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Journal : EDUCARE

Teaching Arabic in the Dormitory of Ma’had Jami’i of State Islamic University in Bandung: Toward a Total Immersion Abdurahman, Maman; Rahman, Rahman; Sa’diah, Ely
EDUCARE Vol 10, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : EDUCARE

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ABSTRACT: Arabic is indispensably necessary, especially in the Muslim-majority in Indonesia. However, it takes a lot of time to acquire Arabic, since there are various linguistic branches to learn for anyone who wishes to fluently understand it. On the top of that, Arabic has different characteristics from those of the Indonesian language. The present study was based on the results of a preliminary study that show a significant lack of Arabic teaching innovation, when compared with the teaching of other foreign languages, especially English. The purpose was to figure out the concept of Arabic teaching in the “Ma’had Jami’i” in terms of its objective, process, evaluation, issues, and challenges. To this end, an embedded case study was carried out. The data sources included informants, teaching activities, and documents. The data were analyzed using data source triangulation and an interactive model of method triangulation. The results show that the objective of Arabic teaching was to equip students with Arabic knowledge and skills in order for them to be able to keep up with the lesson and practice Arabic in university classrooms; the teaching process was theory and practice-oriented to create a conducive language learning environment; the evaluation was conducted through written and performance tests during the placement test, midterm test, and final test; and the teaching challenges lay in the psychological, educational, and social aspects. It is recommended that further studies deal with students’ interactions, second language acquisition, interference problem, and teaching components, specifically in the context of language dormitory.KEY WORDS:  Second Language Acquisition; “Ma’had Jami’i” Dormitory; Arabic Teaching Innovation; Students of Islamic State University; Total Immersion.  About the Authors: Prof. Dr. Maman Abdurahman, Prof. Dr. Rahman, and Dr. Ely Sa’diah are the Lecturers at the Faculty of Language and Literature Education UPI (Indonesia University of Education), Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No.229 Bandung 40154, West Java, Indonesia. For academic interests, corresponding author is: mamanabdurrahman@upi.eduSuggested Citation: Abdurahman, Maman, Rahman & Ely Sa’diah. (2018). “Teaching Arabic in the Dormitory of Ma’had Jami’i of State Islamic University in Bandung: Toward a Total Immersion” in EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies, Volume 10(2), February, pp.75-86. Bandung, Indonesia and BS Begawan, Brunei Darussalam: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI and BRIMAN Institute, ISSN 1979-7877. Article Timeline: Accepted (November 16, 2017); Revised (January 5, 2018); and Published (February 28, 2018).
Co-Authors Abas, Sirojudin Ade Sutisna Agus Muharam Ahwi, Rahmania Savitri Alfian, Ian Alfina Baharuddin Andoyo Sastomiharjo, Andoyo Anggy Giri Prawiyogi, Anggy Giri Apriyanti, Suciati Nur Aryanto, Sani Asep Deni Gustiana Asep Nurhuda Asih Kurniasih Asri Ahram Efendi, Asri Ahram Atep Sujana Aulia Akbar Awalia, Evita Meylani Ayu Fitri Cahya, Otong Dewi Sugiarti, Dewi Diah Widyani Dian Anggraeni Maharbid Dindin Abdul Muiz Lidinillah Dingding Haerudin Diska Fratiwi Dwi Kurniasih Ejen Jenal Mutaqin Eka Dwi Agustin Erna Yuliana Faizatun Nazilah Farid, A.M. Miftah Farid, Muhamad Febi Junaidi, Febi Haris Santosa Nugraha Hernawan Hernawan Indra Suhendra Irawati, Riana Irayasa, Kadek Irianto Aris Isah Cahyani Lina Marlina Nur Rizkiya M. Hatta M. Sabir Ma'wa, St. Nurjannatul Maddatuang Maddatuang Maizura, Taqiyya Maman Abdurahman Maryani, N Mubiar Agustin Nabella Alani Nadia, Cica Zahra Nana Supriatna Noviana Budianty Nunuy Nurjanah Nurdin Kamil Nurdin Kamis Nurhasanah Nurhasanah Nuri Annisa Nurwaeni, Wiwin Nurzaman, Istikhoroh Pertiwi, Novalda Pertiwi, Ratnasari Prana Dwija Iswara, Prana Dwija Priatna, Yundara Ulfa Puspita, Lily Auliya Qurotul Aini Rahayu, Mega Mugi Retno Andriyani retno andriyani Riska Herdiyanti Damanik Riska Nurhasanah Rosalina, Annita Sa’diah, Ely Sani Aryanto Siti Humairoh, Siti Sri Wulan Anggraeni Sudrajat, Wini Sopiantini Sulistiawati, Sulistiawati Sulistyaningsih, Sri Suprapta Suprapta, Suprapta Syafitri, Yoesrina Novia Vini Tatat Hartati Tiyas Puji Setianti Trisna Nugraha Tursiva, Erva Usep Kuswari Vina Anggia Nastitie Ariawan Vismania S. Damaianti, Vismania S. Wahyu Sopandi Walipah, Eva Widia Nur Jannah, Widia Nur Yeni Dwi Kurino