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PERFORMANCE OF PHOTOCATALYST BASED CARBON NANODOTS FROM WASTE FRYING OIL IN WATER PURIFICATION Aji, Mahardika Prasetya; Wiguna, Pradita Ajeng; Susanto, Susanto; Rosita, Nita; Aisyah, Siti; Suciningtyas, Suciningtyas; Sulhadi, Sulhadi
Sainteknol : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 14, No 2 (2016): December 2016
Publisher : Unnes Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sainteknol.v14i2.8992


Carbon Nanodots (C-Dots) from waste frying oil could be used as a photocatalyst in water purification with solar light irradiation. Performance of C-Dots as a photocatalyst was tested in the process of water purification with  a given synthetic sewage methylene blue. The tested was also conducted by comparing the performance C-Dots made from frying oil, waste fryng oil as a photocatalyst and solution of methylene blue without photocatalyst C-Dots. Performance of C-Dots from waste frying oil were estimated by the results of absorbance spectrum. The results of measurement absorbance spectrum from the process of water purification with photocatalyst C-Dots showed that the highest intensity at a wavelength 664 nm of methylene blue decreased. The test results showed that the performance of photocatalyst C- Dots from waste frying oil was better in water purification. This estimated that number of particles C-dots is more in waste frying oil because have experieced repeated the heating process so that the higher particles concentration make the photocatalyst process more effective. The observation of the performance C-Dots from waste frying oil as a photocatalyst in the water purification processes become important invention for solving the problems of waste and water purification.
Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Kualitas Produk Dan Citra Merek Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Dan Dampaknya Pada Loyalitas Pelanggan Waroeng Spesial Sambal Parman, Parman; Susanto, Susanto
Publisher : Jurnal Bisnis Teori & Implementasi

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Companies in the future will increasingly depend on the brand, which means it is not enough to just-oriented services and products. To continue to improve its business and face competition Waroeng "SS" needs to improve as well as maintaining its customers with customer satisfaction, so that will have an impact on loyalty. This research aims to analyze the influence of the quality of service to satisfied customers, analyzing the influence of the quality of products against customer satisfaction, analyze the effect of brand image towards customer satisfaction, and analyze the influence of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty towards Waroeng "SS".The sampling techniques used in this research through purposive sampling and questionnaire created by using Likert scale. The analysis used i.e. structural equation modelling (SEM). The population in this research is the customers Waroeng "SS", with as many as 200 respondents number of respondents.Based on the results of the first hypothesis, hypothesis test indicates that the quality of service has no effect significant positive towards customer satisfaction. The second hypothesis test results indicate that the quality of the product has no effect significant positive towards customer satisfaction. The third hypothesis test results show that the positive effect of significant brand image towards customer satisfaction. The fourth hypothesis test results show that the positive effect of customer satisfaction significantly to customer loyalty.
JMMR (Jurnal Medicoeticolegal dan Manajemen Rumah Sakit) Vol 5, No 1 (2016): January
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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Background: Quality is a total picture of the nature of a product or service which is able to give satisfaction. The quality of hospital services can be measured by using the standard operating procedures (SOPs) which are the instructions made together to carry out routine activities based on professional standards. The purpose of this research is to analyze the efforts to improve the quality of medical services in RSIA (Child and Maternity Hospital) ‘Aisyiyah Klaten related to the doctor’s knowledge of the philosophy of making SOPs for Medical Services.Methods: The study design was a case study with a qualitative and quantitative approach. It was conducted by in-depth interviews with directors, the chairman of the medical committee, the secretary of the medical committee and the special staff of directors relating to the medical committee and making of SOPs for Medical Services. The questionnaire is addressed to all the doctors associated with the knowledge, attitudes and behavior in making the SOPs for Medical Services. Analysis of the data is presented descriptively from the perspective of input, process and output.Results and discussion: The results obtained on the input which is the vision to become the recommended hospital with the mission of providing services in accordance with medical and administrative standards of professional and accredited. There are meeting facilities, budget, commitments director on the decree on the medical committee and the accreditation team. From the process side, the meeting attendance of accreditation team doctors is 62.90%, non- accreditation team specialists by 50%, non-accreditation team general practitioners by 18.18%. The making of the meeting minutes reaches 100%. On the SOPs of Medical Services, the value of all the doctors knowledge is 90.68%, the value of all the doctors attitude is 84.78% and the value of the behavior of all doctors is 63.37%. From the output side, the number of SOPs of Medical Services which have been made are 31 types (88.24%). The number of SPOs which was passed are 50 titles (43.10%). There are constraints on the time and the ability of doctors.Conclusion: RSIA ‘Aisyiyah Klaten has undertaken efforts to improve medical services quality in making the SOPs for Medical Services through a systems approach well and the doctors already understand the philosophy of making good SOPs for Medical Services. Keywords: quality, medical services, SOPs
Iddah Perempuan Hamil karena Zina dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam Pasal 53 Hasunah, Umi; Susanto, Susanto
Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam Vol 1, No 1 (2016): APRIL
Publisher : Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum (Unipdu) Jombang

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Maraknya seks bebas di kalangan remaja mengakibatkan banyak perempuan hamil di luar nikah. Fenomena tersebut mengakibatkan berbagai dampat negatif, baik bagi perempuan itu sendiri maupun keluarganya, terlebih bagi anak yang dikandungnya. Dalam adat ketimuran, hamil di luar nikah merupakan aib bagi keluarga yang harus ditutupi, sehingga harus segera dinikahkan dengan pria yang menghamilinya atau dengan pria lain. Kalau demikian, bagaimana ‘iddah perempuan hamil karena zina? Penelitian ini bertujuan untu membahas ‘iddah perempuan hamil karena zina dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI) dan pandangan ulama mazhab seputar itu. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian pustaka dengan metode analisis isi dan dikaji dengan pendekatan yuridis-normatif-historis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, dalam KHI perempuan hamil di luar nikah tidak wajib ‘iddah jika menikah dengan pria yang menghamilinya, tetapi KHI tidak membahas jika menikah dengan pria lain.
Dampak Loyalitas dari Keputusan Konsumen Disebabkan Pelayanan dan Promosi pada Usaha Gimnastik Aryanto, Rudy; Susanto, Susanto; Stefenny, Liu Santa
Journal the Winners: Economics, Business, Management, and Information System Journal Vol 10, No 2 (2009): The Winners Vol. 10 No. 2 2009
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/tw.v10i2.709


This research purpose is to analyze the influence service quality and promotion to decision making and its impact on consumer loyalty. Method used in this research is descriptive-associative, using Pearson Correlation Path Analysis. Data gathered by distributiong questionnaire to 110 respondents in Gold’s Gym Thamrin City. From the data analysis, it is found out that the structural model is given as Y= 0,497X2 + 0,868, whereas R2 24,7% , and structural 2 Z = 0,491 X1 + 0,871 whereas R2=24,2. The service quality seems have less influence to consumer’s decision making but have stronger influence to consumer loyalty. Promotion effectively influences consumer’s decision making as much as 24,2%. Thus, service quality and promotion should be leveraged to increase sales and consumer loyalty.
Jurnal Jurisprudence Vol 6, No 1 (2016): Vol. 6, No.1, Juni 2016
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jurisprudence.v6i1.2994


Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian untuk menganalisa bagaimana pengaruh politik hukum terhadap sistem pendidikan nasional. Penelitian yang digunakan bersifat kualitiatif dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif. Analisa data menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approch) dan pendekatan analisis (analytical approach). Penelitian ini menganalisis implikasi yuridis peraturan perundang-undangan dalam sistem pendidikan di Boyolali. Berdasarkan data yang ada dapat disimpulkan bahwa politik hukum terhadap sistem pendidikan nasional yang tercantum dalam UUD 1945 adalah Anggaran yang harus dianggarkan untuk pendidikan yaitu sekurang-kurangnya 20% dan Kemajuan dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi perlu dilakukan untuk kemajuan kesejahteraan umat manusia. Namun, dalam system pendidikan di Boyolali belum bisa terlaksana dengan baik karena kurangnya fasilitas teknologi dan ketersediaan lapangan kerja yang memadai dimana hal tersebut bertolak belakang dengan UUD dan UU sistem Pendidikan Nasional (SPSN) sebagai politik hukum dalam sistem pendidikan nasional.
GEOMATIKA Vol 16, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial in Partnership with MAPIN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24895/JIG.2010.16-1.18


Northern Papua Indonesia is a region that directly adjacent to Palau in Pasific Ocean. This condition allows Indonesia to claim maritime boundary delimitation according to Technical Aspect of the Law of the Sea (TALOS), one of TALOS concept is to determine extended continental shelf in -2500 m depth isobaths + 100 nm in 1% sedimentary rock. This extended continental shelf can be determined by using bathymetry that is derived from altimetry satellite imagery. The establishment of this bathymetry has the same concept with topography in the case of survey mapping and remote sensing. Those bathymetry can be applied to determine another maritime boundary delimitation claims. Besides that, those bathymetry can also be applied to make a 3D model of bathymetry in Pasific Ocean so we can observe the condition of internal waters, medium and depth waters in the northern Papua Indonesia. This bathymetry will be useful for various engineering applications and some other of non engineering applications. This 3D model of bathymetry will be useful for Indonesia in claiming maritime boundary delimitation in Pasific Ocean and to improve marine resources management.Keywords : Bathymetry, Northern Papua, extended continental shelfABSTRAKWilayah Papua utara Indonesia merupakan kawasan yang berbatasan langsung dengan Palau di Samudera Pasifik. Kondisi ini memungkinkan Indonesia dapat mengklaim batas maritim sesuai dengan yang terdapat di Technical Aspect of the Law of the Sea (TALOS). Salah satunya adalah penentuan batas landas kontinen ekstensi pada kedalaman -2500 m isobaths + 100 nm pada sedimentasi 1%. Batas landas kontinen ini dapat ditentukan menggunakan data batimetri yang diturunkan dari citra satelit Altimetri. Pembuatan batimetri ini memiliki konsep yang sama dengan pembuatan topografi secara survei pemetaan maupun secara penginderaan jauh. Batimetri tersebut bisa digunakan untuk penentuan klaim batas maritim lainnya. Selain itu, batimetri tersebut bisa juga digunakan untuk pemodelan 3D perairan di Samudera Pasifik sehingga akan terlihat kondisi perairan dangkal, sedang, dan dalam yang ada di sebelah utara Papua. Batimetri ini akan berguna dalam berbagai aplikasi keteknikan dan non keteknikan lainnya. Pemodelan 3D perairan ini akan berguna bagi Indonesia dalam klaim batas maritim di Samudera Pasifik dan dalam pengelolaan sumber daya alam laut.Kata kunci: Batimetri, Papua Utara, landas kontinen ekstensi
The Strategy Of The Homeless Survival In Surakarta Kaeksi, Retno Woro; Umrotun, Umrotun; Susanto, Susanto; Handayani, Triana Nur; Nugroho, Satriyo
Forum Geografi Vol 16, No 1 (2002)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v16i1.415


The research is carried out in Surakarta. The goal of the study is to know: the characteristic of the homeless, the factors that cause them to he the homeless and the strategis of the homeless to survive in Surakarta. The research uses survey method, while its area is chosen purposively. The research also uses primary and secondary data. The primary data is obtained by interviewing the respondents with questionnaire, while secondary data is based on the information got from the relevant institution.The resjoondents are taken 10 % randomly from all the population. The results of the rsearch show that the homeless are 11-8 years old (96.66%), most of them are boys (91.11%). The majority of the respondents did graduate from the Lower Secondary School (55.56%); most of them come from outside of Surakarta (62%). Their primary activity is as singing beggars (62,22 %) and their daily income is about RP 10. 000 RP 14. 000 (60.00%). Their parents are uneducated people. They are only graduated from Elementary School (7S.56%).The factors that cause them to he homeless are the economic factor 77.78%, lack of family attention (13.33%) and the willingness to he independent (80.89%). Based on the  result this research, we know that the poverty has made the children become homeless. The strategis to survive are: they are thrif (40%), add their time to work (13.13%), move to other place (11.11%) and save their money (15.56%).
Fish Community in Serayu River, Banyumas Residency, Central Java, Indonesia Susanto, Susanto
EDUCARE Vol 8, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : EDUCARE

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ABSTRACT: This research was purposed to reveal and discover fish community in Serayu river at Banyumas Residency, Central Java, Indonesia. Research was done in two years which replicated each 3 months, since October 2009 till July 2011. Data analysis including: aquatic physical and chemical parameter and plankton species variation, fish abundance, fish species diversity and domination, age structure, condition factor, fecundity, Gonade Growth Level (GGL), Gonade Growth Index (GGI), and environmental factor and fish community structure relationship. Analysis done in this research were diverse analysis with software: Plymouth Routines in Multivariate Ecological Research (Primer), Cluster, and Multi Dimensional Scalling (MDS). During research fishes caught were as many as 3,871 fishes divided to 29 species, 20 families, and 11 ordos. Aquatic qualities factor including aquatic physical and chemical parameters and plankton species variation in Serayu river at Banyumas Residency were in good condition and suitable for fishes life. Cyprinidae family found as most varied species and most founded species in individual number at Serayu river in Banyumas Residency. There were low species diversity, but there weren’t found any dominance. Fish abundance in Serayu river increasing toward downstream, but discovered otherwise with fish diversity. Fish community in area toward upstream from Serayu Adjustable Dam differs with fish community in area toward downstream from Serayu Adjustable Dam. Serayu Adjustable Dam existence causing on decreasing fish species abundance and diversity in Serayu river at Banyumas Residency; thus, decrease fish community quality both in area before and after the dam. Fish growth pattern and reproduction profile in Banyumas Residency are not ideal.KEY WORDS: Fish community, abundance, diversity, domination, upstream and downstream, Serayu river, Serayu Adjustable Dam, and pattern and reproduction.About the Author: Dr. Susanto is a Senior Lecturer at the FKIP UMP (Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto), Jalan Raya Dukuhwaluh, Purwokerto City, Central Java, Indonesia. For academic purposes, the author can be contacted via e-mail at: susanto280266@gmail.comHow to cite this article? Susanto. (2015). “Fish Community in Serayu River, Banyumas Residency, Central Java, Indonesia” in EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies, Vol.8(1) August, pp…. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press and UMP Purwokerto, ISSN 1979-7877. Chronicle of the article: Accepted (July 15, 2015); Revised (August 3, 2015); and Published (August 25, 2015).
Jurnal Teknik Informatika Musirawas (JUTIM) Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Teknik Informatika MUSIRAWAS (JUTIM) Desember

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PT. Linggau Mandiri Jayamerupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pelayanan TV Kabel.Pada saat ini PT. Linggau Mandiri Jaya hanya mengetahui alamat pelanggan mereka saja, tanpa mengetahui lokasi secara tepat, sehingga pada saat akan dilakukan survey maupun penarikan peralatan terkadang bagian teknisi mengalami kesulitan mencari alamat tersebut. Bagian teknisi pun harus bertanya dan berkeliling untuk mencari alamat tersebut.Pemanfaatan peta digital dari Google Maps dapat menjadi solusi dari permasalahan yang terjadi. Aplikasi yang dihasilkan menampilkan Koordinat Rumah pelanggan PT. Linggau Mandiri Jaya yang memudahkan teknisi dalam mencari alamat rumah pelanggan. Pada penelitian ini peneliti mengembangkan sistem menggunakan Metode Prototyping, desain sistem menggunakan Use Case Diagram, dan pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySQL.
Co-Authors . HERNAYANTI A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abrina Anggraini, Sinar Perbawani Adi Putra Surya Wardhana Agrikaltarini, Niken Dwiretno Galuh Agus Purbo Widodo Ahmad Munir Akhmad Arif Musadad Andin Irsadi Aprianto, Yayan Atriyon Atriyon, Atriyon Basworo Ardi Pramono Binti Abdul AZIZ, Nur Halimah Catur, Udhi D. Dafik Deby Luriawati Dina Tri Dipo Yudhatama, Dipo Diyanah, Hidayatud Djono Djono Dwi Ario Fajar Edi Widodo, Edi Erfan Yudianto Evi Dewi Sri Mulyani Fauzi, Latiffah Ulul Febrian Wahyu Christanto Febrian, Emil Dwi Firdauz, Muhamad Aidil Hanim, Fitriah Hari Bakti Mardikantoro Hasunah, Umi Henny Welsa Hermanu Joebagio Heru Danarbroto Hieronymus Purwanta Himawan, Anang Haris Hutami, Lusia Tria Hatmanti Irma Ratnasari Nurhasanah, Irma Ratnasari Jakondar Bakara Jondar, Aloysius Julzarika, Atriyon Khayan Khayan Kriskartika, Septi Anggita Laleat, Yoram Oddang Lim, Benny Linda, Tina Liu Santa Stefenny, Liu Santa Lukman Hakim Maharani, Bernadetta Diansepti Mahardika Prasetya Aji, Mahardika Prasetya Mahfuuzoh, Dian Mardyantari, Etik Mareta, Prima Retnaning Maya Riantini, Maya Mohammad Syafril Nusyirwan, Mohammad Syafril Muchlisin Arief Mudji Sabar, Mudji Mukhoriyah, Mukhoriyah Nelis Nurjayanti, Nelis Nita Rosita, Nita Nonik Kusuma Ningrum Novi Ratna Dewi Nurtriana Hidayati parman parman Prabewi, Nur Pradita Ajeng Wiguna, Pradita Ajeng Prasetyo, Muslih Dwi Prihatini, Roro Agung Pujiningtyas, Lia Ratnasari Purnama Sukardi putri, lusi rahmani Ratih Ayuningtiyas Retno Woro Kaeksi, Retno Woro Ribut Achwandi Ricky Indri Hapsari Riezal, Chaerol Rijal, Muhammad Azharul Rindrayani, Sulastri Rini Rini Novianti Risnayanti, Risnayanti Rohidi, Tjetjep Rehendi Rostanti Toba, Rostanti Rudy Aryanto, Rudy Sahrita, Titis Salsabila, Hana Zahra Santosa, Sonny Saputro, Agus Triwidodo Satriyo Nugroho, Satriyo Shinta Siti Sundari Sidqi, M. Fajru Siti Aisyah Siti Hawariyyah, Siti Sorta Basar Ida Simanjuntak Sri Kusumo Habsari Suciningtyas Suciningtyas, Suciningtyas Sujana Sujana Sujudi, Muhammad Sukma P, Fika Riskiana Sulhadi - Sunarsi, Sri Sunarsieh, Sunarsieh Suryawardana, Edy Susi Salmah, Susi Susi Susanti Syahrul Syah Sinaga Syamsul Arifin, M. Agus Tarigan, Sri Aprianti Teuku Mufizar Titik Sugiarti Titis Srimuda Pitana, Titis Srimuda Toto Bara Setiawan Tri Anggraeni Triana Nur Handayani, Triana Nur Tuti Hartati Umrotun Umrotun Victor Ganap Widowati Widyakto, Adhi Wijaya, Elyzabeth Wivia Revianti, Wivia Wulansih, Tri Yaktiworo Indriani Yofita Sandra, S.Pd., M.Pd., Zico Farlin, Dr. Budiwirman, M.Pd., Yoga Fernando Rizqi Yudistira, Yanuar Wahyu Yutifa, Hasli