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Journal : Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal

Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal (E3J)
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Lampung

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The aims of this research were to find out the difference of students' critical thinking ability, the interaction of the use of Project Based Learning, Problem Based Learning, and Discovery Learning with regard to students' creativity. This research was a quasi-experimental design with comparative approach. The data were collected through questioner and tests. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by using T-Test and ANOVA through manual calculation and SPSS. This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Batanghari with six classes as population and three classes as sample, which was selected through Cluster Random Sampling. The result of data analysis showed that Count Table or 13,874 3, 13 which means that there was a difference of students' critical thinking ability, the interaction of the use of Project Based Learning, Problem Based Learning, and Discovery Learning and CountTable or 7,878 2, 51 which means there was an interaction between learning model and students' creativity in students' critical thinking ability on Economy.
Perbandingan Hasil Belajar Melalui Model Pembelajaran Course Review Horay, Teams Games Tournament Dan Numbered Heads Together Dengan Memperhatikan minat belajar Ajeng Ayu Syaifa Pratiwi; Tedi Rusman; Suroto Suroto
Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal (E3J)
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Lampung

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Comparative Study of Accounting Learning Outcomes Using Course Review Horay, Teams Games Tournament, and Numbered Heads Together by Seeing the Learning Interests of Class XII Students of Swadhipa Natar High School for the 2019/2020 Academic Year. This research is motivated by the low accounting learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to determine the comparison of student learning outcomes using the Course Review Horay learning model, Teams Games Tournament, and Numbered Heads Together in accounting subjects by paying attention to the learning interests of class XII IPS at SMA Swadhipa Natar. This study uses a cooperative method with an experimental approach. The population involved in this study were all students of class XII IPS consisting of 3 classes, namely XII IPS 1, XII IPS 2, and XII IPS 3 of SMA Swadhipa Natar Academic Year 2019/2020, totaling 68 students. The sample in this study used a saturated sample, which means that the sample was taken from the entire population of 68 students. Data collection techniques through observation, documentation, questionnaires, and post-tests. Hypotheses were tested by two-way analysis of variance and two independent sample t-tests. The results of the data analysis show: (1) There are differences in the learning outcomes of students who use cooperative learning models such as Course Review Horay, Teams Games Tournament, and Numbered Heads Together. (2) The accounting learning outcomes of students whose learning uses the Course Review Horay type of cooperative learning model is higher when compared to students who use the Teams Games Tournament learning model, and Numbered Heads Together in high learning interest. (3) The accounting learning outcomes of students whose learning uses the Numbered Heads Together cooperative learning model are higher when compared to the Course Review Horay and Teams Games Tournament learning models in low learning interest. (4) There is an interaction between the learning model and students' learning interest in accounting subjects.Keywords: Course Review Horay, Numbered Heads Together, Teams Games Tournament, Accounting Learning Outcomes, and interest in learning.
Pengaruh Kompensasi, Disiplin Kerja dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan melalui Kepuasan Kerja Ayu Lestari; Tedi Rusman; Albet Maydiantoro
Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal (E3J)
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Lampung

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This study aims to determine the effect of compensation, work discipline and work motivation on employee performance through job satisfaction. The population in this study is the employee of PT. Federal International Finance Bandar Lampung in 2019-2020. In this study a population of 50 people was used. Determination of the sample is done using probability sampling using the simple random sampling method. Then the number of samples obtained in this study amounted to 44 people. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire. The analysis technique uses the Linear Regression Hypothesis Testing with Path Analysis. The research method used in this research is descriptive verification method with ex post facto and survey approaches. The result of this study indicate that there is a significant effect on compensation, work discipline and work motivation on employee performance through job satisfaction of employees of PT. Federal International Finance at 95%.Keywords : Compensation, Work Discipline, Work Motivation, Employee Performance, Job Satisfaction, Employees, PT. Federal International Finance
Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal (E3J)
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Lampung

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of GPA, socio-economic status, peers, and information on S2 scholarships on the interest in S2 studies in alumni of the Faculty of Social Sciences, FKIP Unila. The method used in this research is descriptive verification with an ex post facto approach and a survey. The population in this study amounted to 315 people. The sample obtained was 76 people, and the sampling technique was non-probability sampling with purposive sampling. Based on the analysis results, it can be concluded that there is an individual influence between GPA, social, economic status, peers, and information on S2 scholarships on interest in S2 studies in alumni of the Faculty of Social Sciences FKIP Unila class of 2015. Meanwhile, simultaneously there is an influence between CPI, socioeconomic status. , peers, and information on S2 scholarships about postgraduate study interest in alumni of the Department of Social Sciences, FKIP Unila class of 2015. The count value is 39.333 with sig. From 0,000.
Pengaruh Motivasi, Status Sosial Dan Lingkungan Terhadap Minat Melanjutkan Studi Ke Perguruan Tinggi Melalui Prestasi Belajar Orida Novannisa; Tedi Rusman; Albet Maydiantoro
Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2018): Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal (E3J)
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Lampung

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The purpose of this research is to know the influence of motivation to learn, socio economic status of parents and peers environment on interest to continuing education to the collage through academic achievement at class XII accounting students SMK Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung academic year 2017/2018. The method which is used in this research is descriptive verification with ex post facto approach and survey. The population in this study amounted to99 students. The samples obtained 79 students and sampling technique is probability  sampling with simple random sampling. The result of research shows that there is influence of motivation to learn, socio economic status of parents and peers environment on interest to continuing education to the collage through academic achievement at class XII accounting students SMK Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung academic year 2017/2018 simultaneously as well as partially.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi belajar, status sosial ekonomi orang tua dan lingkungan teman sebaya terhadap minat melanjutkan studi ke perguruan tinggi melalui prestasi belajar pada siswa kelas XII Akuntansi SMK Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif verifikatif dengan pendekatan ex post facto dan survey. Populasi penelitian ini berjumlah 99 siswa. Sampel yang diperoleh adalah 79 siswa dan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu probability sampling dengan simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan, terdapat pengaruh motivasi belajar, status sosial ekonomi orang tua dan lingkungan teman sebaya terhadap minat melanjutkan studi ke perguruan tinggi melalui prestasi belajar pada siswa kelas XII Akuntansi SMK Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung baik secara simultan maupun parsial.Kata kunci: motivasi, status sosial, lingkungan, prestasi, minat perguruan tinggi.
Pengaruh Perhatian Orang Tua, Disiplin dan Motivasi terhadap Hasil Belajar Ekonomi melalui Aktivitas Belajar Siswa Mira Apriyani; Nurdin Nurdin; Tedi Rusman
Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal (E3J)
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Lampung

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This research aimed to know about the influence of parent’s attention, discipline study, and learning motivation to the Student’s economic learning result through learning activities in IX Social Class of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Bandar Lampung in academic year 2019/2020. The population in this study were eleven grade students social of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Bandar Lampung with a total of 69 students. Using the T Yamane formula with simple random sampling obtained a sample of 58 students. The method used in this study is descriptive verification with ex post facto approaches and surveys. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. Hypothesis testing is done by T test and Ftest. The result of the analysis show that there is influance of parent’s attention, discipline study and learning motivation through learning activities towards integreted economic learning outcomes with a level of determination of 0,892 or 89,2%.
Perbandingan Hasil Belajar Menggunakan Model Core, Treffinger dan Scramble Siswa Kelas XI IPS Sandika Pratama; Tedi Rusman; I Komang Winatha
Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal (E3J)
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Lampung

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This study aims to compare the results of economic learning by using the Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending (CORE), Treffinger, and Scramble learning models in class XI IPS students at SMA Negeri 1 Sukau. The population of this study is all of student’s class XI IPS which consists of 64 by using cluster random sampling. This analysis technique uses one-way analysis of variance and follow-up of the tukey test and bonferroni test. The research method used in this study was quasi-experimental with a comparative approach. The results showed that there are the differences in economic learning by using the cooperative learning model type Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending (CORE), Treffinger, and Scramble.Keywords: CORE, Learning Outcomes, Scramble, and Treffinger.
Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja, Pelatihan, dan Kompensasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Ayu Monika; Tedi Rusman; Suroto Suroto; Albet Maydiantoro
Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Journal (E3J)
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Lampung

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Tujuan dari adanya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh lingkungan kerja, pelatihan, dan kompensasi terhadap kinerja karyawan pada koperasi sai betik (KPN) di Kecamatan Balik Bukit Kabupaten Lampung Barat. Metode yang digunakan didalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptiv Perivikatif dengan pendekatan exapost facto danasurvey. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 31 orang. Sampel yang digunakan adalah seluruh populasi yang ada sehingga teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampel jenuh. Berdasarkan pada hasil analisis diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa terdapat pengaruh lingkungan kerja, pelatihan, dan kompensasi terhadap kinerja karyawan pada koperasi sai betik (KPN) di Kecamatan Balik Bukit Kabupaten Lampung Barat. Sedangkan secara simultan juga terdapat pengaruh lingkungan kerja, pelatihan, dan kompensasi terhadap kinerja karyawan pada koperasi sai betik (KPN) di Kecamatan Balik Bukit Kabupaten Lampung Barat. Nilai Fhitung sebesar 10,737 dengan sig. sebesar 0,05
Co-Authors A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Ade Febiyani Ades Marsela Adhe Octavionica Afdy Rasyid Ikhprastyo Agustin Yasmin Gholiyah Ajeng Ayu Syaifa Pratiwi Ajeng Nabila Dini Saputri Albet Maydiantoro Albet Maydiantoro Albet Maydiantoro Albet Maydiantoro Alma Teisa Feryani Ana Annisa Fitri Ana Purnamasari Andi Adam Rahmanto Angga Hermansyah Anggit Artha Pradistya Anggita Dwi Jayanti Anggitha Dwi Rahayu Anggun Widyawati Anisa Anisa Anisa Martiah Anita Fikti Utami Annisa Pratiwi Apriadi Widodo Simamora Apriyani, Mira Aprohan Saputra Apsari Yunita Ardini Tyaswari Ari Susanti Ari Susanti Arif Budi Setiawan Arin Galih Prawesti Aryan Danil Mirza. BR Astari Pratiwi Aulia Bagas Pratikna Aulia Shafira Vanessa Ayu Lestari Ayu Monika Ayu Reza Ningrum Ayu Setyadewi Triyono Azka Nahdhiana berchman prana sasmita Darsono Darsono Darwin Bangun Dede Kurniawan Dedi Kurniawan Deris Astriawan Desi Wulandari Desni Pratiwi DESSY NATALIA Desy Ayu Kartika Dewi Dewi Puasari Dian Nurul Fitri Dian Nurul Fitri Dina Firma Sari Dina Rahayu Oktarini Dinna Puspitasari Ditha Novita Sari Dwi Ayu Ulfa Dwi Lisnawati Dwi Wulan Dini Dyah Handika Pravita Ningrum Dyanti Mahrunnisya Ebit Maruli Situmorang Eddy Purnomo Edy Darmadi Edy Purnomo Edy Purnomo Edy Purnomo Edy Purnomo Efha Rifqi Ash Shidqi Ega Gasela Ega Wibisono Zainudin Ega Yulita Sari Eka Indah Yulianti Eka Romada Eka Yulistiana Elisabet Sukma Dewi Endah Dwi Anggraini Erine Lady Dwidinanti Erlina Rufaidah Erlina Rupaida Ermiyati Ermiyati Erzal Syahreza Aswir Erzal Syahreza Aswir Fadhilah Aulia Rahmi Fahra Ika Khairunnisa Fiqih Widyamasri Fitri Ahadiyah Fitri Permatasari Fitri Rahayu Fitri Ramadani Fitri Ramadhan Salam Francisca Margaretta Galuh Sandi Gunawan Sudarmanto Gunawan Sudarmanto Gusmi Alkafi Gustika Nurmalia Hamzah Syah Hardian Kurniawan Herlina Oktavia Ningrum Herlina Susanti Herni Desriyani Holilah Holilah I Ketut Sudiana I Komang Winatha I Wayan Wendra Hermawan Ichsanti Isnaini Anisa Ika Puspita Sari Ike Nurul Azizah Irene Wandira Israni Wedy Kurniati Ita Yulyani Joko Aprianto Julia Marlina Katarina Septiatika Khurin Ain Kristiani Natalia Dalima Kusworo Kusworo Leni Asnawati Levina Rizki Narulita Lia Nurmila Lilin Nurmasita Linda Kurniawati Listya Ningsih Lora Nuzullia Luftia Armandasari lukas rainhard pardomuan Lutfi Arhammuddin M. Irvan Giovani Irvan Giovani M. Syaifullah Acc Made Selpiana Marisa Rahma Silvia Marisya Wulandari Marlyana, Winda Maskun Maskun Maulida Purnama Sari Maya Riska Framayani Maynita Sholihawati Mei Lisa Ria Hasty Widuri Meilani Meilani Meli Puspita Meli Susanti Melya Puri Miftahul Khairiah Minaria Minaria Mindi Eka Suri Mira Apriyani Muhammad Alimi Muhammad Kevin Darel Muhammad Restu Aji Saputro Muhammad Rifqi Mutiasari Nur Wulan Nabila Pratiwi Nanik Rustiana Ni Kadek Widyawati Nikita Belanova A.N Novi Rokayah Novita Sari Novita Sari Tiandani Nun Adiyah Nungky Kurnia Putri Nuning Fitri Astari Nunung Nur'aini Nurdin Nurdin Nurdin Nurdin Nurdin Nurdin Nurdin Nurdin Nurdin, Nurdin Nurmalia Pajrin Nurul Annisa Nurul Kharomatul Lail Odi Darmawan Orida Novannisa Orida Novannisa Panji Ari Wibowo Paulus Tendy Pepi Elian Pratama, Sandika Pujiati Pujiati Pujiati Pujiati Puput Nila Sari Puput Puspitasari Putri Ayu Eka Ramadhani Putri, Widya Leony Raden Gunawan Sudarmanto Rahayu Dewi Komalasari Rahmah Dianti Putri Rahmawati Rahmawati Ramadhan Dwi Putra Ramadhan Ramadhan Ratna Setiawati Reni Evionika Renni Suryani Resthania Tridhawati Retno Laras Palupi Revina Septriana Safitri Rhidlo'ah Ulil Himmah Ria Faujiah Ria Resti Bekti Utami Riana Yunisa Ridho Putra Sandi Rika Intan Juniasari Rika Tria Ananda Rini Yanti Ririn Apriani Ririn Wulandari Rita Lestari Rita Setiawati Suprihatin Rizki Dwi Amanda Rizki Hadi Pramono Rizki Herdiyanti Rizqi Fadhiel Pamula Yoga Roma Rio Purba Rudi Riawan Sandika Pratama Santi Mulyani Sarah Rizki Maulidia Sarjini Damayanti Selasmai Selasmai Selvia Viany Putri Sevtiana Sevtiana Sis Subagyo Sampur Prasetyo Siska Maisaroh Siswati Handayani Siti Anis Atikah Siti Nur Fadilah Siti Nur Kholifah Sofia Luthfita Sri Wahyuni Sri Widiawati sudirmanto sudirmanto Sugeng Widodo Sukmawati Sukmawati Suroto Suroto Sylvia Imara Nurlaela Tasya Ayu Destari Tetty Purnama Tommy Rinaldi Toni Sanjaya Tri Aminah Tri Wahyuni Tri Widiarti Tri Yuli Susanti Tria Agustina Trian Yohandri Ully Yulianita Veby Rahmadara Vera Septiara Veronica Eka Desi Natalia Vidiya Kurnia Utari Virgi Kurnia Agesta Virgi Kurnia Agesta Vivi Ratnasari Wahyu Listiana Wahyu Rini Mulyasari Widya Ratnaningrum Winda Dwi Putri Winda Marlyana Wingga Eka Pasera Wirawan Dwi Atmanto Wulan Setiyowati Yarmaidi Yarmaidi Yenita Agustina Yesi Puspita Sari Yon Rizal Yuda Bimantara Yuli Dwi Khairani Yulia Alfatina Yuni Riyanti Yunita Muthia Nurafifah Yuonika Pasunda Yusy Iralisa Yuyun Lestari Yuyun Oktafiyani Zania Paradiba Zulistya Annisa