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Journal : Mitra Pendidikan: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran

Mitra Pendidikan Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021): JURNAL MITRA PENDIDIKAN
Publisher : Dewan Pendidikan Bondowoso

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To achieve the high KKM determined by the school, students are required to improve an obtaining information both at school and at home (Wardani et al, 2009:4.15). A high KKM is also determined by schools in science and social studies subjects according to the demands of school accreditation. The ability to read and write is needed to achieve the KKM target set by the school. Education units are also required 75% of students to be able to access learning resources such as internet libraries and others. . Based on the results of observations and interviews with third grade teachers, it is known that the level of reading comprehension of students at SDN Jambearum 02 Jember were still low. The students' ability to reading aloud at SDN Jambearum 02 has not reached KKM, which is 6.5 and the indicator of success is 75% of the number of students reaching the KKM. The research to improve reading ability using scramble technique through the play method is a class action research, which is commonly called CAR. The procedure of this research class consists of two cycles with the stages of planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. Each cycle is made changes to be achieved to determine the improvement of students' abilities. The purpose of this classroom action research is to improve the implementation of learning and improve student learning outcomes. The subjects of the study were third-class students in the Even Semester of SDN Jambearum 02, Sumberjambe sub-district, Jember Regency, for the 2019/2021 academic year, which consisted of 6 male students and 6 female students in learning Indonesian basic competence in reading. Action research in each cycle consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection. In the activity of reading fluently a few simple sentences firs cycle , it can be seen that the students' ability to read fluently a few simple sentences before meeting the specified target is with a value of 70. The average value of fluent reading ability in the pre-cycle has only reached 51.5 and in the first cycle it has reached 62.31. after the second cycle of action to 70 or increased by 38.78%. The average value of the loudness aspect in the pre-cycle is 60, after the second cycle of action it becomes 69 or increases by 22.50%. The average value of the aspect of pronunciation accuracy in the pre-cycle is 55, after the second cycle of actions it becomes 70 or an increase of 33.33%. It can be concluded that there were an increasing abilty after the implementation of class action research using scramble technique for class III students at SDN Jambearum 02.
Mitra Pendidikan Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021): JURNAL MITRA PENDIDIKAN
Publisher : Dewan Pendidikan Bondowoso

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Writing skill is an important language aspect which students need to learn and master them. Writing skills can be realized in writing literary works in the essays. Writing is an effective communication activity to express ideas or ideas in writing attend to the words, shapes, properly and so on. Grade VI students at SDN Jambearum 02 faced same writing problems. Writing students activities were very difficult to increase because students have difficulty getting ideas, students lazy to write, especially essay when they have writing assignments by teacher. This research uses the type of classroom action research (CAR) or also called classroom action research. This CAR consists four stages, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. This research was conducted at SDN Jambearum 02 . The subjects of the study were Grade VI SDN Jambearum 02 students , a total of 24 students. Meanwhile, research object is the writing skills of the sixth grade students of SDN Jambearum 02 in this classroom action research. This action research was carried out in two cycles. Each cycle was carried out in 2 meetings. There were increase in the content aspects from first cycle to second cycle of 0.71. Organizational aspect there is an increase of 0.18. The increase in the vocabulary aspect is 0.36. An increase in the language use aspect is 0.25. The increase in the Mechanical aspect is 0.3. Overall, from first cycle to second cycle the writing aspect increase was 1.89. In this study, the researchers focused on (1) the students ability in writing description before using Mural Art media (2) increasing students' writing skills using Mural Art media, and (3) improving the writing skills of Class VI students. SDN Jambearum 02 using Mural Art media.
Co-Authors A. Besse Dahliana A. Ginong Pratikino A. Hadi Mahmud Abdul Ghofur Acihmah Sidauruk Aco Tang Ade Mutia Rahmah Ahmad Budi Junaidi Ahmad Hidayat Ahmad Imam Abdullah Ahmad Mustafa Akbar Akbar Alfi Kusuma Admaja Ali Sarong Amirullah Amirullah Ana Rusmardiana Andika Firmansyah Anggono Wijaya Anggono Wijaya Annas Jaya Amrullah Arfiani Yulianti Fiyul Arini Rahmadani Ariyanti Ariyanti Asmaul Husna Asrawati Nende Badaruddin Badaruddin Bakti Jos Belinda Arabella Syafitri Betty Holiwarni Cristine Prestarika Lukito Cut Meurah Meriana Cut Ratna Dewi Dahlian Oesman Darul Elmi Desi Salwani, Desi Dewi Ningsih Dewi Umaningrum Dewi Zahrah Dina Yosiana Djufri Djufri Doni Rahmat Wicakso Dwi Putri Liana Dwi Sulisworo Dwijanto Dwijanto Dyah Hesti Wardhani Edi Mawardi EKA ASTUTI ELIHAMI, ELIHAMI Elisabeth Yulia Rana Elva Yasmi Amran Elvira Lastri Erina Wahyu ERMA SAFITRI Erna Diana Fachri Abdau Ramadhan Fahmy Armanda fajar muarif muarif Fauji Wikanda Fitri Widyastari Frida Fadwa Gunawan Gunawan H. B. Mat Hadiatul Rodiyah Halim Halim Handayani Handayani Hansri Ar Rasyid Hasanuddin Hasanuddin Herdini Herdini Heri Cahyono Herpratiwi Herpratiw I Ketut Patra Ilyas Ilyas Irdalisa Irdalisa Jaka Darma Jaya Jeffray Enokh Bayoe Jimmi Copriady Joko Rehutomo Karimuddin Karimuddin Khairil Khairil Khairil Khairil Khairunnisa Khairunnisa Khairunnisa’ Hamdani Kuswarak, Kuswarak La Ode Alirman Afu, La Ode Alirman Luh Putu Ratna Sundari M A Chozin M Ali S M Ali S M Zardan Araby M.Rifqi Aufa Abdika Maimun Syukri Malia Safriani Maria Elina Maria Erna Marwan Marwan Medyan Riza Melinda Melinda Michael Rahmadita Miftahul Khairi Mimie Saputri Mira Salviana Mispuanda Mispuanda Mochammad Afifuddin Moh Dahlan Th Musa MOH ISMAIL Mohd. Hatta Mubarak Mubarak Muhammad Ali Muhammad Awal MUHAMMAD FAHMI Muhammad Fajar Purnama Muhammad Fajar Purnama Muhammad Rusli M. Muhammad Trial Fiar Erawan Muhammadar Muhammadar muhdi muhdi Musafa Sabri Muttaqin Hasan Muzakiruddin Muzakiruddin Nadya Fitriani Nanda Febriani Mandala Nazar Muhammad Neneng Khoiriah Nesta Netri Nevy Risna Nofri Yuhelman Nora Yulita Norfai Norfai Novilia Novilia Nuniek Nizma Fajriyah Nunuk Dyah Retno Lastuti Nur Aini Shofiya Asy’ari Nur Atika Nurazizah Nurazizah Nurfadillah Nurfadillah Nurfitria Sari Nurhidayat Nurhidayat Nurmalita Dwiyanti Nurmaulida Saragi Nurudin Nurudin Nurul Fajriah Nynda Fatmawati Octarina Onik Zakiyyah Pagar Pagar Priskila Fransisca Haryono Putri Hilmayanti Rahmat Yunus Rahmi Khairatul Hisan Rana Zakirah Rasmiwetti Rasmiwetti Rendra wijaya Resta Andria Putri Riko Sanjaya Rila Setyaningsih Rini Fitri Riska Febrilia Rita Astarina Rodiansono Rodiansono Rohini Rohini, Rohini Safitri Mohi Safrida Safrida Sahabuddin Sahabuddin Sahlan Sahlan Said Nazaruddin Samsudin Samsudin Sandra Sandra Sari Karmiyati Shirley Wahadamaputera Sitizalikha Sitizalikha Sudirman Numba Sudirman Sudirman Suherman Suherman Sulaiman Sulaiman sunardi sunardi Suwandi Suwandi Syaefuddin Syaefuddin Tarkono Tarkono TATI NURHAYATI Tati Yulia Fitri Taufik Malik Teuku Budi Aulia Teuku Fajar Shadiq Tita Damayanti Tjuk Imam Restiadi Tri Anggono Uripto Trisno Santoso Usman, Usman Vivi Yunisa Harahap Wahyu Hidayat Wardono Wardono wurlina wurlina Yasir Nasution Yasmanijar Yasmanijar Yulia Hayati Yunissa Nur Widiani Zahra Amalia Zainal Mukmin Zakaria Al Farizi Zaki Dayatul Akbar Zalia Muspita Zohrani Zohrani Zulfikurrahman Zulfikurrahman Zulhelmi Andika