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Diversitas Arthropoda Tanah Di Area Restorasi Ranu Pani Kabupaten Lumajang Jr sulthan ardillah; Amin Setyo Leksono; Luchman Hakim
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 2, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : University of Brawijaya

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Ranu Pani is damaged areas ecosystem, so restoration activities are integrated to aspects of the ecosystem biotic and abiotic components are required. The important factor to succeed the restoration is land health. Arthropods has a very important role for the ecosystem, either directly or indirectly. The role of arthropods on ecosystems such as pollinators, decomposers, predators, parasitoids and bio-indicators. The aim of this study were to determine the type of soil arthropods found in Ranu Pani land restoration and to determine their roles in Ranu Pani and to determine the diversity index of soil arthropods in Ranu Pani. The method used in this research was Falltrap Pit (Bottle trap). Arthropods put in a bottle that has been filled with a solution of 70 % alcohol. Arthropods were identified in the laboratory. Arthropods from Ranu Pani restoration land was 916 specimens, consisting of 13 family. Three orders of arthropods with the largest number were Orthoptera (49.59 %), Amphipoda (44.17 %), Opiliones (6.23 %). Important value index (INP) of family land arthropods in the first year were Talitridae (72.658 %), Gryllidae (31.995 %), Acrididae (53.379 %) and larvae of Noctuidae (16.092 %). The dominant family in the second year were Talitridae (48.935 %), Gryllidae (73.057 %), Carabidae (23.769%) and Oxyopidae (14.147 %). The air temperature and the lower the light intensity could increased the abundance of soil arthropods. The Shannon-Wiener index of the second year location was lower (H '= 1.899) compared to the first year location (H' = 2.523). Key words: Arthropods, ecological indicators, community structure, restoration area.
Etnobotani Pemanfaatan Pisang Lokal (Musa spp.) di Desa Srigonco, Kecamatan Bantur, Kabupaten Malang Naila Izzatul Mukhoyyaroh; Luchman Hakim
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.biotropika.2020.008.01.07


Desa Srigonco, Kecamatan Bantur, Kabupaten Malang mempunyai keanekaragam kultivar pisang yang tinggi. Lokasinya yang strategis di Jalur Lintas Selatan (JLS) memberikan peluang untuk memperkenalkan keanekaragaman pisang sebagai salah satu daya tarik wisata pantai Malang Selatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kultivar pisang lokal (Musa spp.) dan menganalisis pemanfaatan pisang lokal (Musa spp.) setempat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu observasi dan wawancara semi tersruktur. Analisis data kualitatif disajikan dalam bentuk deskriptif dan data kuantitatif dianalisis dengan perhitungan Relative Frequency of Citation (RFC). Kultivar pisang yang ditanam dan dimanfaatkan di Desa Srigonco terdiri dari 9 kultivar yaitu Pisang Kepok, Pisang Raja, Pisang Candi, Pisang Susu, Pisang Barlin, Pisang Ambon, Pisang Raja Nangka, Pisang Raja Awak, dan Pisang Raja Molo. Bagian dari tanaman pisang yang dapat dimanfaatkan yaitu buah, daun, jantung pisang dan pelepah pisang. Tanaman pisang yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mencakup aspek pangan, adat, perdagangan, perabot dapur, kosmetik, dan pakan ternak. Kultivar pisang yang memiliki nilai RFC tertinggi yaitu pisang kepok sebesar 0,8, sedangkan nilai RFC terendah yaitu pisang raja molo sebesar 0,1.
Keterkaitan Aktivitas Manusia dengan Kualitas Ekosistem Perairan Pantai di Kepulauan Spermonde, Makasar, Sulawesi Selatan Catur Retnaningdyah; Luchman Hakim; Arina Mana Sikana; Rispah Hamzah
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 7, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.biotropika.2019.007.03.6


Kepulauan Spermonde, Makassar Sulawesi Selatan terdiri dari ratusan pulau kecil dengan karakteristik yang bervariasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan antara kondisi lingkungan dan aktivitas manusia di pulau  dengan kualitas ekosistem perairan pantai berdasarkan parameter fisikokimia air serta keragaman biodiversitas khususnya makroalga dan echinodermata. Penelitian ex post facto ini dilakukan di Pulau Barrangcaddi, Badi, Barang Lompo, Bonebatang dan pulau Kodingarengkeke. Pemantauan kondisi lingkungan menggunakan indeks Naturalness sedangkan aktivitas manusia menggunakan indeks Hemeroby. Pengambilan sampel air, makroalga, dan echinodermata di setiap pulau dilakukan di 2 hingga 3 stasiun dengan membuat tiga (3) transek sabuk. Hasil analisis pemodelan struktural menggunakan PLS menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas manusia yang ada di Kepulauan Spermonde  telah berdampak pada pencemaran bahan organik dengan kadar BOD berkisar 25,39-29,81 mg/L.  Pencemaran ini selanjutnya telah memicu terjadinya eutrofikasi tercermin dari kadar nitrat yang telah melebih baku mutu untuk biota perairan (0,05-0,168 mg/L).  Eutrofikasi yang terjadi telah meningkatkan diversitas makroalga dan selanjutnya menurunkan diversitas Echinodermata. Berdasarkan nilai indeks diversitas Makroalga, perairan pantai di sekitar lima pulau yang diamati termasuk dalam kategori tercemar ringan sampai sedang (1.17-2.42), dan berdasarkan indeks diversitas Echinodermata sudah termasuk kategori tercemar berat (0,36-0,88). Sedangkan parameter kualitas air lain terutama pH, suhu, salinitas, kekeruhan, TP, H2S, minyak dan lemak, dan Pb telah memenuhi standar kualitas air untuk kebutuhan biota perairan berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No. 51/2004.
Local People Knowledge about Plant Trees Species Inside Tropical Forest of Tengger Ranupani Setyo Ayu Hardyanti; Luchman Hakim
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 2, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : University of Brawijaya

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Degradation of  tropical forests in Indonesia is  known more widespread. The development of  societyactivities  is  known to be very fast, thus  it  causes  land degradation. An  effort  to make ecosystem reparation of the tropical forest through restoration becomes very important to be done. The success of these efforts cannot be separated from the local community factors. The purpose of this study  is  to determine rainforest woody plant species that are recognized, and utilized  also knowing the  public perceptions in tropical forest restoration. The method used is quantitative ethnobotany with estimatingthe significance of the plant based on the level of popularity  herbs known and frequently used by the society.  The data  were analyzed using the Relative Frequency of Citations (RFC) and Relative Importance (RI). There are thirtyfive plants that are mentioned by society. Eighteen species are woody plants. The highest value of RFC from the interview are pine (Casuarina junghuhniana) that the value is  1. It  is often  used to  fill the need  as a building material and firewood.  The  smallest value of  RFC is 0.07  randu bacin  (Pittosporum moluccanum).  It  is  caused of lacking knowledge of  the type  and the benefits of the plants. RI value or numbers of plants  that are most frequently mentioned is fir that is at 3.56.  Meanwhile,  the  smallest  value of  RI  is  randu bacin  (Pittosporum moluccanum)  of 0.31.  The society’s perception of woody plants is  quite well. The society  knows the benefits of forest plants and the  forest condition today.  The society’s  traditional knowledge in  benefitting  the  plants  is  to be hereditary. So that  society  makes  serious efforts  to  help  the activity of  forest restoration by planting vegetation. Keywords: degradation, forest, restoration, trees, utilization
Etnobotani Penyambutan Bulan Sura Di Komplek Wisata Alam Air Terjun Sedudo, Kabupaten Nganjuk Prita Ayuningtyas; Luchman Hakim
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 2, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : University of Brawijaya

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Abstrak Air Terjun Sedudo merupakan salah satu daerah wisata yang memiliki atraksi budaya dengan memanfaatkan tumbuhan sebagai pelengkap acara. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui jenis tumbuhan yang digunakan dalam kegiatan menyambut Bulan Sura oleh masyarakat sekitar Air Terjun Sedudo sebagai bagian dari strategi konservasi tumbuhan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan September 2013 hingga April 2014. Observasi secara langsung dilakukan di komplek wisata alam Air Terjun Sedudo. Identifikasi tumbuhan dan analisis data dilakukan di Laboratorium Taksonomi, Struktur dan Perkembangan Tumbuhan Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Brawijaya. Penentuan responden dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data didapatkan menggunakan metode wawancara secara semi terstruktur. Data hasil wawancara pemanfaatan tumbuhan diklasifikasikan dalam 8 kategori pemanfaatan, dan selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan indeks etnobotani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan didapatkan 62 spesies tumbuhan dan tergolong ke dalam 34 famili yang dimanfaatkan untuk pelengkap prosesi penyambutan Bulan Sura. Tumbuhan yang memiliki RFC tertinggi adalah ketela pohon (Manihot esculenta Crantz) sebesar 0,77 dan untuk nilai RI tertinggi adalah melati (Jasminum sambac L.) sebesar 0,91. Sebagian besar tumbuhan yang dimanfaatkan digunakan untuk melengkapi prosesi penyambutan Bulan Sura maupun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari. Masyarakat sekitar Air Terjun Sedudo sebagian besar masih bergantung dengan sumberdaya dan tumbuhan yang ada di sekitar tempat tinggalnya, sehingga secara tidak langsung masyarakat melakukan konservasi guna melestarikan sumberdaya yang ada.   Kata kunci : etnobotani, ekowisata, konservasi tumbuhan, konservasi atraksi wisata
Assessment of The Various Type of Mangrove Areas by Avifaunal Diversity and Community in Tamban Beach, Sumbermanjing Wetan, East Java Agus Nurrofik; Achmad Dadang Burhanuddin; Lutfita Fitriana; Luchman Hakim; Nia Kurniawan
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol. 9 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.biotropika.2021.009.03.06


The restoration effort in Tamban Beach may reflect the role services of mangroves as suitable habitats for those surrounding diversity, especially on avifauna. Here we assess the diversity and community of avifaunal throughout types of mangrove ecosystems. We surveyed the avifaunal within four stations (i.e., natural mangrove area, restored mangrove area since 2009 and 2014, and degraded mangrove area) in Tamban Beach, Sumbermanjing Wetan, East Java during March 2021 using Audiovisual Encounter Survey (AES) methods. We present the statistic descriptive analysis of α-diversity index (taxa diversity, dominance index, Simpson’s index, Evenness, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Brillouin index, and Margalef species richness) as diversity assessment also conservation status of each species. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed to investigate the community variation within each site. We found 38 species from 22 families and 11 orders of avifaunal across the sites. The diversity of avifauna was high in a degraded area due to the mixture of habitats, although the natural and restored area yields some specialists. The type of mangroves might not be the sole factor affecting the avifauna diversity correlation, highlighting the importance of conservation strategies in the area.
Checklist of flora along tourist trails to Mt. Lamongan, East Java (Indonesia): misconception of restoration and ecotourism programs in mountain region? Luchman Hakim; Brian Rahardi; Arief Rachmansyah
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management Vol 5, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (351.227 KB) | DOI: 10.15243/jdmlm.2018.053.1299


The aim of this research was to evaluate the diversity of plant species along the tourist trails to Mt. Lamongan and combat any misconceptions about ecosystem restoration and the ecotourism development program in Mt. Lamongan. A floristic survey was done through flora identification along the hiking trail from the gate of Mt. Lamongan nature recreation area in Papringan Village to the slopes of Mt. Lamongan. The identified species were listed and their taxonomic status analyzed using information from the GRIN website. This study found that exotic plant species are abundant along the tourist tract. Human activities were identified as contributing to the introduction and establishment of exotic plant species. Result of the research indicate that restoration knowledge and techniques do not exist in the Mt. Lamongan region. A comprehensive evaluation of flora should be implemented to enhance the restoration program and protect forest area, especially the tourist corridor to the peak of Mt. Lamongan. Integrated actions to enhance restoration and promote tourism are needed. It encompasses strengthening the restoration concept and technology, eradication of exotic plant species, and establishing a proper tourism interpretive tract.
Analysis of factors contributing to the dispersal of Casuarina junghuhniana Miq. in a volcanic mountain Brian Rahardi; Serafinah Indriyani; Luchman Hakim; Agus Suryanto
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management Vol 7, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15243/jdmlm.2020.073.2163


Casuarina junghuhniana or mountain ru, she oak or cemara is a species from Indonesia which grows in the highland area at an altitude between 2000 - 3000 m above sea level (asl). One of the highland area in Eastern Java (Jawa Timur) of Indonesia is Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS). The study site was on the Tengger Sea of Sands, Eastern Java, Indonesia where it is affected by volcanic activity. This tree, from some references, has not been well studied yet although it has been reported as a tree native to Indonesia. The lack of the study poses problems when there is a program related to planting the tree on a certain location in TNBTS for rehabilitation purposes. This study attempted to construct a Structural Equation Model that mapped some factors observed in the study site related to C. junghuhniana population. Explored factors for their relationship with each other included the number of male and female individuals, growth-related indicators, and environmental factors consisting of altitude and the tree population. Formative factors which consist of parameters related to growth, environmental factors and factor associated with the diffusion of new individuals, may contribute to population growth while population growth was the opposite. The individual growth might not significantly contribute to the population of C. junghuhniana; instead, the population growth was affected by the tree individuals. Generative reproduction contributed the least to the dispersal as it may rely more on vegetative reproduction by adventitious shoots from roots.
Journal of Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Technology Vol 8, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jeest.2021.008.02.5


Danyangan is A proof traditional conservation created by local wisdom. Knowledge of bioculture provides a facts play a role in understanding the ecological processes that occur and providing an overview local efforts in protecting the environment. The village’s. Danyangan has the form of a collection of large trees marked by the presence of sacred fig trees (Ficus sp.). Moreover, the fig tree become a habitat for several species of birds. The canopy’s cover reserves water, insects, and fruits as food for birds and creates an interesting relation as a microhabitats.The location of this study was carried out in the administrative district of Malang district in Tumpang, East Java in the area of the district located in Gubugklakah, Kunci, Drigu, Poncokusomo, Puthuk, Pandansari, Jajang, and Aran-aran. Bird observation is carried out using the point count or IPA method.The study recorded 636 individuals consisting of 31 species, 21 families and 9 orders. The birds identified were dominated by Passeriformes as many as 11 families. Based on the results, shows all locations in the danyangan area dominated by detailed Swallow (Collocalia linchii). Instead, The value of bird species abundance in all study locations is included in the high category of values ranging >4.
Journal of Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Technology Vol 7, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jeest.2020.007.01.1


Danyangan is A proof traditional conservation created by local wisdom. Knowledge of bioculture provides a facts play a role in understanding the ecological processes that occur and providing an overview local efforts in protecting the environment. The village’s. Danyangan has the form of a collection of large trees marked by the presence of sacred fig trees (Ficus sp.). Moreover, the fig tree become a habitat for several species of birds. The canopy’s cover reserves water, insects, and fruits as food for birds and creates an interesting relation as a microhabitats.The location of this study was carried out in the administrative district of Malang district in Tumpang, East Java in the area of the district located in Gubugklakah, Kunci, Drigu, Poncokusomo, Puthuk, Pandansari, Jajang, and Aran-aran. Bird observation is carried out using the point count or IPA method.The study recorded 636 individuals consisting of 31 species, 21 families and 9 orders. The birds identified were dominated by Passeriformes as many as 11 families. Based on the results, shows all locations in the danyangan area dominated by detailed Swallow (Collocalia linchii). Instead, The value of bird species abundance in all study locations is included in the high category of values ranging >4.
Co-Authors . Wilopo Abdul Hamid A. Toha Achmad Afandi Achmad Dadang Burhanuddin Ade Hidayah Afifah Nur Aulia Agung Pramana Agung Sri Darmayanti Agus Nurrofik Agustina L.N. Aminin Aji Dharma Raharjo Aji Dharma Raharjo Akira Kikuchi Alelang, Isak Feridikson Amanda Putri Nastiti Ambariyanto Ambariyanto Amin Setyo Leksono Amin Setyo Leksono Amin Setyo Leksono Aminudin Afandhi Aminudin Afandhi Aminudin Afandhi Andri Tri Cahya Andriani Kusumawati Anggiar Rizky F Antariksa Antariksa Anthon Efani Apriyono Rahadiantoro Apriyono Rahadiantoro, Apriyono Ardina Tanjungsari Ardina Tanjungsari Argus Argus Ari Darmawan Ari Hayati Ari Hayati, Ari Arief Rachmansyah Arief Rachmansyah Arien Heryansyah Arif Luqman Hakim Arina Mana Sikana Aulanni'am Aulanni'am Aulia Luqman Azis Aya Shofiyah Azzah Fauziyah Cholis Azzah Fauziyah Cholis Bagyo Yanuwiadi Bagyo Yanuwiadi Bagyo Yanuwiadi Bagyo Yanuwiyadi Baihaqi Musytawan Bobby Polii Bobby Polii Bobby Polii Brian Rahardi Brian Rahardi Brian Rahardi Brian Rahardi Catur Retnaningdyah Catur Retnaningdyah Catur Retnaningdyah Catur Retnaningdyah Catur Retnaningdyah Cholis, Azzah Fauziyah Christien Yacobina Riung Danniary Ismail Faronny Dayu Puspita Sari Dea Rahmadani Ristanti Dian Siswanto Dian Siswanto Dian Siswanto Dian Sulastini Dian Sulastini, Dian Diane Deibij Pioh Diane Deibij Pioh Dimas Kurnia Purmada Djamhur Hamid Djumahir .. Djumilah Hadiwidjojo Dodit Ari Guntoro Dodit Ari Guntoro Dodit Ari Guntoro Dodit Ari Guntoro, Dodit Ari Dyah Kinasih Wuragil Eka Oktavianti Eka Oktavianti Endang Arisoesilaningsih Eni Kurniatun Esti Endah Ariyanti Estri Laras Arumingtyas Estri Laras Arumingtyas Estri Laras Arumingtyas Eva Kurniawati Fadhil Muhammad Fahdynia Kamira Gunawan Fajar Rasyidi Hidayat Fajar Rasyiidi Hidayat Fajar Rasyiidi Hidayat Febri Handoyo Feronica Simanjorang Filza Yulina Ade Filza Yulina Ade Filza Yulina Ade Gheavanda Putri Rahadi Gleny Sinta D Guntur Guntur Hafid Zain Muttaqien Hafid Zain Muttaqien, Hafid Zain Hamdan Yuwafi Hamdani Dwi Prasetyo Hamdani Dwi Prasetyo Hamid Toha Hamzah, Rispah Hanin Niswatul Fauziah Hanun Nurrahma Hanun Nurrahma Hariati, Anik Martinah Haryati, Jehan Ramdani Hasan Zayadi Henri Henri Henri Henri Henri Henri Henri Henri Henri Henri Henri Henri Henri Henri, Henri Hidayati Rahimah Hong Sun Kee Ihwan Ihwan Ika Junianingsih Ika Junianingsih Ika Yuni Agustin Iman Kusuma Bangsa Indah Yanti Irena Aldianoveri Jamhari Jamhari Jati Batoro Jati Batoro Jati Batoro Jati Batoro Jati Batoro Jati Batoro Jehan Ramdani Hariyati Jehan Ramdani Haryati Jenvia Rista Pratiwi Jodi Hariawan Jr sulthan ardillah Jr sulthan ardillah Karuniawan Puji Wicaksono Kee, Hong Sun Kikuchi, Akira Krishidaya, Ayutika Kristin Widyasari Kristin Widyasari Kurniasih Sukenti Linda Herawati Lugi Hartanto Lugi Hartanto, Lugi Luh Putu Ratna Sundari Lutfi Lutfi Lutfita Fitriana Luthfi Rayes Luthfi Rayes Lutvita Erya Rokani M. Ali Imron M. Kholid Mawardi Makagoshi, Nobukazu Manik Eirry Sawitri Masdiana Chendrakasih Padaga Melati Julia Rahma Moh Argus Mohammad Ikbal Mohammad Mahyairudin Mufidah Afiyanti Muhammad Arif Budiman Muhammad Attar Muhammad Attar Muhammad Fandi Ardiansyah Muhammad Fathoni Muhammad Izzuddin Faizal Muhammad Izzuddin Faizal Mukhzayadah Mukhzayadah Muqtafiah Muqtafiah Nababan, Vitryany Nadhea Oktaviantina Rahmawati Naila Izzatul Mukhoyyaroh Naila Izzatul Mukhoyyaroh Nashi Widodo Nasrul Jauhari Nia Kurniawan Nia Kurniawan Nikita Amalia VGA Nila Ratih Pamungkas Nindya Helvy Pramita Nindya Helvy Pramita Niqrisatut Thibab Nobukazu Makagoshi Nobukazu Nakagoshi Nokukazu Nakagoshi Nokukazu Nakagoshi, Nokukazu Nuddin Harahab Nuddin Harahap Nurizza Fauziyah Nurizza Fauziyah, Nurizza Pamungkas, Ratih Nila Pangestuti, Edriana Pramadika Ramanda Prita Ayuningtyas Rahma Aprilia Kumaji Rahmi Ipango Rahmi Ipango Ratih Nila Pamungkas Reski Amalyah Rispah Hamzah Rispah Hamzah Rita Parmawati Rita Parmawati Rita Parmawati Rita Parmawati Rita Parmawati Rita Parmawati Riung, Christien Yacobina Riyan Riyadlun Najih Riyan Riyadlun Najih Rizha Hardyansah Robi Binur Robi Hari Marhesa Rodiyati Azrianingsih Rodiyati Azrianingsih Rodiyati Azrianingsih Rodiyati Azrianingsih Rodliyati - Azrianingsih Rokani, Lutvita Erya Romaidi Romaidi Romaidi Romaidi Rukun Rahayu Sandra Dhesitta Putri Sandra Dhesitta Putri, Sandra Dhesitta Saptoyo Saptoyo Sari, Dewi Ratih Tirto Satria Cahya Febriansyah Satria Cahya Febriansyah SATRIYAS ILYAS Serafinah Indriyani Serafinah Indriyani Serafinah Indriyani Serafinah Indriyani Serafinah Indriyani Seran, Yoseph Nahak Setyo Ayu Hardyanti Setyo Ayu Hardyanti Silfi Anggraeni Siska Wahyu Rahmawati Siswo Purnomo Slamet Riyadi Soemarno - - Soemarno Soemarno Soemarno Soemarno Soemarno Soemarno Soemarno Soemarno Sofy Permana Sudarto Sudarto Sudarto Sudarto Suhaemi Sunarti Sunarti Sunarti Sunarti Sunaryo Sunaryo Sundari Sundari Suryanto, Agus Sutiman B. Sumitro Sutiman B. Sumitro Sutiman B. Sumitro Swiss Winnasis Swiss Winnasis Syakir Kamil Ainul Fitroh Tanjungsari, Ardina Tin Naing Oo Titanio Auditya Pribadi Turhadi Turhadi Veince Benyamin Silahooy Veince Benyamin Silahooy, Veince Benyamin Vitryany Nababan Wahyu Kusumayanti Putri Wenny Bekti Sunarharum Widodo Widodo . Widodo Widodo Wiwin Maisyaroh Yanuar Firmansyah Yusri Abdillah Yusri Abdillah Zakiyah Zakiyah Zakiyah Zakiyah