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Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/12439171074


Higher thinking skills must be possessed by students in facing 21st century education. Creative thinking skills are needed in various ways, especially in learning to improve student learning outcomes in class. So that text books are needed as a support for the learning process. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the textbooks used are in accordance with the demands of the current 2013 curriculum. One of the curricula in the 2013 curriculum is the use of texts that can facilitate students' creative thinking skills. So it is necessary to analyze physics learning textbooks for class XI semester 2 on static fluid, temperature and heat materials as well as optical devices to find out whether the presentation of physics textbooks for class XI facilitates creative thinking skills. The population in this study were all textbooks for physics class XI published in Indonesia and used in West Sumatra. The samples used in this study were MK-ER textbooks and MR-TS textbooks. The results of the analysis show that the MR-TS physics textbook is a physics textbook with the highest level of availability of creative thinking indicators with a percentage of 38.69% in the less available category. While the MK-ER physical textbook has the lowest level of availability of creative thinking indicators with 37.68% results being in the less available category. This shows that the MR-TS physics textbook and MK-ER physics textbook have not been perfect in facilitating students creative thinking skills.
Optimalisasi pembelajaran daring melalui pengembangan program resitasi interaktif bagi guru fisika SMA di Kabupaten Sijunjung Putri Dwi Sundari; Wahyuni Satria Dewi; Defrizal Saputra; Fadhila Ulfa Jhora; Fanny Rahmatina Rahim
Transformasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 18 No. 1 (2022): Transformasi Juni
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/transformasi.v18i1.4216


[Bahasa]: Di masa pandemi Covid-19, pelaksanaan pembelajaran memberikan tantangan bagi guru untuk lebih terampil dalam mengembangkan metode pembelajaran yang interaktif, tidak terkecuali bagi guru-guru di Kabupaten Sijunjung, Sumatera Barat. Pada pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring masih ditemukan beberapa kendala terutama dalam menanamkan pemahaman konsep yang benar kepada siswa pada mata pelajaran fisika. Program kemitraan masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan bagi guru dalam mengembangkan media interaktif dalam bentuk program resitasi yang berguna untuk meremediasi miskonsepsi siswa selama learning from home. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 14 orang guru yang tergabung dalam MGMP fisika SMA di Kabupaten Sijunjung. Kegiatan dilaksanakan mulai bulan Juli-Oktober 2021 dengan metode service learning. Ada tiga tahapan yang dilakukan selama kegiatan PKM yakni tahap eksplorasi, elaborasi, dan konfirmasi. Angket disebar kepada para peserta untuk mengumpulkan data terkait tingkat pemahaman terhadap materi pendampingan dan sekaligus sebagai evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil kegiatan PKM menunjukkan adanya respon positif dari peserta dan dapat menjadi alternatif solusi serta meningkatkan motivasi guru dalam mengembangkan program untuk pembelajaran fisika terutama di masa pembelajaran daring. Guru telah memiliki tingkat pemahaman yang baik terhadap materi pendampingan dan merasakan manfaat dari kegiatan ini. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini juga menghasilkan empat buah produk resitasi interaktif dengan kategori valid. Kata Kunci: MGMP fisika SMA, pembelajaran daring, pendampingan, program resitasi interaktif [English]: During the Covid-19 pandemic, instructional practices challenged teachers to be more skilled in implementing interactive learning methods, including teachers in Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra. One of the obstacles in online teaching and learning is developing students’ understanding of physics concepts. This community partnership program (PKM) aims to facilitate teachers’ knowledge and skills in developing interactive media, called recitation programs, that is useful for remediating students' misconceptions during learning from home. A total of 14 senior high school teachers who are members of physics teachers working group in the Sijunjung Regency were involved. The program was carried out from July-October 2021 with the service-learning method. There were three stages carried out, namely exploration, elaboration, and confirmation. Questionnaires were distributed to participants to collect data regarding the level of understanding of the mentoring material and activities. The results of this program show a positive response from the participants. It could be an alternative solution of teacher-related development programs. Also, it increases the teacher’s motivation in developing programs for physics learning, especially during the online learning period. The teachers have a good level of understanding of the mentoring material and feel the benefits of this activity. Moreover, the program also produces four recitation programs with a valid category. Keywords: high school physics teacher’s forum, online learning, mentoring, interactive recitation program
Analisis Kemandirian Belajar Mahasiswa Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Atika Ulya Akmal; Sherlyane Hendri; Lafziatul Hilmi; Ary Kiswanto Kenedi; Rahmatina Rahmatina
Jurnal Basicedu Vol 6, No 4 (2022): August Pages 5501-7663
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/basicedu.v6i4.3232


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perlunya data valid tentang kemandirian belajar mahasiswa pendidikan guru sekolah dasar selama proses pembelajaran daring di masa pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemandirian belajar mahasiswa pendidikan guru sekolah dasar selama proses pembelajaran daring di masa pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitaitif deskriptif dengan metode survei yang melibatkan 100 orang mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa sebanyak 10% mahasiswa memiliki kemandirian belajar sangat tinggi, 47% memiliki kemandirian belajar tinggi, 19% memiliki kemandirian belajar sedang, 15% memiliki kemandirian belajar rendah, dan sebanyak 9% memiliki kemandirian belajar sangat rendah.  Hal ini membuktikan bahwa mayoritas mahasiswa memiliki kemandirian belajar tinggi.  Implikasi penelitian ini dapat dijadikan referensi dalam proses pengembangan pembelajaran daring untuk meningkatkan kualitas kemandirian belajar mahasiswa
Faktor – Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Mahasiswa Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNP Memanfaatkan Jasa Goride Menggunakan Analisis Faktor Rahmatina Rahmatina; Media Rosha
Journal of Mathematics UNP Vol 5, No 4 (2020): Journal Of Mathematics UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (526.316 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/unpjomath.v5i4.11112


Abstract — Students need transportation to get to campus or other locations. The transportation needed is transportation that is safe, comfortable, and can access the destination in a short time. Traffic access to Padang State University is a heavy traffic lane, so it often experiences congestion. So  transportation that can solve the problem is needed. Many types of transportation services are available in Padang City, but for certain locations it cannot be reached by using one transportation service, resulting in time and cost  nefficiency. Goride is a Gojek service which is a two-wheeled vehicle transportation service, so its use can shorten travel time in the middle of a traffic jam. This type of research is applied research with primary data obtained from distributing online questionnairesconsisting of 36 questions. The number of respondents was 90 students of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the State University of Padang, who had used the services of Goride at least twice. Basedion the results of the studys, two factors were found to influence it. The first factor is built by product, price, promotion, place and time, human, and process variables. The second factor is built by the variables of physical facilities and customer service. Keywords — Factor Analysis, Goride Online Transportations, Decision Factor
Faktor – Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Mahasiswa Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNP Memanfaatkan Jasa Goride Menggunakan Analisis Faktor Rahmatina Rahmatina; Media Rosha
Journal of Mathematics UNP Vol 5, No 3 (2020): Journal Of Mathematics UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (272.036 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/unpjomath.v5i3.10605


Abstract — Students need transportation to get to campus or other locations. The transportation needed is transportation that is safe, comfortable, and can access the destination in a short time. Traffic access to Padang State University is a heavy traffic lane, so it often experiences congestion. So transportation that can solve the problem is needed. Many types of transportation services are available in Padang City, but for certain locations it cannot be reached by using one transportation service, resulting in time and cost inefficiency. Goride is a Gojek service which is a two-wheeled vehicle transportation service, so its use can shorten travel time in the middle of a traffic jam. This type of research is applied research with primary data obtained from distributing online questionnaires consisting of 36 questions. The number of respondents was 90 students of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the State University of Padang, who had used the services of Goride at least twice. Basedion the results of the studys, two factors were found to influence it. The first factor is built by product, price, promotion, place and time, human, and process variables. The second factor is built by the variables of physical facilities and customer service. Keywords — Factor Analysis, Goride Online Transportations, Decision Factor
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/13596171074


The 2013 curriculum expects students to be directly involved in the learning process in order to achieve ideal learning outcomes.To achieve ideal learning outcomes, a learning strategy that may engage students in the learning process is needed, and one option is a cooperative learning strategy. Research on the cooperative model has been done by many previous researchers with the findings demonstrating that the cooperative learning strategy significantly affects the learning outcomes of understudies. The formulation of the research problem is how the effect of cooperative learning models on learning resultsof Physics and Science in terms of the level of the education unit, subject matter unit, cooperative learning type and research area. A meta-analysis was conducted utilizing a quantitative method to compile some of the findings of earlier investigations. From the data analysis carried out, the results showed that the impact of cooperative learning model on learning results of physics and science based on the level of the education unit is effectively use at the high school level with a summary effect size of 1.084 categorized as very high, based on the subject matter unit it is very influential on the magnetic electric material unit with a summary effect size of 1.516 categorized as very high , based on the type of effective cooperative learning used in the Team Games Tournaments type with a summary effect size of 1.380 categorized as very high and based on the research area it was influential in the South Kalimantan region with a summary effect size of 1.380 categorized as very high.
Analisis Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Fisika SMAN Kota Padang Terkait Kemampuan Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Peserta Didik Silvi Yulia Sari; Tiwi Novalia Syahari; Fanny Rahmatina Rahim; Yenni Darvina; Hufri Hufri
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Vol 6, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jipf.v6i3.5558


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan pembelajaran fisika terkait kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi atau disebut juga dengan Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) peserta didik. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah seluruh peserta didik SMA Negeri di Kota padang jurusan MIPA dengan 4 sekolah yang menjadi sampel.  Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah teknik proportionate stratifield random sampling dengan instrumen penelitian yaitu wawancara, analisis dokumen Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) yang dirancang oleh guru, observasi guru mengajar di kelas, lembar angket penilaian diri peserta didik dan penilaian diri guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa RPP yang digunakan guru SMA Negeri di Kota Padang sudah memiliki kesesuaian dengan standar proses pembelajaran. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran berorientasi HOTS yang dilakukan guru sudah terlaksana. Penilaian diri guru dan peserta didik dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran berorientasi HOTS sudah mampu melakukan pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan baik. Berdasarkan data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa kesesuaian standar proses pembelajaran dan berorientasi HOTS dalam  pelaksanaan pembelajaran fisika yang dilakukan guru saat mengajar di kelas sudah terlaksana. This research aims to analyze the implementation of physics learning related to students' higher-order thinking skills and abilities. This type of research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The population in this research were all students of senior high school in Padang City majoring in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, with four schools as samples. The sampling technique used proportionate stratified random sampling with research instruments, namely interviews, analysis of the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) document prepared by the teacher, observations of teachers teaching in class, student self-assessment questionnaire sheets, and teacher self-assessment. The results showed that the lesson plans used by state high school teachers in the city of Padang already conformed with the learning process standard. The implementation of HOTS-oriented learning by the teacher has been implemented. Teachers' and students' self-assessment in implementing HOTS-oriented learning has carried out learning well. Based on these data, the conformity of the standard learning process and HOTS orientation in the implementation of physics learning by teachers when teaching in class has been implemented. 
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/14085171074


The parameters of a nation's success can be evaluated by how revolution 4.0 education advances science and technology. This is also a new difficulty in the educational realm. In order to prepare for Revolution 4.0, students must have talents as provisions. Contextual learning is one way for helping students enhance their critical and creative thinking skills. Simple harmonic motion is one of the ideas that is relevant to everyday life, hence there are many contextual problems that may be handled. To enhance students' critical and creative thinking skills, the researchers developed interactive learning media focused on the concept of simple harmonic motion. The type of research was research and development (R&D) with ADDIE model. This study examined at interactive learning media oriented at critical and creative thinking skills on the concept of simple harmonic motion. The research goal was to create learning media with critical and creative thinking skills based on the simple harmonic motion concepts. The product validity was reviewed by three physics lecturer at FMIPA UNP. Product validity has an average value of 0.83 in the very valid category.
INTERACTIVE PHYSIC LEARNING MEDIA DESIGN USING LECTORA INSPIRE atifah hirahmah; Silvi Yulia Sari; Hidayati Hidayati; Fanny Rahmatina Rahim
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/14116171074


The learning process in the digital era cannot be separated from information technology. Various kinds of applications are offered, ranging from paid to free. This study aims to describe the design of interactive learning media by utilizing a free application, namely Lectora Inspire. This application serves to make it easier for users to create interactive learning media designs. In addition, the Lectora Inspire application can assist teachers in the learning process with attractive and interactive media designs. Appropriate interactive learning media design can produce effectiveness in the learning process. In this case, this research is motivated by the use of learning media used in schools that are not fully interactive and are not in accordance with making good learning designs. For this reason, this study aims to design good interactive learning media by following the proper learning media design rules. The research method used in this research is research and development (R&D) with the ADDIE model namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Research on the development of the ADDIE model is limited to the early stages, namely Analysis and Design. From the results of the design of interactive learning media using the lectora inspire application developed by researchers, it is hoped that it will be useful for students and teachers at school so that students can master learning independently and have fun.
Science Teachers' Perceptions of Web-Based Learning Fanny Rahmatina Rahim; Silvi Yulia Sari; Rahmah Evita Putri; Kurnia Andini; Mutiara Dier
Indonesian Journal Of Educational Research and Review Vol. 6 No. 1: April 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijerr.v6i1.51644


The use of technology-based learning media is a requirement in today's learning process. This is because the world has entered a new phase of technological development in which education plays a role. Technology-based education produces a generation who are technologically literate. As a result, teacher efforts are required to incorporate technology into classroom learning. Web-based learning is one example of a technological application in education. Google Sites was used for web-based learning in this study. The purpose of the study is to analyze the perception of science teachers on the use of Google Sites in the classroom. A descriptive method with a quantitative approach was used in the research. The subjects of the study were science teachers in an Indonesian sub-district. Data collection is use Focus Group Discussion, the teacher was asked for his thoughts or perceptions on using Google Sites in the classroom. The data analysis technique used analysis interactive model technique consists of data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusions. The result of study found Google Sites, according to the majority of teachers, can be used as a website-based learning media. Google Sites meets the six basic indicators of good media ratings, according to teachers. The six indicators are the media's suitability for learning objectives, the accuracy of supporting facts, concepts, and principles in lesson content, the practicality, flexibility, and durability of use, teachers' skills in using Google Sites, target media users, and technical quality.