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All Journal Pedagogi: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Widyagogik : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar Innovatio : Journal for Religious Innovations Studies Jurnal Counseling Care Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Terapan Islamic Counseling : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Ar-Rahman JKI (Jurnal Konseling Indonesia) Educational Guidance and Counseling Development Journal International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education Journal of Education and Instruction (JOEAI) RISTEKDIK : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Consilium : Berkala Kajian Konseling dan Ilmu Keagamaan Al-Irsyad: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling JURNAL PENDIDIKAN TAMBUSAI Jurnal Basicedu Bisma The Journal of Counseling Journal on Education Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia) Jurnal EDUCATIO: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Menara Ilmu JPGI (Jurnal Penelitian Guru Indonesia) Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling Jurnal Neo Konseling Bina Gogik: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Jurnal Inovatif Ilmu Pendidikan Edunesia : jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan PAKAR Pendidikan Journal of Educational and Learning Studies Journal of Counseling and Educational Technology Al-Ittizaan : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam Journal of Early Childhood Education (JECE) PLAKAT : Jurnal Pelayanan Kepada Masyarakat Realita : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Syifaul Qulub: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam Edu Consilium : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Pendidikan Islam Journal of Counseling, Education and Society Indonesian Journal of Counseling and Development Algebra : Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Sains International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences (IJERLAS) International Journal of Applied Counseling and Social Sciences Education and Counseling Journal Literasi Nusantara Lentera Negeri Jurnal Basicedu Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Sosial Counseling and Humanities Review Jurnal Counseling Care Jurnal Aplikasi IPTEK Indonesia Cerdika: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Dan Psikologi Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Educaniora: Journal of Education and Humanities Consilium Current Issues In Counseling Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial Dan Sains Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia
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The implementation of Basic counseling Technique in Elementary School for Helping the development and Alleviating Student's Problems in West Pasaman District Education office Netrawati Netrawati; Yeni Karneli; Neviyarni S.
Islamic Counseling : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342.945 KB) | DOI: 10.29240/jbk.v2i2.618


Children' Development and Characteristic in elementary school-age are different. Each child is different, Low class students between high class students are different. The students come to school in order to be able to follow the education well. But It will not last forever. The problems that they face come from inability in doing assignment,wish, competition among friends, less motivations to study, less supports from parents and others. Deviant behavior also comes from many forms such as, bothering friend, breaking school's facilities, hard in focusing the attention, often musing, and playing-truant. The puroses of this dedication are : 1) class teachers and subject teachers can make a profgram of leadership and Counseling which is integrated into the lesson with tematic approach. 2) Giving Individual Counseling service to help the development and problems of students in Elementary School. The target of this dedication is subject teachers and class teachers of Elementary school in West Pasaman Regency. The method that is used in this research is Descriptive Quantitative, which describes the real condition. Elementary school teachers have had Basis Counseling skill to help students who have problems at school. 30% of elementary school teachers have had basis counseling skill to help students' problems at school, and there are still some elementary school teachers who have low Counseling skill.
Upaya Guru BK untuk Mengentaskan Masalah-Masalah Perkembangan Remaja dengan Pendekatan Konseling Analisis Transaksional Netrawati Netrawati; Khairani Khairani; Yeni Karneli
Islamic Counseling : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam Vol 2, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (207.354 KB) | DOI: 10.29240/jbk.v2i1.463


Adolesent faces complicated phase because the condition of unstable emotion. In beginning of adolesecence, the development shows strong sensitive and reactive characterisic to an event or social situation. The emotion is negative and temperamental. This research has purpose to: 1) helping student to solve development’s problems by using approach of transactional analysis counseling, 2) giving skill for counseling guidance teacher to be able to use approach on transactional analysis counseling by using life position technique, 3) helping adolecent to reach life position in gaining optimal development. This research uses descriptive method through the study of action research which consist of two cycles. The first cycle with counseling plan by using approach of transactional analysis counseling, and second cycle by giving perception and action whith approach of transactional analysis counseling. The subject of this research is student of junior high school as well as counseling guidance teacher. Instrument and technic of data accumulation is interview and observation. The result of it will increase the skill of counseling guidance teacher in doing conseling intervention and group of transactional analysis focuses in solving adolescent’s problem. Overall of those two cycles have the change of skill that counseling guidance teacher has to help solving adolescent’s development especially showing correct ego state and life script is I am ok you are ok.
Penilaian dalam konseling kelompok Gestalt Indah Sukmawati; Neviyarni Neviyarni; Yeni Karneli; Netrawati Netrawati
JPGI (Jurnal Penelitian Guru Indonesia) Vol 4, No 1 (2019): JPGI
Publisher : Indonesian Institute for Counseling, Education and Therapy (IICET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29210/02267jpgi0005


Pada konseling kelompok gestalt, anggota kelompok dapat memanfaatkan keberadaannya di dalam kelompok untuk menyalurkan dan mengekspresikan pemikiran, perasaan, dan perilakunya selama ini yang bermasalah. Untuk bisa mencapai kegiatan kelompok yang efektif dan efisien, seorang pemimpin kelompok gestalt harus mampu melaksanakan kegiatan sesuai tahap-tahap pembentukan konseling kelompok. Selanjutnya pemimpin kelompok gestalt harus memahami permasalahan keanggotaan kelompok, konflik yang muncul dalam kelompok konseling, kedalam pengungkapan diri antar anggota, dan menutup/ menghentikan kegiatan kelompok. Hal tersebut perlu adanya penilaian agar apa yang dilakukan berjalan sesuai dengan tujuan konseling kelompok. Konselor idealnya melaksanakan penilaian selama rentang kegiatan, mulai dari awal konseling sampai akhir konseling, di mana konselor akan memperoleh data yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menyusun, menyelenggarakan dan mengevaluasi kegiatan konseling kelompok yang dilaksanakan sesuai dengan kondisi klien yang tergambar melalui kegiatan asesmen.
Relationship Between Creativity With Self-Concept of Student Junior High School 2 Padang Atikah Suri Jania; Netrawati Netrawati
Jurnal Neo Konseling Vol 1, No 4 (2019): Jurnal Neo Konseling
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/00167kons2019


Adolescence is a transition from childhood to adulthood. In this case the change in social interaction and self-control is influenced by one's self-concept. By having a positive self-concept students are able to accept their condition and maximize their potential. However, in reality there are still students in the field who have a negative self-concept that feels themselves are insignificant, are very sensitive to criticism and feel pessimistic every time they encounter a problem. The concept of self is an individual's perception of himself, his abilities, and one of the determinants of someone in being good or bad so that it can cause changes in knowledge, attitudes, behavior and it is suspected that one of the factors that influence it is creativity. This study aims to determine the relationship between creativity and self-concept of students of Junior High Shcool 2 Padang. This research is a descriptive correlational research with quantitative methods. A total of 223 students were selected using the Simple Random Sampling technique. The research instrument used was a questionnaire of creativity and student self-concept questionnaire with a Likert scale model. The results revealed that (1) the creativity of students in Junior High School 2 Padang as a whole was categorized as high (2) the self-concept of students in Junior High School Padang as a whole was categorized as high (3) there was a significant relationship between creativity and the students' self concept in Junior High School 2 Padang. Based on the research findings, it is recommended that school counselors/school counselors be able to provide guidance and counseling services, namely information services and individual counseling services in order to help students who have problems with self-concept.
Happiness Of Adolescent Social Orphanage Children Tri Murni Padang Panjang Muhamad Rafi; Netrawati Netrawati
Jurnal Neo Konseling Vol 1, No 4 (2019): Jurnal Neo Konseling
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/00163kons2019


Happiness is a pleasure and tranquility of life inwardly and outwardly achieved through satisfaction of needs and expectations in life. Obtained individual satisfaction is a sign that people are happy. The more people feel satisfied in life, then the individual is the happier.This study aims to (1) Describing happiness teenager at homePure Tri social childcare Padang Panjang based acceptance., (2) describe the happiness teenagers at homePure Tri social childcare Padang Panjang by compassion, (3) describe the happiness teenagers at homePure Tri social childcare Padang Panjang based on merit. This type of research is descriptive quantitative research. The subjects were adolescent social institutions of childcare Tri Murni Leopold. The research subject restricted to the orphanage school teens high school level (high school, vocational and MAN) sebayak 56 people. Research carried out by administering a questionnaire happiness teenage orphanage. Data analyzed using percentages. The research findings indicate the results of happiness (happiness) adolescent social institutions childcare Pure Tri Padang Panjang in the category quite happy. More detailed (1) happiness (happiness) adolescent social institutions asuahan child Tri Murni Padang Panjang on aspects of acceptance is in the category quite happy, (2) happiness (happiness) adolescent social institutions of childcare Tri Murni Padang Panjang on aspects of love that are in category quite happy, (3) happiness (happiness) adolescent social institutions of childcare Tri Murni Padang Panjang on aspects of achievement that are in the happy category. Assistance can be given in this study is in the form of services in guidance and counseling. As for the types of services that can be given in this study were (1) the information service, (2) individual counseling services, (3) placement and distribution, and (4) group counseling services.
Transactional Analysis for Developing Student Social Relationships Fikriyanda Fikriyanda; Netrawati Netrawati; Yeni Karneli; Neviyarni Neviyarni
Jurnal Neo Konseling Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Neo Konseling
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/00417kons2021


Eachlife span has a developmental task to go through. One of the most challenging developmental tasks associated with adolescence is the developing social relationships with other people. This ability is essential for everyone because it can affect various aspects of life. In educational institutions, school counselors can use transactional analysis theory to develop students' social relationship skills because this theory is based on social relationships and transaction. This article will discuss the role of transactional analysis theories and approaches to develop students' social relationships using the method of literature study. It can be used as an alternative used by school counselors to optimize student development, especially in social relationship and interpersonal communication skills.
ADOLESCENT PERCEPTIONS ABOUT EARLY MARRIAGE (Descriptive Study in SMAN 7 Sarolangun) Vivi Dahlia; Netrawati Netrawati
Jurnal Neo Konseling Vol 1, No 4 (2019): Jurnal Neo Konseling
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/00177kons2019


This research is motivated by the phenomenon of early marriage that occurs among adolescents. Early marriage is a marriage that starts from the age of 16 years to 19 years. The ideal age for getting married at the age of 21 years. This study aims to (1) describe adolescent perceptions about early marriage from the cognitive aspect (2) describe adolescent perceptions about early marriage viewed from the affective aspect (3) describe adolescent views about early marriage viewed from the conative aspect.The type of research used is quantitative with descriptive research. The sample in this study students of class X, XI, XII SMA 7 Sarolangun with 246 students. The data collection tool used was a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques using percentage techniques.The results showed that: The results showed that: (1) adolescents' perceptions of early marriage viewed from the cognitive aspects in Sarolangun 7 High School were in a fairly good category with a percentage of 80%, (2) adolescent perceptions about early marriage viewed from the affective aspects in Sarolangun 7 High School in the pretty good category with a percentage of 76%, (3) adolescent perceptions about early marriage seen from the cognitive aspects at SMA Negeri 7 Sarolangun are in the quite good category with a percentage of 56%. According to the research findings, counselor and teachers need to provide guidance and counseling services to adolescents regarding early marriage.
Resilience of Teenagers of Orphanage in Adjustment and Facing The Reality of Life Neviyarni Neviyarni; Netrawati Netrawati
Jurnal Neo Konseling Vol 1, No 3 (2019): Jurnal Neo Konseling
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/00237kons2019


The problem about resilience of teenagers of orphanage is an interesting topic done because various of changes physically, cognitively, psychologically, and social-culture happened in adolescence. In addition, the teenagers from orphanage are separated from their biological parents Then, they face problems with a lot of pressure of life during staying in orphanage and they have to be able to adapt with the situation and tough condition of the reality of life. They must survive and rise up from those difficult moments. One of their abilities needed to describe about is resiliency. The tendency of resilience from them is in an enough category at conforming, it is 44,19%. it is important to follow up from the orphanages’ founder to help them in increasing resilience and adjustment.
Parenting Profiles in Arranging Child Discipline (Study in Junior High School 13 Padang) Rezi Kumala Sari; Netrawati Netrawati
Jurnal Neo Konseling Vol 1, No 4 (2019): Jurnal Neo Konseling
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/00164kons2019


Based on the phenomenon that researchers can field when conducting interviews with some BK teachers and students found that there are students who play truant, arriving late was due to parents lacking in the formation of discipline so as to make children negligent in school. This study aims to: (1) describe how parental authoritarian parenting in shaping child discipline, (2) describe how parental democratic parenting in shaping child discipline, (3) describe how parental permissive parenting in shaping child discipline.This research is a quantitative descriptive type of research. The total population of 546 and a sample of 124 students were selected using the Simple Random Sampling technique. The data collection tool used was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using statistical techniques, namely percentage formulations.The results revealed that (1) parental authoritarian parenting in shaping child discipline in SMP Negeri 13 Padang was in the very high category, (2) democratic parenting was in the high category, (3) permissive parenting was in the very high category. (4) based on the three types of parenting, the more dominant applied in shaping the discipline of children in SMP Negeri 13 Padang is permossive with a percentage of 73.21%. Based on the research findings, it is suggested to (1) parents are expected to be able to apply appropriate parenting in shaping the discipline of children, (2) furthermore BK teachers are expected to establish good communication with parents and work together in applying proper parenting to children.
Relationship between self control and academic procrastination in completing thesis Roni Ariyanto; Netrawati Netrawati; Yusri Yusri
Jurnal Neo Konseling Vol 1, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Neo Konseling
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/00119kons2019


This study aims to: (1) Describe student academic procrastination, (2) Describe student self control, and (3) Test the relationship of self control and academic procrastination in completing thesis. The research subjects were 120 students, using instruments with Likert scale models. The percentage analysis technique and to test the relationship of the data were analyzed using the Pearson Correlation Product Moment statistical formula with the help of the SPSS for Windows version 20.0 program. The results of the study revealed that: (1) the level of academic procrastination in completing the thesis was classified as moderate, (2) the level of student self control in completing the thesis was classified as moderate, and (3) there was a significant positive relationship between self control and academic procrastination in completing the thesis with significance level 0,000, r count 0.566, and r table 0.178.
Co-Authors A. Muri Yusuf Achmad Fauzi Advis Arin Pramesti Afifah Bidayah Agung Tri Prasetia Ahmad Bunayya Irsandef Ahsanul Hafizh Alfi Rahmi Alfi Rahmi Alfi Rahmi Rahmi Alhaitamy Alhaitamy Alnetia Dwi Kamirsa Amria Amalia Feby Adinda Aminah Daulay Anggi Dwi Noperlis Anisa Asrul Aqima Sholehati Ardimen Arif Setiawan Asra Aila Athalia A. Aptanta Tumanggor Atifa Novriani Atikah Suri Jania Atiqul Ilmi El Faisal Avira Heriani Azmatul Khairiah Sari, Azmatul Khairiah Candra Prasiska Rahmat Chana Indika Cici A Azmi Cici Adelia Azmi Daharnis Daharnis Dea Aulia Dedy Kurniadi Dedy Kurniady Delima Delima Denia Syapitri Desep Pria Pandri Desi Harlina Dina Sukma Dini Widhya Anggraini Dony Darma Sagita Dzikra Atikah Esi Zarisman Farah Fadhilah Fatiha Sabila Putri Fauzan Habibie Nasution Fauzi Isra Fauzi Fauziah Fauziah Febriani, Rahmi Dwi Feby Najmah Najma Fikriyanda Fikriyanda Firman Firman Firman Firman Fitri Arnita Fitria Umami Fitriana Fitriana Gusti Rahayu Hariko, Rezki Hariyani Hariyani Hengki Yandri Heri Febri Yadi Herman Nirwana Humaira Mustika Ilham Wahyudi Insanti Kamila Intan Desy Pratiwi Iqbal Arrahman Irsal Hadi Khairani Khairani Ledita Ezy Maulany Lia Mita Syahri Linda Fitria Lita Fitara Cania M. Fahli Zatrahadi M. Yasir Arafat HSB Marianna Harahap Marjohan . Melva Syahrial Mhd Roland Raviando Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman Mudjiran Mudjiran Mudjiran Mudjiran Mudjiran Muhamad Rafi Muslim Hayadi Mutia Hafizah Nadya Dwi Dara Mairen Nanda Kurnia Putri Neni Elvira Z Neni Elvira. Z Neviyarni , Neviyarni Neviyarni Neviyarni Neviyarni Nora Astrina Vera Nur Afifah Nabila Saragih Nur Khofifah Nurhabibah Nurhabibah Nurhafiza Nurmina Nurul Aprilia Fitra Peni Okto Randi Puspita, Yenda Putri Rahmayanti Rachman Hakim Rahayu Dewany Rahmatul Marwani Raudhatul Jannah Rendi Yana Rahmanisa Rezi Kumala Sari Rinaldi Rinaldi Risda Heldriyana Br Bangun Riska Ahmad Rizki Kurniawan Rizki Kurniawan Rizki Wulandari Roni Ariyanto Salsabila Nasution Sarbitah Sarbitah Sari Harahap Sari Mustika Shella Satiwi Guci Siti Fauziah Siti Hafsoh Soeci Izzati Adlya Sri Dayantri Sri Fani Dayanti Sri Wahyuni Nurzam Suci Amaliya Fradinata Sukmawati, Indah Syahniar Syahniar Syahrial Syahrial Syarifuddin Syarifuddin Tasya Nabilah Mutiara Tati Ayuni Taufik Taufik Tiara Maiza Dianti Tiara Maiza Dianti Tri Ulviani Tri Ulviani TRIAVE NUZILA ZAHRI Vivi Dahlia W. N Irfan Wahyu Almizri Wirdatun Nisya Witri Nengsi Irfan Wiwi Delfita Yahanan Yahanan Yanti Oktavia Yeni Yeni Karneli Yeni Karneli Yeni Karneli Yenni Elfira Yuda Syahputra Yuliani Pertiwi Yundari, Yundari Yunisa Handaramon Yusri Yusri Zadrian Ardi Zetrizal Zetrizal Zikry Latupasjana Zuhrika Zulfikar Fadhlullah Zulfikar Fadhlullah Zulfikar Fadhlullah Zulhelmi Narti