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Analisis sajian buku teks pelajaran untuk memfasilitasi terlaksanaannya ketrampilan proses sains pada pembelajaran fisika kelas XII semester 2 Bella Sukma Putri; Desnita Desnita; Asrizal Asrizal; Yenni Darvina
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (865.048 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/8045171074


Science Process Skills (SPS) are skills used in scientific inquiry that can facilitate students discovering facts, concepts, and can apply theories in everyday life. One of the supporting science process skills is the textbook. Textbooks are the main source of learning in the learning process. The use of textbooks in West Sumatra varies greatly. This study aims to determine the level of SPS offers in textbooks used in secondary schools in West Sumatra. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach with a population of all physics textbooks for Class XII semester 2 published in Indonesia and used in secondary schools in West Sumatra. The sample of this study were four Physics textbooks that were most widely used in secondary schools in West Sumatra and three of them were recommended by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The instrument used was validated by 3 experts. the first expert got a value of 0.98% categorized as very valid, the second expert obtained a value of 0.96 categorized very valid and the third expert got a value of 0.85 categorized as very valid. The validated instrument has 10 components and is defined on each indicator to be 37 instrument points. Data collection techniques used were interviews and documentation. The results were obtained that physics textbooks written by Muhammad Farchani Rosyid, and published by the Triumvirate in 2016, had the highest SPS bid level, whereas physics textbooks written by Marthen Kanginan and published by Erlangga in 2017 had the lowest SPS service level.
Analisis sajian buku ajar fisika sma kelas X semester 1 terkait komponen pendekatan contextual teaching and learning (CTL) Doni Zulfadli; Desnita Desnita; Festiyed Festiyed; Syafriani Syafriani
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (386.782 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/7037171074


One approach which is suitable for learning Physics is the contextual approach (CTL approach). To implement CTL approaches the textbook used must be able to facilitate CTL approach. Currently there are many textbooks in circulation with various writers. For this reason, it is necessary to find out whether the outstanding textbooks have been able to facilitate CTL approaches in learning. The solution to this problem is to analyze the extent to which textbooks facilitate the implementation of CTL approaches. This type of research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The population in this study are all senior high school physics class X textbooks circulating in West Sumatra. The sampling technique used Purposive Sampling type. The sample in this study was the four most textbooks used in West Sumatra Senior High School based on survey results. Data collection techniques in this study is study of documentation. The instrument used for data collection was an analysis sheet containing 7 CTL components. Then the instrument translated into 39 indicators. Each indicator contains one instrument. Data in this study were analyzed using simple statistics. From the research results the best book in facilitating CTL approach is Mediatama’s book with a percentage of 68.94% and the lowest score meeting is the Tiga Serangkai’s book with a percentage of 62.07%. All Textbooks are suitable for use in physics learning using the CTL approach.
Perbandingan hasil belajar siswa menggunakan media video pembelajaran dengan powerpoint berbasis contextual teaching and learning di SMA Lusi Oktavia; Akmam Akmam; Desnita Desnita; Yenni Darvina
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (670.033 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/9088171074


Learning media in the form of instructional videos and PowerPoint are currently being developed. Previous researchers said that the two media were good for use in physics lessons, but between the two media it was not yet known which one was good for material on Newton's Law of Gravity, Work, and Energy. Based on the explanation above learning media is important so the researcher want to do a research which purpose to compare between the use of video and Powerpoint.This study aims to determine the differences on the student learning outcomes by applying the learning video and CTL-based PowerPoint on the Newton Gravity Law and Work Energy materials at Grade X SMA Adabiah 2 Padang. This type of research was a quasi-experimental research. The research design was the Random Posttest only Control-Group Design. The population of this research was the students Grade X. A purposive sampling technique was used to take the sample of this research. The sample of this research consisted of 2 classes. This research only focused on the aspects of cognitive and psychomotor. The assessment instruments were in the form of learning outcomes test sheets and observation sheets for the aspects of psychomotor. The data obtained were analyzed by using the t test. The results showed that the mean score of the students’ competence in the aspect of cognitive of the class which used CTL-based PowerPoint learning method was higher than the class using CTL-based learning videos by using the statistical t test. It was obtained  tcount= 2,1009 and ttable = 2,0032.  The mean score of the students’ competence in the aspect of psychomotor of the class of using PowerPoint was higher than the class using the learning video. Thus, it can be concluded that there are significant differences on the student learning outcomes using the learning video and Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)-based PowerPoint of the science students Grade X of SMA Adabiah 2 Padang.
Pembuatan bahan ajar berbasis android untuk pembelajaran fisika pada materi gelombang bunyi, gelombang cahaya dan alat optik di kelas XI SMA/MA Muhammad Arif; Festiyed Festiyed; Desnita Desnita; Wahyuni Satria Dewi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.527 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/7075171074


The 2013 curriculum emphasizes a learning process that is student-centered, active, interactive and integrated with a scientific approach. One supporting factor for the creation of learning is the availability of good learning resources. However, the reality in the field of learning resources used is not in accordance with the demands of the 2013 curriculum, does not meet the needs of students, and does not fully meet the criteria for good teaching materials. Teaching material used in the form of printed teaching materials that contain subject matter and questions only, without the scientific approach that includes it. Teaching materials that utilize technology are still in separate forms such as videos, animations, images, which have not been packaged in a single unit (not yet interactive). Therefore, it is necessary to design teaching materials that utilize technology such as Android on smartphones. This study aims to produce products in the form of android-based teaching materials for learning physics in sound wave material, light waves and valid optical devices. This research focuses on making an Android-based teaching material product in the form of an interactive module in accordance with the steps of making teaching material in the form of a module according to the Ministry of National Education (2010). Like the planning stage, the preparation phase (determining teaching material, type of software, models and storyboards) as well as the preparation of teaching material. The validity of the product was assessed by three physics lecturers from FMIPA UNP and one physics teacher at SMAN 8 Padang. Based on research that has been done, produced a product in the form of teaching materials based on Android. This teaching material contains text, sound, animation, music, and video. The research product was also categorized as very valid in terms of the content of teaching materials, grammar, graphics, scientific approaches and software utilization with an average value of 89.11%.
Meta Analisis Pengaruh Bahan Ajar Fisika Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Miftahurrahmi Miftahurrahmi; Shinta Sari Oktavia; Desnita Desnita
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Teknologi (JPFT) Vol 7 No 1 (2021): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Department of Physics Education, Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jpft.v7i1.2709


This study aims to determine the effect of physics teaching materials on student learning outcomes. The type of research used is a meta-analysis that analyzes 25 pre-existing national articles starting from 2013-2019. The data analysis technique used is to calculate the effect size for each article. Based on the results of the study, it was found that physics teaching materials had an effect on student learning outcomes. So that it is known that first, the influence of physics teaching materials on student learning outcomes from 25 articles obtained an average effect size of 1.1308 with a very high category. The effect of the two teaching materials based on education level with the highest effect size is at the junior high school level, namely 1,395 with a very high category. The third is based on the highest effect size class level in class VIII, namely 1,395 with a very high category. Fourth, based on the type of teaching materials with the highest effect size, namely 1,418 with a very high category on teaching materials. The fifth effect magnitude based on the highest learning material is found in the material for parabolic motion, circular motion and Newton's law, which is 3.29 with a high effect category. Sixth, based on the unit method, strategy, and model, the highest effect size is 2.19 with the category having a high impact on the student recap strategy.
Meta-Analisis Pengaruh Model Problem Based Learning terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Ananda Mahaputra Iskandar; Dinda Nurfadiah; Widia Iswari Yuli; Desnita Desnita
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Teknologi (JPFT) Vol 7 No 1 (2021): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Department of Physics Education, Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jpft.v7i1.2714


This meta-analysis research was conducted with several objectives. First is analyzing that influence given by the problem-based learning model of students' critical thinking skills. Second is to analyze the magnitude of the influence exerted by the problem based learning model based on the level of education (SMA and SMP). The third is to review the magnitude of the influence of using the problem-based learning model based on the material being taught (Work and Energy, Fluid, Substance Pressure, Motion, Elasticity, Harmonic Vibration, Electric Current and Electrical Resistance, Temperature and Heat). The fourth examines the magnitude of the influence of the problem-based learning model based on grade levels (VII, VIII, X and XI). The method used in this research is meta-analysis, which is to analyze 20 articles from existing research. Obtained 4 effect size values from the research that has been done. For the effect size, the ability to think critically is 2.25 which is in the high category. Aspect effect size based on the level of education is 2.43 for SMA level. The effect size for the aspect based on the material is 2.99 for the fluid material and the effect size for the aspect based on the grade level is 3.33 at grade XI level.
Pembuatan buku teks pelajaran terintegrasi pembelajaran kontekstual dan literasi lingkungan materi gelombang dan alat optik untuk siswa SMA kelas XI Salma Amalia As Shidiq; Yenni Darvina; Asrizal Asrizal; Desnita Desnita
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (98.296 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/8620171074


Education in 21th century is the education with the learning system which used the environment as a medium of learning. The students are relating, experiencing, applying the phenomena that happen around the students. The students is cooperated in finding phenomenon and could transfer to another science. One of learning strategy that used is contextual learning and strengthening student environmental literacy. the purposed of the research is for validating and practicability of text book to be used. The type of this research is Research and Development. The object of research is integrated contextual learning-environmental literacy textbooks. The instrument of data collection is conducted by filling in the contextual learning questioner sheet, validating questioner sheet by physics lecturer, and practicality sheet by teacher and students. Based on data analysis, the results obtained that integrated contextual learning-environmental literacy textbooks which have validated by the experts has the average of 88 which is in the excellent category.  Then, the practicability test of the textbook according to the teachers has the average of 92.5 and according to the students are 84.
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (258.482 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/11887171074


This research is a meta-analysis of the influence of student worksheets on students' critical and creative thinking skills. Education currently uses the 2013 curriculum. The curriculum demands to learn that provides opportunities for students to develop all their potential. This meta-analysis study aims to determine the effect size value of the effect of using worksheets on students' critical and creative thinking skills based on education level, material unit, and learning model. The sample of this study used 20 national and international articles.  The articles used in this study have been analyzed and meet the categories for effect size calculations and are grouped based on three indicators. There are three group indicators analyzed, namely based on education level, based on material units, and based on learning models.  The results of this meta-analysis study are 1) Based on junior high and high school education levels, the effect of using student worksheets is equally effective against improving critical and creative thinking skills, but when compared to the effect size results, the SMA level has a higher value, 2) Based on the material unit,  fluid material units are more effectively used to improve critical and creative thinking skills, and 3) Based on the learning model, the cooperative learning model is effectively used to improve critical thinking skills and problem-solving is effective to improve students' creative thinking skills.
Analisis contextual teaching and learning (CTL) pada buku teks pelajaran fisika SMA kelas X semester 2 Putri Aulia; Desnita Desnita; Akmam Akmam; Silvi Yulia Sari
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (556.853 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/7021171074


The purpose of this study was found out the physics textbooks for senior high school Grade X Semester 2 has facilitated the implementation of contextual teaching and learning in senior high school. This research used descriptive method, where data collection used purposive sampling method. The population in this study are all senior high school physics textbooks grade X used in Indonesia and circulating in West Sumatra. The sample in this study were four physics texbooks Grade X Semester 2 in  senior high school used by several schools in West Sumatra. Colecting of data used instrument which contains seven component of contextual teaching and learning, which are translated into 39 items. The results showed that the presentation of physics textbooks for grade X semester 2 had facilitated the Implementation of the contextual teaching and learning. Textbook that greatly facilitate the implementation of a contextual teaching and learning and are suitable to use by schools is Sunardi’s book, which have an average value of 85% on the very facilitating category. While the textbook that has the lowest value is Marthen Kanginan's book with an average value of 63%  which is categorized as facilitating.
Validitas dan praktikalitas modul bermuatan CTL dan literasi lingkungan materi teori kinetik gas dan termodinamika kelas XI SMA Shinta Kumala; Desnita Desnita; Asrizal Asrizal; Yenni Darvina
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (102.868 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/8448171074


This study aims to create a valid and practical CTL-charged module and environmental literacy used as a source of physics learning for high school class XI for kinetic theory and gas thermodynamics. The research objective is achieved by applying the development research model based on Sugiyono's design. Sugiyono's development design used consisted of seven stages of research. The validity test was conducted at the physics laboratory of UNP and the practicality test was conducted at SMAN 14 Padang. The instrument of validity was a questionnaire consisting of six aspects of assessment which were developed into 26 indicators and translated into 57 items of assessment. Practicality instruments for teachers and students contain four aspects of assessment consisting of 14 indicators and broken down into 37 points of assessment. The results of the validity test by three expert lecturers who gave an average value of 87.15 determined that the development module was valid with a very good level of validity. The results of practicality tests by teachers and students with an average value of 96.26 and 89.18. Based on the average value of practicality according to the teacher and student module development results can be said to be practical with a very good level of practicality. This shows that the module of practical development is used as a source of physics learning for class XI high school. Referring to the results of the validity and practicality tests that have been carried out it can be concluded that the resulting development module is suitable for use as a learning resource.
Co-Authors A. Handjoko Permana Abrar, M Afra Asysyaa Fitri Agus Setyo Budi Alhadi Erpan Allin Wel Ningsih Amali Putra Amali Putra Ananda Mahaputra Iskandar Andala Dika Putri Andrian Andrian Anisa Triwijaya Annisa Fadilla Annisa Fitri, Annisa Annisa Rahmi Annisa Rahmi, Annisa Apriani Wirahmawati Asrizal Asrizal A Asrizal Asrizal Asrizal Asrizal Atika Dwi Maharani Zuler Azis, Hasbi Azura Carolina Harsani Azzahra, Nabilah Bella Sukma Putri Berliana Putry Armanda Betty Zelda Bintang Ronauli Simanjuntak Cecep E Cecep E D. Naradiva Liany Dea Sagita Deby Marlina Desy Desy Dian Purnama Ilahi Diffa Azilia Dinda Nurfadiah Dira Novisya Dira Novisya Dira Novisya Dira Novisya* Doni Zulfadli Dwi Sari Dillasamola Dwi Susanti Dwiokta Muthia Putri Karlina Edja Annisa Septia Elman Ikhtiar Ronaldo Waruwu Erfan Handoko Erfan Handoko Erfan Handoko Erfan Handoko Erlina Yusliani Lina Esmar Budi Esmar Budi Esmar Budi Fadilah Fajria Nanda Fanny Rahmatina Rahim Fatimah Zahara Fatimah Zahara febbi rahmadani Febrian Syah Febrian Virijai Festiyed Firda Annisa Fitri Arsih Fitriane Salsabila Z Fredy Pratama Frennadito Menix Gusnedi Gusnedi Gusnedi Gusnedi H. Hidayat Hadi Nasbey Hani Kurniawati Hani Kurniawati Hasbi Azis Hasya Syahmi Hayatining Suci Abdilah Hidayati Hidayati Hilmi Rizki Anjani Honi Helmiza Husni Tamrin Iftitah Khairunnisa Indri Syukra Indri Yulia Putri Iryani Iryani Iskandar Zulkarnain Iswendi Iswendi Kapur, Karen Karen Kapur Khairunnisa Khairunnisa Korry Nilyani Kurnia Andini Kurnia Febrianti Lisa Utami Lusi Oktavia Luthfiyah Khairi M Abrar M. Ifdal Hafiz Chan Mangasi Alion Marpaung Marlina, Deby Marsa, Putri Bullquis Mawardi Mawardi Mega Elvianasti Mia Andina Lubis Miftahurrahmi Miftahurrahmi Millanie Chintya Augustini Mohamad Ardian Leonda Mohamad Ardian Leonda Muhamad Adrian Leonda Muhammad Arif Muhammad Prisma Murtiani Murtiani Murtiani Murtiani Murtiani Murtiani Mutia Risma Nabilah Azzahra Nadia Ramadhanty Nadya Putri Herman Nadya Syahdi Naurah Nazifah Nazwatul Ilmi Nikita Suryani Noviana Fadilah Novrizal Saputra Nur Tri Yono Nurdi Akbar Nurhamdin Putra Nurhasnah, Nurhasnah Nurul Azmi Nurul Fadilah Qorinatul Aulia Nurul Hikmah Hidayah Nurul Izzah Oria Lasmana Puti Zafirah Maharani Sastra Putra, Amali Putri Aulia Putri Bullquis Marsa Putri Bullquis Marsa Putri Nabila Putri Nurhaliza Putri Rasti Ramadhani Putri, Biomechy Oktomalio Rahma Tilla Dwi Lestari Rahmat Syaifullah Rahmi Zulva Raihanati Raihanati Raihanati Raihanati Ramli Ramli Ratih Komala Dewi Renol Afrizon Resmila Rahmadhani Putri Rezky Amelia Putri Rezza Septia Sari Ria Monica Rida Januarizky Rika Aprianti Rini Amelia Rini Amelia, Rini Riolin Putri Artiwi Risma, Mutia Rizki Rizki Romizah Marta Rosi Feirina Ritonga Roza, Media Rugun Ivania Laudes Rustana Rustana Sadra Hamida Sadra Hamida Salamah, Ummi Salma Amalia As Shidiq Sarwita Berasa Serli Ahzari Sherly Sherly Shinta Kumala Shinta Sari Oktavia Silmi Hidayatullah03 Silvi Yulia Sari Sinta Yolanda Siswoyo Siswoyo Siswoyo Siswoyo Siti Rochaeni Skunda Diliarosta Skunda Diliarosta Slamet Maulana Syafriani Syafriani Syifa Fauziah Titis Wulandari Tomi Apra Santosa Santosa Tomi Putra Wijaya Umiatin - Ummi Salamah Upik Rahma Upik Rahma Fitri Usmeldi Usmeldi Vaizatul Uzfa Venny Mulyana Wahyuni Satria Dewi Wandika Wandika Widia Iswari Yuli wilanda, yoli Wirda Nilawati Yeni Karneli Yenni Darvina Yerimadesi Yerimadesi Yofita Sandra, S.Pd., M.Pd., Zico Farlin, Dr. Budiwirman, M.Pd., Yolanda, Sinta yoli wilanda Yona Sri Mantia Yul Ifda Tanjung Yumelda Marzuki Yunita Jeliyah Jalis Putri Yurnetti Yurnetti Yusmaita, Eka Zulhendri Kamus Zulherman