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The Analysis of the Role of Technological Transformation in Accelerated Local Government Bureaucracy Reform Ana Suheri; Zulqarnain Zulqarnain; Nurdin I. Muhammad; Ade Risna Sari; Pandu Adi Cakranegara
PERSPEKTIF Vol. 12 No. 2 (2023): PERSPEKTIF, April
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/perspektif.v12i2.8744


This paper to discuss the role of technological transformation in accelerating bureaucratic reform in both the central and regional governments in the era of autonomy. In particular, we would explain the digital technology to service public needs, Basic Concepts of E-Government, sub-chapter on the stages of Bureaucratic Transformation and the impact of reform on public services. There needed to be more data discussing the role of technology in accelerating bureaucratic reform. We obtained scientific evidence from a series of electronic searches of the literature, books, and other academic works. To obtain valid data, we investigate it using a phenomenological method., which involves, among other things, an in-depth evaluation data testing system; concluding begins with an interpretation of the data so that it genuinely answers the study problem.  After discussing in-depth findings, we can conclude that the role of technological transformation in accelerating local government bureaucratic reform in Indonesia is a solution that has a very positive impact on all public services. This is due to technology's ability to innovate and transform public service tasks that are increasing and being compared. In addition, we also found that the digital technology to service public needs, the basic concepts of E-Government, the stages of bureaucratic transformation and the impact of reform on public services as located in finding section. Hopefully, these findings will be useful in future studies of technology and public services, particularly government bureaucracy.
Co-Authors Abdul Manap Abdul Samad Arief Abdul Wahab Abdul, Kartini Maharani Abdurohim Abdurohim Abu Muna Almaududi Ausat Aditya Wardhana Ahmad Tomu Aminatus Zakhra Ana Faizah Ana Suheri Angga Kurniawan Anjarwati, Sri Arief Yanto Rukmana Arnold Sultantio Hutabarat Bagus Kuncoro Bara Zaretta Bayu Prabowo Sutjiatmo Benediktus Yoseph Bhae Budi Harto Bunga Aditi Cakranegara, Pandu Adi Citra Arta, Deddy Novie Darmawati Manda Debiyanti Kune Dedy Suryadi desi kristanti, desi Dewantara, Rizki Dian Meliantari Dyah Handayani Dewi Efendi Efendi Ekbal Santoso Eko Meiningsih Susilowati Elly Retnaningrum Erlin Dolphina Erry Fitrya Primadhany Fatimah Malini Lubis Ferdy Leuhery Fitri Devi Lestari Izaak Gamar Al Haddar Geofakta Razali Ghazali Rahman, Moch Ridho Handy Ferdiansyah Harnavela Sofyan Harun Samsuddin Harun Samsudin Hendry Kurniawan, Hendry Hendy Tannady Henky Hendrawan Heppy Sapulete Heriswanto Hestina Mokoagow I Gede Sujana I Wayan Ruspendi Junaedi Ika Agustina Ikhyanuddin, Ikhyanuddin Ira Meiyenti Irwan Budi Tarwanto Irwan Moridu Irzan Soepriyadi Itot Bian Raharjo Ivonne Ayesha Iwan Henri Kusnadi Joko Ariawan Karyono Karyono Klemens Mere KMT Lasmiatun Lilik Suryaningsih M. Ammar Muhtadi M. Indre Wanof Magdalena Magdalena Mashudi Hariyanto Maskur Maskur Miftahorrozi Miftahorrozi Muh Akob Muhammad Fatkhurohman Albashori Muhammad Mujtaba Mitra Zuana Muhsin Efendi Mustika Wati Alfia Ningtyas Nanny Mayasari Nasruji, Nasruji Nasution, Annio Indah Lestari Nurcahya Hartati Posumah Nurdin I. Muhammad Nurhijrah Olga Theolina Sitorus Pitono Ratnawati Ratnawati Rendi Wibowo Revi Sesario Reviandari Widyatiningtyas Rika Lidyah Riscki Elita Rosihana Rudy Max Damara Gugat Rulam Ahmadi Sahriani Saleha Salehan Salehan Sardjana Orba Manullang Septiana Na'afi Shohib Muslim Siregar, Ade Perdana Soetji Andari Solissa, Everhard Markiano Sri Hastutik Sri Yanna Subagja, Agus Dedi Suhardjono S Suherlan Suherlan, Suherlan Susanto, Primadi Candra Syamsu Rijal Syamsu Rijal Tanti Widia Nurdiani Tri Apriyono Tumija Tumija Verawati Br. Tompul Wildoms Sahusilawane Yayat Suharyat Yessy Kusmadevi Yudi Agusman Yulius Luturmas Yuyun Taufik Zulqarnain