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Reviews of Teachers’ Characters in Students’ Autobiography Atiqa Sabardila; Markhamah Markhamah; Dini Restiyanti Pratiwi
Lingua Cultura Vol. 14 No. 1 (2020): Lingua Cultura
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/lc.v14i1.6418


The research aimed to describe reviews of teachers’ characters found in students’ autobiography. It belonged in the field of Indonesian Language Education, and the data were in the form of students’ autobiography, written in Indonesian. A descriptive-qualitative approach was utilized to observe the attitude, behavior, or perception of autobiographers about their teachers’ characters in the past. The source triangulation was used to verify the validity of the data. The data were analyzed through a comparative method using referential and marker reading techniques, in addition to the focused-group discussion. The results of the research show that the teachers’ characters portrayed in students’ autobiography includes: (1) positive characters: responsible, patient, caring, easy to understand, fair, making students smart, inspiring creativity; and (2) negative characters: fierce/yelling, scary in anger, hard to understand, flirty. From the results, it can be concluded that students’ autobiography evidently helps measure the quality of teachers’ characters, and negative characters reduce the learning process’s effectiveness.
Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora Vol 18, No 2: Agustus 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/humaniora.v18i2.5194


The purpose of this study are (1) describes the use of grammatical cohesion devices in the rubric "Selebritas" in the Feminamagazine; (2) describes the use of lexical cohesion devices in the rubric "Selebritas" in the Femina magazine; and (3) implement the use of grammatical and lexical cohesion devices in rubric "Selebritas" in Femina magazine as one of the teaching material to write narrative texts. The results of this study were (1) grammatical cohesion devices analyzed in this study consisted of 10 reference, 6 conjunction, 3substitution, and 3 ellipsis. Counterfeit reference cohesion divided into 7 reference persona, 2 demonstrative reference and 1 comparative reference. Reference persona is divided into 1 pronoun first person singular, 1 pronoun first personplural, 4 pronouns third person singular, and 1 pronouns third person plural; (2) lexical cohesion devices analyzed in this study consisted of 7 equivalence, 2 hyponymy, 2antonym, 2 repetition, 1 synonymy and 1 collocation; and (3) the results of this research are used as teaching material in high school students of class VII in accordance with Curriculum 2013. These teaching materials can be applied to core competencies 4 and basic competence 4.5.1 which students were asked to compile a narrative text.
Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora Vol 15, No 2: Agustus, 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/humaniora.v15i2.741


This study deals with the violation of cooperative politeness principle of cartoon discourse found in Politik Santun Dalam Kartun by Misrad. The objectives of the study are as follows: (1) to identify the violation of cooperative principle; (2) to describe the violation of politeness principle; and (3) to describe the pedagogical implication in learning Indonesian language at vocational high school. This is a qualitative research. The data in the form of words, sentences, and discourse both monologues and dialogues containing violation of cooperative and politeness principle. Technique of collecting data used is documentation and technique of data analysis used is comparison and contrast technique. The results are as follows: (1) there are three types of violation of cooperative principles, namely: maxim of quantity, relevance, and manner. The violation of quantity maxim is dominant; (2) the violation of politeness principle covers six types, namely: tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim, and sympath maxim.
Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora Vol 17, No 2: Agustus, 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/humaniora.v17i2.2509


This study reviews the perlocution speech acts of Indonesian language teachers in class XI SMK 1 Sawit, Boyolali. This research aims to describe the classification of perlocution speech acts in Indonesian language teachers in class XI SMK Negeri 1Sawit, Boyolali and to describe its functions. This research used descriptive qualitative methods. The analyses techniques used in this research refer to free skilled, technical notes, and recording. The results showed that there are four types of perlocutionspeech acts. They are directive-perlocution speech act, expressive-perlocution speech act, representative-perlocution speech acts and commissive-perlocution speech acts. The directive-perlocution speech acts were found in the forms of orders, reservationsand giving advice. The expressive perlocution speech acts involves hatred, pleasure, excitement. The representative form of speech acts include affirmation, description, statement of facts and conclusions. The commissive form of speech acts include denial. The results of this research showed that the perlocution speech acts function found in Indonesian language teachers are the functions for competitiveness and fun.
ASPEK NILAI MORAL DALAM AKUN FACEBOOK JOKOWI Joko Santoso; Atiqa Sabardila; Agus Budi Wahyudi; Dwi Haryanti; Naimul Faizah; Sugeng Riyanto
Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora Vol 18, No 2: Agustus 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/humaniora.v18i2.5190


This study aims at (1) identifying the lingual form of disfemism in Joko Widodo's Facebook account; (2) describing the addressing form containing sarcasm in Joko Widodo's official Facebook account; and (3) identifying the sarcasm expression used by the operator and the uploader of the account. The object of this study is polite expressions. Linguistic unit of the expressions can be in the form of word, phrase, clause, and sentence. The data of this present study are sentence or sentences in Jokowi's official Facebook account that contains positive connotation words. The data contexts of this research are discourse containing positive connotation sentences, the topic of discourse written by people in Jokowi's account, the identity of the participant, and the context of extra-lingual that is based on the importance of the operator of the president's social media account. The data collection was conducted through documentation technique. The data in Jokowi's official account were copy-pasted. Then, the data were being read intensively to note the positive connotation utterance. The data analysis was conducted through referential (identity) method, pragmatic (identity) method, translational (identity) method, and articulatory phonetic (identity) method. The referential (identity) method was used to identify the topics that were stated by the uploader of the account. The pragmatic (identity) method was used to identify the background of (profession, organization etc) that appeared in their writings. The translational (identity) method was used in describing the origination of the language they use. It is possible that through the use of this method, this study finds the register on that account. Finally, the phonetic (identity) method was used to identify the utterance characteristic they stated. The positive or negative emotion of the speaker, usually, marked by the special pronunciation. To establish the data analysis, this study uses distributional method: substitution technique and paraphrase technique. Based on the data analysis, this study shows several results. First, the euphemism utterance in Jokowi's official Facebook account using any levels, i.e. word, phrase, clause, and sentence. Through those levels, the writer presents suggestions and critics to the owner of the account Joko Widodo. Second, the functions that are stated through that account are expression device, communication relationship to the leader, integration device, and self-control device. Third, the topics stated by the people in that account are about the depiction of Joko Widodo that in their opinion, Joko Widodo shows pretending, the existence of Megawati in the election of Joko Widodo as a president, the increasing of IDR currency and other things at the beginning of his leadership. The expression shows hatred towards the elected president. Furthermore, they also express about Jokowi's unability to establish the IDR currency and his leadership is judged as not good. In addition, to the people, especially netizen are invited to disbelieve to his leadership.
PEMETAAN PELANGGARAN PESERTA PENGENALAN PROGRAM AKADEMIK (PPA) DI UMS TAHUN 2014 DAN VARIASI PENANGANANNYA Agus Budi Wahyudi; Harun Joko Prayitno; Yakub Nasucha; Zainal Arifin; Atiqa Sabardila; Sugeng Riyanto; Naimul Faizah
Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora Vol 15, No 1: Februari, 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/humaniora.v15i1.770


The study aims to describe the violations by the students of the 2014 initiation at UMS and identify their solutions by the activity coordinators and line coordinators. The primary data included the verbal abuse by the coordinators, committees, and students’ responses to the 2014 Academic Program Activity of Teacher and Training Education Faculty - UMS. The secondary data included the non-verbal (physical) abuse obtained from observation and interview. The data were collected through observation, inter-view and written documentation which include the results of the verbal and non-verbal strictness observation, summary of the initiation program and its regulation, and photos. The data validity used was data and data source triangulation. The data were analyzed using case study technique. The results of the study showed that there were some violations by the students during the initiation program as follows: (1) smoking a cigarette, (2) wearing a short skirt for the female, (3) wearing a transparent and tight cloth for the female, (4) not wearing a complete attribute, (5) speaking unethically or using four lette-words, (6) having a long hair beyond the ears, and (7) coming late. The solutions to the violations seemed that the line coordinators tended to permit them and they did not give any punishment so that the students kept on behaving badly. Some students thought that the team of the line coordinators were linient, particularly in giving punishment to the students who violated the regulations of the initiation program.
Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora Vol 17, No 2: Agustus, 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/humaniora.v17i2.2503


This study aimed to describe the referential meaning Ngomikmaksa sites, knowing depiction Ngomikmaksa criticism on the site, and determine the relevance of research results as teaching material in high school learning Indonesian. Collecting data using techniques of documentation and technical notes. The method used to analyze data is unified method intralingual subtype referential with advanced engineering techniques Pilah Element Qualifier (PUP), the second match ekstralingual data analysis with advanced technique appeal something equalizing circuit (HBPS), and the third using constant comparison analysis techniques. According to the research, there are three conclusions: based on the results of research on the meaning refrensial in his criticism on the site Ngomikmaksa there is some form of reference, namely the iconic sinsign, icon argument, iconic legsign, rhematic indexical sinsign, rhematic indexical legsign, dicent indexial legsign, rhematic symbol, dicent symbol , and punctuation symbols. From the analysis, it is known that the reference or the sign of the most widely used is the iconic sinsign. The overall meaning of all the data that has been collected is to discuss the events in Indonesia which is considered very unbalanced or unfair. Through the demonstration of the great figures in Indonesia, namely the president, the founder of the party, ministers, artists, governors, where motorcycles online, and permanent employees. All these figures are figures that became the center of public attention in the nearest period. Relations in learning criticism (text anecdotes) in Indonesian can be concluded that the use of polite language when giving a criticism. This was evidenced by the examples given on the site Ngomikmaksa encourage Shiva understand ethics in providing such criticism, using a logical reason, the language must be polite, and invites the reader to think of a solution.
Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora Vol 21, No 2: Agustus 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/humaniora.v21i2.9102


This study was aimed to explore the context of speech found in Majlis Lucu Indonesia You tube account in the content of debat kusir. The data were in the form of utterances collected from  six videos entitled “Membantah Argument Deddy Corbuzier,” “Respect Reza Octovian,” “Atta Halilintar Tidak Bersalah,” “Lagi-Lagi Atta Halilintar,” “Cara MenaklukanDeddyCorbuzier,” dan “TausiyahUntuk K-Poppers.” The research approach was descriptive qualitative, particularly the reference and the documentary method. The data collection techniques used were listening, note-taking, and documentary techniques. The result indicated that there were five contexts in this study, namely, describing contextual contexts, existential contexts, situational contexts, practical contexts, and psychological contexts.
Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora Vol 15, No 1: Februari, 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/humaniora.v15i1.782


The purpose of this study is to describe: (1) students’ perception of the essential meaning of the word tolerance on religious life and (2) students’ perception of  the contextual meaning of the word tolerance in religious life. The subjects were high school students Muhammmadiyah 1 and  2 Surakarta, total number of students,  97. Data were collected with an open questionnaire and interviews and analyzed with interactive analysis. The results showed that (1) threre were thirteen variations of students’ perception of the essential meaning of the word tolerance in religious life, (2) there were nine students’ perception of the contextual meaning of religious tolerance. Most of the thirteen perceptions were substantially similar to those of the KBBI (2007), however, having shorter and different wordings. The perception that semantically the same substance is dealing with respect other religions, while those with different wordings but semantically the same are not to insult, criticize, or make fun of other people of different religions, to know and understand other religious life, no discrimination to others, a sense of mutual need between one individual to another individual, tolerant of others, caring for others, respect other religions, maintaining good relations between people, not overbearing, giving opportunity to others, living in harmony, and mutual assistance in the community. The perception of the meaning of the word tolerance varies contextually as the following: having exactly the same wordings, having different wordings but semanti cally the same, and having different contextual meanings.
Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora Vol 22, No 1: Februari 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/humaniora.v22i1.11364


This study aims to (1) describe the model development of Giyanti village’s traditional cultural heritage, and (2) how it elaborates the community and the government in developing the ecotourism of Giyanti Hamlet. This research is a qualitative research. Methods of the data collection in the field is by using observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. The collected data were then analyzed by describing the results of the study in detail and systematic. Then, the results are presented informally, namely the formulation with ordinary words in the form of narrative texts. In this study, it is argued that the development of culture towards the ecotourism of the Giyanti village was wrapped in the Community Based Tourism model, which was able to elevate the culture, social, economy of the local community. However, full participation from the community is not enough if there is no good colaboration with the government. Therefore, there must be a good colaboration between the community and the government as the organizer of the ecotourism in the village of Giyanti, Wonosobo Regency.
Co-Authors -Mae, Fateenee Sa Aan Sofyan Abdillah Nugroho Abdul Ngalim Ade Fian Bayu Aji Saputra Adisti Nur Pratiwi Adyana Sunanda Agus Budi Wahyudi Agus Budi Wahyudi Agustin Eka Prasetyawati Aidah Mustikarani Aini, Ninik Nur Ali Imron Ali Imron Al-Ma’ruf Alvisa Aulya Siregar Anggara Tiyo ANGGARA TIYO Anggi Desatria Budiargo Anggun Sita Dewi Anissa Putri Aningsih Anita Dewi Kurniasari Anita Dewi Kurniasari Anita Dewi Kurniasari Anita Dewi Kurniasari Anjas Rusdiyanto Soleh Annisa Rodhiyah Aprilia Kartika Sari Aprilia Putri Kusuma Aprilia Triutami Ariani Alfi Azizah Arif Rahman Fachri Arista - Octavia Aryati Prasetyarini, Aryati Aryati Prasetyorini Atika Lisamawati Nur Qoyyimah Ayu Intansari Ayu Intansari, Ayu Ayudya Suci Cahyanti Azizah Malikha Yunitawati Azizah Malikha Yunitawati, Azizah Malikha Basri, Muhammad Muninuddinilah Bima Wahyu Prasetya Wardana Budhi Arti Laras Sukmawati Budiargo, Anggi Desatria Cahyani, Dizy Hana Tri Cita Raras Nindya Pangesti Dafa Al Fauzan Damayanti, Novita Aisah Deny Sulistyawati Desti Setiyowati Desti Setiyowati Devita Dwi Ramawati Diah Ayu Purwaningsih Dian Lukiana Dian Pratiwi Dini Nur’aini Gita Saputri Dini Restiyanti Pratiwi Dita Meinindya Putri Dizy Hana Tri Cahyani Duwi Saputo Duwi Saputro Duwi Saputro Duwi Saputro Duwi Saputro Dwi Haryanti Eka Nur Insani eko purnomo Eko Purnomo Endah Cahyaningsih Eric Santoso Eric Santoso Ermira Nilansari Putri Ermira Nilansari Putri Etika Nur Rahmawati Fachri, Arif Rahman Fadhila Dwi Juliyanti Farrah Zakiyah Anwar Fateenee Sa-Mae Febriyanto Arif Nugroho Fitri Puji Rahmawati Fitria Indah Nugroho Galih Wiratmoko Garnis Al Widyatri Handayani, Liza Tri Handayani, Ratnawati Hanifah Fitriyani Hari Kusmanto Hari Kusmanto Hari Kusmanto Hari Prayogo Hari Prayogo Harun Joko Prayitno Hasyim, Nafron Hermawati, Linda Himawan, Juan Artha I Dewa Putu Wijana Indah Prihatin Insani, Eka Nur Irfan Hidayah Joko Santosa Joko Santosa Joko Santoso Joko Santoso Joko Santoso Juan Artha Himawan Kharisma Nur Febriana Kusmanto, Hari Laela Ismiyatin Laila Gusnatul Istiqomah Laili Etika Rahmawati Lalu Muhammad Ilham Fajri Lathifah Nurul Hidayah Lathifah Nurul Hidayah Leliana Prihantari Linda Hermawati Lupita Sari Pitra Wardani Lutfi Anjarwati Lutfi Anjarwati M Thoyibi Madiyati Manggala Gita Main Sufanti Main Sufanti Malikatul Laila Mariliana Ariesta Vani Markhamah Markhamah, NFN Marlia Ika Asih Mauly Halwat Hikmat Meilani Dina Pangestika Meitri Setiyaningsih Mellyonisa Athariq Samsulhadi Mila Safitri Mila Safitri, Mila Muhammad Hidayatul Ichsan Muhammad Muninuddinilah Basri Muinudinillah B Muinudinillah B, Muinudinillah Muttaqina Imama Wasanadiputra Nabila Wahyu Saputri Nafron Hasyim Naimul Faizah Naimul Faizah, Naimul Nasirudin Al Mustofa NFN Winarni Ni'matul Khoiriyah Nila Prima Septianingrum Ninik Nur Aini Nisa Ashari Putri Nivia Putri Ratna Juwita Nivia Putri Ratna Juwita Novita Aisah Damayanti Nurlita Cahyani - okky putri rahmawati Pratiwi, Adisti Nur Priatmie, Tivany Inggar Puspitawati, Yenny Putri Ayu Tarwiyati Putri Dwi Susanti Putri, Dita Meinindya Qoshirotu Thorfi Iftinan Raden Roro Ramadhanty Putri Khoirunissa Rahmadani Indria Fatikhasari Rani Seriawaty Rani Setiawaty Ratnawati Handayani Restin Trisna Utami Ria Safira Rifa Dwi Hamidah Safira, Ria Safitri Zuliana Aryanti Safrudin Athfalusholeh Saputri, Dini Nur’aini Gita Septianingrum, Nila Prima Sigit Haryanto Sinta Noviana Siti Arnisyah Siti Istiqomah Siti Layinatul Halimah Siti Zubaidah Siwi Nur Arifah Sri Wahyuningsih Sugeng Riyanto Sugeng Riyanto Suhailee Suhailee Suhandano Suhandano Suistri Suistri Suistri, Suistri Sulistyawati, Deny Sulistyorini, Tety Bekti Susilowati . Susilowati . Syulin Kinanthi Tety Bekti Sulistyorini Tivany Inggar Priatmie Tri Santoso Tri Santoso Tri Santoso Triutami, Aprilia Umi Fadillah Umi Kholifah Vila Dwi Putriani Vira Sukma Permata Sari Sari Vrisca Putri Sholekhah Wara Angreni Winarni, nfn Winda Dwi Lestari Wipit Sapitri Wiratmoko, Galih Wiwik Ariesta Yakub Nasucha Yenny Puspitawati Yeyen Syafitri Yogi Arga Jalu Pratama Yunus Sulistyono Yusuf Rozin Zainal Arifin Zainal Arifin Zainal Arifin