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Ecological and Social Evaluation of Coastal Tourism Destination Development: A Case Study of Balekambang, East Java Luchman Hakim; Catur Retnaningdyah; Mukhzayadah Mukhzayadah
Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Development Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jitode.2014.002.01.04


Tourism is an important sector in developing countries to support economic growth, and coastal areas are famous destinations in tourism. The plan and design for Balekambang coastal area as a tourism destination in East Java, Indonesia has been formulated and published. However, it seems lack ecological and social perspectives. This study examines coral reefs structure as one of the ecological parameter and tourist perspectives as social parameter for destination development evaluation. Twenty belt-transects were established along Balekambang coastline, and then divided into three sections, the east, the centre and the west sections. Every belt-transect was 200m in length and consists of 15 plots 1 x 2m. The tourist perspectives to Balekambang were determined using questionnaire among 234 respondents. Based on the Morisita similarity index, the coral reef of east section consists of 2 zones, the centre consists of 5 zones and west section consists of 4 zones. The Shannon diversity index (H') among zones at every location was ranged. The diversity index of the east section ranged from 2.07 to 2.72, the central section ranged from 1.32 to 4.20, and the west section ranged from 3.13 to 4.20. Zones that were close to the coastline had lowest diversity indices than zones that located far from the coastline. Mostly, tourists stated that Balekambang was interesting, but the object of tourism should be added. Respondent knew there were forest surrounding Balekambang, and it has the possibility to develop as tourism destination. These findings argue that the forest conversion to cottage area that planned by the local government in the west section should be reviewed. It seems forest in the west section should be developed as a forest park to meet tourist needs and redistribute tourist concentration in the coastline. Keywords: Ecological and social evaluation, coastal, tourism, sustainable development, East Java.
Local Wisdom of Smoked Fish Processing as Tourism Product in Situbondo Regency Ika Junianingsih; Luchman Hakim; Nuddin Harahab
Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Development Studies Vol. 2 No. 3 (2014)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jitode.2014.002.03.01


Marine and fisheries resources in Situbondo Regency were potential to supports seafood processing, e.g. traditional smoked processing of mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis Cantor) based on local wisdom. This research was aimed to assess and analyzes: the processing of smoked mackerel tuna based on local wisdom, public perception towards the processing of smoked mackerel tuna, and the quality of smoked mackerel tuna. The research carried out on January to April 2014, in Jangkar Village, Situbondo regency. The study included depth interview from key persons with questionnaire and organoleptic test. The public perception on smoked mackerel tuna was taken by questionnaire from 85 respondents, whereas the quality of smoked mackerel tuna was analyzed with laboratory proximate test. Result of this research showed that smoked mackerel tuna processing used traditional smoking instrument and fuel material. The smoking stall used several banana midrib stem above the furnace that made of cement and bricks, while the fuel use coconut coir which created the typical flavors of the smoked mackerel tuna. The average organoleptic value of the smoked mackerel tuna appearance is 7.89 (intact, clean, brown, very shiny specific type), flavors of 8.24 (less fragrant, smoked enough, without additional disturbing odor), taste of 8.41 (delicious, savory), texture of 7.40 (solid, compact, fairly dry, tight inter-flesh tissue), and colour of 7.20 (attractive, specific, shiny brown colour type). Public perception showed that the community knowledge on smoked mackerel tuna processing is good, creates good flavors of smoked mackerel tuna and favored by the community, thus also encourage the community to support the conservation of this traditional smoked processing. Lab analysis showed that the proximate value of 0.99% carbohydrates, 29.59% protein, 1.14% fat, 2.89% mineral, 1.88% ash, and 63.4% water. Processing of smoked mackerel tuna as tourism product of Situbondo Regency is worth and it has been given benefits to the increasing of community welfare, thus it need to be preserved to become sustainable. Keywords: culinary product, public perceptions, smoked mackerel tuna, traditional seafood processing.
Diversity of Snakes in Rajegwesi Tourism Area, Meru Betiri National Park Aji Dharma Raharjo; Luchman Hakim
Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Development Studies Vol. 3 No. 1 (2015)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jitode.2015.003.01.06


Rajegwesi tourism area is one of the significant tourism areas in Meru Betiri National Park, East Java, Indonesia. The area rich in term of biodiversity which are potential for developed as natural tourism attraction.  The aim of this study is to identify snakes species diversity and its distribution in Rajegwesi tourism area. Field survey was done in Rajegwesi area, namely swamps forest, residential area, rice fields, agriculture area (babatan), resort area, and Plengkang cliff. This study found some snakes, encompasses Colubridae (10 species), Elapidae (four species), and Phytonidae (one species). There are Burmese Python (Python reticulatus), Red-necked Keelback (Rhabdophis subminiatus), Painted Bronzeback Snake (Dendrelaphis Pictus), Black Copper Rat Snake (Coelognathus flavolineatus), Radiated Rat Snake (C. radiatus), Striped Keelback (Xenochrophis vittatus), Checkered Keelback (X. piscator), Spotted Ground Snake (Gongyosoma balioderius), Gold-ringed Cat Snake (Boiga dendrophila), Common Wolf Snake (Lycodon capucinus), Banded Wolf snake (L. subcinctus), Cobra (Naja sputatrix), King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah), Malayan Krait (Bungarus candidus), and Banded Krait (B. fasciatus) was found. These snake habitats distributes at 21 coordinate points. Keywords: conservation, ecotourism, snakes.
Plants as Natural Dyes for Jonegoroan Batik Processing in Jono Cultural Tourism Village, Bojonegoro, East Java Nurizza Fauziyah; Luchman Hakim
Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Development Studies Vol. 3 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jitode.2015.003.02.01


Batik Jonegoroan is one of the potential tourism product in Jono Village, Bojonegoro. Batik was processed by traditional procedure using natural dyes from plants. In order to preserve the traditional batik which was colored by natural dyes from plant, the preservation of such plant were important. As far, there are no scientific data related to the species usage in Batik production. The aims of the research were identifying plant which were used as natural dyes in Batik processing. Data were collected through observation, and semi-structured interviews to batik craftsmen. Results of interviews were analyzed descriptively. The importance of plant was analyzed using Relative Frequency of Citation (RFC) index. Based on the results, there are 12 plant species used as batik dye. It is consisted of Teak, Mahogany, Ketapang, Tamarind, Mangosteen, Mango, Suji, Pandan, Indigofera, Guava, Banana and Onion. Teak (Tectonagrandis L.) and Mahogany (Swietenia mahogany L.) have the highest value of RFC, 1.00. Both species were the most frequently cited species as sources of natural dyes. Extraction of Teak leaves produce red hearts and extraction of mahogany tree bark produces red-brown dye. Both of the color is the most important color in batik motifs. Keywords: batik Jonegoroan, Jono Cultural Tourism Village, perception, quality, RFC
Analysis of Bird Diversity for Supporting Ecotourism Development in Rajegwesi, Meru Betiri National Park Hafid Zain Muttaqien; Luchman Hakim; Amin Setyo Leksono
Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Development Studies Vol. 3 No. 3 (2015)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jitode.2015.003.03.03


Potential ecotourism attraction in Rajegwesi Village, Meru Betiri National Park is high due to its high biodiversity, especially bird diversity, in the form of bird watching activity. This study was aimed to determine the species, level of abundance, and diversity of birds found in the Rajegwesi area. Further, this basic information is important to develop the bird watching track at Rajegwesi. We used Quantum-GIS to create the land classification and observation mapping. Bird observation used point count method in the morning and evening with three periods of hour and three repetitions. The study confirmed about 76 species of 39 bird families was found in Rajegwesi. The highest abundance was Pygnonotus goiavier (E:Yellow-vented Bulbul), at the meadows, village, and rehabilitation land. The diversity index showed that the highest diversity was found at the heterogeneous forest (H' index 3.745), followed by homogenous forest (H' index 3.150), rehabilitation land (H' index 2.845), village (H' index 2.693), paddy fields (H' index 2.529), and savanna (H' index 1.880). The observation track was divided into 3 lines based on the bird's distribution, the Village - Rehabilitation Land track (6.5 Km), Village track (2.3 Km), and Village - Rafflessia Park track (7.5 Km). Total of 25 bird species were found at the Village - Rehabilitation Land track, 22 species were found at the Village track, and 29 bird species were found at the Village - Rafflessia Park track. For the future of ecotourism development through birding development program, there are several issues that should be promoted: promoting birds conservation in the community through bird watching and birds observation competition (Bird race), training on conservation and ecotourism for the community, and strengthening the capacity and capability of Rajegwesi Ecotourism Society (RES) on the ecotourism program management. Keywords: bird watching, conservation, ecotourism development, RES
Strategic Management of Nature-Based Tourism in Ijen Crater in the Context of Sustainable Tourism Development Sandra Dhesitta Putri; Soemarno Soemarno; Luchman Hakim
Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Development Studies Vol. 3 No. 3 (2015)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jitode.2015.003.03.06


The aim of the study is to define the strategic management of nature based tourism in Ijen crater, East Java. From the perspectives of accessibility, problems facing by accessibility are related to the travel distance and forest road quality. Ijen craters have three important aspect in competitiveness tourism aspect, namely something to see (mountain landscape), something to do (trekking, hiking, bird watching), and something to buy (meals). The future development of such attraction should be meets ecotourism principles. This study found that improving tourism facility and infrastructure were important aspects. The development and improvement of tourism facility and infrastructure, however, should be incorporates ecotourism principles. In such a case, the conservation, local people and community development becomes crucial issue. Involvement of stakeholder and local community in facility and infrastructure will increase the quality and sustainability of infrastructure and tourism facility. Keywords: ecotourism strategy, tourism management.
Recent Status of Coral Reef Ecosystem in Penuktukan Bali, Indonesia: the Implication for Sustainable Marine Tourism Implementation Linda Herawati; Luchman Hakim; Guntur Guntur
Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Development Studies Vol. 4 No. 3 (2016)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jitode.2016.004.03.05


Recent development of marine tourism in Penuktukan Village, Sub district Tejakula of the Buleleng Regency in Bali has been contributed to the coral reef ecosystem. The aim of the research was to determine the coral reefs coverage, coral reef and fishes diversity in Penuktukan Villages, Sub district Tejakula of the Buleleng Regency. Result of the research confirms that coral reef coverage in Penuktukan was varied from 53 to 56%, indicates human impact to coral reefs ecosystems. The coverage level can be influenced by tourist activities. Based on the observation it is clear that Coral Foliose types were dominant. Diversity index (H') of coral reefs ranging from 1.754 to 1.814; while the evenness index (E) was ranging from 0.8435 to 0.9468. The observed fish was less than 25 individual. These fishes taxonomically belong to Serranidae, Lutjanidae, Letherinidae, Caesionidae, Scaridae, Haemulidae and Chaetonodae. It was lowest compared to the standard for population in healthy water. The implementation of marine based tourism in Penuktukan Village should be controlled through visitor management and coral reef ecosystem conservation. Keywords: Bali, coral reefs, marine tourism.
The Utilization of Burungnesia to Detect Citizen Scientist Participation Preference in Birding Sites Observation in Java Island Swiss Winnasis; Luchman Hakim; M. Ali Imron
Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Development Studies Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jitode.2018.006.01.07


The contribution of citizen scientist in conservation field has been recognized important, but it is few studied in Indonesia. Citizen Science especially important in bird conservation. The aims of the research is to assess the citizen scientist preference in site selection and its relationship to the success to complete observer's checklist in Java Island. This study confirmed that citizen sciences is effective in collecting field data of birds. It is especially useful to record common birds, birds with high population number, and general birds. Special birds and birds in small population seems to be rarely reported by citizen scientist. Lowest preferred location often has limitation of accessibility. Citizen scientist has more preference to select sites for bird observation in wild habitat. Keywords: Birds conservation, conservation, public participation, Burungnesia.
COVID-19 and the Moment to Evaluate Tourism Euphoria, Indonesia Luchman Hakim
Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Development Studies Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jitode.2020.008.02.09


COVID-19 outbreak has been influenced tourism sectors in Indonesia. Many economic activity related to tourism industry was drop and many tourism worker loss jobs. In the absent of tourism activity, the natural ecosystem has opportunities to restore the degraded system caused by intensive use of tourist visitation. Traveling responsible to pandemic disease spread through the tourist movement and human physical contact. New tourism should be able to promote responsible travels through the management of visitor, reduce mass tourism and create high tourism product which are able to support economic benefits to local community, socio-cultural aspect preservation, and environmental conservation. The quality is important rather than quantity or the number of tourist. COVID-19 pandemic provides significant lesson learned for new tourism implementation in Indonesia. Keywords: environmental conservation, mass tourism, responsible tourism, sustainable tourism.
Principles of Rural Tourism Development in Krisik Village, East Java: The Perspectives of Local Community Aulanni'am Aulanni'am; Anik Martinah Hariati; Manik Eirry Sawitri; Masdiana Chendrakasih Padaga; Dyah Kinasih Wuragil; Luchman Hakim
Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Development Studies Vol. 9 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jitode.2021.009.02.05


The research aimed to identify the local community perception in Krisik Village in Blitar Regency as a fundamental aspect of rural tourism planning and development. Three points were accepted as basic principles in rural tourism development, namely acceptance of rural tourism as an alternative to rural economic machine growth, promoting indigenous knowledge as a philosophy and value of rural tourism program implementation, and strengthening community-based tourism implementation in rural tourism programs Krisik Villages. Community involvement was a crucial issue in rural tourism planning and development.  In the limitation of human resources, the assistance of the university to support and increase human resources capacity in rural tourism development was important.Keywords: Ecotourism, community perception, tourism planning, tourism development
Co-Authors . Wilopo Abdul Hamid A. Toha Achmad Afandi Achmad Dadang Burhanuddin Ade Hidayah Afifah Nur Aulia Agung Pramana Agung Sri Darmayanti Agus Nurrofik Agustina L.N. Aminin Aji Dharma Raharjo Aji Dharma Raharjo Akira Kikuchi Alelang, Isak Feridikson Amanda Putri Nastiti Ambariyanto Ambariyanto Amin Setyo Leksono Amin Setyo Leksono Amin Setyo Leksono Aminudin Afandhi Aminudin Afandhi Aminudin Afandhi Andri Tri Cahya Andriani Kusumawati Anggiar Rizky F Antariksa Antariksa Anthon Efani Apriyono Rahadiantoro Apriyono Rahadiantoro, Apriyono Ardina Tanjungsari Ardina Tanjungsari Argus Argus Ari Darmawan Ari Hayati Ari Hayati, Ari Arief Rachmansyah Arief Rachmansyah Arien Heryansyah Arif Luqman Hakim Arina Mana Sikana Aulanni'am Aulanni'am Aulia Luqman Azis Aya Shofiyah Azzah Fauziyah Cholis Azzah Fauziyah Cholis Bagyo Yanuwiadi Bagyo Yanuwiadi Bagyo Yanuwiadi Bagyo Yanuwiyadi Baihaqi Musytawan Bobby Polii Bobby Polii Bobby Polii Brian Rahardi Brian Rahardi Brian Rahardi Brian Rahardi Budi Wahono Catur Retnaningdyah Catur Retnaningdyah Catur Retnaningdyah Catur Retnaningdyah Catur Retnaningdyah Cholis, Azzah Fauziyah Christien Yacobina Riung Danniary Ismail Faronny Dayu Puspita Sari Dea Rahmadani Ristanti Dian Siswanto Dian Siswanto Dian Siswanto Dian Sulastini Dian Sulastini, Dian Diane Deibij Pioh Diane Deibij Pioh Dimas Kurnia Purmada Djamhur Hamid Djumahir .. Djumilah Hadiwidjojo Dodit Ari Guntoro Dodit Ari Guntoro Dodit Ari Guntoro Dodit Ari Guntoro, Dodit Ari Dyah Kinasih Wuragil Eka Oktavianti Eka Oktavianti Endang Arisoesilaningsih Eni Kurniatun Esti Endah Ariyanti Estri Laras Arumingtyas Estri Laras Arumingtyas Estri Laras Arumingtyas Eva Kurniawati Fadhil Muhammad Fahdynia Kamira Gunawan Fajar Rasyidi Hidayat Fajar Rasyiidi Hidayat Fajar Rasyiidi Hidayat Febri Handoyo Feronica Simanjorang Filza Yulina Ade Filza Yulina Ade Filza Yulina Ade Gheavanda Putri Rahadi Gleny Sinta D Guntur Guntur Hafid Zain Muttaqien Hafid Zain Muttaqien, Hafid Zain Hamdan Yuwafi Hamdani Dwi Prasetyo Hamdani Dwi Prasetyo Hamid Toha Hamzah, Rispah Hanin Niswatul Fauziah Hanun Nurrahma Hanun Nurrahma Hariati, Anik Martinah Hartati Kartikaningsih Haryati, Jehan Ramdani Hasan Zayadi Henri Henri Henri Henri Henri Henri Henri Henri Henri Henri Henri Henri Henri Henri, Henri Hidayati Rahimah Hong Sun Kee Ihwan Ihwan Ika Junianingsih Ika Junianingsih Ika Yuni Agustin Iman Kusuma Bangsa Indah Yanti Irena Aldianoveri Jamhari Jamhari Jati Batoro Jati Batoro Jati Batoro Jati Batoro Jati Batoro Jati Batoro Jehan Ramdani Hariyati Jehan Ramdani Haryati Jenvia Rista Pratiwi Jodi Hariawan Jr sulthan ardillah Jr sulthan ardillah Karuniawan Puji Wicaksono Kee, Hong Sun Kikuchi, Akira Krishidaya, Ayutika Kristin Widyasari Kristin Widyasari Kurniasih Sukenti Linda Herawati Lugi Hartanto Lugi Hartanto, Lugi Luh Putu Ratna Sundari Lutfi Lutfi Lutfita Fitriana Luthfi Rayes Luthfi Rayes Lutvita Erya Rokani M. Ali Imron M. Kholid Mawardi Makagoshi, Nobukazu Manik Eirry Sawitri Masdiana Chendrakasih Padaga Melati Julia Rahma Moh Argus Mohammad Ikbal Mohammad Mahyairudin Mufidah Afiyanti Muhammad Arif Budiman Muhammad Attar Muhammad Attar Muhammad Fandi Ardiansyah Muhammad Fathoni Muhammad Izzuddin Faizal Muhammad Izzuddin Faizal Mukhzayadah Mukhzayadah Muqtafiah Muqtafiah Nababan, Vitryany Nadhea Oktaviantina Rahmawati Naila Izzatul Mukhoyyaroh Naila Izzatul Mukhoyyaroh Nashi Widodo Nasrul Jauhari Nia Kurniawan Nia Kurniawan Nikita Amalia VGA Nila Ratih Pamungkas Nindya Helvy Pramita Nindya Helvy Pramita Niqrisatut Thibab Nobukazu Makagoshi Nobukazu Nakagoshi Nokukazu Nakagoshi Nokukazu Nakagoshi, Nokukazu Nuddin Harahab Nuddin Harahap Nurizza Fauziyah Nurizza Fauziyah, Nurizza Pamungkas, Ratih Nila Pangestuti, Edriana Pramadika Ramanda Prita Ayuningtyas Qathrunnada Salsabila Rahma Aprilia Kumaji Rahmi Ipango Rahmi Ipango Ratih Nila Pamungkas Reski Amalyah Rispah Hamzah Rispah Hamzah Rita Parmawati Rita Parmawati Rita Parmawati Rita Parmawati Rita Parmawati Rita Parmawati Riung, Christien Yacobina Riyan Riyadlun Najih Riyan Riyadlun Najih Rizha Hardyansah Robi Binur Robi Hari Marhesa Rodiyati Azrianingsih Rodiyati Azrianingsih Rodiyati Azrianingsih Rodiyati Azrianingsih Rodliyati - Azrianingsih Rokani, Lutvita Erya Romaidi Romaidi Romaidi Romaidi Rukun Rahayu Sandra Dhesitta Putri Sandra Dhesitta Putri, Sandra Dhesitta Saptoyo Saptoyo Sari, Dewi Ratih Tirto Satria Cahya Febriansyah Satria Cahya Febriansyah SATRIYAS ILYAS Serafinah Indriyani Serafinah Indriyani Serafinah Indriyani Serafinah Indriyani Serafinah Indriyani Seran, Yoseph Nahak Setyo Ayu Hardyanti Setyo Ayu Hardyanti Silfi Anggraeni Siska Wahyu Rahmawati Siswo Purnomo Slamet Riyadi Soemarno - - Soemarno Soemarno Soemarno Soemarno Soemarno Soemarno Soemarno Soemarno Sofy Permana Sudarto Sudarto Sudarto Sudarto Suhaemi Sunarti Sunarti Sunarti Sunarti Sunaryo Sunaryo Sundari Sundari Suryanto, Agus Sutiman B. Sumitro Sutiman B. Sumitro Sutiman B. Sumitro Swiss Winnasis Swiss Winnasis Syakir Kamil Ainul Fitroh Tanjungsari, Ardina Tin Naing Oo Titanio Auditya Pribadi Turhadi Turhadi Veince Benyamin Silahooy Veince Benyamin Silahooy, Veince Benyamin Vitryany Nababan Wahyu Kusumayanti Putri Wenny Bekti Sunarharum Widodo Widodo . Widodo Widodo Wiwin Maisyaroh Yanuar Firmansyah Yusri Abdillah Yusri Abdillah Zakiyah Zakiyah Zakiyah Zakiyah