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Bullying Menjadi Budaya Pendidikan di lingkungan Pesantren Fatiha Sabila Putri Matondang; Firman Firman; Riska Ahmad
Keguruan Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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Bullying is a violent behavior both verbally and non-verbally that hurts someone or a group of people that is carried out by people who have more power and strength over other people. Of course this behavior is not good and has a bad impact on victims, but in fact this often happens in the world of education, including Islamic boarding schools. In fact, this has become a culture that is considered part of Islamic boarding school education where senior students who bully junior students even to the point of physical violence are referred to as seniority. This bullying behavior is inversely proportional to the Islamic religious sciences which form the basis of education in Islamic boarding schools where Islamic religious values that contain peace and mutual respect should be attached to the students so that it will prevent bullying. Seniority, victim grudges and the desire to be respected and want to be popular are the main factors in the emergence of bullying behavior.
Peranan Guru dan Pemanfaatan Teknologi dalam Pendidikan (Dampak Modernisasi dalam Pendidikan) Risda Heldriyana; Firman Firman; Riska Ahmad
Keguruan Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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Education cannot be separated from human life, and the era of development can never be separated from human life, so that these two things become inseparable, humans will continue to move forward and develop, accompanied by education, and will also continue to move forward with the times. One of the very rapid developments of the times is in the field of technology, where with its existence it brings convenience in the world of education, which used to be done only in class and at certain hours, now by utilizing technology in the field of education to facilitate the learning process teaching, education can be done anytime and anywhere, as long as the place is accessed by an internet network. This is of course very beneficial for the world of education and brings positive paths, but behind all the goodness, the use of technology in the teaching and learning process also brings negative paths, where technology will shift the role of the main teacher in education, and also cause the focus of student learning to be shifted to things - other interesting things that exist on the internet.
Peran Guru dalam Kebijakan Kurikulum Merdeka di Sekolah Vivi Sumanti; Firman Firman; Riska Ahmad
Keguruan Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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Education always keeps up with the times and the curriculum always changes according to the needs of the times. The purpose of this study is to analyze the state of education through curriculum policy changes to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. This study uses qualitative research methods and a type of literature review. The author uses data collection techniques by collecting and analyzing information from sources that are relevant to the discussion. Once collected, the data were analyzed using descriptive methods. Based on the sources examined, the facts of the events written in the statement were revealed. The findings of this study are changes due to new curriculum policies that affect the teacher's role, as well as pedagogic challenges that require teachers to be rooted in their own expertise to develop learning with this new curriculum
Peran Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar Febriella Fauziah; Firman Firman; Riska Ahmad
Keguruan Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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The curriculum aims to improve and optimize students so that they can become graduates who can be adaptive, flexible and altruistic in the global labor market. The curriculum requires students to be able to utilize and master technology that continues to develop and advance according to the times. So that these changes also align with educational goals, especially curriculum adjustments which are now called the independent learning curriculum. An effective independent learning curriculum must reflect a philosophy of goals, objectives, learning experiences, instructional resources, and assessment. In order for the implementation of the independent learning curriculum to be effective, the teacher must be involved in the development process. In particular Guidance and Counseling (BK) teachers have an important role in success in school as an extension of the hand that can diagnose and identify the needs of students. BK teachers are required to be skilled in optimizing the effectiveness of learning and improving the quality of education using the most suitable learning approaches/methods for students. Implementation of the independent learning curriculum so that it becomes a guide that is relevant and right on target and requires BK teachers as implementers of the independent learning curriculum so that it runs effectively. In writing this paper, the author uses a descriptive qualitative research method using a library approach.
Penerapan Demokrasi Pendidikan: Kepemimpinan Guru dalam Membentuk Karakter Siswa Shella Satiwi Guci; Firman Firman; Riska Ahmad
Keguruan Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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Education is the need of every individual. In education there is always progress in a better direction, such as the realization of educational democracy in learning, which includes the idea of giving students freedom to express opinions, surrender and equal opportunities without differences in ethnicity, race or class. This study uses the literature review method, where information is obtained from journals, articles, and websites on the internet, and is analyzed with a qualitative approach using data analysis techniques in the steps of information retrieval, data reduction, data presentation, and inference. The results of the study show that students are currently not only used as learning objects, but also as interlocutors in the learning process. Therefore, it is hoped that teachers will succeed in creating a democratic learning environment for students in such a way that the character of students is formed.
Dampak Negatif Modernisasi dalam Pendidikan Liqa Fadhila; Firman Firman; Riska Ahmad
Keguruan Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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Progress that is increasingly undeniable in the world of technology in the era of the industrial revolution 5.0, is increasingly creating changes especially in the culture that is passed through the educational process, called modernization. with the relationship between modernization and education, of course, it also has good and bad impacts, especially on students who are the main figures in education. the focus in this research is how modernization has a bad impact on education. traced through library research. library research is a research conducted using literature. the results of the study found that there were many negative impacts of modernization on education. for example like internet addiction, students no longer rely on teachers and others. That's why the role of the teacher/counseling teacher is needed to guide students so they can minimize these impacts. as well as assistance from all parties and also parents
Penerapan Desentralisasi Pendidikan pada Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah dari Pola Lama (Sebelum Desentralisasi Pendidikan) ke Pola Baru (Era Desentralisasi) Indra Saputra; Firman Firman; Riska Ahmad
Keguruan Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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The era of educational decentralization has brought fundamental changes in various lives, including educational life. With decentralization, schools will be free to manage resources and sources of funds by allocating them according to priority needs, as well as being more responsive to local needs. Teacher activity and creativity can be realized if a school work climate is created that is conducive and appropriate to the objectives of the activity. The Education Office (including supervisors) does not interfere in the management of learning which is the full responsibility of the school principal. Schools belong to the local community, BP3 and parties who care about the interests of the school. So that students will become subjects not only objects that directly become the focus of the target involved by the teacher in selecting activities.
Co-Authors Achmad Fauzi Ade Herdian Putra Advis Arin Pramesti Afdal Afifah Bidayah Agung Tri Prasetia Ahmad Fauzan Alam Nasyar Alfi Rahmi Amrina Asfarina Anggia Wahyu Agustin Annisa Khairani Apriana Nofriastuti Rasdiany Arip Martua Hasibuan Azmatul Khairiah Sari, Azmatul Khairiah Azrul Said Bella Putri Zain Berliana Amandha Daharnis Daharnis Darnis Arief Delima Delima Desi Harlina Desi Yovita Devina Amalia Dewi Putri Resti Dhiza Dian Harly Dian Montanesa Eryzal Novrialdy Faris Abdurrahman Fatiha Sabila Putri Matondang Fauziah Febriady Hutauruk Febriella Fauziah Fera Handayani Safitri Fira Ramli Firman Firman Firman Firman Fuad Mimhamimdala Geandra Ferdiansa Gusti Rahayu Hanifah Pratiwi Hariko, Rezki Harmalis Harri Jumarto Suriadi Hengki Yandri Herman Nirwana Hirma Meuthia Ifdil Ifdil Iqbal Arrahman Iqbal Nuari Jon Efendi Julia Eva Putri Khairunisa Khairunisa Laksono Trisnantoro Ledita Ezy Maulany Lesis Andre Liqa Fadhila Lisa Putriani M. Fahli Zatrahadi Maghfirah Hidayani Marianna Harahap Marimbun Marimbun Marjohan . Mega Iswari Biran Asnah Meili Junita Mita Anggela Putri Mufadhal Barseli Netrawati Netrawati Nevi Yarni Neviyarni Neviyarni Neviyarni Neviyarni Nilma Zola Nurfarhanah Nurfarhanah Rachman Hakim Rahma Fitri Restu Fauziah Ridni Eliza Rima Pratiwi Fadli Risda Amini Risda Heldriyana Risda Heldriyana Shella Satiwi Guci Siti Wulan Sari Siti Wulandari Sri Rahayu Wardani Suci Rahmah Tursina Syahniar Syahniar Tri Ulviani Vivi Sumanti Wenny Audina Kartikasari Widya Yolanda Winda Elvita Winda Marnita Wiwi Delfita Yarmis Syukur Yeni Elviza Yenni Elfira Yolanda Bahar Yundari, Yundari Yunita Khairani Zadrian Ardi