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Implementasi Permendagri Nomor 130 Tahun 2018 Tentang Kegiatan Pembangunan Sarana Dan Prasarana Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Yasir Arafah; Syahruddin Nawi; Nurul Qamar
Journal of Lex Theory (JLT) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Lex Theory (JLT)
Publisher : Magister Ilmu Hukum Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52103/jlt.v4i1.1518


Tujuan penelitian menganalisis Implementasi Permendagri Nomor 130 Tahun 2018 Tentang Kegiatan Pembangunan Sarana Dan Prasarana Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Tipe penelitian ini adalah Penelitian ini adalah penelitian empiris. Berdasarkan penelitian bahwa: implementasi permendagri nomor 130 tahun 2018 tentang kegiatan pembangunan sarana dan prasarana kelurahan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat di kelurahan biringere berjalan kurang efektif, hal tersebut disebabkan oleh SDM dalam hal ini masyarakat selaku pelaksana kegiatan belum sepenuhnya memiliki kompetensi yang cukup untuk melaksanakan kegiatan ini dengan baik.Kedua faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi permendagri nomor 130 tahun 2018 tentang kegiatan pembangunan sarana dan prasarana kelurahan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat di kelurahan biringere yaitu : struktur hukum, sdm pelaksana, regulasi, sarana dan prasarana pendukung, dan dukungan masyarakat. The research objective is to analyze the Implementation of Permendagri Number 130 of 2018 Concerning Facilities and Infrastructure Development Activities and Community Empowerment. This type of research is an empirical research. Based on the research: the implementation of Permendagri number 130 of 2018 concerning village facilities and infrastructure development activities and community empowerment in the Biringere village is not effective, this is due to human resources, in this case, the community as executors of activities, do not fully have sufficient competence to carry out this activity properly. good. The two factors that influence the implementation of Permendagri number 130 of 2018 concerning village facilities and infrastructure development activities and community empowerment in the Biringere village are legal structure, implementing human resources, regulations, supporting facilities and infrastructure, and community support.
Efektivitas Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Pencurian Dengan Kekerasan Oleh Anak Muhammad Asyrar Achmad; Syahruddin Nawi; Askari Razak
Journal of Lex Theory (JLT) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Lex Theory (JLT)
Publisher : Magister Ilmu Hukum Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52103/jlt.v4i1.1529


Tujuan penelitian menganalisis efektivitas penegakan hukum terhadap pencurian dengan kekerasan oleh anak. Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian hukum empiris. Hasil penelitian bahwa Efektivitas Pelaksanaan penegakan hukum terhadap pencurian dengan kekerasan oleh anak pada Polres Kota Makassar telah berjalan dengan efektif sesuai peraturan perundang – undangan yang berlaku. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi efektivitas penegakan hukum terhadap pencurian dengan kekerasan oleh anak pada Polres Kota Makassar yakni (1) faktor Penegak Hukum (struktur hukum), a. faktor komitmen aparat penegak hukum, b. faktor moral penegak hukum, c. faktor pendidikan aparat penegak hukum, budaya hukum, d. faktor kualitas apara penegak hukum, (2) faktor kesadaran hukum, a. faktor pengetahuan hukum, b. faktor perilaku hukum, (3) faktor lingkungan sosial, (4) faktor kondisi ekonomi masyarakat, (5) faktor pengetahuan agama, (6) faktor budaya masyarakat, (7) faktor sarana dan prasarana. The research objective is to analyse law enforcement's effectiveness against violent theft by children. The research method uses empirical legal research. The research results show that law enforcement's effectiveness against theft with violence by children at the Makassar City Police has been running effectively in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Factors that influence the effectiveness of law enforcement against theft with violence by children at the Makassar City Police are (1) Law Enforcement factors (legal structure), a. factor of commitment of law enforcement officers, b. law enforcement moral factors, c. education factors of law enforcement officers, legal culture, d. quality factor of law enforcement officers, (2) legal awareness factor, a. legal knowledge factor, b. legal behaviour factors, (3) social environmental factors, (4) community economic condition factors, (5) religious knowledge factors, (6) community culture factors, (7) facilities and infrastructure factors.
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM IBLAM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52249/ilr.v3i3.167


This study aims to explore what factors are used as urgent reasons in filing a Marriage Dispensation case, including examining the extent to which the Marriage Dispensation case examination process determines the fulfillment of urgent reasons as a requirement for deviations from the minimum age limit for marriage and to find out what are the legal impacts/implications that arise regarding the Dispensation Marriage at the Mamuju Religious Court after the amendment to the Marriage Law. The research method used in this study is empirical legal research, which is carried out using an approach to legal reality in society based on the presence of symptoms in the form of a gap between expectations (das solen) and reality (das sein) in the field of law, where the data collected or collected from the field used to obtain valid information and data needed to answer the problems in this study. The results of this study show that since the amendment to the Marriage Law, applications for Marriage Dispensation have increased, which are dominated by prospective brides. The reasons for filing Dispensation for Marriage by litigants from 2017 to 2022 are pregnancy and a very close relationship between the two prospective brides, where this is also in line with the considerations in the decisions of the Mamuju Religious Court Judges who granted many requests for Dispensation of Marriage.
Akibat Hukum Debitur Wanprestasi Dalam Perjanjian Kredit Karena Pandemi Covid 19 Sebagai force majuer. Rezaldy; Syahruddin Nawi; Aan Aswari
Qawanin Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 1 No 2: September 2020 – Februari 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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A credit agreement is a debt agreement where the creditor lends a certain amount of funds to the debtor for certain purposes and the debtor is obliged to pay the principal and interest in a predetermined manner and period. In the law of agreement, debtors who are in default are punished to pay compensation to the creditor. The main problem discussed in this thesis is whether the legal consequences of debtors who default on the credit agreement due to the Covid 19 pandemic are a force forward. To answer the main problem, an empirical legal type research was carried out, the nature of the research used was analyzed qualitatively and then described in a descriptive manner, which was intended to obtain a clear and directed picture in order to answer the problem under study. The conclusion from the analysis is that debtors who default on the credit agreement due to the Covid 19 pandemic as a force forward are required to fulfill their obligations but with some relief based on POJK number 11 of 2020. Abstrak Perjanjian kredit adalah suatu perjanjian utang piutang yang dimana kreditur meminjamkan sejumlah dana kepeda debitur untuk keperluan tertentu dan debitur berkewajiban untuk membayar utang pokok serta bunga sesuai dengan cara dan jangka waktu yang telah ditentukan. Dalam hukum perjanjian, debitur yang wanprestasi dihukum untuk membayar ganti rugi kepada kreditur. Pokok permasalahan yang dibahas dalam skripsi ini adalah Apakah akibat hukum debitur yang wanprestasi dalam perjanjian kredit karena pandemi covid 19 sebagai force majuer. Untuk menjawab pokok permasalahan tersebut dilakukan penelitian dengan tipe hukum empiris, sifat penelitian yang digunakan dianalisis secara kualitatif selanjutnya di uraikan secara deskriptif hal yang dimaksudkan untuk memperoleh gambaran yang dapat dipahami secara jelas dan terarah guna menjawab permasalahan yang diteliti. Kesimpulan dari analisis bahwa debitur yang wanprestasi dalam perjanjian kredit karena pandemi covid 19 sebagai force majuer dituntut untuk memenuhi kewajibannya namun dengan beberapa keringanan berdasarkan POJK nomor 11 tahun 2020.
Pelaksanaan Ganti Rugi Atas Tanah Pembangunan untuk Kepentingan Umum Ilham Rahmatullah; Syahruddin Nawi; Ahmad Fadil
Qawanin Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 1 No 2: September 2020 – Februari 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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Abstract This study contains about the application of Undang-Undang Number 2 of 2012 concerning Procurement of Land for Development for Public Interest. Development for public interest in this case is the Paselloreng Dam which is located in Gilireng District, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi. The Wajo Regency Government has collaborated with the Public Appraisal Service to determine the compensation price for land owned by the people. On the other side, some Paselloreng people were not satisfied with the compensation price for land that had been determined and filed a lawsuit against the local government. The results of this study indicate that the process of implementing compensation for land is in accordance with the applicable regulations and the price set by the government through Public Appraisal Services above the Sales Value of the Tax Object. The form of people rejection of the compensation value is to sue the executing committee for land acquisition because no agreement was found between the two parties after mediation by the government as the facilitator. The Sengkang District Court has rejected the applicant& claim in this case the Paselloreng people. However, the petitioner has filed an appeal to the Supreme Court and the lawsuit is still on going. Abstrak Penelitian ini memuat tentang penerapan Undang-Undang Nomor 2 tahun 2012 tentang Pengadaan Tanah Bagi Pembangunan Untuk Kepentingan Umum. Pembangunan untuk kepentingan umum dalam hal ini adalah Bendungan Paselloreng yang terletak di Kecamatan Gilireng, Kabupaten Wajo, Sulawesi Selatan. Pemerintah Kabupaten Wajo telah bekerja sama dengan Jasa Peniilai Publik untuk menetapkan harga ganti rugi atas tanah milik masyarakat. Di lain pihak, beberapa masyarakat Paselloreng merasa kurang puas dengan harga ganti rugi atas tanah yang telah ditetapkan dan melakukan gugatan terhadap pemerintah setempat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses pelaksanaan ganti rugi atas tanah telah sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku dan harga yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah melalui Jasa Penilai Publik diatas dari Nilai Jual Obyek Pajak. Bentuk penolakan masayarakat terhadap nilai ganti rugi tersebut ialah dengan menggugat panitia pelaksana pengadaan tanah karena tidak ditemukan kesepakatan antara kedua belah pihak setelah dilakukan mediasi oleh pemerintah selaku fasilitator. Pengadilan Negeri Sengkang telah menolak gugutan pemohon dalam hal ini masyarakat Paselloreng. Namun, pemohon telah ini proses gugutan masih berlangsung.
Implementasi Pemeriksaan Setempat sebagai Alat Pembuktian Perkara Perdata Syamsuddin; Syahruddin Nawi; Muhammad Ilyas
Qawanin Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 1 No 2: September 2020 – Februari 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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This study aims to determine the strength of local examination evidence binding as one of the supporting evidence in civil cases and to determine judges' considerations in determining the results of local examinations in civil cases. This research uses empirical (non-doctrinal) legal research method because it is a legal research method that focuses attention on the realities of law in society, or to see the law in a real sense and to examine how the law in the community (Low in action) in local examinations of the case examination process. civil. The results of this study indicate that the local examination functions to obtain certainty and more detailed additional information related to the object of the dispute, its location, area, and boundaries of the object of the dispute. Consideration of the judge in assessing the strength of evidence in a local examination, namely as a support for the evidence. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kekuatan Mengikatnya pembuktian pemeriksaan setempat sebagai salah satu pendukung alat bukti dalam perkara perdata dan untuk mengetahui pertimbagan hakim dalam menentukan hasil pemeriksaan setempat dalam perkara perdata. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode penelitian hukum empiris ( Non doctrinal ) karena metode penelitian hukum yang memfokuskan perhatian pada realita hukum dalam masyarakat, atau untuk melihat hukum dalam artian nyata dan meneliti bagaimana hukum d i lingkungan masyarakat ( Low in action ) dalam pemeriksaan setempat terhadap proses pemeriksaan perkara perdata.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Hasil Pemeriksaan setempat berfungsi untuk memperoleh kepastian dan keterangan tambahan yang lebih rinci terkait dengan obyek sengketa, baik letaknya, luasnya, maupun batas-batas obyek sengketa. Pertimbagan hakim dalam menilai kekuatan pembuktian pemeriksaan setempat yakni sebagai pendukung pembuktian.
Penyelesaian Sengketa Harta Waris Melalui Perdamaian Riyan Rachma Adinda Larahati; Syahruddin Nawi; Zainuddin Zainuddin
Qawanin Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 1 No 2: September 2020 – Februari 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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Abstract This study aims to find out the mechanism of dispute resolution through peace and how the judge;s legal considerations in legalizing cases that have been through the path of peace outside the court. This research usesempirical research method which is a research method that reviews the function of a law or rule in terms of its application in the community. The results showed in the process of resolving inheritance disputes through the peace of the case No.197/Pdt.G/2019/PA. Mrs. has fulfilled the legal certainty which in this case culminates in the provisions of Article 27 paragraph (2) andArticle 36 Peraturam Supreme Court No. 1 year 2016. Therefore, the judge may ratify the peace deed that has been made outside the court with the aim of providing permanent legal certainty and binding on the parties to submit to the contents of the peace deed.The recommendation of this study is that the dispute resolution mechanism that has been conducted outside the court is more effective and quickly resolved and the judges legal consideration in ratifying the peace deed has a valid legal position and as a complete evidentiary tool. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa melalui perdamaian dan bagaimana pertimbangan hukum hakim dalam mengesahkan perkara yang telah melalui jalur perdamaian diluar pengadilan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian empiris yaitu merupakan metode penelitian yang meninjau fungsi dari suatu hukum atau aturan dalam hal penerapannya di lingkungan masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan dalam proses penyelesaian sengketa harta waris melalui perdamaian perkara No.197/Pdt.G/2019/ PA.Mrs telah memenuhi ketentutan hukum yang dimanapada perkara ini berkiblat pada ketentuan Pasal 27 ayat (2) dan Pasal 36 Peraturam Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1 Tahun 2016. Oleh karena itu, hakim dapat mengesahkan akta perdamaian yang telah dibuat di luar pengadilan tersebut dengan tujuan untuk memberi kepastian hukum tetap dan mengikat para pihak untuk tunduk pada isi akta perdamaian tersebut. Rekomendasipenelitian ini yaitu mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa yang telah dilakukan di luar pengadilan lebih efektif dan cepat diselesaikan serta pertimbangan hukum hakim dalam mengesahkan akta perdamaian memiliki kedudukan hukum yang sah dan sebagai alat pembuktian yang lengkap.
Analisis Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja Secara Sepihak Oleh Pengusaha Medina Medina; Syahruddin Nawi; Muhammad Rinaldy Bima
Qawanin Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 1 No 2: September 2020 – Februari 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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Medina 04020170120 : “This Reseacrh is aimed at students, especially law faculty students who want to carry out research related to Analysis of Unilateral Termination of Employment by Employers Based on Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Employment (Case Study of Decision MANo.219 / Pdt.Sus-PHI / 2017 / Pn Mdn) This study seeks to reveal the consideration of the Panel of Judges in case study cases that occur in the field in accordance with the labor law and the government's efforts in overcoming the problem of unilateral termination of employment by employers. The results of this study indicate that in the decision of the Industrial Relations Court at the Medan District Court Special Class IA with Decision Number 219 / Pdt.Sus-PHI / 2017 / Pn Mdn who tried the case in the first level court that the Defendant, namely PT Suzuki Finance Indonesia acted arbitrarily - because in terminating the work relationship unilaterally and contrary to the juridical requirements, namely Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower. As well as the efforts of the government as a regulator to create laws and regulations governing the issue of termination of employment must be strengthened and form a forum known as the Manpower Office to propose mediation regarding the issue of termination of employment”.
Tinjauan hukum mengenai pemidanaan terhadap tindak pidana pengguguran kandungan Lis Ariska; Syahruddin Nawi; Aswad Rahmat Hambali
Qawanin Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 1 No 2: September 2020 – Februari 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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This study aims to determine the legal basis used by the police in making decisions on criminal acts that contain and analyze or measure any obstacles the police force in making decisions. This study used an empirical research method, with the coverage of secondary data and primary data, the research was conducted at the Makassar Police, with interviews and then analyzed to get a clear picture. The results of this study indicate that there are various reasons behind the perpetrators of carrying out abortion because of pregnancy outside of marriage due to promiscuity, socio-economic reasons, prevention efforts are carried out by routine patrols of boarding houses which are generally occupied by teenagers, conducting legal socialization, and collaborating with community leaders in the guidance and prevention of abortion practices. The research recommendation should further increase direct parental supervision, in this case the boarding house father / mother also includes parents for his boarding children. The police should not only carry out direct raids or raids. But a religious approach can also be made. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dasar hukum yang dipakai kepolisian dalam menjatuhkan putusan terhadap tindak pidana penggurankandungan dan untuk menganalisis atau mengetahui hambatan apa saja yang dihadapi pihak kepolisian dalam menjatuhkan putusan. Penelitian inimenggunakan metode penelitian empiris, dengan cakupan data sekunder dan data primer, penelitian ini dilakukan di Polrestabes Makassar, dengan cara melakukan wawancara kemudian di analisis untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang jelas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan hal yang melatarbelakangi pelaku melakukan aborsi bermacam-macam ada karena kehamilan di luar nikah akibat perilaku pergaulan bebas, alasan sosial ekonomi, upaya pencegahan dilakukan melakukan patroli rutin terhadap kost-kostan yang umumnya dihuni oleh pihak remaja, melakukan sosialisasi hukum, dan menjalin kerjasama dengan tokoh masyarakat dalam nal pembinaan dan pencegahan praktek pengguguran kandungan. Rekomendasi penelitian seharusnya lebih meningkatkan pengawasan orang tua secara langsung dalam hal ini Bapak/lbu kost juga termasuk pengganti orang tua bagi anak-anak kostnya, Seharusnya pihak kepolisian tidak hanya melakukan penyergapan atau penggerebekan secara langsung. Tetapi bisa juga dilakukan pendekatan secara agama.
Analisis Penerapan Asas Hukum Pada Perjanjian Sektor Jasa Konstruksi Kaharuddin Kaharuddin; Syahruddin Nawi; Salle Salle
Journal of Lex Philosophy (JLP) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Journal of Lex Philosophy (JLP)
Publisher : Doktor Ilmu Hukum Program Pascarajana Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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Tujuan penelitian menganalisis penerapan berbagai asas hukum perjanjian dalam berbagai perjanjian jasa konstruksi yang dikemas dalam bentuk perjanjian baku (standad contract). Metode penelitian yang adalah tipe penelitian hukum normative (doctrinal) Hasil penelitian, (1). Asas-asas yang harus terealisasi atau terjabarkan pada perjanjian atau kontrak pada sektor jasa konstruksi yakni: Asas konsensualisme, kebebasan berkontrak, asas kekuatan mengikat perjanjian (pacta sun servanda), asas itikat baik, asas kepercayaan, asas personalia, asas persamaan hukum, asas keseimbangan, asas kepastian hukum, asas kepatutan, asas kebiasaan, asas perlindungan, asas keadilan, asas kepatutan, asas kemanfaatan, dan asas moral. (2). Bahwa beberapa asas-asas perjanjian belum terealisasi atau terjabarkan secara optimal pada berbagai perjanjian atau kontrak pada sektor jasa konstruksi yakni asas kebebasan berkontrak, asas persamaan hukum, asas kepatutan, asas moral dan asas keseimbangan. The research objective is to analyze the application of various legal principles of agreement in various construction service agreements which are packaged in the form of standard contracts. The research method is a type of normative (doctrinal) legal research. Research results, (1). The principles that must be realized or described in agreements or contracts in the construction services sector are the principle of consensual, freedom of contract, the principle of the power of binding agreements (pacta sun servanda), the principle of good faith, the principle of trust, the principle of personnel, the principle of legal equality, the principle of balance, the principle of legal certainty, the principle of propriety, the principle of custom, the principle of protection, the principle of justice, the principle of propriety, the principle of expediency, and the principle of morals. (2). That several principles of agreement have not been realized or explained optimally in various agreements or contracts in the construction services sector, namely the principle of freedom of contract, the principle of legal equality, the principle of propriety, the moral principle and the principle of balance
Co-Authors A Maradona A. FK. Majid A. Muh. Fachri Al Ahya A. Muin Fahmal Aan Aswari Abbas Abbas Abdul Qahar Abdul Qahar Abdul Qahar Abdul Qohar Abdullah Syafi’i Achmad Ghifari Azis Aco Harsandi Adriana Adriana Aggreany Arief Agung Miftahul Khair Agung Munandar Agustinus Suprianto Ahmad Ahmad Ahmad Fadil Ahmad Fadil Ahmad Taufiq Akil Ahyuni Yunus Aisyah Yusriyyah Ahdal Alif Jaya Prastya Amri Mapakaya Andi Arie Veriansyah Andi Batara Bintang Darnus Andi Citra Trisnaningsih Syahril Andi Erlina Ramadan Andi Fadly Ichdar Andi Haerul Karim Andi Hardiansyah Bakri Andi Ishak Andi Lulu Isvany Andi Nur Indah Sari Andi Nurhana Andi Nurman Mappangara Andi Rama Irasandi Sofyant Andi Risma Andi Risma Andi Sudasri Anugrah Andi Widya Astrid Nita Andika Prawira Buana Andy Parawansa S Anggreany Arief Anzar Anzar Anzar Makkuasa Aris Agus Arman Hidayat Askari Razak Asmawati Salam Aswad Rachmat Hambali Aswad Rahmat Hambali Ayu Isfany Fachry Azis Baharuddin Badaru Bahjah Zal Fitri Bustam Bustam Dachran S Busthami Dachran S. Busthami Dachran S. Busthami Desman Desman Eka Dewi Adnan Endang Sri Widyastuti Ruslan Fachri Waris Faizal Faizal Febby Yuzela Tilalepta Fernyta Rosnani Ranuntu Firlyanti Komalasari. M Hamza Baharuddin Hamzah Baharuddin Hardianto Djanggih Hasbuddin Halid Hasbuddin Khalid Hasmia Wahyunisa Hasrul Hasrul Ilham Abas Ilham Abbas Ilham Abbas Ilham Rahmatullah Indah Dwi Putri Inka Ayu Lestari Irfan Idham Ismiyanti Ismiyanti Isnayani Isnayani Kaharuddin Kaharuddin Kamri Ahmad Lauddin Marsuni Lis Ariska Luky Julianto M. Alif Usman M. Rofi Wicaksono M.Y. Khaerul Umam Ma'ruf Hafidz Medina Medina Mohammad Arief Muh Ali Hanapi Muh. Fadil Ashari A Muhaimin Marsono Muhammad Affan Muhammad Arif Muhammad Asyrar Achmad Muhammad Fahrul Muhammad Hisfari Muhammad Ilyas Muhammad Kamal Muhammad Rinaldy Bima Muhammad Syarief Nuh Muhammad Syarif Muhuammad Fachrul Mulky Asrory Ilyas Munarsi Sanusi Nasrullah Arsyad Nasrullah Arsyad Nasrullah Nasrullah Nugroho Hasan Putera Nur Fadhilah Mappaselleng Nur Ilmi Wahab Nurul Qamar Putri Kamelia Rustam Rachmat Dani Rasdiyanah Rasdiyanah Reno Renaldi Rezaldy Ririn Yulandari Abbas Risky Kurniawan Hidayat Riyan Rachma Adinda Larahati Rizka Khalida Utami Sahban Sahban Salle Salle Samsuadi Samsuadi Sandy Alfiar Pattiwael Sartika Sartika Satri Satri Shenora Gusti Anasakila Sigit Prasetya Sri Lestari Poernomo St Ulfah sudarmin Sudarmin Sufirman Rahman Sukarno Aburaera Syakaria Syakaria Syamsuddin Syamsul Alam Tarmizi Tarmizi Viky Vinola Wahyu Furgani Fauzi Wira Dharma Pratiwi Wiwik Puspita HB Yasir Arafah Zulfikar Hendra Zulkarnain Ansar