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Koinfeksi Fasciola dan Paramphistomum pada Kerbau Lumpur (Bubalus bubalis) di Kabupaten Sumba Timur Ghiandra Naufal Syazily Saukhan; Fadjar Satrija; Sri Murtini; Agik Suprayogi; Riki Siswandi; R. Harry Soehartono
Acta VETERINARIA Indonesiana Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023): Maret 2023
Publisher : IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/avi.11.1.17-25


Kerbau lumpur (Bubalus bubalis) merupakan ternak yang memegang peranan dalam kehidupan ekonomi dan sosial masyarakat Kabupaten Sumba Timur. Salah satu penyakit yang hingga kini masih menjadi masalah kesehatan pada ternak, termasuk kerbau, adalah infeksi Trematoda. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi jenis cacing Trematoda yang menginfeksi serta mengukur prevalensi dan intensitas infeksinya. Metode filtrasi bertingkat digunakan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan Trematoda pada penelitian ini. Hasil pemeriksaan 105 sampel tinja kerbau asal Kabupaten Sumba Timur menunjukkan sebanyak 17/105 (16,19%) kerbau mengalami Trematodosis yang disebabkan oleh infeksi tunggal Fasciola gigantica (0,95%; rataan telur tiap gram tinja [TTGT] 1,00) dan Paramphistomum sp. (14,29%; rataan TTGT 2,26), serta infeksi campuran (koinfeksi) kedua Trematoda tersebut (0,95%; rataan TTGT 2,45). Prevalensi infeksi Trematoda kerbau betina (17,33%) ditemukan jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kerbau jantan (13,33%). Umur dan jenis kelamin diketahui tidak berasosiasi nyata (p > 0,05) dengan kejadian dalam penelitian ini. Intensitas infeksi Trematoda pada penelitian ini dikategorikan ringan, dengan rataan geometrik 2,18 TTGT. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa kerbau lumpur di Kabupaten Sumba Timur terinfeksi oleh cacing Trematoda, sehingga diperlukan upaya pengendalian untuk mencegah kerugian akibat infeksi tersebut.
Deteksi Keberadaan Antigen dan Antibodi terhadap Equine Influenza pada Kuda Impor dari Belanda Amrie Muhammad Alzab; Sri Murtini; Eko Sugeng Pribadi
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v9i1.2117


Equine Influenza (EI) is a highly contagious respiratory infection disease in equidae caused by two subtypes of Influenza A Virus (H7N7 and H3N8). Indonesia is recently importing high amounts of horses from The Netherlands intended for equestrian sports, pets, and breeders. This study was aimed to discover the presence of Equine Influenza Virus (EIV) and antibody titres against EIV in imported horses from the Netherlands using Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) and Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) techniques. The results obtained were then compared to imported horses’ data. A total of 199 nasopharyngeal swabs and 55 blood samples were collected. The results showed no material genetic of EIV was found in horses imported from the Netherlands, not all recently imported horses had antibodies against EIV, it’s indicated that the imported horses need to be measured the antibody post vaccination before arrived in Indonesia.Keywords - Horse, Equine Influenza, The Netherlands, PCR, ELISA
Gambaran Patologi Embrio Ayam yang Terinfeksi Avian orthoreovirus Isolat Lokal Raditya Pradana Putra; Sri Murtini; Okti Nadia Poetri
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v9i1.2143


Avian orthoreovirus (ARV) is widespread and found in almost every commercial poultry farm and other poultry species. Virus isolation from local isolates is necessary to obtain vaccine seeds that are homologous to viruses in the field.  The R&D Laboratory of PT Vaksindo Satwa Nusantara successfully isolated ARV from field cases. Inoculation of SPF Embryonated Chicken Eggs (ECE) is the protocol used to evaluate virus titer, especially to calculate the antigen titer of vaccine prototype candidates. The gross pathology of chicken embryos infected with ARV to evaluate virus growth has not been widely reported. This study aims to observe the gross pathology of chicken embryos infected with ARV to measure the virus titer using infectivity test such as the embryo infectious dose 50 (EID50). The virus suspension was diluted from 10-1 to 10-6 then dilutions of 10-4 to 10-6 were inoculated each into five ECE. Incubated ten days and observed for embryonic death. The observations found the embryonic death on day seven. Pathological changes in the embryos are stunted, thin feather, oedema, and less allantois fluid compared to control of uninfected embryo. The results of the embryos necropsy showed cardiac necrosis, greenish liver, and gelatinous exudate in the abdominal cavity.Keywords - Avian Orthoreovirus, Embryonated Chicken Eggs, Embryo Pathology, EID50.
Identification of Gene Resistance to Avian Influenza Virus (Mx Gene) among Wild Waterbirds Elfidasari, Dewi; Solihin, Dedy Duryadi; Soejoedono, Retno Damayanti; Murtini, Sri
Makara Journal of Science Vol. 17, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The Mx gene is an antiviral gene used to determine the resistance or the susceptibility to different types of viruses, including the Avian Influenza (AI) virus subtype H5N1. The AI virus subtype H5N1 infection in chickens causes Mx gene polymorphism. The Mx+ gene shows resistant to the AI virus subtype H5N1, whereas the Mxgene shows signs of susceptible. The objective of this research was to detect the Mx gene in wild aquatic birds using the Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method with the primer pairs F2 and NE-R2/R and the RsaI restriction enzyme. DNA samples were obtained from eight species of wild waterbirds with positive and negative exposure to the AI virus subtype H5N1. DNA amplification results showed that the Mx gene in wild aquatic birds is found in a 100 bp fragment, which is the same as the Mx gene found in chickens. However, unlike chickens, the Mx gene in wild aquatic birds did not show any polymorphism. This study proves that Mx- based resistance to AI virus subtype H5N1 in different in wild birds than in chickens.
Makara Journal of Science Vol. 15, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Further detailed research is required to obtain deeper information on the role of wild birds on the distribution of Avian influenza in Asia. A research has been carried out on February–June 2007 focused on blood sampling (serosurveillance) of wild birds in Pulau Dua Nature Reserves (CAPD), Serang, Banten. The research is aimed to investigate the infection of AI virus sub-tye H5N1 on the studied wild birds. The blood samples were taken from studied aquatic birds, followed by HI (haemagglutination-inhibition) test. A total of 183 samples represent 7 water bird species were taken i.e Cattle egret Bubulcus ibis, Javan pond-heron Ardeola speciosa, Little egret Egretta garzetta, Intermediate egret Egretta intermedia, Black-crowned night heron Nycticorax nycticorax, Great egret Casmerodius albus and Grey heron Ardea cinerea. The result revealed that 41 (23.27%) samples showed the present of AIV antibodies serotype H5N1 which is identified as positive. Data showed 5 positive-test species, including B. ibis (29.27%), E. garzetta (29.27%), E. intermedia (4.88%), Ardeola speciosa (7.32%), and N. nycticorax (29.27%). A total of 41.46% were infected adult individual, whereas 58.54% were juveniles.
Chicken Immune Responses to Vaccination by the Avian Influenza Subtype H5N1 against Avian Influenza Ramlah, Ramlah; Murtini, Sri; Soejoedono, Retno Damayanti; Natih, Ketut Karuni Nyanakumari; Ningrum, Siti Gusti
Makara Journal of Science Vol. 27, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Avian Influenza (AI) is one of the strategic animal diseases still considered a priority for control by the Indonesian government. This study aimed to examine the immune response of chickens to various types of H5N1 subtype AI vaccines in Indonesia and to determine the correlation of factors influencing the post-vaccination AI antibody response. Serum samples were tested using the hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test with the standard AI antigen subtype H5N1 strain A/Chicken/Barru/BBVM/41-13/2013 (Clade 2.1.3) and strain A/Chicken/Semarang/04141225-07/2014 (Clade 2.3.2). Antibody titer was calculated using the Geometric Mean Titer (GMT). The correlation analyses were performed to assess the correlation of antibody titer against each of the following factors: age of chicken at the time of sampling, the interval between sampling time and the previous vaccination, and the number of vaccinations performed. The results showed that the average antibody titer value against the AI antigen subtype H5N1 strain A/Chicken/Barru/BBVM/41-13/2013 (Clade 2.1.3) was highest in samples from the South Sumatra Province, namely, Palembang City, which was 26.42 HIU. The results showed a significant correlation (p-value <0,05) between antibody titer and the interval between sampling time and the previous vaccination, the number of vaccination performed and age of chicken at the time of sampling. Therefore, results showed that the immunity developed from vaccination using the AI vaccine seed subtype H5N1 could induce immunity with a protective value of ≥16.
Co-Authors . Alimuddin Abdul Zahid Adi Supryatno Agik Suprayogi Ahmad Biharidin Alimuddin Alimuddin Alimuddin Alimuddin Alimuddin Alimuddin Amrie Muhammad Alzab Andrijanto Hauferson Angi Angelina N. Tethool Anita Esfandiari Annisa Madyanti Geminastiti Parampasi Arif Purwo Mihardi Asah Hilaliah Ayi Santika Bambang Sigit Widodo Bayu Febram Cece Sumantri Daryono Denny Widaya Lukman Denny Widya Hikman DEWI APRI ASTUTI Dewi Elfidasari Dwi Hany Yanti Edi Sukmawinata Edi Sukmawinata Eko Budiyanto Eko Sugeng Pribadi Ekowati Handharyani Ekowati Handharyani Elok Budi Retnani Etih Sudarnika F Satrija Fadjar Satrija Fitria Susanti Ghiandra Naufal Syazily Saukhan Ghiandra Naufal Syazily Saukhan I Gusti Ngurah Kade Mahardika I Wayan Teguh Wibawan I wayan Teguh Wibawan I.W. Teguh Wibawan Intan Tolistiawaty Irma Isnafia Arief Isyana Khaerunnisa Ita Mardiani Zain Joko Pamungkas Kamalludin Zarkasie Kathirina Beatrik Riwu Wolo Kenda Adhitya Nugraha Koekoeh Santoso Leni Maylina Lestari, Alif Putra Luci Cyrilla M.B.M Malole Made Agus Nurjana Malonda Maksud Marlefzena Marlefzena Masrurah Masrurah Melly Pratiwi Setyawati Melly Pratiwi Setyawati Muhammad Fikri Al Habib Nanis Nurhidayah Natih, Ketut Karuni Nyanakumari Nensy Tri Putri Niken Ulupi Noor Rohman Setiawan Noviriliensi Hartika Noviyanti Noviyanti Nugraha, Arifin Budiman Nugroho Hari Purnomo Nurly Faridah Okti Nadia Poetri Okti Nadia Poetri Purwaningsih Purwaningsih R Murwarni R. Harry Soehartono R. Susanti Raditya Pradana Putra Ramlah Ramlah Retno D Soejoedono Retno D. Soejoedono Retno Damajanti Soejoedono Retno Damayanti Soejoedono Retno Setyaningsih Retno Setyaningsih Retno Wijayanti Retno Wulansari Ridi Arif Riki Siswandi Risqika Akla Velayati Rita Mutia Rotinsulu, Dordia Anindita Safitria Wulandari Samarang Samarang Sekar Ayu Chairunnisa Siti Gusti Ningrum, Siti Gusti Sitti Chadijah Sri Nuryati Sulistinah Surachmi Setiyaningsih Sus Derthi Widhyari Sus Derthi Widhyarti Suwarny Ruhi Tarigan, Ronald TARUNI SRI PRAWAST MIEN KAOMINI ANY ARYANI DEDY DURYADI SOLIHIN Ulfatin Khoiriyah Herowati Upik Kesumawati Hadi Usamah Afiff Wicaksono, Ardilasunu Wijaya, Agus Wiwien Mukti Andriyani Wiwien Mukti Andriyani Wiwik Sri Utami Yus Rusila Noor Yus Rusila Noor Yusuf Ridwan