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Journal : Jurnal Ekonomi

IMPROVING FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY OF BUMDES THROUGH A SAVINGS AND LOAN INFORMATION SYSTEM Mekar Meilisa Amalia; Fithriah Napu; Kraugusteeliana Kraugusteeliana; Nasruddin Khalil Harahap; Muhammad Nordiansyah
Jurnal Ekonomi Vol. 12 No. 02 (2023): Jurnal Ekonomi, Perode April - Juni 2023
Publisher : SEAN Institute

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Improving the financial transparency and accountability of BUMDES via a savings and loan information system is a crucial step in advancing the village economy. In the face of constraints on financial management, financial transparency and accountability are essential components of BUMDES's financial management. This research seeks to analyze financial management issues at BUMDEs so that a savings and loan information system can be developed to assist in overcoming administrative issues such as lengthy processing times and reporting difficulties. The research findings, based on an analysis of user needs, reveal a number of system features, such as managing user data, borrower data, saving and borrowing data, transaction processes, and the ability to generate financial reports in the form of graphs and reports that can aid BUMDEs in the financial management of village funds. The research aims to increase transparency, community participation, and stakeholder confidence in BUMDEs, as well as contribute to the village's sustainable economic development.
DIGITAL MARKETING AND SALES SUPPORT FOR HYDROPONIC MSME GROWTH THROUGH MOBILE BASED E-COMMERCE DESIGN Frans Sudirjo; Tanti Widia Nurdiani; Yoseb Boari; Kraugusteeliana Kraugusteeliana; Ramdhan Kurniawan
Jurnal Ekonomi Vol. 12 No. 3 (2023): Jurnal Ekonomi, 2023, September
Publisher : SEAN Institute

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This research concentrates on the development of mobile E-commerce to support the growth of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the hydroponics industry. The primary goal was to develop a responsive and user-friendly mobile application that would enable hydroponic businesses to increase consumer engagement through digital marketing. Observation and data analysis comprised the research method. With the help of the literature review, the user requirements and preferences for a hydroponic industry-appropriate e-commerce system were determined. The e-commerce mobile application incorporates product information, appealing photos and videos, business information, and product details based on data analysis. This study emphasizes the significance of digital technology in expanding market share and enhancing the competitiveness of hydroponic micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) through the use of innovative and effective e-commerce platforms.
Analysis of the maturity level of social media in msmes using the social strategy cone approach Abdurrahman Sadikin; Eliyanti Agus Mokodompit; Rini Puji Astuti; Intan Hesti Indriana; Kraugusteeliana Kraugusteeliana
Jurnal Ekonomi Vol. 13 No. 01 (2024): Jurnal Ekonomi, Edition January - March 2024
Publisher : SEAN Institute

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Using the social strategy cone approach, this study examines how well MSMEs operating online cake shops perform in terms of understanding social media maturity. According to the analysis, the majority of businesses have been effective in identifying the preferences and inclinations of their target market, but they still struggle with social media monitoring and assessment. To detect shifting trends and client needs more quickly, enhanced assessment and monitoring tools are required. 15 MSMEs respondent had exceptional social media strategy maturity, compared to six good, two fair, and one poor, according to the data. There were notable distinctions in the evaluation results: the target audience's preferences and interests were best understood, while monitoring and evaluation received the lowest scores. The stages for improvement include active customer interaction, quick response to changes in the social media landscape, and review through medical analysis of social insights and reports
Co-Authors Abdul Karim Abdurrahman Sadikin Abu Muna Almaududi Ausat Agustian Zen Agustian Zen Ahmad Ibnu Islami Ahmad Subagiyo Airlambang, Dwiki Alfiatun Masrifah Alviansah, Yoga Pratama Amira Novalinda Ananda Alvi Al Fadhli Andik Adi Suryanto Andriya Risdwiyanto Anita Muliawati Anita Muliawati Anwar Nassihin Arief Yanto Rukmana Arief Yanto Rukmana Artika Arista Arwin Lawi Asri Ady Bakri Asri Ady Bakri Azhar Andika Putra Bahtiar Efendi Bambang Bambang Triwahyono Bambang Winardi Baren Sipayung Bekti Setiadi Buamonabot, Irfandi Buyung Firmansyah Chairul Anwar Chevy Herli Sumerli Cipta Sekarrini D Yadi Heryadi Darmo, Cahyo Pambudi David Rindu Kurniawan Dedy Setyo Oetomo Della Chintiya Dewi Dendy K Pramudito Dendy K. Pramudito Deni Mahdiana Devin Mahendika Diana Dyah Damayanti Diki Prayugo Wibowo Dikky Suryadi Diksi Metris Dina Septina Diva Aulia Shafira Dwi Asa Verano Edy Winarno Edy Winarno Eggy Giofandi Eliyanti Agus Mokodompit Endang Surjati Erly Krisnanik Ernie C. Avila Eva Solina Gultom Eva Solina Gultom Fahrina Mustafa Fauzan Ahmat Rahmawan Fidi Setyawan Fifto Nugroho Firdaus Firdaus Firman Aziz Fithriah Napu Frans Sudirjo Frans Sudirjo Fryda Fatmayati Geofakta Razali Gideon Setya Budiwitjaksono Hadi Sutrisno Hamonangan Kinantan Prabu Hana Hanifah Hefri Yodiansyah Helena Nurramdhani Irmanda Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha Hendrikus Haipon Hendy Tannady Heri Purwanto Hizbul Khootimah Az Zaakiyyah Hizbul Khootimah Azzaakiyyah HM. Mudjib Mustain I GEDE SUSRAMA I Gede Swasrama Ika Nurlaili Isnainiyah Ilham Arief Indra Rustiawan Indra Rustiawan Intan Hesti Indriana Intan Hesti Indriana Ira Modifa Tarigan Irwan Moridu Ishak Bagea Ito Turyadi Itot Bian Raharjo Iwan Adhicandra Iwan Adinugroho Iwan Henri Kusnadi Jayadianti, Herlina Jeffriansyah Dwi Sahputra Amory Kamaruddin, Ilham Karya Suhada Khursatul Munibah Kiki Farida Ferine Laksono Trisnantoro Laros Tuhuteru Lili Fadli Muhamad M. Rafid Mahardhani, Ardhana Januar Mas Diyasa, I Gede Susrama Mas’ud Muhammadiyah Maulana, Ibnu Panji Medina Nurul Zahra Mekar Meilisa Amalia Merita Ayu Indrianti Mesri Welhelmina Nisriani Manafe Moch Arif Hernawan Moh. Solehudin Mohamad Bayu Wibisono Mohamad Trio Febriyantoro Muchamad Sobri Sungkar Muhamad Risal Tawil Muhamad Risal Tawil Muhammad Abigail Athallah Muhammad Ade Kurnia Harahap Muhammad Ade Kurnia Harahap Muhammad Faisal Muhammad Farhan Muhammad Nordiansyah Muhammad Nur Afiat Muhammad Rif'an Dzulqornain Muhammad Subandi Muhammad Umar Maya Putra Musiana Musiana Mutia Hasanah Nasruddin Khalil Harahap Naufal Rizki Putra Nayla Tinneke Kusmawardhani Novi Rahayu Nugroho Eko Budiyanto nurfathi, Savira Nurlaili Rahmi Nurul Hikmah Octavia, Pipin Oh Zi Jian Prety Diawati Rachmadi Indrapraja Rahmat Rahmat Ramdhan Kurniawan Rini Puji Astuti Rinovian Rais Rio Wirawan Rizal Bakti Robbi Rahim Rudhy Ho Purabaya S. Sujito Saebani, Akhmad Saludin Muis Saludin Saludin Sanco Simanullang Sara Surya Satria Yudha Widjaya Septiana Ningtyas Silvy Sondari Gadzali Siti Khofifah Munjiyanti Sitti Nur Alam Sitti Nur Alam Sri Mulyantini Sri Purwati Suherlan Suherlan Suherlan Sultan Hady Sunday Ade Sitorus Suryani Suryani Susatyo Adhi Pramono, Susatyo Adhi Susi Arijanti Susi Indriyani Sutrisno Sutrisno Syamsuri Syamsuri Tanti Widia Nurdiani Tanti Widia Nurdiani Tanti Widia Nurdiani Taqrim Ibadi Taufiq Dwi Cahyono Theresiawati Tri Rahayu Tri Rahayu Tri Wahyono, Bambang Triyanto, Alzidan Arif Vini Indriasari Wardhani, Naritha Cahya Warkianto Widjaja Wenda, Alex Yeanne Vitrin, Irene Cindy Yessica Siagian Yogi Nurfauzi Yoseb Boari Yuniar, Erina