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Journal : International Journal of Emerging Research and Review

Comparison of Top 100 Cited Research on Machine Learning and Deep Learning in The Last Twenty Years Yeni Anistyasari; Binar Kurnia Prahani; Mila Candra Pristianti; Tan Amelia; Paken Pandingangan; Rizki Fitri Rahima Uulaa; Mohammad Walid Rasuliy
International Journal of Emerging Research and Review Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): March
Publisher : IKIP Widya Darma Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56707/ijoerar.v1i1.3


Objective: The aim is to compare the top 100 research related to machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) during 2002-2021 using bibliometric analysis. Method: The data were obtained from Scopus. The data taken in this research were selected from 100 articles with the highest citation in the range from 2002 to 2021. Bibliometric analysis is used in this research. Data from Scopus is exported in the form of .csv form which is processed using Ms. Excel and form of .ris which is processed using VOSviewer. Results: The results showed that the trend of ML and DL increased every year. The most widely published document types in ML are articles, while DL is in the form of conference papers. The highest year-wise distribution of publishing ML and DL occurred in 2017. ML advantages are in terms of requires less data and take less time to train, while the DL advantages in terms of higher accuracy than ML, available to tuned in various different ways. Novelty: This research being able to provide an overview for future researchers regarding the trend of ML and DL topics so that the resulting paper can provide various benefits for the coming year. In addition, it can provide broader knowledge about ML and DL itself. Further research can be carried out more intensively using data based on the Web of Science, in addition to the Scopus database.
Analysis of Physics Concepts in Gasing Games Dimas Fahmi Rizaldi; Fadlilatul Atiqoh; Dwikoranto Dwikoranto; Binar Kurnia Prahani; Firmanul Catur Wibowo; Sri Astutik
International Journal of Emerging Research and Review Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): March
Publisher : IKIP Widya Darma Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56707/ijoerar.v1i1.5


The gasing game is a game where the gasing can rotate on an axis and balance at one point. This game is classified as one of the traditional games in Indonesia which is starting to disappear. One way to preserve this game is to integrate it with learning at school. Therefore, the authors are interested in studying the physics concepts contained in tops so that they can be used during physics learning activities in class. The method used in this study is a qualitative method, which is a procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people or observable behavior. Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that there are many physics concepts in top games, including the balance of rigid bodies, frictional forces, work, moments of inertia, and rotational motion, as well as kinetic energy as well as gravitational forces. So that traditional gasing games can be integrated with physics learning at school with the hope that students will learn physics more easily so that students have the desire to always study physics and be able to understand physics material properly and optimally.
Research Trends of Pre-Service Physics Teachers’ Critical Thinking Skills During 2001 to 2022 Binar Kurnia Prahani; Hanandita Veda Saphira; Budi Jatmiko; Dwikoranto Dwikoranto; Tan Amelia; Muslimin Muslimin; Lutfhi Abdil Khuddus; Lindsay N. Bergsma
International Journal of Emerging Research and Review Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): June
Publisher : IKIP Widya Darma Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56707/ijoerar.v1i2.2


Objective: This research tends to visualize the trend research of PsPT CTS between 2001 and 2022. At the same time, no previous study has used bibliometrics to analyze the PsPT CTS in higher education. The main implication of this research are to find the novelty of the PsPT CTS research to increase their ability to teach physics critical thinking to students. Method: This research is a bibliometric analysis using Scopus as the primary metadata source. The document analyzed is a document between 2001 and 2022 or the last twenty years. Results: The trend of PsPT CTS tends to be interesting to future research, building upon the increase in the publication in PsPT CTS each year. The conference paper is the most used type of document in PsPT CTS due to its practice. It has a more visible impact since it is shown at a conference for many specialists from several disciplines to observe. The most widely used language in PsPT CTS publications is English due to it flexibility of readers around the world to have a good grip of the paper. For future research, it is still possible to develop or improve the obstacle PsT. Specifically, integrated STEM to enhance PsPT CTS due to its minimal keywords. Novelty: One of the 21st-century components is critical thinking, the trend of critical thinking research has become an exciting topic in the era of society 5.0. Therefore, to improve and develop the movements of critical thinking, especially in physics, an effort must be made.
Meta-Analysis of Problem Based Learning Models Impact Nur Siyaadatul Ummah; Ayunin Nadzirin; Fithriatiz Zahro; Binar Kurnia Prahani; Joko Siswanto; Husni Mubarok; Abebayehu Yohannes; Yuli Sutoto Nugroho
International Journal of Emerging Research and Review Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): June
Publisher : IKIP Widya Darma Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56707/ijoerar.v1i2.4


Objective this study is to analyze problem based learning models effect towards skills of problem solving in learning Physics. Problem based learning in physics learning can trigger students to participate in the teaching and learning process actively. It can motivate students to increase interest in scientific problems that occur and simultaneously stimulate skills in solving scientific problems. Method used in this study is meta-analysis, namely by conducting a literature review of 15 scientific articles that several national and international journals have published regarding problem based learning models impact on skills of problem solving published from 2018 to 2022. Results of this research are a problem based learning model that has a significant impact on improving problem solving skills in learning Physics. So, problem based learning model able to be implemented in learning Physics to enhance problem solving skills. Novelty of this research is a type of scientific article that is used not only published by national journals but also published by international journals published from 2018 to 2022
Analyse Implementation of Inquiry-Based Learning in Physics for Learning Outcomes and Thinking Skills Nabillah Zuhrotun Nisa; Ikah Mudrikah; Shelvia Junita Putri; Binar Kurnia Prahani; Rizki Fitri Rahima Uulaa
International Journal of Emerging Research and Review Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): September
Publisher : IKIP Widya Darma Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56707/ijoerar.v1i3.27


Objective: The Inquiry Based Learning model is one of the learning models that can be applied in today's learning process. In the process of learning not only the learning results are necessary values but also the thinking ability of the student should be taken into account. This Inquiry Based Learning model is a learning model that is centered on the student and requires the ability to think in finding a concept. Therefore, the author is interested in studying further on the implementation of Inquiry Based Learning in the learning process of physics. Method: The method used in this study is conducting a literature study of scientific journal articles, with data analysis using qualitative research.  Results: Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that by implementing Inquiry Based Learning in the learning process of physics, can improve the learning outcomes and thinking skills of the pupils. So the model of inquiry based learning can be applied in the physical learning process in schools with the expectation of pupils more active in the process of learning and have improved learning results and have the ability to think to solve problems.
Problem Based Learning Models in Senior High Schools: A Literature Review on Learning Physics Rachmadaniz Audrey Kinasih; Rosikhotul Ilmi; Nindy Carmelia; Anisa Rizky; Binar Kurnia Prahani; Rizki Fitri Rahima Uulaa
International Journal of Emerging Research and Review Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): September
Publisher : IKIP Widya Darma Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56707/ijoerar.v1i3.36


Objective: One of the facilities and infrastructure to improve the quality of human resources in education. The challenge must be to create the nation's next generation who can solve a problem, can think creatively, can think critically and make decisions. The way to improve student’s abilities is to use an interactive and not monotonous learning model to make physics learning more effective. The purpose of the research is to investigate the benefits of the PBL learning model in senior high school physics instruction and the influence it has on those subjects. Method:  In addition, the research method used examines the literature and collects data from 15 articles from various journals. These both national and international scientific journals that are aligned with the problem-based learning model, which is then analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. Results:  The conclusions that can be drawn through this research is that a problem-based learning model is very effective for applying to physics subjects in high school. Novelty: Increased student learning outcomes critical thinking, problem-solving skills and understanding of physics concepts evidence this.
Co-Authors Abdul Muizz Abdul Muizz Abebayehu Yohannes Abib Hani Mashurin Abu Zainuddin Abu Zainuddin Achmad Lutfi Lutfi Achmad Samsudin Ahmad Wachidul Kohar Akhmad Nasor Ali Hasbi Ramadani Ali Hasbi Ramadani, Ali Hasbi Alvian Ariantoro Alvin Khoirun Niza Ana Yuniasti Retno Wulandari Ana Yuniasti Retno Wulandari Andi Suhardi Anggi Aulidhia Rohmah Anisa Rizky Aushia Tanzih Al Haq Ayunin Nadzirin Bambang Hariadi Budi Jatmiko Budi Jatmiko Budi Jatmiko Budi Jatmiko Budi Jatmiko Budi Jatmiko Budiyono Saputro Cheng, T. H. Chih-Hsiung Ku Diah Hari Kusumawati Diah Hari Kusumawati Dimas Ari Pratama Dimas Fahmi Rizaldi Dinar Maftukh Fajar Diyah Prasasti Listiantomo Dwikoranto Dwikoranto Dwikoranto Dwikoranto Dwikoranto Dzulkiflih Dzulkiflih Fadlilatul Atiqoh Fatihatun Nikmah Fauziyah Khoirin Nisyah Febri Syahrul Haj Febtya Lailatul Badriyah Fifta Itsna Iftirani Fika Dina Aprilia Firmanul Catur Wibowo Firmanul Catur Wibowo Fithriatiz Zahro Frida U. Ermawati Hainur Rasid Achmadi Hainur Rasyid Achmadi Hainur Rasyid Achmadi Hanandita Veda Saphira Hanandita Veda Saphira Hanandita Veda Saphira Hanandita Veda Saphira Hariyono, Eko Hermanto Hermanto Husni Mubarok Husni Mubarok Husni Mubarok Husni Mubarok Husni Mubarok Husni Mubarok Husni Mubarok Ikah Mudrikah Innita Fashihatul Qiroah Ismi R. Setiaji Joko Siswanto Julianto Lemantara Kirana Aureola Arzak Kirana Aureola Arzak Kirana Aureola Arzak Lari Andres Sanjaya Leny Yuanita Leny Yuanita Leny Yuanita Lia Saptini Handriani Limatahu, Iqbal Lindsay N. Bergsma Lutfhi Abdil Khuddus M Munasir M Raynaldi Rosyidi Zamil M. J. Dewiyani Sunarto M. Mardiyanti M. Muhali Madlazim Madlazim Madlazim Madlazim Mala Mulia Marianus Mila Candra Pristianti Mila Candra Pristianti Mochammad Yasir Mochammad Yasir Mochammad Yasir Mohamad Nur Mohamad Nur Mohammad Nur Mohammad Nur Mohammad Walid Rasuliy Mohd Nor Syahrir Abdullah Mohd Zaidi Amiruddin Mohd Zaidi Bin Amiruddin MUHAMMAD ABDUL GHOFUR Muhammad Abdul Ghofur Muhammad Asy’ari Muhammad Satriawan Muslimah Cindikia Muslimin Muslimin Nabila Rahmadita Nabillah Zuhrotun Nisa Nadi Suprapto Nadila Wahyu Pertiwi Nandi Okta Indriati Ni Nyoman Sri Putu Verawati Nindy Carmelia Ninik Fadhillah Nova Allysa Qotrunnada Nova Allysa Qotrunnada Nova Allysa Qotrunnada Nova Kurnia Nur Qomaria Nur Qomaria Nur Siyaadatul Ummah Nurita Apridiana Lestari Octa Qamar Rachmawati Paken Pandiangan Paken Pandingangan Puspita Sari Sukardani Rachmadaniz Audrey Kinasih Rahyu Setiani Ratna Pangastuti Rikiy Hudamaulana Risqilia Ramandani Rizki Fitri Rahima Uulaa Rizki Fitri Rahima Uulaa Rohim Aminullah Firdaus Rosikhotul Ilmi Rosyid Althaf S. Suyidno Safitri, Shabrina Saiyidah Mahtari Sayidah Mahtari Sayidah Mahtari Selonita Oldi Devanti Setyo Admoko Shabrina Safitri Shalsa Billa Ardhana Neswary Shalsa Billa Ardhana Neswary Shalsa Billa Ardhana Neswary Shelvia Junita Putri Siti Meisaroh SLAMET SETIAWAN Soegimin W.W Sri Astutik Sri Astutik SRI ASTUTIK Sri Astutik Sri Astutik Sri Wahyuni Sugeng Wahono Suliyanah Suliyanah Supeno Supeno Supeno Suprapto, N. Suryanti Suyidno Suyidno Suyidno Suyidno Suyidno Tan Amelia Tan Amelia Tan Amelia Tan Amelia Tan Amelia Tia Rahmi Cahyani Tia Rahmi Cahyani Titin Sunarti TITIN SUNARTI Tjipto Prastowo Tri Sagirani Tsabitah Farah Dina Tsung-Hui Cheng Tsung-Hui Cheng Tsuroyya Tsuroyya Utama Alan Deta Via Aprilia Nugraha W.W, Soegimin Wahyu Hari Kristiyanto Wasis Woro Setyarsih Yantidewi, Meta Yeni Anistyasari Yuli Sutoto Nugroho Zainal Arifin Imam Supardi ZAINUL ARIFIN IMAM SUPARDI