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Journal : The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration

Evaluating and Improving the Budget Absorption in the Human Resource Development Agency of Ministry Energy and Mineral Resource Supriyanto, Teguh; Sunitiyoso, Yos
The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration Vol 6, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration

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Abstract. Implementation of activities and budgets in the HRDA-EMR has not been in line with expectations. One indication is the absorption of the budget that has not reached the set target and is still concentrated at the end of the budget year. Budget absorption is one indicator that can indicate the success of the program or policy conducted by the HRDA-EMR. By using qualitative descriptive method, this research is intended to analyze the factors that influence budget absorption. This study found that planning, administration and regulatory factors were the main factors affecting budget absorption in all work units at the HRDA-EMR. Good planning and supported by an organized administration will greatly help the level of budget absorption. In addition, internal control system is required from the beginning of planning in order to detect the possibility of early budget absorption failure. Internal control system also has an important role to know the development of budget absorption. Meanwhile, to speed up the absorption of state budget, it is necessary to monitor the control through monitoring and evaluation of activity and budget routinely so that all problems and obstacles during the implementation process of the budget can be found solution and its solution.Keywords: Absorption, Budget, internal control system, monitoring and evaluation
Co-Authors ., Suryaningsih ., Wagiran Abdul Aman Abdul Mukhlis Adiwijaya, Satria Nugraha Agus Nuryatin Ahmad Jibril Ahmad Mubarok Ahmad Sunardi Ahmad Sunardi Alania, Shabrina Ali Sunarso Amin Yusuf Ansori, Isa Arfi, Bayu Asnawi, Asnawi Asrofah Asrofah Cahyo Hasanudin Citrawati, Tyasmiarni DENI SETIAWAN Dhoni Zustiyantoro Dina Mardiana Doyin, M Dwi Desi Fajarsari Dwi Wahyu Candra Dewi Elok Fariha Sari Esti Sudi Utami Fadlillah, Mia Nur Faizin Adi Nugroho Fathur Rokhman Fathurrahman, Moh Fauzul Etfita Feylosofia Putri Agry Finda Septina Munjariyati Fivin Bagus Septiya Pambudi, Fivin Bagus Septiya Galih Mahardika CP Hari Bakti Mardikantoro Haryadi - Heri Purnomo Hidayat, Ariyo Dwi Ida Zulaeha Ida Zulaeha Indiatmoko, Bambang Indra Rasyid Julianto Irkhamudin, Irkhamudin Kamelia Khristiyanti, Dian Krisbiono, Agung Dias Laila Margaretha Nur Habibah Legi Aspriyanti Leli Nisfi Setiana Leli Nisfi Setiana lilik Herawati Lisufiana, Desi Lucia Yuyun Dian Susanti Lusiana Agustina Lysa Amorita Rachmawati M. Doyin M. Doyin M. Khafid Maria Sulastri Jeharu Marjuni Marjuni Masluchah, Umi Nur Laili Maydita, Sabrina Rizki Mei Fita Asri Untari Meina Febriani Meina Febriani Mimi Mulyani Mita Wahyuni Muawanah Muawanah Muh Doyin Muhammad Khumaedi Muhammad Rifqi Ainun Najib Mukh Doyin Mukh Doyin Mukh. Doyin Murtiasih, Murtiasih Muslih Muslih Nas Haryati Setyaningsih Nas Haryati Setyaningsih Nas Haryati Setyaningsih Nashihah Khumda Neina, Qurrota Ayu Ni Kadek Aris Rahmadani Nisa, Hany Uswatun Nufi Azzam Muttaqin Nursiwi Nugraheni Pertiwi, Imelda Dian Prasetyo Utomo, S. Prasetyo Utomo, S. Putra, Yulio Kusuma Qurrota Ayu Neina Rachmawati, Lysa Amorita Rahayu Pristiwati Rif'at Shafwatul Anam Rosmayanti, Ervi Rukmi Tri Wahyuni Rustono - Rustono Rustono Saroni Saroni Saroni, Saroni Sasongko, Tegar Sulistya Sembiring, Gorky Setiari, Ayu Deviya Setyatmoko, Prarika Fitria Setyowati, Susi Sholih, Hilman Siswanto Siswanto Sri Iswidayati Sri Wahyuni Subagyo Subagyo Subyantoro Sudiyati Sudiyati Sufa, Laila Nurul Suminto A. Sayuti Sungging Widagdo Suratno Suratno Suratno Suratno Suyitno Suyitno Tilova, Eshia Monica Titi Prihatin Tri Joko Raharjo Tri Suminar Trimurtini Trimurtini Turahmat Turahmat, Turahmat Udi Utomo Utomo, Udiarso Cahyo Vio Amandini Afriliana Wahyu Azam Nur Wisnu Pracoyo Yos Sunitiyoso Yuli Witanto Yusro Edi Nugroho Yusro Edy Nugroho Zuliyanti, Zuliyanti