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Journal : Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri (Littri)

MULTIPLIKASI TUNAS IN VITRO BERDASARKAN JENIS EKSPLAN PADA ENAM GENOTIPE TEBU (Saccharum officinarum L.) / The In Vitro Shoots Multiplication Based on Explants Type on Six Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) Genotypes Azizi, Alfia Annur Aini; Tambunan, Ika Roostika; Efendi, Darda
Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri Vol 23, No 2 (2017): Desember, 2017
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/littri.v23n2.2017.90-97


Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is propagated vegetatively using stem cuttings. Plant propagation can utilize tissue culture techniques because it offers a faster propagation time than conventional methods, need less mother plants and labor, planting is not influenced by the season, and produce pathogen-free guaranteed seedlings. This study aims to determine the optimal type of explant for shoot multiplication of six sugarcane genotypes. The study was conducted at the Tissue Culture Laboratory, Plant Cell Tissue Biology Group, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research and Development, Bogor from May 2015 to June 2016. Explants from six genotypes of sugarcane (PS 881, PS 865, GMP 3, TK 386, PSJK 922, and PS 862) were grown on regeneration media based on explant type treatments (one shoot, two shoots, and three shoots per explant) that were subcultured every three weeks. Subcultures were conducted up to nine times, then observations of survival rate, shoot regeneration rate, number of new shoots, shoot height were made on the third, sixth, and ninth subcultures. The results showed interaction between genotypes and explant type were not significantly different except to the shoot regeneration in the sixth subculture. Each genotype had different multiplication rate, and PSJK 922 produced the lowest survival explant, shoot regeneration, and number of new shoot in the ninth subculture. Two shoots explant were the optimal type of explant for in vitro shoots multiplication with 4 new shoots per explant in the ninth subculture.Keywords: frequent subculture, micropropagation, one shoot explant, two shoots explant, three shoots explant AbstrakTebu (Saccharum officinarum L.) umumnya diperbanyak secara vegetatif menggunakan stek batang. Perbanyakan tanaman dapat memanfaatkan teknik kultur jaringan karena memiliki keunggulan di antaranya, waktu perbanyakan lebih cepat dari metode konvensional, tidak memerlukan tanaman induk dan tenaga kerja dalam jumlah banyak, penanaman tidak dipengaruhi musim, serta bibit yang dihasilkan lebih terjamin bebas patogen. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan jenis eksplan yang optimal untuk multiplikasi tunas in vitro enam genotipe tebu. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan, Kelompok Peneliti Biologi Sel dan Jaringan, Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi dan Sumberdaya Genetik Pertanian, Bogor pada Mei 2015 hingga Juni 2016. Eksplan dari enam genotipe tebu (PS 881, PS 865, GMP 3, TK 386, PSJK 922, dan PS 862) ditanam pada media regenerasi berdasarkan perlakuan jenis eksplan (satu tunas, dua tunas, dan tiga tunas per eksplan) yang disubkultur setiap tiga minggu. Subkultur dilakukan hingga sembilan kali, dan pengamatan daya hidup eksplan, daya regenerasi tunas, pertambahan tunas per eksplan serta tinggi tunas dilakukan pada subkultur ke tiga, ke enam, dan ke sembilan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan interaksi genotipe dan jenis eksplan tidak berpengaruh nyata kecuali terhadap daya regenerasi tunas pada subkultur ke enam. Keenam genotipe memiliki tingkat multiplikasi tunas yang berbeda, dan PSJK 922 menghasilkan daya hidup eksplan, daya regenerasi tunas, dan pertambahan tunas terendah pada subkultur ke sembilan. Eksplan dua tunas merupakan jenis eksplan yang optimal untuk multiplikasi tunas in vitro dengan pertambahan 4 tunas per eksplan pada subkultur ke sembilan.Kata kunci: Subkultur berulang, mikropropagasi, eksplan satu tunas, eksplan dua tunas, eksplan tiga tunas
KOMBINASI TERMOTERAPI DAN KHEMOTERAPI DENGAN KULTUR APEKS DAN MERISTEM UNTUK ELIMINASI VIRUS MOSAIK PADA TEBU / The Combined Treatment of Thermotherapy and Chemotherapy with Apex and Meristem Culture for Mosaic Virus Elimination in Sugarcane Ika Roostika; SEDYO HARTONO; DARDA EFENDI
Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri Vol 22, No 1 (2016): Maret, 2016
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/littri.v22n1.2016.19-28


There are several ways to eliminate virus, suach as the application of thermoterapi and chemotherapy technique, and also the apex and meristem culture. One way to control this disease is the use of virus-free seedlings. The objective of this study was to find out the effect of combined treatment between thermotherapy or chemotherapy with apex or meristem culture to mosaic virus elimination of sugarcane. There were four steps in this research: (1) Virus detection of mother plant, (2) Application of thermotherapy at 50oC and chemotherapy by using Ribavirin 25 µg/l combined with apex culture, (3) Application of thermotherapy and chemotherapy combined with meristem culture, and (4) Evaluation of virus elimination. The plant materials used were PS862 from Cirebon (PS862-Crb), PS881 from Surabaya (PS881-Sby) and PSJK922 (PSJK922-Bgr) from Bogor. Virus detection was conducted by TEM and RT-PCR analysis. The temperature for thermotherapy was 500C and the antiviral agent was Ribavirin (0 and 25 μg/l). The result showed that thermotherapy or chemotherapy combined with apex culture could not eliminate virus infection. The combined treatment of chemotherapy and meristem culture could eliminate SCSMV in variety PS862-Crb based on RT-PCR assay, however TEM analysis still detected the viral particle. It was suggessted to udertake virus indexing of large number of samples to see the rate of virus elimination.Keywords: Saccharum officinarum L., Ribavirin, Potyvirus, TEM, RT- PCR
Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri Vol 21, No 1 (2015): Maret 2015
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/littri.v21n1.2015.25-32


ABSTRAKTebu (Saccharum officinarum L.) merupakan tanaman yangdiperbanyak secara vegetatif. Kriopreservasi merupakan metode yangpaling sesuai untuk penyimpanan jangka panjang bagi tanaman yangdiperbanyak secara vegetatif. Dehidrasi dan pembekuan jaringan merupa-kan tahapan paling kritis yang menentukan keberhasilan kriopreservasi.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memperoleh durasi dehidrasi yang optimaldan metode pembekuan jaringan apeks tebu. Penelitian dilakukan diLaboratorium Kultur Jaringan, Kelompok Peneliti Biologi Sel danJaringan, Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi dan Sumber-daya Genetik Pertanian, Bogor pada Mei 2013 sampai Februari 2014.Untuk optimasi metode dehidrasi, apeks direndam dalam larutan PVS2(MS + gliserol 30% + etilen glikol 15% + dimetil sulfoksida 15% +sukrosa 0,4 M) selama 10, 20, 30, dan 40 menit. Untuk optimasi metodepembekuan, diujikan kombinasi perlakuan prakultur (dengan sukrosa 0;0,1; dan 0,3 M selama 5 hari) dan pemuatan dalam larutan LS (MS +gliserol 2 M + sukrosa 0,4 M) selama 0, 10, 20, dan 30 menit sebelumtahapan dehidrasi dan pembekuan jaringan di dalam nitrogen cair (-196 o C). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan durasi dehidrasi jaringan yangterbaik adalah 30 menit dalam larutan PVS2. Kombinasi perlakuanprakultur dengan sukrosa 0,3 M dan pemuatan dengan larutan LS selama10 menit merupakan metode terbaik untuk pembekuan jaringan. Persentasetumbuh sebelum dan setelah pembekuan dalam nitrogen cair berturut-turutadalah 100 dan 40%. Setelah kriopreservasi, biakan mampu tumbuhdengan tingkat multiplikasi tunas sekitar 10 tunas/eksplan. Metode yangdiperoleh pada penelitian ini berpeluang diterapkan untuk penyimpananplasma nutfah tebu dalam jangka panjang secara kriopreservasi daneliminasi patogen obligat secara krioterapi.Kata kunci: Saccharum officinarum L., apeks, dehidrasi, pembekuan,nitrogen cairABSTRACTSugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is vegetatively propagatedplant. Cryopreservation is the most suitable method for long-termpreservation of vegetatively propagated plant. Dehydration and freezingare critical steps of successful cryopreservation so that it should beoptimized. The research aimed to obtain the optimal duration ofdehydration and freezing method of sugarcane apex tissues. Theexperiments were conducted at Tissue Culture Laboratory, Plant CellTissue Biology Group, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnologyand  Genetic  Resources  Research  and  Development  on  May2013−February 2014. To optimize dehydration method, the tissues wereexposured in PVS2 solution (MS + 30% glycerol + 15% ethylene glycol +15% dimethyl sulphoxide + 0.4 M sucrose) for 10, 20, 30, and 40 minutes.To optimize freezing method, the combined treatment of preculture withsucrose (0, 0.1, dan 0.3 M) for 5 days and loading in LS solution (MS + 2M glycerol + 0.4 M sucrose) for 0, 10, 20, dan 30 minutes) were testedbefore dehydration for 30 minutes and freezing in liquid nitrogen (-196 o C).The best duration of dehydration was 30 minutes. The combined treatmentof preculture on 0.3 M sucrose and loading for 10 minutes was the bestmethod for tissues freezing. Percentage of regrowth before and afterfreezing in liquid nitrogen was 100 and 40% respectively. Aftercryopreservation, the cultures could grow with high shoot multiplicationrate about 10 shoots/explant. The method resulted in this study can beapplied for long-term storage of sugarcane germplasms by cryopreser-vation and (elimination of obligate pathogens by cryotherapy.Keywords: Saccharum officinarum L., apex, dehydration, freezing, liquidnitrogen.
Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri Vol 26, No 1 (2020): June, 2020
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jlittri.v26n1.2020.49-57


In vitro technique is an effective method to produce high quality and uniform sugarcane seedlings. This study was aimed to determine genetic stability based on SSR marker analysis of six varieties of sugarcane subcultured in regeneration media. It was conducted at the ICABIOGRAD Molecular Biology Laboratory, Bogor, from May 2015 to October 2016. Six sugarcane varieties (PS 862, PS 865, PS 881, PSJK 922, TK 386, and GMP 3) derived from apical shoot explants were subcultured on MS regeneration media enriched with 0.3 mg/l BAP; 0.5 mg/l IBA; and 100 mg/l PVP, for 3, 6 and 9 times. Sugarcane DNA was extracted using the CTAB method; then, the genetic stability was analyzed using 20 pairs of SSR primers. Data were analyzed in groups using the UPGMA method in the SAHN subprogram available on NTSYS software. The results showed that five sugarcane varieties (PS 865, PS 881, PSJK 922, TK 386, and GMP 3) subcultured up to nine times on the regeneration media remained genetically stable with similarity coefficient to their mother plants value more than 0.94.  However, PS 862 variety had genetically unstable after the sixth and the ninth subcultures, the similarity coefficient value to its mother plant was only 0.64, indicated that it experienced somaclonal variations. The study concluded that the in vitro shoots of the other varieties were more genetically stable during subcultures compared to PS 862 sugarcane variety based on SSR marker analysis. Further study is needed to find out the cause of genetic changes in PS 862.Keywords: Saccharum officinarum, apical shoots, in vitro propagation.
Co-Authors . Angela Ade Wachjar Ade Wachjar Alfia Annur Aini Azizi and Gustaaf Adolf Wattimena Andria Agusta ANDRIA AGUSTA Andria Agusta Angela, . Anneke Pesik Asti Kusriyanti Azizi, Alfia Annur Aini Azizi, Alfia Annur Aini Bambang S PURWOKO Bambang S. Purwoko Bambang S. Purwoko C Hanny Wijaya Cece Suhara dan Joko Ridho Witono Dede Robiatul Adawiyah Deden Derajat Matra Deden Sukmadjaja Dewi Sukma Dianto, Fajar Didy Sopandie DINARTY, DINY Diny Dinarti Djoko Santoso Djoko Santoso Don R LaBonte Dorly Dorly Dwi Utami Nur Usmani Dyra Haryanti E. Gunawan Edi Santosa Entit Hermawan Erwin Al-Hafiizh Evan Maulana Fajar Dianto Fajarudin, A Fitri Fatma Wardani Fitri Fatma Wardani Furqoni, Hafith Gunawan, E. Gustaaf A Wattimena Hanifah Muthmainnah heliyana hermawati Ika Mariska Ika Roostika IKA ROOSTIKA Ika Roostika Ika Roostika Ika Roostika Ika Roostika Tambunan Imanullah Dacholfany Imron Riyadi Inanpi Hidayati Sumiasih, Inanpi Hidayati Indah Wulandari Iswari S Dewi Joko Ridho Witono Jollanda Effendy Jollanda Effendy Kasutjianingati . Katerin Ninariyani Ketty Suketi Kusriyanti, Asti Laela Sari laela Sari, laela Lisnandar, Dea Silvia Lolliani MASKROMO, ISMAIL Maulana, Mohamad Akhbar Maya Melati Mayasari Yamin Mohamad Akhbar Maulana Mutiara Utami Naimatul Farida Ninariyani, Katerin Nindita, Anggi NOVARIANTO, HENGKY Nurul Khumaida Nurul Khumaida Nurul Khumaida Odit Ferry Kurniadinata Ogie Satriadi Putra, Mirza R Rahmat Budiarto Rahmi Fajri RARA PUSPITA DEWI LIMA WATI RARA PUSPITA DEWI LIMA WATI, RARA PUSPITA Reflinur Reflinur Resa Sri Rahayu Resa Sri Rahayu Riry Prihatini ROEDHY POERWANTO Rudiyanto Rudiyanto S Noorrohmah Satriadi, Ogie Sedyo Harsono SEDYO HARTONO Slamet Susanto Sobir Sobir Soekisman Tjitrosemito Sony Hartono Wijaya SRI HENDRASTUTI HIDAYAT Sri Yuliani Sri Yuliani Sri Yuliani Sudarsono Sukma, Dewi Sulassih, . Surya Diantina Susetio, Muhammad Tambunan, Ika Roostika Tambunan, Ika Roostika Tanari, Yulinda Taruna Shafa Arzam TENDA, ELSJE T. Tiara, Dede TRI ASMIRA DAMAYANTI Tri Istianingsih Tri Muji Ermayanti Tri Muji Ermayanti Tri Muji Ermayanti Trikoesoemaningtyas Triokoesoemaningtyas Triokoesoemaningtyas Vandra Kurniawan Wachjar, Ade Wahyu Fikrinda Wida W. Khumaero Willy Bayuardi Suwarno Winarso D. Widodo Yamin, Mayasari Yande Artha Gautama Yofita Sandra, S.Pd., M.Pd., Zico Farlin, Dr. Budiwirman, M.Pd., Yosi Zendra Joni Yosi Zendra Joni Yundari, Yundari