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Journal : Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

Penyimpangan Sosial dalam Novel Neraka Dunia Karya Nur Sutan Iskandar Setyatmoko, Prarika Fitria; Supriyanto, Teguh
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 6 No 3 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Penelitian ini melakukan telaah Novel Neraka Dunia yang memuat beragam ruang hidup yang tumbuh dan berkembang dalam sebuah lingkungan yang beradab. Dalam novel tersebut, disuguhkan beragam permasalahan sosial sebagai sarana yang dipandang memenuhi untuk dilakukan penelitian penyimpangan sosial. Permasalahan sosial yang dimaksud adalah penyimpangan atas berbagai hal yang tidak sesuai dengan nilai-nilai budaya atau perlakuan kebiasaan sebagai cerminan tingkah laku manusia pada umumnya. Masalah yang diteliti adalah (1) bagaimana wujud penyimpangan sosial yang terdapat dalam novel neraka dunia karya Nur Sutan Iskandar. (2) faktor-faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan terjadinya penyimpangan sosial yang terdapat novel neraka dunia karya Nur Sutan Iskandar?. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan sosiologis dengan menggunakan kajian sastra dengan tujuan untuk menggambarkan (1) wujud penyimpangan sosial terhadap norma-norma yang berlaku dalam masyarakat yang terdapat dalam novel Neraka Dunia oleh Nur Sutan Iskandar, (2) Penyebab penyimpangan sosial dalam novel Neraka Dunia oleh Nur Sutan Iskandar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan metode deskriptif, untuk melihat bagaimana permasalahan sosial dalam Novel Neraka Dunia oleh Nur Sutan Iskandar dengan menganalisis novel lalu mengklasifikasikan penyimpangan oleh masing-masing karakter dan akhirnya membuat simpulan. Bentuk-bentuk perilaku menyimpang dalam novel ini adalah: 1) penyalahgunaan narkoba dan 2) penyimpangan seksual yang terdiri atas , perzinahan, kumpul kebo, madat dan kenakalan. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya penyimpangan sosial yang terdapat novel neraka dunia karya Nur Sutan Iskandar terdiri atas  4 (empat) hal yakni (1) longgarnya nilai atau norma yang berlaku, (2) sosialisasi yang tidak sempurna, (3) sosialisasi sub kebudayaan yang menyimpang dan (4) proses belajar yang menyimpang.This research study Novel World of Hell contains diverse living space that grows and develops in a civilized environment. This novel presented a variety of social issues as a means/ deemed meet to research social deviation. Social problems in question are irregularities on things that do not fit with cultural values ​​or customs treatment as a reflection of general human behavior. The issues examined are: (1) How does the form of social deviation contained in hell on earth by Nur Sutan Iskandar. (2) What factors are causing social aberrations in novel hell on earth by Nur Sutan Iskandar?  The approach used in this study is the sociological approach using literary studies with the aim to illustrate (1) the form of social deviation to the norms prevailing in a society that is contained in novel hell on earth by Nur Sutan Iskandar,                (2) Causes of social deviation in novel hell on earth by Nur Sutan Iskandar.  This research is qualitative descriptive method, to see how the social problems in Novel World of Hell by Nur Sutan Iskandar by analyzing and classifying novel aberration by each character and ultimately make conclusions. Based on the level of irregularities, consisting of primary and secondary deviation. Based on the perpetrators of irregularities consisted of irregularities and deviations groups based on the nature of irregularities while the mixture is composed of a positive deviation and negative deviation. The forms of deviant behavior in this novel are: 1) drug abuse and 2) sexual perversion consisting of, free sex, cohabiting, opium usage and delinquency. The factors that cause social distortion in hell on earth novel by Nur Sutan Iskandar consists of 4 (four) things: (1) the looseness of values or norms applicable, (2) imperfect dissemination, (3) sub cultures socialization Chatter and (4) the deviations of learning process.
Diction in Trilogy Novel Negeri 5 Menara by Ahmad Fuadi Stylistic Studie Arfi, Bayu; Supriyanto, Teguh
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 7 No 1 (2018): April 2018
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Dictionary is the choice of words used by authors in literary works. In connection with the diction, the trilogy novel Negeri 5 Menara by Ahmad Fuadi tried to attract readers one of them through diction. The study of stylists in it is diction, because diction is part of the language style. The purpose of this study is to describe the choice of words contained in the novel. The method used in this research is semiotic-structuralism method with hermeneutic technique, using stilistika approach. The results of the study show that there are six diction uses of which the choice of foreign words (Arabic, English and French) with the number of 200 words, the word from the local language (Minang Language, Javanese, Sundanese and Betawi Language) amounted to 141 words, a typical greeting from the local language (Minang typical greeting, Javanese greeting) with 13 words. Then the use of the word exclamation amounted to 12 words, 51 words of connotative words, and words with objects of natural reality amounted to 11 words. The result of research shows that foreign language word is the most dominant word choice used by author, while word with object of natural reality is word choice which is not dominant.
Development Reading Assessment Media to Understanding Javanese Language Computer Based on Test for Students on Javanese Language and Literature Department Irkhamudin, Irkhamudin; Supriyanto, Teguh
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 7 No 3 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The need for reading comprehension assessment tools that can measure the ability of Javanese in Javanese Language and Literature students is the background of this research. The purpose of this study was to develop a medium for assessing reading comprehension using computer digital media. The product developed in this study is in the form of an evaluation application in the form of a flash, which created with a Quiz Creator application that can also be used by other researchers to make an evaluation or test questions. This evaluation media development model uses the ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation) developed by Dick, and Carey (2001). The result is the students are more interested in using media assessment in reading the Computer Based Test understanding because it is easy to use, a good look and a modern digital concept. The assessment score and the category of student achievement in reading comprehension skills can be immediately known. The hopefully, the developing assessment media reading this understanding, inspires to build another evaluation media with modern digital concepts, so that learning and evaluation are not considered boring for educators and students.
Women’s Oppression Through Patriarchal Culture in Novel Suti by Sapardi Djoko Damono Utomo, Udiarso Cahyo; Supriyanto, Teguh
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 7 No 2 (2018): August 2018
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The patriarchal culture that developed in this novel led to acts of oppression against women who seemed to have no value for a man. The purpose of this study was to find out the style of language used, social strata, forms and motives for the oppression of women in the novel Suti by Sapardi Djoko Damono. The approach used in this study is to use a literary sociology approach and a feminist approach. The results of the study found, among others, the study of language style used is a term in Javanese to emphasize behavior and figure characters. Social strata are groups of nobles and ordinary groups, as well as attempts to maintain social classes. The forms of oppression included (1) the betrayal of marriage, (2) the abolition of women's rights through patriarchal culture, (3) the marginalization of women. The motive of suppression of women in Suti's novel is to get sexual satisfaction with other women who are not legitimate wives and the behavior wants to be considered as a fairness, thus it can be concluded that oppression of women through patriarchal culture is merely to get satisfaction without interference or resistance from the women's side by utilizing all its limitations where this kind of thing also wants to be considered as a natural thing.
The Influence of Social Aspects on the Behavior of the Main Figures in the Novel “Ser! Randha Cocak” Murtiasih, Murtiasih; Supriyanto, Teguh
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 8 No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Literature is born, grows, and lives and develops in society. The influence of the writing for the reader can occur in past readers and today's readers.Through this research, we can learn how to behave or face certain characters in life in society. This studywasconductedwith the aim of describing the influence of social aspects on the behavior of the main character in the novel “Ser! Randha Cocak”by Suparto Brata, namely Javanese culture and western culture, social love, and economic problems of poverty. This study was conductedwith qualitative descriptive, analytical methods that were sourcedfrom the novel.The study data is in the form of discourse fragments which are thought to contain the influence of social aspects on the behavior of the main characters in the novel “Ser! Randha Cocak”by Suparto Brata by using library techniques, then the data was analyzed using heuristic and hermeneutic reading techniques.The results show that Javanese culture considers the lineage of boys as important and arranged marriage tends to be doneso that their children get a good partner. In the social aspect, the love of siblings and spouses makes the leaders help each other, defend, and fight for their enjoyment. Poverty makes leaders, Dororini and Surahanado various ways to achieve their goals to plan a murder. The results of this study are useful for students to know the values contained in a novel, able to sort out the positive and negative sides of thebook and can be used as a material for self-evaluation and attitude in social life.
The Variations of Saridin Story According to The Reception of Kethoprak Viewer Alania, Shabrina; Supriyanto, Teguh; Indiatmoko, Bambang
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 8 No 3 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The story of Syeh Jangkung or Saridin in various forms and versions producing to the novelty or innovation through both spoken from mouth to mouth, kethoprak, and written stories. This study was intended to explore variations of Saridin's stories that are presented in the midst of society. The data sources were four documnet and then was processed using a qualitative narrative analysis method. The result was based on the theme, Serat Seh Jangkung and Saridin Andum Waris which has the same story idea about the story of Nomads and the journey of Seh Jangkung in several areas. The journey taken not only throughout Java, but also in Sumatra and Rome. In Saridin Mokong, the figure of Saridin's wife, is a character who represents a story that struggles to maintain the dignity and prestige of Javanese women. Then, the theme of Syeh Jangkung Andum Waris is about Saridin's patience in facing trials. Diversity is also found in the prologues, acts and scenes, characters and characterizations, settings, plots, and epilogues. Overall, Saridin's story was not only written and enjoyed by the public of readers or listeners, but also experienced copying, re-writing, and experiencing transformation. For the artists of the kethoprak it self, this stucy can be used as a reference to develop the story of Saridin in order it can always meet the demands of the community for entertaining people.
Anecdotes in Youtube Videos in Javanese "Cenut Nut" (Sociolinguistic Study) Masluchah, Umi Nur Laili; Supriyanto, Teguh
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Articles in Press
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The purpose of this study is to analyze the form of language; to identify the language function; and to describe the characteristics of an anecdote message on YouTube video in Javanese Cenut Nut. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. The results of this study indicate the form or variation of anecdotal language in the Javanese Cenut Nut youtube video based on its speakers consisting of idiolects, dialects, and sociolects. The language function in the Cenut Nut youtube video, i.e. language expressed the speaker's feelings; language sought someone to do something; the language provides information; to express about the language itself; focus on the aesthetic value of language; and expressing solidarity and empathy for others. Characteristics of messages in the Java Cenut Nut youtube video are be known clearly (explicit) in the form of exclamations, advice, warnings, suggestions, or prohibitions relating to the main theme of a story; be conveyed directly or implied through characters or characterizations in a story; delivered in accordance with the phenomena in the community; the speakers often repeat words; the tone of speech used by the speaker tends to go up or rough; and the language used by the speaker were some words that contain pornographic associations. Based on the description above it can be concluded that in the Cenut Nut youtube video some forms or variations of language, language functions, and characteristics of messages that are different from Javanese in general.
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 9 No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of the need for the teaching materials to write news texts and a model for developing the teaching materials for writing news texts in Javanese  using local wisdom for grade X students of SMA/ SMK. The study was conducted using the Research and Development design. Teaching material for writing news texts was developed by applying four aspects of the feasibility of teaching materials consisting of material, linguistic, presentation, and graphic aspects. In addition, teaching material products were arranged in accordance with the principles of developing teaching materials such as meaningfulness, authenticity, cohesiveness, functioning, communicative performance, relevance, evaluation, relevance, consistency, and adequacy. The draft of the instructional materials compiled consists of the beginning, contents, and closing. The teaching material development products are arranged according to the characteristics of students who expect local content. The content of local wisdom is placed in every part of the teaching materials such as the front cover, the beginning of the chapter, the presentation of news texts, materials, and assignments. By using the content of local wisdom, students are expected to be able to understand the values ??contained in it and appreciate and love their culture.
Development of Enrichment Book on the Wayang Banjaran Bima Stories of Based on Drama Text with a Character Education for High School / Vocational School Purnomo, Heri; Subyantoro, Subyantoro; Supriyanto, Teguh
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 9 No 2 (2020): August 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/seloka.v9i2.39964


The purpose of this research is to describe the characteristics of the needs and development models on the “Wayang Banjaran Bima” Stories of Based on Drama Text with a Character Education for High School / Vocational School. The study is conducted by using research and development design. The enrichment book is developed by applying the feasibility aspects of it, book consisting of four aspects namely material, linguistic, presentation, and graphic. In addition, enrichment book products are arranged in accordance with the principles of preparation of enrichment books such as having conformity with educational goals, adjusting to the development of science, and developing the ability to reason. The draft enrichment book consists of the beginning, contents, and last. The enrichment book development of products are based on the characteristics of the students needs who expect the preparation of puppet story material based on drama texts and there is a character education content. The puppet story is developed in the form of a drama script text divided into six the Banjaran Bima plays, namely (1) Bima Bungkus, (2) Bale Sigala-gala, (3) Dewa Ruci, (4) Bima Suci, (5) Jagal Abilawa, and ( 6) Pandhu Swarga. The content of character education is inserted into the whole story in the conclusion section at the end story. With the content of character education students are expected to be able to understand the values contained in the puppet story and it can be applied in everyday life.
Readers' Reception of Satin Merah Detective Novel as a Literary Learning Material in Senior High School Sasongko, Tegar Sulistya; Supriyanto, Teguh; Doyin, Mukh
Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 9 No 3 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/seloka.v9i3.40596


Literary learning materials are one of the important components used by teachers in learning activities. Good learning materials can help students achieve learning goals. Sources of literature learning materials tend to focus on reference books from the government. Even though there are still many literary learning materials that can be used, one is novel. The research objective was to describe the teacher's response to Satin Merah's novel by Brahmanto Anindito and Rie Yanti as literary learning material at Senior High School. This research uses a pragmatic approach. The research is based on the reception of Indonesian language teachers at the Senior High School level on the feasibility of a novel based on the feasibility assessment of the BSNP in terms of content, language, and presentation. This study indicates that Satin Merah's novel's feasibility level is 82.5%, which means that this novel is feasible and has a good reputation as literary learning material at Senior High School. The feasibility results are shown in terms of content feasibility of 84.2%, language feasibility of 81.5%, and presentation feasibility of 82%. In terms of content, this novel develops self-potential, has creativity and depth of story, and develops readers' characters to love and preserve local culture. In terms of language, the language used is following Indonesian rules and according to the target audience. In terms of presentation, this novel pays attention to the building blocks and mostly develops characters and inspires readers.
Co-Authors ., Suryaningsih ., Wagiran Abdul Aman Abdul Mukhlis Adiwijaya, Satria Nugraha Agus Nuryatin Ahmad Jibril Ahmad Mubarok Ahmad Sunardi Ahmad Sunardi Alania, Shabrina Ali Sunarso Amin Yusuf Ansori, Isa Arfi, Bayu Asnawi, Asnawi Asrofah Asrofah Cahyo Hasanudin Citrawati, Tyasmiarni DENI SETIAWAN Dhoni Zustiyantoro Dina Mardiana Doyin, M Dwi Desi Fajarsari Dwi Wahyu Candra Dewi Elok Fariha Sari Esti Sudi Utami Fadlillah, Mia Nur Faizin Adi Nugroho Fathur Rokhman Fathurrahman, Moh Fauzul Etfita Feylosofia Putri Agry Finda Septina Munjariyati Fivin Bagus Septiya Pambudi, Fivin Bagus Septiya Galih Mahardika CP Hari Bakti Mardikantoro Haryadi - Heri Purnomo Hidayat, Ariyo Dwi Ida Zulaeha Ida Zulaeha Indiatmoko, Bambang Indra Rasyid Julianto Irkhamudin, Irkhamudin Kamelia Khristiyanti, Dian Krisbiono, Agung Dias Laila Margaretha Nur Habibah Legi Aspriyanti Leli Nisfi Setiana Leli Nisfi Setiana lilik Herawati Lisufiana, Desi Lucia Yuyun Dian Susanti Lusiana Agustina Lysa Amorita Rachmawati M. Doyin M. Doyin M. Khafid Maria Sulastri Jeharu Marjuni Marjuni Masluchah, Umi Nur Laili Maydita, Sabrina Rizki Mei Fita Asri Untari Meina Febriani Meina Febriani Mimi Mulyani Mita Wahyuni Muawanah Muawanah Muh Doyin Muhammad Khumaedi Muhammad Rifqi Ainun Najib Mukh Doyin Mukh Doyin Mukh. Doyin Murtiasih, Murtiasih Muslih Muslih Nas Haryati Setyaningsih Nas Haryati Setyaningsih Nas Haryati Setyaningsih Nashihah Khumda Neina, Qurrota Ayu Ni Kadek Aris Rahmadani Nisa, Hany Uswatun Nufi Azzam Muttaqin Nursiwi Nugraheni Pertiwi, Imelda Dian Prasetyo Utomo, S. Prasetyo Utomo, S. Putra, Yulio Kusuma Qurrota Ayu Neina Rachmawati, Lysa Amorita Rahayu Pristiwati Rif'at Shafwatul Anam Rosmayanti, Ervi Rukmi Tri Wahyuni Rustono - Rustono Rustono Saroni Saroni Saroni, Saroni Sasongko, Tegar Sulistya Sembiring, Gorky Setiari, Ayu Deviya Setyatmoko, Prarika Fitria Setyowati, Susi Sholih, Hilman Siswanto Siswanto Sri Iswidayati Sri Wahyuni Subagyo Subagyo Subyantoro Sudiyati Sudiyati Sufa, Laila Nurul Suminto A. Sayuti Sungging Widagdo Suratno Suratno Suratno Suratno Suyitno Suyitno Tilova, Eshia Monica Titi Prihatin Tri Joko Raharjo Tri Suminar Trimurtini Trimurtini Turahmat Turahmat, Turahmat Udi Utomo Utomo, Udiarso Cahyo Vio Amandini Afriliana Wahyu Azam Nur Wisnu Pracoyo Yos Sunitiyoso Yuli Witanto Yusro Edi Nugroho Yusro Edy Nugroho Zuliyanti, Zuliyanti