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Penggunaan Media Gambar Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Paragraf Sederhana Siswa Kelas III SDN Inpres Labangun Kecamatan Buko Selatan Maleso, Alprince; Syamsuddin, Syamsuddin; Santosa, Pratama Bayu
Jurnal Kreatif Tadulako Online Vol 5, No 10 (2017): Jurnal Kreatif Tadulako Online
Publisher : Jurnal Kreatif Tadulako Online

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Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah media gambar dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dalam menulis paragraf sederhana pada siswa kelas III SDN Inpres Labangun. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dalam menulis paragraf sederhana. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, penulis melakukan penelitian tindakan kelas melalui media gambar. Jumlah siswa dalam penelitian ini yaitu 15 orang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini terdiri atas dua jenis, data kuantitatif diperoleh dari tes hasil belajar siswa dan data kualitatif dari aktivitas guru dan siswa yang diperoleh dari hasil observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar siswa kelas III SDN Inpres Labangun pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia khususnya kemampuan  menulis paragraf dapat meningkat di mana pada siklus I sebesar 66,7% menjadi 93,3% pada siklus II. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa media gambar apabila diterapkan dengan baik dan benar dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis paragraf. Kata Kunci:  Kemampuan Menulis Paragraf, Media Gambar
The Effect of Organic Fertilizer and Age of Defoliation of Some Substance Nutrition Elephant Grass Silage (Pennisetum Purpureum) Syamsuddin, .
Buletin Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak Vol 9, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Hasanuddin

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An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of organic fertilizer and age defoliation of some nutrients silage elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum). This experiment used elephant grass, compost, and organic liquid fertilizer. The experiment was conducted according to completely randomized design pattern 3 x 3 factorial with 3 replications, the first factor is fertilization: A1 (without fertilizer), A2 (fertilizing with compost) and A3 (fertilizing with a liquid fertilizer), while the second factor is the age of defoliation: B1 (age defoliation 30 days), B2 (age defoliation 45 days) and B3 (age defoliation 60 days). The results showed that the crude protein content of elephant grass silage at the age of 30 days defoliation treatment is higher than the age of defoliation 45 days and 60 days. While the highest crude fiber obtained at the age of defoliation 60 days. Elephant grass defoliation at the age 45 days and compost can to improve the content of crude fat and BETN elephant grass silage.
PRAKTEK PROSTITUSI TERSELUBUNG DI KOTA BIMA Adnan Adnan; Juhriati Juhriati; Syamsuddin Syamsuddin
SANGAJI: Jurnal Pemikiran Syariah dan Hukum Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Maret
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah IAI Muhammadiyah Bima

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52266/sangaji.v1i1.69


This paper is summary of the result of research conducted in Kota Bima. It was tried to open the prostitution mask which is done by the students. Besides, the research is a way to search the prostitution motive and how to solve it. The type of this research is the empiric and sociological law, meanwhile, the data is collected by field observation and directly interview. The data of research was analyzed by description method, to describe the data, it need more explanation to solve the prostitution. The result of this research show, there are two main factors why the students do prostitution; firstly internal factor which are consist of low of moral standardization and low of iman quality ( Believe to God), life style, psychological burden (traumatic and disappointed). While the external factor is influence by environment (friends), lack of parents, social, or government watching. However, the dominant factor is demand of students life – style who wants life luxury and expensive. Finally, the students can do the prostitution because lack of parent, social (owner the building house, hotel or homestay) and government roles.
Pemberian Substrat Lumpur Kolam Sebagai Pupuk Untuk Pertumbuhan Daphnia sp. | Provision of pond mud substrate as fertilizer for the growth of Daphnia sp. Perawati Isami; Ade Muharam; Syamsuddin Syamsuddin
The NIKe Journal VOLUME 5 NOMOR 1, MARET 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Fishery and Marine Sciences - Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/.v5i1.5266


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian substrat lumpur kolam sebagai pupuk untuk pertumbuhan Daphnia sp. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pada setiap perlakuan tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata. Rata-rata pertambahan Daphnia sp. tertinggi terdapat pada pemberian substrat lumpur dasar kolam pada perlakuan B yaitu 27,09 ind/l di ikuti oleh perlakuan C dan A yaitu 23,90 ind/l dan 23,67 ind/l serta terendah pada perlakuan D yaitu 9,71 ind/l. Sedangkan pada pemberian substrat lumpur kolam pada ketebalan 10 cm memiliki jumlah relatif menurun dari pemberian substrat lumpur dasar kolam yaitu perlakuan A yaitu 17,90 ind/l, perlakuan C yaitu 14,33 ind/l, Perlakuan D yaitu 12,62 ind/l, dan perlakuan B yaitu 11,48 ind/l. Dengan persamaan regresi pada pemberi substrat lumpur dasar kolam yaitu y = -4.507x + 32.36, R2 = 0.564, dan pemberian substrat lumpur pada ketebalan 10 cm yaitu y = -1.299x + 17.33 , R2 = 0.358. This study aims to determine the effect of the pond mud substrate as fertilizer for the growth of Daphnia sp. The method used in this study is an experimental method with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The results obtained indicate that each treatment did not have a real effect. The average increase in Daphnia sp. the highest was found in the substrate mud substrate pool in treatment B that was 27.09 ind / l followed by treatments C and A which were 23.90 ind / l and 23.67 ind / l and the lowest in treatment D was 9.71 ind / l. Whereas the administration of pond mud substrate at a thickness of 10 cm has a relatively decreasing amount of substrate pond substrate administration, namely treatment A is 17.90 ind / l, treatment C is 14.33 ind / l, Treatment D is 12.62 ind / l , and treatment B is 11.48 ind / l. With the regression equation for the substrate sludge pond bottom is y = -4.507x + 32.36, R2 = 0.564, and the giving of mud substrate at a thickness of 10 cm is y = -1.299x + 17.33, R2 = 0.358. Katakunci: Daphnia sp.; substrat; lumpur; pupuk; pertumbuhan. Keywords: Daphnia sp.; substrate; mud; fertilizier; growth
Management of Sustainable Hemiramphus robustus Fishery in Boalemo District Atep Ginanjar; Abd Hafidz Olii; Syamsuddin Syamsuddin
The NIKe Journal VOLUME 7 ISSUE 2 | JUNE 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Fishery and Marine Sciences - Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/.v7i2.4880


This study aims to examine the sustainability status of the julung-julung fish catch fisheries in Boalemo District based on the five aspects of ecology, economic, social, technological and ethical dimensions, and provide recommendations for strategies to support sustainability. This research was conducted in Boalemo District from March to August 2016. The method used in this research is survey method. As for the sustainability status analysis using Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries (RAPFISH), and for preparing strategy priorities using SWOT analysis (Strenght, Weaknesess, Opportunities, and Threath). The results showed that the status of sustainable fisheries cultivation of julung-julung dimension of ecology 80,63 (continuous), economics 35,80 (less sustainable), social 73,85 (sustainable enough), technology 55,51 (sustainable enough), and ethics 52.56 (fairly sustainable). When viewed in a multidimensional manner, the fishing activities of the julung-julung fish catch in Boalemo Regency are in sustainable condition with the value of IKP (Fishery Sustainability Index) 59.67. Strategies that need to be done in the management of capture fisheries are 1) Arrangement of fishing effort of the julung-julung, 2) Arrangement of catching season, 3) Protection of place to lay eggs, 4) Determination of fishing zone, 5) Related to capital, utilization of technology, and management assistance, 6) socialization of environmentally friendly fishing, 7) Improving fisherman's access to education, 8) integrated fishery management, 9) increasing fishermen's role in formulation of fishery policy, 10) And 11) Establish a group of independent fishery resource supervisor (POKWASMAN). Keywords: Julung-Julung; sustainability; RAPFISH; SWOT; Boalemo
Effects of Addition of Vitamin C on Artificial Feed for the Growth of Humpback Grouper’s Seeds Rahman Tamutu; Syamsuddin Syamsuddin; Mulis Mulis
The NIKe Journal VOLUME 6 ISSUE 4 | DECEMBER 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Fishery and Marine Sciences - Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (49.703 KB) | DOI: 10.37905/.v6i4.5252


This study aims to determine the effect of adding different doses of vitamin C to otohime artificial feed for the growth of humpback grouper (Chromileptis altivelis) seeds. This study used an experimental method and a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The results showed that the highest growth in length and weight was shown in treatment D respectively 1.96 cm and 4.14 g, followed by treatment C amounting to 1.87 cm and 4.12 g, followed by treatment B 1.65 cm and 4 , 07, and the lowest in treatment A of 1.57 cm and 3.97 g. The results of the analysis of variability in humpback grouper seed weight showed that the addition of vitamin C, which had a different significant effect (p
Pemberian Substrat Lumpur Kolam Sebagai Pupuk untuk Pertumbuhan Daphnia sp. | The effect of the pond mud substrate as fertilizer for the growth of Daphnia sp. Perawati Isami; Ade Muharam; Syamsuddin Syamsuddin
The NIKe Journal VOLUME 4 NOMOR 2, JUNI 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Fishery and Marine Sciences - Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (81.061 KB) | DOI: 10.37905/.v4i2.4656


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian substrat lumpur kolam sebagai pupuk untuk pertumbuhan Daphnia sp. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pada setiap perlakuan tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata. Pemberian substrat lumpur kolam sebagai pupuk yang menggunakan substrat lumpur kolam pada ketebalan 10 cm dan substrat lumpur dasar kolam serta dosis substrat lumpur kolam yang berbeda sangat bervariasi, dimana rata-rata pertambahan Daphnia sp. tertinggi terdapat pada pemberian substrat lumpur dasar kolam pada perlakuan B yaitu 27,09 ind/l di ikuti oleh perlakuan C dan A yaitu 23,90 ind/l dan 23,67 ind/l serta terendah pada perlakuan D yaitu 9,71 ind/l. Dengan persamaan regresi pada pemberian substrat lumpur dasar kolam yaitu y = -4.507x + 32.36, R2 = 0.564, dan pemberian substrat lumpur pada ketebalan 10 cm yaitu y = -1.299x + 17.33 , R2 = 0.358. This study aims to determine the effect of the pond mud substrate as fertilizer for the growth of Daphnia sp. The method used in this study is an experimental method with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The results indicate that each treatment did not have a real effect. The application of pond mud substrate as fertilizer using pond mud substrate at a thickness of 10 cm and pond bottom mud substrate as well as different doses of pond mud substrate vary, where the highest average increase in Daphnia sp. was found in the pond mud substrate in treatment B that was 27.09 ind/l followed by treatments C and A which were 23.90 ind/l and 23.67 ind/l and the lowest in treatment D was 9.71 ind/l. With the regression equation for the bottom pond mud substrate treatmen is y = -4.507x + 32.36, R2 = 0.564, and muddy substrate treatment at 10 cm thickness is y = -1.299x + 17.33, R2 = 0.358. Katakunci: Daphnia sp.; substrat lumpur; pupuk; pertumbuhan Keywords: Daphnia sp.; mud substrate; fertilizer; growth
Effect of Addition of Betel Leaf Decoction on Survival Rate of Goldfish Infected with Dactylogyrus sp. Rizky Saputra; Ade Muharam; Syamsuddin Syamsuddin
The NIKe Journal VOLUME 8 ISSUE 4 | DECEMBER 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Fishery and Marine Sciences - Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/nj.v8i4.9864


This study aims to determine the effect of adding boiled betel leaf (Piper bettle Linn) with different doses on the survival rate of goldfish (Cyprinus carpio) infected with Dactylogyrus sp. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of the Fish Quarantine Station, Quality Control and Safety of Class I Fishery Products, Gorontalo. This study used an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD), 4 treatments and 3 replications. The test method is by soaking the betel leaf stew for 30 minutes. With dosage. Treatment A (control), B (5 ml / L water), C (10 ml / L water), D (15 ml / L water). Observations include the survival of goldfish. Treatment A (86.7%), B (100%), C (93.3%), and D (86.7%), parasite intensity and density of Dactylogyrus sp., observation of clinical symptoms and water quality. The data analysis used was the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results showed that the treatment of giving betel leaf stew with different doses on the survival of goldfish infected with the parasite Dactylogyrus sp had no significant effect among treatments. Water quality parameters during the study were still in normal conditions for the life of goldfish seeds. Keywords: Goldfish; betel leaf; survival rate; Dactylogyrus sp.
Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Jaring Insang Dasar di Desa Pohuwato Timur | Feasibility Analysis of Bottom Gillnet in Pohuwato Timur Village Syaiful Syarif; Sitti Nursinar; Syamsuddin Syamsuddin
The NIKe Journal VOLUME 4 NOMOR 4, DESEMBER 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Fishery and Marine Sciences - Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (128.815 KB) | DOI: 10.37905/.v4i4.5072


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kelayakan usaha jaring insang dasar (Bottom gillnet) yang dioperasikan nelayan Desa Pohuwato Timur Kecamatan Marisa Kabupaten Pohuwato. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2015 sampai Januari 2016. Analisis usaha investasi, biaya usaha dan hasil penerimaan usaha dilakukan untuk menentukan apakah usaha nelayan jaring insang dasar layak untuk dijadikan usaha perikanan tangkap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usaha jaring insang dasar layak untuk dijadikan usaha perikanan tangkap. Keuntungan yang didapat dari hasil penerimaan usaha rata-rata sebesar Rp 41,409,000 per tahun. Alat tangkap jaring insang dasar dapat memberikan kontribusi produksi ikan rata-rata sebesar 10.368 Kg ikan per tahun. Usaha ini mampu menyumbang sebesar Rp 93.312.000 per tahun khusus untuk Desa Pohuwato Timur. This study aims to look at the feasibility of bottom gill net operated by fishermen in Pohuwato Timur Village, Marisa District, Pohuwato Regency. This research was carried out in October 2015 to January 2016. Analysis of investment businesses, business costs and revenues was carried out to determine whether the bottom gill net business is feasible. The results showed that the bottom gill net is feasible to be a capture fisheries business. Profits derived from the business revenue of averagely Rp 41,409,000 per year. Bottom gill net fishing gear can contribute fish production to an average of 10,368 kg of fish per year. This business is able to contribute as much as Rp 93,312,000 per year specifically for the Village of Pohuwato Timur. Katakunci: Kelayakan usaha; perikanan tangkap; jaring insang dasar. Keywords: Business feasibility; capture fishery; bottom gillnet.
Pengaruh Bioflok Limbah Budidaya Ikan Nila terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Sintasan Benih Ikan Lele Sangkuriang | The effect of biofloc tilapia as aquaculture waste on the growth and survival of seeds of sangkuriang catfish Rahmat Hidayat Thalib; Syamsuddin Syamsuddin; Juliana Juliana
Publisher : Faculty of Fishery and Marine Sciences - Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (88.423 KB) | DOI: 10.37905/.v4i3.5063


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh bioflok limbah budidaya ikan nila (Oreocromis niloticus) terhadap pertumbuhan dan sintasan benih ikan lele sangkuriang (Clarias gariepinus). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan panjang dan berat mutlak terbaik ditunjukkan pada perlakuan C berturut-turut sebesar 4,1cm dan 0,75 g. Sintasan benih ikan lele selama penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan C (10 ml) adalah sintasan terbaik dengan nilai 100 %. Hasil analisis sidik ragam pertumbuhan panjang dan berat benih ikan lele menunjukan bahwa pemberian bioflok dengan dosis yang berbeda berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan panjang dan sintasan benih dan berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan berat benih. Uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) untuk pertumbuhan berat menunjukkan bahwa pada setiap perlakuan berbeda nyata. This study aims to determine the effect of biofloc tilapia (Oreocromis niloticus) as culture waste on the growth and survival of seeds of sangkuriang catfish (Clarias gariepinus). This research is using experimental method. The design used in the study was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The results showed that the best absolute length and weight growth was shown in treatment C respectively 4.1 cm and 0.75 g. Survival of catfish seeds during the study showed that treatment C (10 ml) was the best survival rate with a value of 100%. The results of analysis of various growth length and weight of catfish seeds showed that the administration of biofloc with different doses affected the length growth and survival rate of the seeds and significantly affected the growth of seed weight. Least Significant Difference Test (LSD) for weight growth showed that each treatment was significantly different. Katakunci: Ikan lele; Clarias gariepinus; bioflok; pertumbuhan; sintasan. Keywords: Catfish; Clarias gariepinus; biofloc; growth; survival.
Co-Authors A. Asrianie Abd Hafidz Olii Abd. Hafidz Olii Abdul Latif Achmad Selamet Aku Ade Muharam Adnan Adnan Adris Robinson Dai Agustriyono Ibrahim Aini Indrijawati Ainul Uyuni Taufiq Ainun Marliah Aisyah Fitriani Akbar Prayoga Akhmad Qusyairi Amiruddin Alaa, Siti Aldy Ramadhan Ali Bain Alprince Maleso Amiluddin Indi Amiluddin Indi Aminullah Aminullah Andi Murlina Andi Murlina Tasse Ariani, Winda Ade Arniyanti Nadin Asmar Hasan Asriani alimuddin Astriana Napirah Atep Ginanjar Auza, Fuji Astuty Aziz Salam Bakti Sukrisna Bambang Hendro sunarminto Bubut Kurniawan Budiman Nohong Cassyano Natafusadha Chalida Alfany Darwis Said Dedem Sutopo Deki Zulkarnain Desti Ajayanti Hutajulu Desti Suci Safitri Dewi Anggraeni Dian Wijaya Kurniawidi Didik Indradewa Dina Hasria ELIHAMI, ELIHAMI Farida Farida Fauziah Umar Febiang Lopulalan Firman Nasiu Firman Nasiu Firman Nasiu Frengky Mandacan Fuji Astuti Audza Gusti Ayu Kade Sutariati Hairil Adzulyatno Hadini Hamdan Has Hanung Adi Nugroho Hardiana Hardiana Hasan Hasan Hasanuddin Bua Hasanuddin Hasanuddin Hasmiwarni Hasmiwarni Hatta Muhammad Heni Sulusyawati Herlina Ahmad Husna Husna Husnul Khatimah I Wayan Sura Idrus Salam Indah Nahdiat Isrori Indah Nurhidayati INDRAYANI INDRAYANI Irmayanti Sudirman Juhriati Juhriati Juliana Juliana Kaharudin Adam Kariya Kariya Katmono Katmono Khaerani Makbul La Malesi La Ode Arsad Sani La Ode Arsad Sani La Ode Baa La Ode Muhamad Munadi La Ode Musa Rachmat La Ode Nafiu La Ode Sahidin La Ode Woli La Rianda Baka Lili Hasliana M Abduh Ulim M. Teguh Jaka Satya Samudra Jati Suara Malesi, La Marni Marni Miftahul Janna Taha Mohammad Rijal Mudinillah, Adam Muh. Faisal Andis Muh. Ikhsan Muh. Tamrin Muhammad Azwir Muhammad Zuhdi Muliadi Muliadi Mulis Mulis Nahra Fahmi Nasriati Nasriati Natsir Sandiah Nazaruddin, Rezkiawati Nirwana Nirwana Nur Alim Nur Asmawati Nurdin Nur F Bulotio Nur Hikmat Nur Santy Asminaya Nurfaida Tasni Nurliana Sari Nurul fazirah Pairin Pairin Panitra. A Perawati Isami Prapto Yudono Pratama Bayu Santosa Pratiwi Riski Purnama Sari Purnaning Dhian Isnaeni Putu Nara Kusuma Prasanjaya Rahman Tamutu Rahmat Hidayat Rahmat Hidayat Thalib Religius Heryanto Ricka Rizkiana Ridho Ahyana Rizky Saputra Ronodirdjo, Muhammad Zuhdi Rully Tuiyo S. Hasan Samrin Samrin Samrin Samrin Selicha Putri Sesilia A Keban Silvina Silvina Sitti Fatimah Sitti Nursinar Sunaryo Sunaryo Sutiana Sutiana Syahriah Sari Syahrial Ayub Syahrul Syahrul Syaiful Syarif Syam Rahadi Syamsir Saputra Syarifuddin Rasyid T. Sarwanidas TAKDIR SAILI Teti Arabia Tjut Chamzurni Ulfa Aulia Versiandika Yudha Pratama vony nofrika Wa Laili Salido Wa Laily Salido Wa Ode Asrina Azizah Tasrif Widhi Kurniawan YAYUK OKTA PURNAMASARI Yulia Azmi Khotimah zidan hamzah arofah