators, teachers, character coordinators, parents, students. To ensure the validity of the data this research used triangulation technique on the sources, the methods, and the theories. Data analysis was done through data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusion. The results showed that the planning program was based on the results of the previous year's evaluation, the implementation program was carried out through the division of teacher tasks as coordinator such as character, human resources, public relation and partnership, learning and curriculum, as well as those in charge of activities determined at the beginning of the year. The supervision was carried out during learning and teaching activities and at the end of the activities directly or in a written report. The evaluation was carried out at the end of the activities’ program by the teacher with the principal, each trimester and semester by the teacher, the principal and the manager then the final year evaluation was carried out with the coach and the expert team. The implementation program based on the Curriculum 13 PAUD combined with 9 character pillars during one school year through the several services, namely education, care, health, and protection.
Co-Authors - Basyirun - Kustiono A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W A.T. Soegito, A.T. Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Achmad Rifa’i, Achmad Achmad Rifai RC, Achmad Rifai Achmad Zajid, Achmad Adi Prihastanto, Adi Adisti Bunga Septerina, Adisti Bunga Adysty Nugrahani, Adysty Agung Kumoro Wahyuwibowo, Agung Kumoro Agus Heru Purnomo, Agus Heru Agus Riyanto Agus Sanyoto, Agus Ahmad Syukron Amin Yusuf Andreas Priyono Budi Prasetyo Astuti, Amin Nurita Fajar Atmawati, Atmawati B. Prasetya Margo Hutomo, B. Prasetya Margo Beni Habibi Bunyamin Bunyamin Cahyo Budi Utomo Canto ., Canto Dian Fajarwati, Dian Djoko Widodo Dwi Setyowati Dwi Widjanarko Dwi Yuwono Puji Sugiharto, Dwi Yuwono Puji Dwijatmiko, Heru Dwijatmiko, Heru DYP. Sugiharto, DYP. Edy Ismail Eko Adinuryadin, Eko Ellianawati, Ellianawati Endang Kustiowati Fadli, Mohamad Fadli, Mohamad Fajriah Fajriah, Fajriah Fakhruddin, Fakhruddin Farid Ahmadi Fauzi, Iqbal Maulana Fauziah Asri Latifah, Fauziah Asri Fiki Firdaus Fikri Aulia, Fikri Ghozali, Raymond Allen Hamdan Tri Atmaja Hanik, Ahmad Hanik, Ahmad Haryadi - Haryono Haryono Huda, Miftakhul Huda I Made Sudana Istu Hari Subagio, Istu Hari Kurniawan, Alfi Muklis Kusumastuti, Kurnia Lita Latiana Maman Rachman Margunani, Margunani Masrukan Masrukan Masrukhi Masrukhi Mayasari, Retno Miftakhus Syahidurrachman, Miftakhus Mohamad Muqoffa Mudinillah, Adam Mulastin Mulastin, Mulastin mungin eddy wibowo, mungin eddy Muzakkir Muzakkir Nafiuddin, Ilman Noorpramono, Noorpramono Noorpramono, Noorpramono Notosoegondo, Hendriani Selina Nugroho, Fiska Maulidian Nur Intan Rochmawati Nur Khoiri Nur Qudus Papin Longaun Rosy, Papin Longaun Pranoto, Sugiyo Pranoto, Sugiyo Pratiwi, Lanjar Probowati, RR. Rina Pusparani, Herlina Rasdi Ekosiswoyo Ruhaina, Nelly Ivva Ruhaina, Nelly Ivva Rusdarti - Rustono - Savio, Leovelgilda Fernandes Selvia, Futri Setiyawan, Budi Agus Siskandar Siskandar, Siskandar Siti Alimah Slameto Slameto Soedijono Sastroatmodjo, Soedijono Soerjo Hadijono Sofwan Sofwan Sugiyo Sugiyo, Sugiyo Sukartono Sukartono Sukristiyo, Sukristiyo Sunyoto Sunyoto Suparno Suparno Surya Jaya, Surya Suyudi, Godeliva Ayudyana Titi Prihatin Tjipta Bahtera, Tjipta Totok Sumaryanto Florentinus, Totok Sumaryanto Tri Joko Raharjo Wahyu Indarwanto, Wahyu Widiyanto -, Widiyanto widowati widowati Widyaningsih, Mitasari Y. A. Triana Ohoiwutun, Y. A. Triana Yuli Utanto Zauma, Fathi Falaha