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Aplikasi PCM Bees Wax sebagai teknologi penyimpan energi (thermal energy storage) pada pemanas air domestik Adi Winarta; Muhammad Amin; Nandy Putra
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 8 No 2 (2015): Oktober 2015
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

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Abstrak:Sistem pemanas air merupakan salah satu pengguna energi terbesar pada industri perhotelan selain pengkondisian udara dan penerangan. Temperatur air yang dihasilkan pada sistem pemanas air domestik biasanya berkisar antara 55-65°C. Phase Change Material (PCM) sebagai salah satu teknologi thermal storage dapat dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan energi listrik pada sistem pemanas air. PCM memanfaatkan kalor laten untuk menyimpan energi dan melepaskannya pada kondisi yang diinginkan. Pada penelitian ini diuji sebuah sistem pemanas air domestik dengan volume air sebesar 100 liter. Sumber kalor pada pemanas ini menggunakan heater listrik dengan daya total 3000 Watt. Sejumlah PCM diletakkan didalam drum pemanas air sebagai thermal storage dengan tujuan mempertahankan temperatur air pada suhu 60C sehingga penggunaan listrik oleh heater dapat dikurangi. Material PCM menggunakan bahan organik lilin lebah atau bees wax yang memiliki titik leleh 52°C-66°C. Bees wax ditempatkan pada kontainer yang terbuat dari pipa tembaga dengan diameter dalam 38,1 milimeter dan panjang 260 mm. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menguji tiga variasi massa PCM yakni 1,9 kg, 5,1 kg, dan 7,3 kg. Hasil pengujian menyatakan bahwa penggunaan PCM 1,9 kg memiliki waktu penundaan heater yang paling lama yakni 1 jam 6 menit 40 detik. Penggunaan PCM masih memiliki penggunaan daya yang lebih besar dibandingkan tanpa PCM yakni 12,93 kJ pada masa PCM 1,9 kg, 13,88 kJ pada 5,1 kg PCM dan 14,803 kJ pada 7,3 kg masa PCM. Kata kunci: Phase Change Material (PCM), Beewax, Domestic Water Heater.Abstract:Water heating system is one of the largest energy users in the hospitality industry, in addition to the air conditioning and lighting. The temperature of water which is produced on the domestic water heating systems typically range between 55-65°C. Phase Change Material (PCM) as one of the thermal storage technology can be utilized to improve the efficiency of energy use in water heating systems. PCM utilizes latent heat to store energy and release it at the desired conditions.This study tested a domestic water heating system with 100 liters water volume. The heat source in heating is using an electric heater with a total power of 3000 Watts. A number of PCM is placed inside the water heater drum as a thermal storage to maintaining the temperature of the water keep at 60°C, so that the use of electricity by the heater can be reduced. PCM material using organic materials such as bees wax which has a melting point of 52°C - 66°C. Bees wax is placed in containers made of copper pipe with an inner diameter of 38.1 millimeters and a length of 260 mm. Testing is done by testing five variations of the PCM mass 1,9 kg, 5,1 kg, and 7,3 kg. The test results stated, with the latent heat 0,242 kJ/g bees wax is capable to maintaining the temperature of water at 65°C for 116.6 minutes. Keywords: Phase Change Material (PCM), Bees Wax, Pemanas air domestic Keywords : Phase Change Material (PCM), Bees Wax, Pemanas air domestic
The Effect of Combination of Buteyko Breathing Technique and Walking Exercise on Forced Peak Expiratory Flow In Adult Asthmatic Patients Wiwik Udayani; Muhammad Amin; Makhfudli M
Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran Vol. 7 No. 2 (2019): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (908.205 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkp.v7i2.1193


The Buteyko technique can reduce asthma symptoms, reduce the use of bronchodilators but few and not significant in reducing bronchial responsiveness. Physical exercise that complements breathing exercises in pulmonary rehabilitation can improve pulmonary physiology and control asthma. Physical exercise in the form of walking can improve pulmonary physiology and asthma control by reducing hyperesponsivity reactions and increasing cardiorespiratory endurance. But the combination of these two exercises has never been studied. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of a combination of Buteyko breathing techniques and walking exercises on Peak Forced Expiration Flow. The design of this study was quasi experimental with pretest-posttest control group design. The location of the study was in the pulmonary clinic of Regional General Hospital of Sidoarjo Regency and Bangil Regional General Hospital in Pasuruan Regency, East Java. Respondents were selected by randomization by simple random sampling. Respondents in this study amounted to 76 respondents. Forced Expiration Peak Flow Data is measured using a peak flow meter. The intervention group was given a combination exercise with Buteyko breathing technique and walking exercise for 8 weeks, 3x per week, 55 minutes every training session. Giving a combination of Buteyko breathing technique and walking exercises using module and video media. FPEF measurements were carried out 3 times (pretest, week 4, week 8). Data were analyzed using SPSS 22 with GLM-RM (General Linear Model-Repeated Measure) ANOVA. The results showed a significant difference in the FPEF rate between before and after 4 weeks and 8 weeks of the combination intervention of the Buteyko breathing technique and walking exercises in the treatment group with (p <0.05) with p = 0.000. The findings indicate that breathing exercises and physical exercise through a combination of Buteyko breathing techniques and walking exercise can increase the FPEF rate through the mechanism of increasing CO2 and producing nitric oxide which has bronchodilation effects and through decreasing inflammatory mediators so that it can reduce asthma symptoms.This exercise can be used as an alternative choice in supporting pharmacological therapy to improve FPEF.
Pengaruh Bukaan Terhadap Kenyamanan Thermal pada Bangunan Publik di Daerah Tropis ( Studi kasus : Masjid Raya Al-Mashun Medan ) Muhammad Amin; Hernowo Danusputra; Eddy Prianto
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

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Bangunan yang baik adalah hangunan yang dapat mewadahi semua aktifitas penggunanya. Masjid sebagai salah satu bangunan ibadah bagi agama islam, yang mewadahi segala kegiatan ritual ibadah. Sebagai salah satu contoh kegiatan ibadah yang dilaksanakan di dalam masjid adalah shalat. Dimana dalam pelaksanakan ibadah shalat terkait di dalamnya bahwa pengguna berada dalam kenyamanan fisik maupun psikologis dimana akan tercapainya maksud dari ibadah tersebut yaitu untuk mendekatkan diri kepadaNyaDisini yang dapat diukur adalah kenyamanan thermal para pengguna bangunan Masiid dan memperbandingkannya dengan program kenyamanan yang telah dipublikasikan oleh DR. Riciard de Dear. Akan dilihat sejauh mana pengaruh bukaan terhadap kenyamanan thermalpada saat pengukuran langsung di lapangan dengan sensasi thermal yang dirasakan oleh para pengguna bangunan. Disini akan dibahas Masjid Raya Al-Mashun Medan sebagai studi kasus dari penulisan ini
Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia Vol. 5 No. 2 (2006)
Publisher : Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia

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The research about bleaching of crude palm oil by adsorption method with using natural zeolite from Lampung has been done. The experiment result shows that natural zeolite from Lampung can be used as adsorbent for bleaching process of crude palm oil. Zeolite had been activated by chemical method with hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution before it was used as adsorbent. From the experiment result, we know that the best condition for bleaching process are weight percentage of zeolite that was used to get the highest of transmittance is 20% and the best concentration of HCl solution is 4%. The highest of transmittance for this condition is 48.5.
Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia Vol. 6 No. 1 (2007)
Publisher : Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia

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The intrusion of seawater in the beach area of Bandar Lampung and the Eastern beach of Lampung causes many problems for people because it turns the water into a brackish water. The brackish water is the water whose salinity is between 0.5 ppt until 17 ppt. The brackish water cannot be used for drinking, cooking or washing because the maximum degree of salinity for such purposes is 0.5 ppt. Desalination of brackish water is a process of reducing the salinity of a brackish water. In this research, natural zeolite from Lampung was modified with surfactant to become surfactant-modified zeolite (SMZ). It was used as ion exchanger in the desalination of a brackish water. The result showed the salinity of the brackish water could be reduced to 52% from the initial value. The best results were obtained at the contact time of 4 hours and the initial salinity 0.863 ppt.
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jpkm.v27i1.22548


Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk melakukan program pencegahan penyebaran virus covid-19 di kalangan masyarakat Kota Langsa yang berada di lingkungan Universitas Samudra. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah membuat Wastafell portable pencuci tangan yang akan ditempatkan di desa-desa kawasan sekitar Universitas Samudra. metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan adalah dengan Sosialisasi dan penjaringan mitra, diskusi dan pemberian materi pencegahan penyebaran Virus Covid-19, praktek pemanfaatan alat watafell portable, dan edukasi tentang bahaya virus Covid-19  dan kelanjutan program percepatan pencegahan penyebarannya. Produk yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan ini adalah wastafel portable cuci tangan.Kata Kunci: Program, penyebaran, Virus covid-19, Universitas Samudra
Kedudukan Akal dalam Islam Muhammad Amin
TARBAWI : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Vol 3, No 01 (2018): TARBAWI: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (555.05 KB) | DOI: 10.26618/jtw.v3i01.1382


Abstrak Allah swt., menganugerahkan akal kepada seluruh manusia yang merupakan kelebihan manusia dibanding dengan makhluk-makhluk-Nya yang lain. Dengan menggunakan akalnya manusia dapat membuat hal-hal yang dapat mempermudah urusan mereka di dunia. Tetapi segala yang dimiliki manusia sudah tentu ada keterbatasan-keterbatasan sehingga ada batas-batas yang tidak boleh dilewati. Meskipun Islam sangat memperhatikan dan memuliakan akal, tetapi tidak menyerahkan segala sesuatu kepada akal, bahkan Islam membatasi ruang lingkup akal sesuai dengan kemampuannya, karena akal terbatas jangkauannya, tidak akan mungkin bisa menjangkau hakekat segala sesuatu. Maka Islam menundukkan akal terhadap Wahyu dan Sunnah Nabi saw., artinya di dalam segala hal wahyu dan sunnah harus di dahulukan.  Kata kunci:  Kedudukan  Akal,  IslamAbstractAllah swt., Conferring reason to all human beings who are superior human beings compared to His other creatures. By using the wisdom of man can make things that can ease their affairs in the world. But everything that man has is of course there are limitations so there are boundaries that should not be passed. Although Islam is very concerned and glorifies the intellect, it does not surrender everything to the intellect, even Islam limits the scope of reason according to its ability, because the reason is limited in its reach, it will not be possible to reach the essence of all things. So Islam subjects reason to the Revelation and the Sunnah of the Prophet , meaning in all things the revelation and the sunnah should be first. Keywords:   The position of Intellect , Islam
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 1, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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Village in one form small community ,which is a small group of sedentary life ina region that remains. In the PP 72 of 2005 concerning the organization of theaffairs of the village where the village administration under the authority of thevillage funded from Budget village and help the Government in accordance withthe Ministry of Home Affairs letter No : 140/640SJ dated March 22, 2005 on theVillage Fund Allocation Guidelines (ADD ) of the District Government toGovernment village. Through Allocation Fund Village, the village has anopportunity to manage the development, administration and social villageautonomously. At the Law No. 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government, assertsthat "the granting of autonomy to the regional area Memepercepat directed to thewelfare of society through the creation of service improvement , empowermentand community participation . District Bylaw”. Meranti Islands No. 16 of 2011 onrural finance, "Financial management is a whole village planning,implementation, administration and accountability and financial control villages "( Article 3 ), while "the mayor is a village financial management authority ".(Article 13 ).The purpose of the study was to determine the role of government in the financialmanagement of rural villages, to find out the barriers faced by the village head inmanaging them. The method used was qualitative research, data collectiontechniques with interviews, conducted to determine the extent of VillageGovernment Role In Financial Management, literature study, a method of datacollection in order to obtain secondary data and observation which makeobservations directly on the object under study .Based on the results of the study authors, all financial management processesundertaken by the village government is in conformity with the applicableregulations, only the low level of education of human resources possessed by theapparatus and the low participation of Village Government Village Governmentrelated communities .Keywords : Role of Government , Management and Finance

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (404.307 KB) | DOI: 10.21157/jim vet..v1i3.3394


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh substitusi fermentasi tepung daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) pada pakan komersial terhadap kadar total protein plasma ayam broiler. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan 20 ekor ayam broiler yang dibagi ke dalam 4 kelompok perlakuan, yang masing–masing terdiri atas 5 ekor. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola searah. Kelompok kontrol (P0) diberikan 100% pakan komersial, kelompok P1 diberikan 95% pakan komersial dan 5% fermentasi tepung daun kelor, kelompok P2 diberikan 92,5% pakan komersial dan 7,5% fermentasi tepung daun kelor, dan kelompok P3  diberikan 90% pakan komersial dan 10% fermentasi tepung daun kelor. Perlakuan pakan diberikan  selama 15 hari. Pengambilan darah dilakukan pada hari ke-16 dari vena brachialis. Selanjutnya dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar total protein plasma secara spektrofotometri dengan alat Bio System A-15. Rata–rata kadar total protein plasma (g/dl) yaitu kelompok kontrol (P0): 7,02±0,91, P1: 7,50±0,73, P2: 7,16±0,23, dan P3: 7,26±1,02. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa substitusi pakan komersial dengan fermentasi tepung daun kelor 5-10% selama 15 hari tidak pengaruh nyata (P0,05) terhadap kadar total protein plasma ayam broiler.
Lectin Protein Spodoptera litura Activity After Exposured by Biopesticide from Mirabilis jalapa Dina Maulina; Sutiman B Sumitro; Muhammad Amin; Sri Rahayu Lestari
International Journal of Applied Biology Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): International Journal of Applied Biology
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/ijab.v3i1.6080


Spodoptera litura is folifagus agricultural pest with a tendency of resistance towards chemistry compound. This becomes a reason in the efforts to overcome it. The use of botanical material becomes one of the alternatives in controlling its population. The plant of Mirabilis jalapa has the active biopesticide compound that becomes its alternative prevention. This plant has the potential chemistry compound as biopesticide which works toward weakening immunity that is ended by the death of S. litura.  This research aims to analyze the existence of lectin protein as an indicator of immunity reaction’s activation Spodoptera litura after exposing biopesticide M. jalapa. Lectin test was conducted by using spot-test hemagglutination assay (HA) then was seen its speed forming of titer. The result of research shows that lectin was on the part of hemolimf S. litura supernatant. The result test shows that on the concentration 0.2% binding of lectin, carbohydrate and erythrocyte cells of vertebrate formed faster. The speed of titer forming was influenced by the number of hemosit. This is caused by immulectin receptors were on the cell’s surface. Therefore, exposing M. jalapa can induce lectin activation which functioned as the recognizing receptor of strange object which directly bound with carbohydrate related to the reaction of body immunity.Key words: biopesticide Mirabilis jalapa, lectin, immunity system, Spodoptera litura.
Co-Authors . MUSTARI Abd Kadir Abu Bakar Adi Winarta, Adi Adil Jamali Adnan K Agung Purnomo Sidik Ahmad Akbar Ahmad Zamzam Anas Alhifni Andi Tenri Pakkua Akil Andie Andie Aprimal Aprimal Ardika Nataledi Ginting Argo Winoto Arifuddin Arifuddin Arrizka Yanuar A Arrizka Yanuar Adipradana Arum Rahmawati Virgin Bayu Rianto Bilka Kembaren Budi Yanti Christina Destri Dahlanuddin Dahlanuddin Dandi Nostiagi Rosta Darmadi Darmadi David Candra B Djoko Agus Purwanto Dwi Sat Agus Yuwana Eddy Prianto Edy Ariyanto Eko Kusumawati Endang Komara Eni Djuhaeni Fadlan Muin Fahrurazi Fahrurazi Farid Abdu Salam Faridha Puspitasari Ferdiana Shinta Triliasa Firmansyah Firmansyah Fitri Yunita Galih Mahalisa Gatot Soegiarto Gita Ayu Syafarina Haji Sirajudin Hanafiah Hanafiah Hanafiah Hanafiah Harahap, Indra Ramadona Hernita Samosir Hernowo Danusputra Herrialfian Herrialfian I Ketut Sudiana I Made Sujana Ilyas Imam Fauzan Syahputra Indra Kesuma Hadi Izomiddin Izomiddin Jauhari Maulani Jeviana Permatasari Jusak Nugraha Khairul Ihwan Kusno Isnugroho Laksmi Wulandari M. Rezki Setiawan Mahyuni Mahyuni Makhfudli Makhfudli Makmur Nurdin, Makmur Maulina, Dina Moch Dadang Suharno Muh Idris Jafar Muhamad Ramli Muhammad Al Muttaqii Muhammad Basirruddin Muhammad Iqbal Muhammad Jibril Muhammad Riyan Muhammad Rusdi Mulkan Azhary Mulyadi Mulyadi Nandy Putra Ni Made Mertaniasih Ni Wayan Kurnia Widya Wati Ninuk Dian K Nur Fiqrah Mutmainnah Nurachman Hanafi Nurul Aisyah Oscar Yanuarianto Oscar Yanuarianto Parini Parini Rahma Rahma Ricki Ananda Rina Gunarti Rusdina Rusdina S. H. Dilaga Santi Farmasari Saras Wati Banapon Saskia Damayanti Shafira Ayu Syukrani Sigit Sigit Silvia Anzitha Siti Anisya Soedarto Soedarto Soetjipto Soetjipto Sofyan D Hasan Sofyan Damrah Hasan Sonia Puspitasari Sri Rahayu Lestari Sudarno Sudarno Suhubdy Suhubdy Sujud Priyono Sunnati Sunnati Supomo Supomo Sutiman B Sumitro Suwardi, Adi Bejo suwondo suwondo Syamsul Bahri Teuku Azuar Rizal Tintin Sukartini Tintin Sukartini Tuti Kurnia Wahyudin Wahyudin Warta, Waska Widi Astuti Wildan Munawar Wiwik Udayani Wiwik Udayani Yohana Agustina Sitanggang Yuni Budi Lestari Yusril Linusi Yusuf Hendronursito Zahruddin Zuhrawaty NA