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Journal : Journal of Primary Education

Journal of Primary Education Vol 5 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Journal of Primary Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (339.152 KB)


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model discovery learning berbantu CD interaktif terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa dan aktivitas siswa kelas. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu dengan rancangan pretest-posttest control group design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah kelas IV SD. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan tes pilihan ganda, tes uraian dan lembar observasi. Data dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif, uji gain score, uji t dan analisis regresi linear ganda. Hasil penelitian: (1) terdapat perbedaan (N-gain=0,75 dalam kategori tinggi) kemampuan berpikir kritis secara signifikan antara siswa yang belajar menggunakan model discovery learning berbantu CD interaktif dengan siswa yang belajar menggunakan metode konvensional, dan (2) ada perbedaan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa secara signifikan antara siswa yang belajar menggunakan model discovery learning berbantu CD interaktif dengan siswa yang belajar menggunakan metode konvensional (thitung (8,619) > ttabel (2,021). (3) Peningkatan aktivitas kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol yakni pada pertemuan 1= 64%, pertemuan 2=91%, pertemuan 3=94%, dan (4) Hasil uji regresi menunjukkan rentang antara 0,80-1,000 termasuk kategori sangat kuat. Simpulan penelitian  adalah model discovery learning berbantu CD interaktif mempengaruhi kemampuan berpikir kritis dan aktivitas siswa.
The Effect of Problem-Based Learning Model Increase The Creative Thinking Skill and Students Activities on Elementary School Sari, Dewi Kartika; Banowati, Eva; Purwanti, Eko
Journal of Primary Education Vol 7 No 1 (2018): April 2018
Publisher : Journal of Primary Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (314.102 KB)


The objective of this research is to know the effect of problem-based learning model towards creative thinking skill and students activity. The research was conducted on the social problem material. The research method was Quasi Experimental Design. The sampling technique was cluster random sampling. The data collected in the form of observation sheet instrument of students’ activity and instrument of creative thinking skill. Data were analyzed by using the independent t-test to test the comparasion or difference. In testing the effect, it used N-gain. The results of the research shows that there is a difference of influence of creative thinking skill; it is seen from the average of N-gain pretest and posttest of the students. The result of t-test in the experimental class reveals that the average score of pretest is 51.45, while in the posttest is 87.90, so the experimental group has an improvement of 26%. It is obtained tvalue is higher than ttable (2.917 > 2.000). The achievement of students activity in the experimental class improves, with the average score of observations that reaches very well criteria. The conclusion of this research is the problem-based learning model has an effect on the creative thinking skill and the students activity.
Science Literacy Ability and Student Learning Outcomes On Project Based Learning (PjBL) Giwanti, Tunggu Ica; Prasetyo, Andreas Priyono Budi; Banowati, Eva
Journal of Primary Education Articles in Press
Publisher : Journal of Primary Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (563.87 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jpe.v10i2.34897


This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of Project Based Learning in the ability of science literacy and student learning outcomes in science teaching. The research method used is quantitative in the form of an experimental quasy design with an unequal control group design. The sample in this study were fifth grade students at SDN Jambu 4 and fifth grade students at SDN 3 Sobrong. The sampling of this research used the purpose random sampling technique. Quantitative data were analyzed by t-test and gain test based on the value of scientific literacy abilities and student learning outcomes. The results showed that the average difference in students' scientific literacy skills in classes that apply the Project Based Learning model is better than classes that apply expository model (tvalue= 3.559 > ttable= 2.479); the average difference in student learning outcomes in classes that apply the Project Based Learning model is better than classes that apply the expository model (tvalue= 3.848 > ttable= 2.479); the results of increasing students' scientific literacy skills in classes that apply the Project Based Learning model are better than classes that apply expository model; the results of improved student learning outcomes in classes that apply the Project Based Learning model are better than classes that apply the expository model. The Project Based Learning model is very effective in improving the ability of scientific literacy and student learning outcomes.
Co-Authors A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Afiati, Ratih ainul hani, ainul Ali Djamhuri Ali Imron Amalia Fitria Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani Ananto, Aji Anas, Ma’ruf M Anas, Ma’ruf M Andarweni Astuti Andarweni Astuti Andreas Priyono Budi Prasetyo Aninditya, Destiana Apik Budi Santoso Apik Budi Santoso Ardiyanto, Rian Ardiyanto, Rian Ari Irawan Arif Purnomo Arinta Yuni Astanti Ariyani Indrayati Astanti, Arinta Yuni Astin Noviati, Astin AT. Sugeng Priyanto Aulia Pradnya Paramita, Aulia Pradnya Bintang Aulia, Bintang Careza Sisiliana Casriatun, Casriatun Chairul Anam, Chairul Danang Junior Trimasukmana Danang Sarjono, Danang Darwis, S Jailany Dedy Hendra Prastia, Dedy Hendra Dewi Liesnoor Setyowati Dewi Liesnoor, Dewi Dhiaswari, Devy Ravina Didik Tri Setiyoko Dwi Novi Susanti, Dwi Novi DWP Sucihatiningsih Dyah Rini Indriyanti Edi Kurniawan Eka Anjar Sari Eko Handoyo Eko Handoyo Erni Suharini Erni Suharini Erni Suryandari, Erni Etty Soesilowati Fadly Husain Febrian, Ramadhan Febrian, Ramadhan Giwanti, Tunggu Ica Hamdan Tri Atmaja Hamdan Tri Atmaja Hamidi, Muhammad Amin Hariyanto Hariyanto Haryanto Haryanto Heni Widiastuti Herawati, Fattika Herawati, Fattika I Gusti Agung Komang Diafari Djuni Hartawan Ika Oktavianti Indah Anis Syukurilah Indrianingrum, Lulut Juhadi Juhadi Laelia Nurpratiwiningsih, Laelia Lulut Indrianingrum Maemonah, Maemonah Maisaroh, Salim Maisaroh, Salim Mala Nurilmala Malasari, Wilis Maman Rachman Margunani, Margunani marlia devi roihanah, marlia devi Misroh Sulaswari Mitha Fitria Anggraini Mochammad Arifien, Mochammad Moh. Solehatul Mustofa Mugi Lestari, Mugi Nalatilfitroh, Nadya Netti Liana Dewi, Netti Liana Ngabiyanto - Noviani Achmad Putri Puji Hardati Puji Nursoleha, Puji Purwadi Suhandini Rahma Hayati Rahmatika, Eviana Rani, Linda Lusi Ratna Dwi Setyowati, Ratna Dwi Retno Budi Wahyuni Rokhim, Mohammad Abdul Ruhyati, Nur Aliyah Ruhyati, Nur Aliyah Rusdarti - Ruwanto, Sandi Sari, Yuria Satya Budi Nugraha Satyanta Parman Setyaningrum, Ika Neta Setyowati, Wiwit Shintya Novita Rahmawati, Shintya Novita Shintya Wijayati Setianingsih, Shintya Wijayati Sri Sulistyorini, Sri Sriyanto Sriyanto Sriyanto, Sriyanto Sriyono Sriyono Subagyo Subagyo Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti Sudharmono Sudharmono, Sudharmono Sunarko Sunarko Suyahmo Suyahmo Takarina Yusnidar, Takarina Thriwaty Arsal Tjaturahono Budi Sanjoto Ulum, Muhamad Roudhotul Ulum, Muhamad Roudhotul Yulia Devi Ristanti, Yulia Devi Yundari, Yundari Zahara, Izzah