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Hubungan Perilaku Minum Tablet Zat Besi pada Remaja Putri dengan Kadar Hemoglobin Susanti, Ery; Ulfa, Maria
Journal of Ners and Midwifery Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : STIKes Patria Husada Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (443.681 KB) | DOI: 10.26699/jnk.v1i1.ART.p047-051


Most of the cases of anemia in Indonesia are caused by the lack of iron in the body since the iron existing in the food consumed does not meet the need. The need of the iron of female teenager is used to replace the lost of the iron during the menstrual cycle. The purpose of this study was to identify relationship between Fe tablet drinking behavior in teenagers with the level of hemoglobin. Method: The research design was quasi eksperiment using one-shot case study research.  The research sample was 19 student at STIKes Patria Husada Blitar at May 24th until Juni 22nd 2012, its choosed with purposive sampling. The data collected by observation using checklist. The analisys using spearman rank, with significant level ≤ 0,05. Result: The result showed that drinking behavior of Fe tablets were not good with the mild anemia hemoglobin level was 26.3 with p-value of 0.009 was obtained. Discussion: A good drinking behavior of iron tablets will result in the raise of hemoglobin levels formed, so that anemia could be prevented.
Pengaruh Konsumsi Dark Chocolate terhadap Kecemasan pada Ibu Post Sectio Caesarea Oktavia, Laily Wahidatul; Ulfa, Maria
Journal of Ners and Midwifery Vol 3, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : STIKes Patria Husada Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (242.267 KB) | DOI: 10.26699/jnk.v3i2.ART.p131-135


The consumption of dark chocolate on the second day of mother post section caesarea can reduce anxiety, since the asetosal substance can stimulate the limbic system of hypothalamus to suppress the anxiety. Method: The research design was a Quasy experimental. The research sample was 8 mother post sectio caesarea in Ngudi Waluyo Hospital Cempaka Wlingi at August 14th, up to September 14th, 2015, it was chosen using accidental sampling. The data analyzed by Wilcoxon rank test. Result: showed a decrease in the percentage of anxiety scale before and after eating dark chocolate in which the anxiety scale of 87.5% to 20%. Based on statistical analysis showed Wlicoxon Signed Rank Test p value = 0,008, so p value = 0.008 < = 0.05. Discussion: relaxed condition was needed in the process of recovery condition after partum mothers, especially post surgery. Psychological factors like family support also needed to optimize all of the action taken.
The Effect of Counseling on the Ability of Caring for the Umbilical Cord at The Primigravida Nifas Mother in BPM Nihayatur Rohmah Karangsono Village Kanigoro Blitar Regency Ulfa, Maria; Imanita, Andestia
Journal of Ners and Midwifery Vol 4, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : STIKes Patria Husada Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (386.989 KB) | DOI: 10.26699/jnk.v4i2.ART.p149-152


The high infant mortality rate due to improper umbilical cord care is increasing. Improper umbilical cord caring behavior is still found in postpartum primigravida, so it is necessary to increase postpartum knowledge of the importance of treating the umbilical cord in the right way to prevent infection. This study design is Quasy-eksperimental one group Pre-post-test-design. Population of this research is Primigravida Nifas Mother one day 2-7 days in BPM Nihayatur Rohmah. The sample in this research is 15 respondents by using total sampling.Data analysis using Wilcoxon test. Results of research on the ability of postpartum primigravida mother in caring for the correct umbilical cord before counseling 6,7% in the able category and after getting counseling there is a 93,3% increase that is 100% in the category capable. Based on the results of the study is expected to respondents more active again in increasing interest by increasing information about caring for the correct umbilical cord to prevent the occurrence of infection
Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan tentang Kanker Payudara terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap tentang Pemeriksaan Payudara Sendiri Agustina, Ika; Ulfa, Maria
Journal of Ners and Midwifery Vol 1, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : STIKes Patria Husada Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (465.706 KB) | DOI: 10.26699/jnk.v1i3.ART.p225-229


Familiarize yourself observing breast awareness is a part of a woman's body. In this way, even the smallest defects which can be found and active measures for treatment can be started as early as possible. Method: The research design was pre eksperimental design. With the approach of one group pretest-posttest design. The sample are 100 student of SMKN 3 Blitar City, it was choosen using simple random sampling technique. The data was collected by questionnaire. Result : Based on statistical tests Paired T Test obtained sig = 0.000. This shows 0.000 <0.05 that the presence of the above found that the pvalue (0,000) <0.05, it can be concluded that there are significant health education on the attitudes of young women. Discussion : Young women more active to increase the knowledge by obtaining information about reproductive health care, especially on the breast it self.
Perbedaan Penggunaan Daun Sirih terhadap Waktu Penyembuhan Luka Perineum Kurniawati, Siti Lely Candra; Ulfa, Maria
Journal of Ners and Midwifery Vol 2, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : STIKes Patria Husada Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (294.048 KB) | DOI: 10.26699/jnk.v2i3.ART.p227-231


Betel leaves are plants that contain essential oils that consist of bethephenol, chavicol, cavibetol, estrogen, eugenol, and karvarool wherein biochemical substances in a betel leaf (Piperbetle Linn) has the power to kill bacteria and fungi, also an antioxidant which accelerate the wound healing process. Method: The study used True Experimental Design, Post Test Only Control Group Design. The population in this study was 18 puerperal women in the village Ringginanyar. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The number of sample was 16 puerperal women in the village Ringginanyar. This research was conducted on 20 July 2015–02 August 2015. The statistical test used Mann Whitney U - Test . Result:The results showed that the perineal wound healing time women without treatment with betel leaf the majority (62.5%) experiencing perineal wound healing on day 8, while women do treatment using betel leaves the vast majority (62.5%) experiencing perineal wound healing on day 5. Based on the findings of Mann Whitney U test -Test seen that sig value (0.00 ) <  ( 0.05 ) it could be concluded that there were differences in perineal wound healing time between groups used betel leaf and groups that did not use betel leaves .
Journal of Ners and Midwifery Vol 1, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : STIKes Patria Husada Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (402.797 KB) | DOI: 10.26699/jnk.v1i2.ART.p113-117


Improper breast care will cause swelling on the breast and cracking on the  nipples which make the process of breastfeeding difficult. When there is cracking on the nipples, breastfeeding process should be suspended until it is healed. Method: The research design was a correlational research using cross sectional approach. The research sample was 14 people at BPM Eny Kustyaningsih Kepanjen Kidul District of Blitar at Augus 03th until 14th, 2012, it was chosen using purposive sampling. The data was collected by observation using questionnaire. The data was analyzed using Spearman rank, with a significant level of ≤ 0.05. Result : The motivation of breast care in postpartum mothers was in category of enough at about 71.4%, 64.3% in behavior, with the Spearman Rank P-value of 0.008. Discussion : It should be held further education for the mothers, especially when the mother was in a pregnancy, so that new mothers had the attention, memory, imagination and highly motivated so that the motivation and behavior of breast care would be better.
Jurnal Berkala Ilmiah Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Vol 1, No 2 (2015): MAGNA MEDICA
Publisher : Jurnal Berkala Ilmiah Kedokteran dan Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Latar belakang: Penerapan standar prosedur operasional (SPO) pemasangan ventilator adalah salah satu upayapencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi. Pelaksanaan SPO bergantung pada kepatuhan perawat yang dapat bervariasikarena dipengaruhi oleh seperti faktor internal (jenis kelamin, pengetahuan, dan sikap) serta faktor eksternal (karakteristikkelompok dan pekerjaan).Tujuan Penelitian: Untuk mengetahui tingkat kepatuhan perawat, serta hubungan dan pengaruh faktor internal danfaktor eksternal terhadap kepatuhan perawat dalam melaksanakan SPO pemasangan ventilator di RS PKU MuhammadiyahYogyakarta.Metode: Penelitian ini adalah analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang hasilnya disajikan secaradeskriptif dilanjutkan analisis bivariat dan analisis multivariat. Subjek penelitian adalah perawat ruang ICU RS PKUMuhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah kuesioner dan checklist observasi yang juga dicocokkandengan lembar wawancara.Hasil dan Pembahasan: Sikap, pengetahuan, dan faktor eksternal memberikan kontribusi terhadap kepatuhan perawatsebesar 34,4% dan sikap merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kepatuhan perawat.Kesimpulan: Beberapa perawat masih tidak mematuhi SPO sepenuhnya, rekomendasi yang perlu dilakukan adalahmeningkatkan kepatuhan perawat dengan cara meningkatkan monitoring, memberikan pelatihan dan motivasi perawatdalam mematuhi SPO pemasangan ventilator.Kata Kunci: kepatuhan perawat, standar prosedur operasional pemasangan ventilator
Layanan Private Cloud Computing Berbasis Nextcloud Pada SMKN 1 Indralaya Utara Ulfa, Maria; Panjaitan, Febriyanti; Suryayusra, Suryayusra
Jurnal Pengabdi Vol 1, No 2 (2018): Oktober 2018
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1096.685 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/jplp2km.v1i2.28456


Jaringan internet SMKN 1 Indralaya Utara menggunakan jaringan radio point to point untuk bisa terhubung ke internet. Skema jaringan radio point to point mengambil akses jaringan internet dari Telkom Speedy yang tower sumber internet (Pemancar) ditegakkan di Kantor Pemerintah Kabupaten Ogan Ilir yang mengarah lurus ke SMKN 1 Indralaya Utara (Penerima). Agar dapat memaksimalkan proses pembelajaran pada SMK Negeri 1 Indralaya Utara dan dapat mengontrol kegiatan belajar siswa di laboratorium komputer, maka akan diberikan solusi alternatif untuk membangun layanan pusat data dengan penerapan Private Cloud Computing  menggunakan metode IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service). Pengaksesan data terhubung dengan server local yang ada disekolah dimana para pengguna siswa dan guru memiliki access login pada saat menggunakan layanan Cloud Computing dan keamanan sistem menjadi lebih terjaga. Guru dapat memonitoring setiap komputer yang siswa gunakan pada saat proses pembelajaran praktikum. Media penyimpanan Private Cloud Computing yang akan dibangun disesuaikan dengan kebutuhkan Sekolah, dimana menggunakan sistem nextcloud yang merupakan salah aplikasi cloud computing Setelah dilakukan ujicoba implementasi pada jaringan local sistem layanan private cloud computing berbasis nextcloud pada mitra sekolah dapat berjalan dengan baik tanpa ada kendala, untuk login ke sistem pengguna yaitu operator, guru dan siswa dapat mengoperasikan sistem layanan private cloud computing dengan baik, siswa dan guru sangat antusias dalam menggunakan sistem nextcloud dengan melakukan pengaksesan data dan mendapat kemudahan dalam menyimpan data sehingga dapat dilakukan secara terpusat dimana setiap file pengguna guru, siswa dan operator dapat dikelola dengan mudah, cepat dan praktis.
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

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The Palembang City Health Service has implemented the Wireless network as one of the services to connect to the internet, to expand the signal coverage in the City Government Service network, has been implemented wirelessly with a Wireless Distribution System (WDS) system that allows wireless interconnection in access points in the IEEE 802.11 network. This allows wireless networks to be developed using multiple APs (Access points) without having to require a network cable backbone to connect between networks. Users connected to the Hotspot at Palembang City Health Office are increasing year by year. This is seen from the number of access usage needs each year. The analysis that will be carried out on Palembang's health service wireless LAN network uses several parameters, namely Bandwidth, Throughput, Delay, and Packet Loss, where these parameters are used to see the quality of network services (QOS), so that the results of this research will be expected to provide solutions for the service the health of the city of Palembang in evaluating the quality of the network, especially wireless LAN so that it can overcome any problems that occur. Research methods using Action Research or action research is one form of research design, in action research researchers describe, interpret and explain a social situation at the same time by making changes or interventions with the aim of improvement or participation. The results of the QOS parameters are delay according to the TIPHON version, that a very good delay occurs at the Health Service from point 2, that is location 2 to location 3, with a delay of under 150 milli second (ms). Keywords: Wireless Distribution System (WDS), Wireless LAN, Quality of Service (QoS)
Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 5, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : IKIP Mataram

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This research was aimed at describe whether listen-read-discuss (LRD) strategy be able to improve students’ reading comprehension or not. It was a classroom action research. The data collected uses quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data was gained from the result of pre-test and post-test from reading test. Meanwhile, qualitative data was gained from the result of observation sheets toward students and teachers activity. The instrument uses were test and observation sheet. The result shows that the strategy be able to improve the students’ reading comprehension in report text. The improvement can be seen from the mean score of students from pre-test, post-test one, and post-test two. The mean score of pre-test was 69.5 (35%), there were seven students who passed the minimum passing grade, in the post-test one, 72.2 (60%), twelve students passed the minimum passing grade and in the post-test two, 78.25 (85%),  seventeen students passed the minimum passing grade (KKM).
Co-Authors A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abdul Wahab Achmad Himawan Achmadi Achmadi Adhyaksafitri, Fiqih Adrian Damora Ady Mara, Ady Agus Muji Santoso Ahmad Lubab, Ahmad Alam, Rizky Bachrul Allan Firman Jaya Allif Syahputra Bania Amrazi Zakso Andestia Imanita, Andestia Andi Nur Aisyah Andini Inka Yuwono Ari Jamhari Pratama Ari Muzakir Ariani, Sri Shanti Asbone, Asbone Astuti, Retno Yuni Ayu Sutarto Ayu Sutarto Azizy, Ismi Visa Azuma, Momoyo Bachtiar . Baiq Nila Sari Ningsih Bayu Anggileo Pramesona Bayu Kurniawan Chairuddin Chairuddin Chansyanah Diawati Chitra Octavina Cut Morina Zubainur Definingsih Yuliastuti Desnelli Desnelli Dewa Ayu Citra Rasmi Dewanggana, Aria Dewi Wisnu Wardani Dewi Wisnu Wardani Eliza Eliza Elsye Maria Rosa Emmy Yuani Emmy Yuanita Emmy Yuanita Emmy Yuanita Endar Suprih Widayat Eny Enawaty Erlina Erlina Erna Isnandira, Erna Ery Susanti, Ery Esse Darmayanti Eva Mayasari Ewis Susanto, Ewis Fatma Fatma Fatmasari Fatmasari Fatoni, Fatoni Febriyanti Panjaitan, Febriyanti Febryana Dewi Artati Ficky Andrianto Franata, Febi Gusti Budjang Hairida Hambani, Susy Haryono Setiadi Hasan Bisri Hat Pujiati Henny Herawaty Holy Rumpun Bato&#039; Hudinoto Hudinoto Husna Amalya Melati I MADE SUDARMA Ibnu Jayusman Ichsan Ichsan ika agustina Illahi Manvi, Kurnia Ipro Hati Padilah Ira Lestari Irawan Irawan Irma Dewiyanti Irma Finurina Mustikawati Ismail Ismail Ismail, H. Ismi Visa Azizy Isnawati, I Iwan Sumarlan J. Priyanto Widodo Johan Yunus Junaidi Junaidi Khalif Anfasa Khayati, Dian N Kusbaryanto Laily Prima Monica, Laily Prima Laily Wahidatul Oktavia, Laily Wahidatul Lalu Dimas Pratama Atmaja Lukman Hadi M. Cholid Mawardi M. Denny Richardo Mahmudi, Irkham Mansyur Mansyur Masriani . Maulida Septiyana Megawaty, - Mirza Sanjaya, Mirza Mohammad Mulyadi Moses L. Singgih Muhammad Rifki Mukti, Aan Restu Murtadho Ridwan Musadad Musadad Mustika Ratnaningsih Purbowati Mustikawati, Irma Finurina Muthiah Ridhayanah Mutiana Muspita Jeli Nanang Sugianto Ni Komang Tri Dharmayani Nisa&#039;ul Kamilatul Azizah Noor Fadiawati Noor, Rabty Anistia Novi Khoiriawati Nufharistiara, Alya Nur Diana Nur Diana Nur Kuswanti Nuraini Nuraini Nurcholis Nurcholis Nurfadillah Nurfadillah Nurul Widayati Nurul Widayati Oke Anandika Lestari Panjaitan, Febriyanti Pradnyo Wijayanti Purwaningtias, Fitri Purwanti, Kiki E Puspita, Mefrie Putri Yulianti Radhia Reski Rahmat Rasmawan Retno Yuni Astuti Rike Puspitasari Tamin Rini Ismalasari Rini Muharini Ririn Suharsanti Ririn Suharsanti, Ririn Rizky Bachrul Alam Rody Putra Sartika Romel Hidayat Rustiyarso . Sabdho, Harry Dwi Sabrina Auliauz Zohroh Sahid, Muhammad Saifuddin Saifuddin Saifuddin Saifuddin Saleh, Zuhratus Sanjaya, Puguh Danu Saprizal Hadisaputra Saputra, Legi Saraswati, Nia Ayu Satrijo Saloko Setya Nugraha, Alfian Shierly Novalita Yappi Siti Fatima Azzahra Siti Lely Candra Kurniawati, Siti Lely Candra Sri Astuti Kalni Sriami . Sudirman Sudirman Sudirman Sudirman Sudirman Sudirman Sudirman Sugianto, Nanang Sugianto, Nanang Sulistiono Sulistiono Suparman, Moh. Agus Supratno, Haris Surya Hadi Surya Hadi Suryayusra, Suryayusra Susilorini . Sutinah Sutinah Suyanto " Syahri, Jufrizal Tantri Sarzuli Tantri Sarzuli, Tantri Terasne Terasne Terasne, Terasne Terasne, Terasne Tisnawati, Irma Noviana Tony K. Hariadi Tri Dharmayani, Ni Komang Utami, Tri W Vivi Sahfitri WAHYU WIBISONO Wahyunita Yulia Sari Warneri . Warsidah Warsidah Wening, Dayu Laras Widyasmoro, Widyasmoro Yoserizal " Yudanto, Ahmad Veda Yudiastuti, Helda Yulis Setiawati Yuni Arrifadah, Yuni Yusnarida Eka Nizmi