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AKUNTANSI PENDIDIKAN (Suatu Pemikiran Implementasi di Sekolah) -, Gimin
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Akuntansi dan Keuangan 2015: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Akuntansi dan Keuangan
Publisher : Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Akuntansi dan Keuangan

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ABSTRAK Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003, sekolah  merupakan badan hukum pendidikan yang bersifat nirlaba, yang dikelola berdasarkan standar pelayanan minimal dengan prinsip manajemen berbasis sekolah. Sebagai badan usaha, maka salah satu bentuk pertanggungjawaban sekolah adalah melakukan pencatatan dan pelaporan akuntansi namun selama ini belum dilakukan. Melalui akuntansi biaya pendidikan per-siswa (unit cost) akan dapat dihitung lebih realistis dibanding yang dilakukan selama ini yaitu dihitung dari Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Sekolah (APBS). Sebagai badan usaha yang bersifat nirlaba, maka akuntansi pendidikan menggunakan pendekatan akuntansi sektor publik dengan laporan keuangan berupa: (1) laporan Surplus/defisit, (2) laporan arus kas, dan (3) laporan Neraca. Untuk terlaksananya hal ini diperlukan: (a) kebijakan pemerintah, serta (b) sumberdaya manusia (tenaga pembukuan). ABSTRACT According to Constitution number 20 of 2003, the school is a legal entity which is a non-profit education, which is managed based on minimum service standards with school-based management principles. As a business entity , then one form of school accountability is to do the recording and reporting of accounting but has not been done. Accounting through unit cost of education will be calculated more realistic than done so far is calculated from the School Budge. As a non-profit entity, then the accounting education use of public sector accounting approach with the financial statements as follows: (1) surplus/deficit report, (2) the cash flow statement, and (3) Balance report. For the implementation of this is necessary: (a) government policy, and (b) human resources (book keeper) . Kata Kunci: Akuntansi, Pendidikan, Sekolah
Prosiding Seminar Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 3, No 1 (2017): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Keuangan
Publisher : Prosiding Seminar Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Bisnis

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Abstrak Banyak sekolah memperhitungkan biaya pendidikan per-siswa per-tahun (unit cost) sebagai ukuran efisiensi, tetapi fenomena menunjukan tidak menggambarkan biaya riil yang dibebankan pada periode itu.Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis sistem pencatatan keuangan pendidikan, formula perhitungan unit cost, dan besarnya unit cost. Penelitian dilakukan  di “SMK Labor” FKIP Universitas Riau. Data utama dalam bentuk dokumendan informasi terfokus yang diperoleh melalui wawancara beberapa nara sumber relevan. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan diklasifikasikan berdasarkan subyek pokok masalah. Hasil penelitian menemukan "SMK Labor" binaan FKIP Universitas Riau melakukan sistem pencatatan keuangan  menggunakan cash basis atas RKAS (Rencana Kegiatan dan Anggaran Sekolah). Sekolah ini menghitung unit cost menggunakan formula “seluruh biaya yang dibayar oleh setiap siswa dikurangi dana BOS  untuk setiap siswa sampai lulus dibagi masa studi”. Unit cost SMK labor tidak stabil, yaitu Rp2.460.000 pada tahun 2014, naik menjadi Rp2.520.000 pada tahun 2015 dan 2016. Formula perhitungan unit cost "SMK labor" kurang menggambarkan biaya pendidikan riil yang dibebankan sekolah kepada siswa karena belum menambahkan pengurangan nilai aktiva tetap sekolah, seperti penyusutan peralatan, dan lainya. Oleh sebab itu perlu dikembangkan model akuntansi pendidikan yang tepat. Kata Kunci: akuntansi, keuangan, pendidikan, unit cost
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 5: Edisi 1 Januari-Juni 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of teachers teaching skills and learning activities on student learning outcomes of entrepreneurship subjects in SMK Darel Hikmah Pekanbaru. The population in this study were students of class X and XI TI and PS which amounted to 59 people, the sample was obtained by using simple random sampling method as much as 52 respondents. Data analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The result of this research is the skill of teaching the teacher does not have a significant effect on the student's learning result which is obtained tcount 0,091 <ttabel 2,009 and significant value 0,928> 0,05. Learning activities have a positive and significant impact on student learning outcomes where obtained tcount 2,991> ttabel 2,009 and significant value 0,004 <0,05. In silmutan there is a positive or significant influence between teacher's teaching skills and student learning activities with learning results fcount 11.086> ftabel 3.18 and significant value 0,000 <0.05. The result of multiple regression research found that the skills of teaching teachers and learning activities have a significant effect on the students' learning outcomes of 27.1% of the learning outcomes and the rest of 72.9% influenced by other factors outside this study. Multiple regression equation obtained in this research is Y1 = 43,107 + 0,010 X1 + 0, 428 X2. This means that if the skills of teaching teachers (X1) and learning activities (X2) does not exist then the amount of learning outcomes (Y) of 43.107 and any increase in skills of teaching teachers will increase student learning outcomes by 0.010 and any increase in learning activities it will improve student learning outcomes of 0.428.Keywords: Teacher Teaching Skills, Learning Activity and Learning Outcomes
Dampak Biaya Kuliah Tunggal Terhadap Kualitas Layanan Pendidikan Sumarno, Sumarno; Gimin, Gimin; Nas, Syakdanur
Kelola: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Vol 4 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (755.288 KB) | DOI: 10.24246/j.jk.2017.v4.i2.p184-194


This study aims to determine the differences in the number of single tuition fees and non-single tuition; the proportion of resources and the allocation of funds before and after the single tuition policy; and the quality of educational services by single tuition and non-single tuition college students. The data was collected from students and leaders at the University of Riau through questionnaires, documentation, and interviews. Data were analyzed descriptively and different test. The results show that the amount of a single tuition fee is not much different from the non-single tuition fee. The proportion of funding sources from the public increased after a single tuition policy, but the proportion of allocations for operational costs decreased. Single tuition college students rated the quality of educational services lower than the non-single tuition of students with significant differences. Single tuition does not significantly affect the quality of education services.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 5: Edisi 2 Juli-Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Abstract: The background of this research was the concern of noble values of the nation’s personality that begin to be abandoned by the next generation. The inappropriate attitudes with norms’ life as the result of rapid technological development caused globalization then it is needed the education that can configure the character and attitude to build children of nations’ character more conceive and love their homeland. The formulation of this research was the effect of civic education learning toward students’ nationalism attitude. The number of population this research was 190 students at Eighth Grade of Junior High School 5 Tualang in Kabupaten Siak by using Proportional random sampling the researcher took 98 students as the sample of this research. The technique collecting data used by the researcher were observation, questionnaire, interview, and documentation. To analyze the data the researcher use Simple Linear Regression analysis. Based on the data analysis the researcher conclude that there is significant effect of civic education learning process toward nationalism attitude of Eighth Grade students at Junior High School 5 Tualang in Kabupaten Siak. it was considered from F calculated =19.026 and Ftable=3.94 obtained from distribution list of Fcalculatedwith N= 98 with significant level 5% thus Fcalculated>Ftable (19.026> 3.94 ) in other words, H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. From the research finding, it showed that there is significant effect of Civic Education learning toward nationalism attitude at Eighth Grade students of Junior High School 5 Tualang in Kabupaten Siak.Keywords: Civic Education learning, Nationalism attitude
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 5: Edisi 2 Juli-Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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English abstract: The aim of this research is to determine the influence of family environment toward students’ learning motivation in economic subject class X IIS SMA Negeri 1 Pangean. The research’s population is all the sample 79 students. The data was taken by questioners and analyzed by linear regression. Based on the result is known that students’ family environment is not good. Meanwhile, students’ motivation some of them is low category. The result analysis data was gotten that family environment has positive influenced and significant towards students’ learning motivation contribution is 27,4%. It means that to increase the students’ learning motivation is needed good and conducive family environment. As better and espouse family environment so as better to students’ learning motivation. If the family environment is not good and not espouse so the students’ learning motivation decreases.Keywords: Family Environment, Learning Motivation
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 5: Edisi 2 Juli-Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Abstract: The research aims to increase student learning motivation by means of impelentation of everyone is a teacher here model to motivation learning of VIII class SMP N 4 singingi hilir kabupaten kuantan singingi. The research was a kind of experiment. Research conducted at SMPN 4 singingi hilir kabupaten kuantan singingi. Samples from this study are students of class VIII2 as an experimental class and the students in class VIII4 as the control class, this sample was randomly selected after tests of homogeneity in all populations. Classes are classes given experimental treatment using Generative Learning learning model, while the control class is the class that was treated using the usual method implementation discussion. Based on the results of hypothesis testing data analysis obtained t> t table ie 27,93>2,021, his shows the differences in learning motivation of students that learning PPKn before and after bonds with and without the use of learning model everyone is a teacher here in class VIII SMPN 4 Singingi hilir Kabupaten singingi hilir. Thus the hypothesos which reads that is an affect of using everyone is a teacher here learning toward students’ learning motivation class VIII at SMPN 4 singingi hilir kabupaten kuantan singingi, can be accepted.Keyword : Everyone Is A Teacher Here, Learning Motivation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jepk.v6n2.p171-186


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun desain pendidikan kewirausahaan mahasiswa yang dapat menciptakan dan mengembangkan technopreneur. Penelitian dilakukan di Universitas Riau. Data dikumpulkan melalui teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi; kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan kewirausahaan berbasis technopreneurship memerlukan integrasi dan sinergi antara kewirausahaan dan akademik prodi/jurusan kedalam isi (materi), kegiatan, dan metode untuk membangun kompetensi kewirausahaan mahasiswa. Isi pendidikan kewirausahaan berupa materi yang disajikan, dibahas, dan dikembangkan dalam kegiatan, sedangkan kegiatan dan metodenya meliputi perkuliahan, pelatihan, pembinaan, dan lomba kewirausahaan, serta inkubasi bisnis. Perkuliahan kewirausahaan untuk menciptakan kompetensi kewirausahaan dasar (memiliki pola pikir dan kemampuan menciptakan pekerjaan), pelatihan dilaksanakan untuk menumbuhkan kompetensi kewirausahaan menengah (menyusun proposal usaha yang layak), sedangkan pembinaan dan inkubasi bisnis untuk mengembangkan kompetensi kewirausahaan lanjut (menjalankan/mengembangkan usaha). Status mata kuliah kewirausahaan perlu ditingkatkan menjadi mata kuliah wajib. Pendidikan kewirausahaan diprogramkan dan dilaksanakan oleh unit kewirausahaan berdasar Keputusan Rektor.
The Effect of Hidden Objective in the Concept-mapping & Coaching Method on Explaining Skills of Prospective Teachers Kartikowati, Rr Sri; Gimin, Gimin; Nas, Syakdanur
Dinamika Pendidikan Vol 13, No 2 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/dp.v13i2.16703


This study aims to analyze the effect of hidden objectives in the Introduction to Management lectures that use the Concept-mapping and Coaching method on explaining skills of prospective teacher students. This research is included in the development study. The study population was all students of introduction to management (non-Microteaching) in the Faculty of Teacher Training which consisted of two classes (PE-A 40 students as control class and PE-B 39 students as experimental class). This study used simple random sampling technique to determine 14 sample people from each class. Primary data were obtained from samples of two classes through observation in explaining skills, and then data were analyzed descriptively and in in analysis of Independent sample t-test. From the descriptive analysis, the average score of explaining skills of prospective teacher students in the experimental class was higher than the control class score. The results of the analysis of the t-test for equality test showed that there are convincing differences in explaining skills in prospective teacher students between the control class and the experimental class. Thus, the hidden objective in the Concept-mapping & Coaching Method in the lecture of Introduction Management can improve the better explaining skills of prospective student teachers. Suggestions from the results of this study are that other non-Microteaching lecturers in the Faculty of Teacher Training will use hidden objectives to accelerate mastery of student teacher teaching skills in an effort to support the realization of professional prospective teachers.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 5: Edisi 2 Juli-Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Abstrack : This Research event will be based on the spirit of nationality that has begun to wear off over time especially among students in SMA Negeri 12 pekanbaru. Formulation of the problem in this research is: "are there any extra-curricular activities influence influence Scout against the spirited character nationality students in SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru?". This research aims to know the influence of the Ekstrakulikuker Scout against the Spirited Character Nationality Students In SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru in July and August 2018. This research is a descriptive quantitative research into the population in this research is the learners SMA Negeri 12 Pekabaru the following extracurricular activities Scouts amounted to 41 people. The sample in this study is taken based on the technique of saturated samples (total sampling), i.e. when the number of the subject is less than 100, more well taken all of his research is the research so that the population, thus the sample of this research is the entire learners SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru who follow Scouting extracurricular activities amounted to 41 people. Later data analysis using quantitative descriptive technique by using statistical tests. Based on the results of the study showed that there was no influence between extracurricular activities Scouts against character semagat nationality in SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru Fhitung < Ftabel, or 4.09, of which 3,977 < magnitude of contributions or donations notable alumni of the national spirit of the characters against the Scouts indicated by the magnitude of the R square or the coefficient of Determination (R2) 0.069. This means that extracurricular learning, Scouts contribute to 6.9% against the spirit of the nationality character of learners in SMA Negeri 12 Soweto. Thus the hypothesis that reads there is the influence of character against the spirit of the Scout extracurricular nationality in SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru, was rejected.Keywords: Esktrakulikuler Scout, Character The Spirit Of Nationality
Co-Authors ', Hambali ', Jusmawati ', Kasmila ', Mernasusanti ', Novriyanti P ', Suarman Suarman ', Zahirman -, Sri Kartikowati - Abdul Mukti Adil Jaya Manalu Adinda Paramita Afrianto Afrianto Afrizal Padri Ahmad Eddison Ahmad Ridho Al Hafidz, Al Hafidz alikhsan, Wahyu fadli Almasdi Syahza Amalina, Zahratu Amelia Frisda An Akbar Putra Andana, Suci Annisa Azzhara Annisa Husnul Khatimah Apriandi Arifwan Ardiana Ardiana Arfiyanti Agustina Aria, Novita Ariesa Arasy Arsy Makiini Asri Dewi Astriyani Astriyani Astuti, Nyi Aswan Nur Hamzah Atika Nur Aini Atikah Adiningrum Audrel Abelita Putri Ayu, Santia Ariska Azhar Azhar Azhar Azhar Bella Berliana Brilliant Asmit Caska Caska Chairun Nisa Cherly Afriani Da’iyah, Nadhrah ’Uqty Da’iyah Uqty Daeng Ayub Natuna Dahlianis Dahlianis Desliani Desliani Desnawati Desnawati Desti Atma Wijaya Destri Armiza Desty Auliani Zulkarnain Desy Dorasih Dewi Ayuni Dewi Kurniati DEWI MASTURA Dewi, Merita Dewi, Pitra Puspa Dian Andiko Putra Dian Febriani Dian Tri Andini Lubis Diana, Eva Ria Dita Asriani Asriani Dudung Burhanuddin Dumaria Dumaria Duwi Julita Dwi Putri Ayunani Bahri Edi Prasetyo Edi Setiawan Elfika, Cici Elfiyanti, Sri Ellianis Ellianis Elvira Handayani Emi Ramdani Emi Ramdani Enalia, Enalia Erma Yunita Ermita Rihanda Dachi Erni Erni Erwiza Erwiza Etty Marzani Eva Arni Salisah Eva Yulliyani Eva Yulliyani, Eva Yulliyani Eva Fadly Azhar Faima, Juli Faiz Rizaqy Hardewo Fajri, Hamidah Fatlaini, Raudha Fatma Fatma Fatmawati Fatmawati Fenny Trisnawati Fenny Trisnawati Fenny Trisnawati Feri Fadli Fadli Firman Edi Fitdiya Rizki Fitri Agustiyana Fitri, Ade Krisyano Fransiska Nahampun Fresty Harnum Frisilla Agra Izzati Gani Haryana Gani, Gani Gushailen Putra Kamil Gusnardi Gusnardi Gusnardi Gusnardi Gusnardi, Gusnardi Hadi Purnomo Hadriana Hadriana Hambali &#039; Hambali Hambali Hambali Hambali Handayani, Endah Sri Handriani, Loly Hardisem Hardisem Hardisem Syabrus Hardisem Syaburs Hariyanti Hariyanti Harni Lasri Haryono Haryono Haryono Haryono Haryono Haryono Hasnah Faizah AR Hendripides Hendripides &#039; Hendripides Hendripides Hendripides Hendripides Hendripides Hendripides Hendripides, Hendripides Hendripides, Hendripides Hendripidies, Hendripidies Henny Indrawati Henny Indrawati Henny Indrawati Heri Rahman Herman Herman Hikmah Fazira Holyness Nurdin Singadimedja Hosnilawati Mard Ilham, Rahmad Imam Fatoni Indah Kesuma Noer Indra Hatari, Indra Indra Primahardani Indra Primahardani Infa Febrisal Saputra Intan Aprilliany Iqbal chozanatuha Iqbal, Ahmad Irfandi Hernaldi Irma Novita Desi Irmalini Syafrita Isjoni Isjoni Jamilah &#039; Jasmira, Jasmira Jefri, Muhamad Jimmi Copriady Joko Risanto Juandi Muhammad Juliani &#039; Julita Nasution Jumili Arianto Jum’atiska Rois Juwita Turnip Kalinggasari, Jihan Kartikowati, Rr. Sri Kusmitra Wijayanti Larissa Jusivani Leni Leni Lia Permana Lieona Lieona Lilik Hardianti Lilis Mutia Lina Badriana Lina Hidayanti Lisa Afri Roja Lisa Lusiana M. Nur Mustafa M. Yogi Praminto Magdalena Purwasih Maharunnisah Maharunnisah Mahdum Mahdum Mahdum Mahdum Mahkdalena Mahkdalena Makhdalena Makhdalena Makhdalena Makhdalena, Makhdalena Makmuri Makmuri Mardia Sri Malia Marena Olyvia Marena Olyvia Marena Olyvia Olyvia Marlisa Marlisa Marliya Marliya Marviva Marviva Marzuki Marzuki Mashadi Mashadi Maulida &#039; Maulida Maulida Mernasusanti &#039; Mery Fitria Mery Yanti Mifta Rizka Mira Maharani Mirfayanti, Mirfayanti Miswanti, Weni Muhammad Ade Novid Hardian Muhammad Azmi Muhammad Fauzi Muhammad Syahroi Syahroi Mujiono Mujiono Mujiono Mujiono Muthia Trinovismi Nadila Rezky Nani Nurhidayah Nelly Lestari Nike Yarlin Larosa Nila Yusniati Nildawati, Yulia Ninawati Ninawati Ningrum Julyanti, Ningrum Ningsih, Lulu Tia Nirmalawati Nirmalawati Novela Juliana Novi Kurniawati Novi Nuraini Noviani, Shindi Novita Aria Nur Hidayati Nuraisah &#039; Nuraisyah &#039; Nurjamiah Nurjamiah Nurmaslina &#039; Nurmi Utami Nurpit Junus Nurul Hasanah Nurul Nabila Oktamia Anggraini Putri Oktavani, Gita Dwi Oktaviana, Nur Olivia Chintya Rhany Padri, Afrizal Pahma Herawati Pakpahan, Santa Veronika Paramita, Adinda Permata Putri, Siti Keumala Piki Setri Pernantah Poppy Arista Febriani Pratama, Robbi Satria Purnama, Riska Tri Pusaka, Semerdanta Putri Dwi Kumala Putri Mustika Putri Siska Sari Putri, Indah Permatasari Rabbiah Al Adawiyah Rafica Zahara Rahma Fitriyani Rahma Fitriyani Rahma Kartika Sari Rahmad Adrian Rahmatullaila, Fitri Rahmayanti Gusnita Rambe, Paijan Ramona Saputri Saputri Rapita &#039; Ratih Ayuning Chintya Rawi Gunawan Rena Audia Renny Noer Fajri Noer Fajri Respita Febri Rifka Rahma Yani Rika &#039; Riska Tri Purnama RISMA WATI SITORUS Rizka Fauziah Rizky Suhendy RM Riadi RM Riadi RM Riadi &#039; RM. Riadi RM. Riadi RM. Riadi RM.Riadi &#039; Rosmiati Rosmiati Rovita, Lilis Rowiya, Nikmatul Rr Sri Kartikowati Rr Sri Kartikowati Rr. Sri Kartikowati Rr. Sri Kartikowati Rr. Sri Kartikowati Rr. Sri Kartikowati Rr. Sri Kartikowati Rr.Sri Kartikowati Rukmana, Isna Sari Ruspadila, Ruspadila Ruth Trisnawati Malau Sakdanur Nas Sakdanur Sakdanur Sakdanur, Sakdanur Saputri, Rika Saragi, Ernawanti Sari, Arie Maya Sari, Putri Siska Sari, Reski Purnama Sarmaulina Sihite Saryono Seli Rahmawati Separen, Separen Septi Suarmita Serlyna Afriani Shelvie Famella Shinta Saraswati, Shinta Simanjuntak, Masri Monika Sinaga, Desinawati Sinulingga, Rizki Handayani Siti Lestari Siti Rahmah Sitorus, Debora Sari SITORUS, RISMA WATI Sofi Alfia Mairanti Solihin Solihin Sopian sopian Sri Agustin Sri Anggraini Sri Anggraini Sri Erlinda Sri Kartiko Sri Kartikowati Sri Kartikowati Sri Kartikowati Sri Kartikowati Sri Kartikowati SRI RAHAYU Sri Wahyuni Suarman &#039; Suarman Suarman Suarman Suarman Suarman Suarman Suarman Suarman Suci Hendristiana Sumarno &#039; Sumarno . Sumarno Sumarno Sumarno Sumarno Sumarno Sumarno Sumarno Sumarno Sumarti Sumarti Supentri Suraini Suraini &#039; Suzilawati.AN Suzilawati.AN Syabrus, Hardisyem Syabrus, Hardysem Syafi’i &#039; Syahril Syahril Syakdanur Nas Syakdanur Nas Syakdanur Nas Nas Syakdanur Nas Syakdanur Nas Syakdanur Nas Syakdanur Nas Syakdanur Nas, Syakdanur Syakhdanur Syakhdanur Syerli Susanti Thoifah &#039; Titik Sunarmi Tommy, Muhammad Tri Handayani Ummy Fauziah Utari Melani Putri Vonny Claudia Vonny Setiaries Wahyu Ramadhani Saputra Wati, Ayu Sulistio Wati, Salistia Watri Watri Welly Octaviani Wenty Febriyana Widya Lestari Lestari Widya Retno Ningsih Wiliyanti, Wiliyanti Wilson Wilson Windi Fitrianti Wirdafitri &#039; Wiyona Efrianti Ariastu Yanti Yanti Yanti, Suci Fajri Yarnefi Yarnefi Yayuk Maya Sari Yesi Novianti Yessi Seftiani Yofi Amaliah Yofita Sandra, S.Pd., M.Pd., Zico Farlin, Dr. Budiwirman, M.Pd., Yolla Afutri Nanda Yuli Fitriana Yuli Ristiani Dewi Yulia Desmita Yuliani, Rani Yumelda Sari Yundha Ningrum Rizky Utomo Yunita, Iis Yusni Lastiar Yusni Lastiar Yusni Lastiar Yusni Lastiar Yusri Pitel Yuyun Rofikoh Nur Islami Yuyun Zahirman &#039; Zahirman Zahirman Zahirman Zahirman &#039; Zahirman, Zahirman Zaidatul Akmal Zulfaini Zulfaini Zulirfan Zulirfan Zulirfan Zulirfan, Zulirfan Zuliya Zuliya Zulpines Indira Putri