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Tingkat Demokrasi Kepemimpinan dalam Pengelolaan Subak Lodtunduh di Kecamatan Ubud Kabupaten Gianyar IQBAL FAIRUZ HSB; I WAYAN WINDIA; RATNA KOMALA DEWI
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.9, No.2, Juli 2020
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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The Level of Democratic Leadership in the Management of Subak Lodtunduh in District of Ubud, Gianyar Regency. Democracy in subak management leadership is very important to achieve the main objectives of subak, democratic values will lead to the participation of members of the subak itself. Through democracy, subak members will participate in the sustainability of subak, and the goals of the subak organization itself will be sustainable. Democratic leadership is active, dynamic and directed leadership that allows each member to actively participate. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of democracy that has been carried out in the management leadership of Subak Lodtunduh, in District of Ubud, Gianyar Regency. This study combined qualitative and quantitative research. The variable of this study is to measure democratic values of leadership in the management of SubakLodtunduh. The variables, indicators, parameters and measurements of this study are to measure the level of democratic leadership in the management of Subak Lodtunduh 1) Accept criticism and suggestions from members 2) Prioritizing deliberation for consensus 3) Not acting arbitrarily on members 4) Activities carried out in a transparent and sustainable manner 5) Subak members are willing to participate. The results showed that the level of democratic leadership in managing Subak Lodtunduh is categorized very good, with an average score of 94.12%. It can be concluded that the variable level of democratic leadership in subak through the indicator of democracy run by the leader (Pekaseh) has a very good category. This means that the level of democratic leadership run by Pekaseh in the management of Subak Lodtunduh has been very good so that the sustainability of Subak Lodtunduh can be maintained and if there is a change of personnel in the subak management, democratic leadership needs to be maintained.
Strategi Pengembangan Masyarakat Melalui Bina Kelompok (Kasus Pengrajin Keripik Umbi Gadung di Dusun Ngerjo, Desa Joho, Kecamatan Kalidawir, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Provinsi Jawa Timur) MUKHAMAD KHOIRUL IKHSAN; I WAYAN WINDIA; I GEDE SETIAWAN ADI PUTRA
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.10, No.2, Desember 2021
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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Community Development Strategy through Community Development (Case of Gadung Tuber Chips Craftsman in Ngerjo Hamlet, Joho Village, Kalidawir District, Tulungagung Regency, East Java Province) The purpose of this study was to determine the response of craftsmen to the formation of groups for craftsmen in Ngerjo Hamlet, Joho Village, Kalidawir District, Tulungagung Regency, East Java Province and to find out the strategy of forming a group of gadung tuber chips craftsmen in Ngerjo Hamlet, Joho Village, Kalidawir District, Tulungagung Regency, East Java Province. This study uses qualitative data analysis techniques with interactive models. This research was conducted in Ngerjo Hamlet, Joho Village, Kalidawir District, Tulungagung Regency, East Java Province from May 2019 to December 2019. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive and SWOT analysis methods. The results showed that the response of craftsmen to the formation of groups for artisans in Ngerjo Hamlet, Joho Village, Kalidawir District, Tulungagung Regency, East Java Province was responded to well and interest in forming such groups of craftsmen increased after the craftsmen learned the many benefits of forming such groups as they could serve as a learning class, a vehicle for collaboration, and a vehicle to develop human development, business development, environmental development and group development itself. The results also showed that the strategy for forming groups of yam tuber chips craftsmen in Ngerjo Hamlet, Joho Village, Kalidawir District, Tulungagung Regency, East Java Province based on the results of the SWOT analysis was an aggressive strategy namely a strategy by (1) Increasing the craftsmen's awareness of the importance of the group; (2) Increasing the interest of craftsmen to create groups; and (3) initiating activities to create groups.
Strategi Mewujudkan Ekowisata di Subak Intaran Barat, di Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan, Kota Denpasar NI MADE MIA WULANDARI; I WAYAN WINDIA; I MADE SARJANA
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.9, No.1, Januari 2020
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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Strategies for Realizing Ecotourism in the Subak of West Intaran of SouthDenpasar Sub-District, Denpasar City Institutional development is a very important component in the success of agriculturaldevelopment. Institutions that have an important role in agricultural development in Baliare the subak system. At the present day, Subak faces a serious challenge to maintain itsexistence. One of the concepts offered to overcome the problem of subak is throughintegrating agriculture with tourism. The synergy between agriculture and tourism isdeveloped for example through various forms such as agrotourism and ecotourism. Onesubak that embraces the concept of ecotourism but still needs to be developed is theSubak of West Intaran.This study aims to determine the potential of Subak of West Intaran and the strategies torealize the ecotourism. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews andquestionnaires through six key informants. Then the data were analyzed using theSWOT analysis method and IFAS & EFAS matrix analysis.The results showed that Subak of West Intaran did not fully meet the 6A ecotourismrequirements and was in one quadrant with IFAS value of (1.56) and EFAS value of(0.72) which means that West Intaran Subak is strong and has a high chance of beingdeveloped into ecotourism. Recommendations that can be given to Subak of WestIntaran, namely the government need to affirm regulations to forbid the selling ofagricultural land, support for the preservation of subak must be given to all levels ofsociety, and the establishment of an Ecotourism Management of West Intaran Subak.
Perbandingan Pendapatan Petani dengan Pendapatan Pengemis di Kota Denpasar TORKIS JOEL SIMBOLON; I WAYAN WINDIA; I MADE SUDARMA
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.5, No.2, April 2016
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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Abstract Comparison Between Farmers and Beggar in Denpasar According to the Earnings Agricultural sector have a very important role in national economical. This situation can be identified by a dominant contribution, either directly or indirectly in the goal achievment of national economical development. As known generally, the government in Denpasar not only overcome the problem of urban farmer, but the problem of several beggars either. As these circumstances, it’s necessary to conduct an observation regarding a comparison between an amount of farmer’s  income and an amount of beggar’s income in Denpasar. The respondents in this resaearch divided by 30 farmers and 30 beggars, and samples are taken by accidental technic. In this comparison observation, the data of beggar’s income is one day. The goal of this reasearch is to identify the comparison between urban farmer’s income and beggars in Denpasar. The average income of farmers in 30 respondents in one day  obtained by farmers chili IDR 22.462, IDR 19.290 watermelon, rice IDR 19.167. While corn farmers suffered lossesf of IDR 4.483 in one day income derived from the land area 175 are average earnings of beggars in the city of Denpasar in one day IDR 63.833. Constraints farmers to farm in Denpasar is climate change causes changes in cropping patterns, the lack of availability of water for irrigation, and pest attack which can damage plant growth suggestions for solving the problem of farmers in Denpasar need assistance from the authorities. Problem handling the beggars can be evaluated from the condition in the area of origin. And conditions in the regions of origin of prevention is done so that they are not compelled to leave their villages and seek income in the city by away of beging.
Persepsi Petani terhadap Penetapan Subak sebagai Warisan Budaya Dunia (Studi Kasus Subak Pulagan Kawasan Kecamatan Tampaksiring Kabupaten Gianyar) AYU FEBY SARITA; I WAYAN WINDIA; I WAYAN SUDARTA
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.2, No.4, Oktober 2013
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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ABSTRACT Farmers’ Perception toward Awarding Degree Subak as World Cultural Heritage - Study Case in Subak Pulagan Tampaksiring District Gianyar Region Subak is the organization that regulates the irrigation system used in the rice field in Bali. Subak unique culture has an element of mutual support and the concept of Tri Hita Karana makes UNESCO decided to give awarding degree to subak as world cultural heritage. One of that subak is Subak Pulagan which one fed by the watershed (DAS) Pakerisan. Respondents in this research were 34 farmers taken from 160 farmers decided by random sampling method. Perceptions and expectations seen from three aspects, they’re mindset, social, and material aspects. Data analysis is done by descriptive – qualitative calculations using Likert scale. Perceptions result shown 83.63% or on good category. Almost all respondents said the response was excellent or agree with the statement in the questionnaires. Farmers' perceptions based on aspects of mindset has score 73.53% or on good category, social aspect’s score is 90.76% or on very well category, and material aspects’s score is 86.62% which is on very good category. They have hopes to make farmer’s life better in the future. Based on this study it can be seen that the members of Subak Pulagan still need the things related to improving productivity and enhancing the quality of life in order to retain continuity subak. Keywords : perceptions, subak, world heritage.
Strategi Pengendalian Alih Fungsi Lahan Pertanian di Subak Kerdung, Kelurahan Pedungan, Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan, Kota Denpasar LATIEF IKHSAN; I WAYAN WINDIA; NI WAYAN SRI ASTITI
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.8, No.2, April 2019
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (195.428 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JAA.2019.v08.i02.p09


Strategy for Controlling the Transfer of Agricultural Land Functions inSubakKerdung, Sub-District of South Denpasar, Denpasar CityControl over the conversion of agricultural land is very necessary in order to maintainthe existence and sustainability of subak in the City of Denpasar, especially inSubakKerdung. There needs to be appropriate strategies as a solution so that controlover the conversion of agricultural land in SubakKerdung can be done. The purpose ofthis study was to determine internal and external factors and to find out the mostappropriate strategy in controlling the conversion of agricultural land in SubakKerdung.The results of the analysis of internal factors in SubakKerdung were: a) strength (theapplication of Tri Hita Karana in subak), b) weakness (low interest of subak members todefend their land). External factors were: a) opportunities (the development ofecotourism as a tourist attraction), b) threats (over the function of agriculturalland).Based on the SWOT analysis, the development strategies found were: (a) S-OStrategy - Optimizing the empowerment of farmer communities as the main actors inecotourism development by directly selling their agricultural products to tourists. (b) WOStrategy - Conducting education and training through counseling in adopting newinnovations so that agricultural products can be marketed to tourists. (c) S-T Strategy -Planting vegetables that have high economic value and can be processed into snacks anddrinks (d) The W-T Strategy -Implementing and increasing the intensity of educationand training on tour guides, i.e. English training for young people and farmingcommunities.
Faktor-faktor yang Menentukan Keputusan Konsumen dalam Pembelian dan Konsumsi Smoothie Bowl di Restoran Nalu Bowls Seminyak RUTH MADEARNI MALAU; I WAYAN WINDIA; I DEWA GEDE AGUNG
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.8, No.3, Juli 2019
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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Factors that Determine Consumer Decisions in Buying and Consuming SmoothieBowls at Nalu Bowls Restaurant in Seminyak Trade competition, especially in the culinary/food sector, is very strict, requiring allbusiness owners, espesially restaurant business, to be more courageous in takinginnovations. The purpose of these innovations is sales, and can influence the decision ofconsumers to buy a product. Restaurant Nalu Bowls is a business venture that isengaged in the culinary field and is one of the restaurant innovations that has its ownpicture to meet consumer needs, namely a healthy food menu that it offers. In the mostfamous Nalu Bowls, research in needed.The purpose of this study were (1) to analyzethe characteristics of consumers in Nalu Bowl Restaurant, (2) Analyze the decisionprocess in the purchase of a smoothie bowl at Nalu Bowls Restaurant, (3) Analyze thefactors that influence consumer decisions to buy products in Nalu Bowls Restaurant.Theresults of the study show that several stages of the restaurant of Nalu Bowls Restaurantconsumers before making a purchase, namely needs recognition, information search,alternative evaluation, purchase and post-purchase. Factors affecting consumers indeciding the purchase of smoothie bowls consist of three factors, namely product andsupporting factors, service factors and restaurant identity, and food appearance factors.The advice that can be given is that Nalu Bowls Restaurant should be able to give agood impression to its customers because by giving a good impression, it can bring thepossibility of the consumer to provide good information to his friends about Nalu Bowls which has an impact on the increasing number of consumers visiting Nalu Bowls.
Dampak Alih Fungsi Lahan Sawah Petani Pemilik terhadap Kehidupan Rumah Tangganya (Studi Kasus di Subak Lange, di Kawasan Desa Pemecutan Kelod, Kecamatan Denpasar Barat) I GUSTI JAYA WIRARAJA; I WAYAN WINDIA; I WAYAN SUDARTA
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.5, No.2, April 2016
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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Abstract The Impact of Land Conversion Paddy Farmer Owners To Home Life (A Case Study in Subak Lange, in the Area South Pemecutan Village, West Denpasar District) The Land Conversion Paddy Farmer Owners To Home Life have an impact on the decline in agricultural production and will have an impact on changes in the orientation of economic, social, cultural, political, and community. Increasing land use for shelter, a place to do business, the fulfillment of public access and other amenities that will lead to the available land so that the land was converted narrowing. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of conversion land use on the lives of farmers. How the lives of the farmers after selling his farm land. This study using in-depth interview technique. This study using variables and indicators in the three states of culture, namely: mindset, social systems, and artifacts or objects. Subak Lange is in the Pemecutan Village, West Denpasar District. Subak Lange is a located in the area South Pemecutan Village. West Denpasar Ditstrict. This study was conducted by purposive, there are some reason for location selection. The result of the study showed that land conversion have an impact on a better life than before, and some result showed there is also a feeling of life is not better after seling their farm land. This can be measured   in three states, namely culture mindset, social systems, and artifacts or objects. The purpose of selling his farm land because farmers used to open a business, health cost, home renovation cost, religious ceremonies, and used to dissipate. The reasons to sell farm land due to high taxes and harvest is uncertain. The feeling after selling the farm land, some farmer are happy anda some farmer feels regret. The interaction of the public prominence and families, some are good and some are not good or there is also have a conflict. The farmer’s income after selling their farm land more better than be a farmer by profession before. It needs good preparation from the farmers to the use of proceeds from the sale of rice fields used for working capital that is useful to farmers a better life because of farm land are sold out.
Strategi Pengembangan Subak Menjadi Lembaga Berorientasi Agribisnis di Kabupaten Badung (Kasus Subak Sengempel, Desa Bongkasa, Kecamatan Abiansemal) KADEK AYU RATNA BUDHIARTI; WAYAN WINDIA; NI WAYAN SRI ASTITI
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.5, No.4, Oktober 2016
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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Strategy of Subak Development into an Agribusiness-Oriented Institution in Badung Regency (The Case of Subak Sengempel, Bongkasa Village,Abiansemal District) Agricultural development is done through an approach of agribusiness system which constitutes the whole subsystems of farming which are interrelated, interdependent and mutually influential. The aim of this study was to formulate strategies of Subak development into an agribusiness-oriented institution. This research was conducted in Subak Sengempel, Abiansemal District Badung regency. This study used 16 respondents (14 internal respondents and two external respondents) by means of purposive sampling. Data analysis method used was descriptive, qualitative, and quantitative method in order to obtain alternative strategies by using SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat). The results showed that Sengempel Subak position was in cell one, Growth position. This growth position stated that Subak Sengempel was currently experiencing growth. Based on the SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) analysis, six alternative strategies can be recommended. The prioritized alternative strategy was the strategy of Subak development into an agribusiness-oriented institution. This Subak development into agribusiness-oriented institution was expected to become an independent and profit-oriented organization, able to survive and compete in the era of modernization. The recommended suggestion in this research is the development of Subak into an agribusiness-oriented institution is very possible with a real program. It can promote farmers’ independence, coordination with relevant parties, and create a pilot area of agribusiness that could be a motivation and foster the spirit of farmers in developing Subak into to an agribusiness-oriented institution.
Pendapatan dan Peran Petani Subak Padanggalak di Objek Wisata Desa Budaya Kertalangu, Desa Kesiman Kertalangu, Kecamatan Denpasar Timur, Kota Denpasar ANAK AGUNG MIRAH WIJAYANTI; WAYAN WINDIA; I DEWA GEDE AGUNG
Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata (Journal of Agribusiness and Agritourism) Vol.9, No.3, Desember 2020
Publisher : Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

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Income and Role of Subak Padanggalak Farmers in Tourism Objects of Kertalangu Cultural Village, Kesiman Kertalangu Village, East Denpasar District, Denpasar City The source of income of most farmers may come from several sources that is called as diversification of income. The role of farmers could be seen from the perspective of culture, namely culture as system of ideas or thought patterns, culture as system of activities, and culture as system of artifacts. The purpose of this study is to identify and understand the income and role of farmers in terms of culture in the development of Kertalangu Cultural Village Tourism Object. The study involves 54 farmers as respondents and was conducted in the second planting season between August and November 2018. The sample was determined using accidental sampling method. The research shows that the income of farmers in Subak Padanggalak with an average area of 0.26 ha of arable land is Rp. 4,695,377.78. Farming is efficient with an R/C ratio of 4.92, which means that for every Rp 100 costs incurred, Rp 4.92 income is received. The role of farmers is investigated from the aspect of culture that consist of three elements, namely mindset, social, and material. The aspect of mindset is reflected in decision-making processes related with the existence of new ideas or ideas regarding the development of attractions where farmers are also given the opportunity to provide advice or input. In relation to social aspects, the operation and maintenance of irrigation networks has become a routine activity agenda. In addition, farmers also become the object of tourism packages provided by the manager of the attractions. The role of farmers in material aspects can be seen from the maintenance of subak physical facilities, namely the maintenance of special plants that are planted for ceremonial service. In addition, farmers also organize and maintain empelan and other infrastructures which are used as sites to learn subak for students. Based on this research, Subak Padanggalak farmers should continue to improve agricultural skills in order to increase income and maintain the synergy of subak with tourism in order to harmonize the two sectors.
Co-Authors A. A. A. WULANDIRA SAWITRI DJELANTIK Aditya Manggala RS Adnyana, I Nengah Surata AHMAD SURYA JAYA Alim Prabowo Anak Agung Gde Oka Parwata Anak Agung Istri Ari Atu Dewi ANAK AGUNG MIRAH WIJAYANTI Anas Rizki Bachtiar Atina Winaya AYU FEBY SARITA BAIQ RIA ASKINA Catarina Tenny Setiastri Desak Putu Padmidewi Domingos Mesquita DWI PUTRA DARMAWAN Edelmiro Jose De Deus Edy Nurcahyo Gede Sedana Gusti Ngurah Kama Wijaya HADI SURYO WIBOWO Harry Octavianus Sofian I Dewa Ayu Puspitadewi I DEWA GEDE AGUNG I Dewa Putu Oka Suardi I Gde Parimartha I Gede Setiawan Adi Putra I GUSTI AGUNG AYU AMBARAWATI I GUSTI AYU AGUNG LIES ANGGRENI I GUSTI JAYA WIRARAJA I Gusti Ketut Adi Winata I Gusti Made Suarbhawa I GUSTI PUTU SASTRA PUTRA KUSUMA I Ketut Suamba I KETUT SUDANTRA I Ketut Sudibia I Ketut Surya Diarta I Ketut Wirawan I Komang Gde Bendesa I Komang Trisna Eka Putra I Made Adikampana, I Made I Made Antara I Made Geria I Made Mahadi Dwipradnyana I Made Sarjana I MADE SUDARMA I Nengah Surata Adnyana I Nyoman Gede Ustriyana I Putu Edi Swastawan I PUTU SONY ARYAWAN I Putu Sriartha I W BUDIARSA SUYASA I WAYAN DEDI SURYAWAN I WAYAN PUTRO ADNYANA I Wayan Suarna I Wayan Suartana I WAYAN SUDARTA I WAYAN WIDYANTARA I WAYAN YOGA WIRA SAPUTRA IDA AYU ASTARINI IDA AYU GDE PURNA DEWI Ida Ayu Listia Dewi IQBAL FAIRUZ HSB K REDIK MARDIKA KADEK AYU RATNA BUDHIARTI KADEK DWI ANDIKA Karyati, Ni Ketut KETUT ADI WAHYU PUTRA KETUT BUDI SUSRUSA KOMANG TRI PERMATA DEWI Laksono Trisnantoro LATIEF IKHSAN Lilik Sutiarso Lilik Sutiarso Lilik Sutiarso Luh Putu Esty Punyantari LUKY AISYAH ANDRIANI M. Sudiana Mahendra M.TH. HANDAYANI Made Antara Made Antara Made Antara Made Mutiara Sanjiwani Rajendra MADE SARJANA Made Sudarma MADE WIRARTHA Meilida Hijriyani MUKHAMAD KHOIRUL IKHSAN Nengah Bawa Atmaja Nengah Bawa Atmaja Nengah Bawa Atmaja Ni Ketut Karyati Ni Ketut Sari Adnyani NI LUH PUTU ERMA MERTANINGRUM Ni Luh Putu Mega Priantari Ni Made Ayu Citra Laksmi NI MADE MIA WULANDARI Ni Made Sukraeni Asih Ni Made Tisnawati Ni Nyoman Juli Nuryani NI NYOMAN SUKERTI . Ni Putu Ayu Mas Dianti Putri Ni Putu Eka Juliawati Ni Putu Massuli Adi Ni Wayan Evi Hariyastini Ni WAYAN SRI ASTITI Ni Wayan Surya Suryathi Ni Wayan Suryathi Nyoman Drama Putra Nyoman Parining Nyoman Sutawan NYOMAN SUTAWAN NYOMAN SUTJIPTA Padmidewi, Desak Putu Putu Fajar Kartika Lestari Putu Sudira Putu Sudira Putu Sudira Putu Sudira Putu Sudira Putu Udayani Wijayanti RATNA KOMALA DEWI Retno Handini ROSDIANA BARANSANO RUTH MADEARNI MALAU S Sumiyati S. A. Widnyani Sara Ida Magdalena Awi Sigit Supadmo Arief SIGIT SUPADMO ARIF SILFIA MARETA MAHMUDAH Sumiyati Sumiyati Sumiyati Sumiyati Sumiyati Sumiyati Sumiyati, S Suprodjo Pusposutardjo SUPRODJO PUSPOSUTARDJO Suryathi, Ni Wayan Suyarto Tannia Christianti Sukandar Titi Surti Nastiti Tjok Istri Putri Astita TORKIS JOEL SIMBOLON Unggul Wibowo WAYAN SUDARTA Wayan Tika Widhianthini .