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Journal : Nexus Kedokteran Klinik

In Vitro Differentiation of Antifungal Effect in Herbal Toothpaste and Non Herbal Toothpaste against Candida albicans Elsa Candra Rafsyanjani; Risya Cilmiaty Arief Riswiyanto; Sri Haryati
Nexus Kedokteran Klinik Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Nexus Kedokteran Klinik
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

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Introduction: Beside sodium monofluorophosphate, herbal toothpaste contained betel leaf extracts and lime extracts which were active composition of toothpaste. This research aimed to know in vitro differentiation of antifungal effect in herbal toothpaste and non herbal toothpaste against Candida albicans. Methods: This study applied an analytical experimental method. The subject of this research were cultured Candida albicans and taken by purposive randomized sampling. Toothpastes used in this study were toothpaste with 1 herbal ingredient, toothpaste with 2 herbal ingredients and non-herbal toothpaste. This research used 16 treatment groups by giving toothpaste solution with concentration of 20%, 30%, 50%, 70% and 90%, and this was also given ketoconazole 25 g/ml as positive control. Concentration expressed as weight per volume (w/v). This research was repeated three times to minimize the occurrence of bias. The plate was incubated at 37C for 24 hours and then formed inhibitory diameter zone was measured. The data was analyzed using One-Way ANOVA test, then this was continued by Least Significant Differences (LSD) Post-Hoc test. Results: One-way ANOVA test showed that there were differences of antifungal effect in herbal toothpaste and non herbal toothpaste (p = 0.003). Compared to non-herbal toothpaste, toothpaste with 1 herbal ingredient had significant differences started in concentration of 70%. Toothpaste with 2 herbal ingredients had significant differences started in concentration of 50%. Meanwhile, toothpaste with 2 herbal ingredients had significant differences compared to toothpaste with 1 herbal ingredient started in concentration of 90%. Conclusions: The antifungal effect in both herbal toothpaste and non herbal toothpaste were different. However, the significant differences appeared significantly in different concentrations. Keywords: Antifungal effect, herbal toothpaste, non herbal toothpaste, Candida albicans
Hubungan Diabetes mellitus dengan Hasil Uji Konversi BTA Sputum setelah Pemberian Terapi Tuberkulosis Tahap Inisiasi Avamira Rosita Pranoto; Yusup Subagio Sutanto; Sri Haryati
Nexus Kedokteran Klinik Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Nexus Kedokteran Klinik
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (14.046 KB)


Background: Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic infection of lung caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis treatment often gets failure in result because of lack of care in co-morbid disease such as Diabetes mellitus (DM), which can disturb TB patient immunity. The objective of this study was to determine the relation of Diabetes mellitus and result of conversion test of sputum with alcohol-acid resistant bacillus after initiation phase of tuberculosis medication. Methods: This was an observational analytic survey with retrospective cohort study. Using consecutive sampling method, this study took 124 patients from RSUD Dr. Moewardi and BBKPM (Balai Besar Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat) Surakarta, who divided into 2 groups based on the DM status of newly diagnosed pulmonary TB patients. Control group consisted of 86 newly diagnosed pulmonary TB patients without DM; exposure group consisted of 38 newly diagnosed pulmonary TB patients with DM. Patients from both groups were given category-1 tuberculosis treatment during 2 months of initiation phase therapy, then the BTA conversion status of patients was observed. Data collected through the medical record and concurrent data of pulmonary TB patients. Data was analyzed by SPSS using Chi Square test. Probability (p) is < 0.05 with 95% confident interval. Results: There were 14 patients from the control group who failed to undergo conversion after 2 months of initiation phase therapy, whereas from the exposure group, there were 17 patients who got failure in result. Data analysis using Chi Square with significance level p < 0.05 was obtained p = 0.001 and Relative Risk (RR) = 0.66. Conclusions: DM seems to have a negative impact on the outcome of tuberculosis treatment. Pulmonary tuberculosis patients with DM as comorbid disease has probability 0.66 times lower than those without DM to get positive result from BTA sputum conversion test. Screening for DM and subsequent blood glucose control may improve the outcome of tuberculosis treatment. Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis medication, result of conversion test of sputum
Co-Authors Adella Kamala Sari - Adellina Tentri Yulhan Aditya Eka Septiriana Adri Huda Afifah Syifa Khairunnisa Aldila Sagitaning Putri Anggie Septia Rini Aryo Seno Asmadi M.Noer Aulia Augustha Avamira Rosita Pranoto BAGUS WICAKSONO Bambang Sukilarso Bambang Sukilarso Sakiman Betti Holiwarni Betty Holiwarni Budhi Kuswan Dewi Larasati Dewi Nur Khotimah Diah Permata Suci Diyah Nur Hidayati Edhi suryanto Elisabeth Dea Resitarani Elsa Candra Rafsyanjani Elva Yasmi Elva Yasmi Amran Endang Bekti K Endang Listyaningsih S Erviyenni &#039; Erviyenni - Erviyenni Erviyenni Fauzia Rahmi Fitria Purnama Sari Gagat Ragil Andaru P Hasnul Habiba Hazairin Samaulah Heny Juniar Herdini &#039; Herry Setiawan Humaidatul Fikriah Irene Ardiani Pramudya Wardhani Johni Azmi Jumaida &#039; Kartina AM Lilik Wijayanti Lisa Asparia Mardwita Maria Erna Mesy Witari Metta Wijayanti Meuthia Kartika Putri Miftahnur Hasanah Mita Fresandi Moh. Wahyu Aminullah Muhammad Djoni Bustan Muhammad Faizal Muhammad Hendri Nuryadi Muhammad Said Muhammad Yani Nadira As&#039;ad Niffi Nedia Sari Novan Adi Setyawan Nurlini Eka Putri Nurul Hanifah Nurul Hasanah Pritami . Puteri Kusuma Wardhani Putri Ayang Alika R. Usman Rery R.Usman Rery Raffica Zahara Raharjo Raharjo Rasmiwetti &#039; Riko Saputra rini triastuti Risfidian Mohadi Risya Cilmiaty Arief Riswiyanto Riyadhatul Jannah Rizkha Fatma Sari Rohadi Rohadi Rosye Destiana Nurjannati Roy Naldo Roza Linda Sepra Pajar Sigit Setyawan Siswanto Siswanto Siti Marufah Sri Puji Rohmiatin Sri Sarwanti Sugeng Purnomo Sukarno Sukarno Sukarno Sukarno Susilawati &#039; Susilawati Susilawati Sutartinah Sri Handayani Tiara Armita Tri Winarni Agustini Usman Rery Victoria Husadani Permata Sari Vivin Desvionita Widia Susanti wijianto wijianto Yeni Fitri Yana Yessy Asnovida Amri Yudi L.A Salampessy Yulia Sari Yulia Sari Yuni Safitri Yusup Subagio Sutanto Zakka Zayd Zhullatullah Jayadisastra