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The Development of Local Wisdom-Based Contextual Social Science Teaching Materials with The Theme of Indahnya Kebersamaan (The Beauty of Togetherness) for The Fourth Grade Level of Elementary School Ilmiyah, Rosikhatul; Wasino, Wasino; Utomo, Udi
Journal of Primary Education Vol 8 No 3 (2019): March 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (616.858 KB)


The learning process of Social Science (IPS) in Elementary School has not been yet optimum because teachers lacked knowledge about the contextual approach, had limited learning resources, namely teaching materials as well as the inability to develop teaching materials. Therefore, this study attempted to produce Central Java local wisdom-based contextual Social Science teaching materials with the theme of “Indahnya Kebersamaan” (The Beauty of Togetherness) for the fourth grade level of Elementary School (SD). This study employed Research and Development (R & D) method with the trial design of pre-test and post-test control group. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used to examine the effectiveness of the teaching materials was N-Gain test by comparing pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental class and the control class. Further, the results of this study showed that: (1) there was a need on the development of Social Science teaching materials which could be used as learning resources to improve the Social Science learning quality in Elementary School. Additionally, the developed teaching materials were declared valid by having the average score of 84.38 with very valid criterion and very well applicable, (2) the characteristics of the developed teaching materials contained 7 components of the contextual approach which utilized Central Java local wisdom, and (3) the effectiveness test of the teaching materials showed that the experimental class achieved higher cognitive learning outcome with the N-Gain value of 0.46 than the control class of 0.19. In conclusion, the developed teaching materials can be used by teachers and students as learning resources in the learning process of Social Science to improve its quality.
Values of Nationalism in the Extracurricular Activity of Boys Scout at Public Elementary School 3 Palu Aspin, Pipin Yunita; Wasino, Wasino; Yusuf, Amin
Journal of Primary Education Articles in Press
Publisher : Journal of Primary Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (578.829 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jpe.v10i1.34300


This study has a purpose of analyzing the implementation of nationalism values, the role of the principal, teachers, scout coaches, and obstacles in the implementation of scouting activities at Public Elementary School 3 Palu. This study was interactive qualitative research. Subjects who participated in the study were the principal, teachers, scoutmaster, and students. This study applied observations, interviews, and documentation for data collection techniques. The data in this study were analyzed using Miles and Huberman interactive models. The results showed that the values ​​of nationalism were formed through the implementation of scouting activities including marching lines, singing national and regional songs, games, rigging, and campsites, The role of the principal and the teacher was to supervise, provide information and participate in a number of scout activities, and the role of the scoutmaster is to familiarize students with fun scouting activities, The obstacles found in its implementation were weather conditions, student activities outside of school as well as facilities and infrastructure.
PEMIKIRAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN KELUARGA MANGKUNEGARAN Birsyada, Muhammad Iqbal; Wasino, Wasino; Suyahmo, Suyahmo; Joebagio, Hermanu
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 26, No 2 (2016): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v26i2.6697


According to the historical event of the Mangkunegaran dinasty said that of entrepreneurship is more striking than the Mataram kingdom such as Kasunanan Surakarta and Kasultanan Yogyakarta Reign. From the time  Mangkunegaran I until Mangkunegara IV were successful in plugging the power base of the civil economy proves that the civil Mangkunegaran as one kingdom in Kejawen in the field of entrepreneurship is more advanced than in other Javanese kingdoms. For that reason , this study wanted to find the root network entrepreneurial thinking Mangkunegaran as the focus of the study . This study takes the subject of Mangkunegara thought starting Mangkunegaran I until Mangkunegaran IV. The purpose of this study was to analyze in depth network thought what are strongly held by Sri Mangkunegara I until IV in developing civil entrepreneurial base . The research method used is the historical multidimensional method. The result in this study is that the success of the civil Mangkunegaran in building economic power is highly correlated with entrepreneurial thinking of Mangkunegaran. The thought of Mangkunegara I to IV into civil spirit in building the ethos of entrepreneurship as well as the existence of the family and the kingdom . Although it is epistemological, each kings who ruled  differently .Secara historis keberadaan Praja Mang-kunegaran yang unggul dalam bidang kewirausahaan memang lebih maju dari pada kutub-kutub kerajaan Mataram lainnya seperti Kasunanan Surakarta dan Kasultanan Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini ingin mendalami dasar pemikiran kewirausahaan Mangkunegaran. Penelitian ini mengambil fokus pemikiran kewirausahaan Mangkunegaran yang bersumber pada ajaran filosofis Mangkunegara I sampai IV. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis secara mendalam pemikiran dan nilai-nilai filosofis yang di pegang teguh oleh Sri Mangkunegara I sampa IV dalam mengembangkan basis kewirausahaan praja. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode sejarah dengan pendekatan multidimensional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesuksesan Praja Mangkunegaran dalam membangun kekuatan ekonomi sangat berkorelasi dengan pemikiran filosofis ajaran leluhur Mangkunegaran. Pemikiran filosofis dari Mangkunegara I sampai IV menjadi spirit praja dalam membangun kewirausahaan serta eksistensi trah dan kerajaannya. Walaupun secara epistimologis, masing-masing raja yang memerintah mengaktualisasikannya secara berbeda-beda.    
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 23, No 2 (2013): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v23i2.2665


Indonesia was not a new entity when started to become national country. It was called a continuation of the history of the Dutch East Indies. The people lived under western colonial was a pluralistic society, people separated by social class, ethnicity, religion, race and inter-group. Between the authorities and the people separated along racial lines. In addition there was the separation of ethnic groups associated with the economic, educational and social relations. After Indonesian independence the pluralistic society situation continues. The end of the New Order has opened a Pandora's Box of poor relations between ethnic and inter-religious. As a result many conflicts occurred based on religious and ethnic differences. The conflict heated up as the influx of political interests. The process of political reform gave birth to a new awareness of the relationship between ethnicity and religion. The starting point of this change was when the President Abdurrahman Wahid unlocked barriers on multicultural relationship that respects the differences of cultural orientation among the existing ethnic. From that moment the concept of multiculturalism experienced socialization process within Indonesian society. Key words: pluralism, multiculturalism, colonial, new order, socialization Ketika Indonesia lahir sebagai negara nasional, Indonesia bukanlah  entitas yang baru. Ia merupakan kelanjutan  sejarah dari masyarakat yang disebut Hindia Belanda. Masyarakat di bawah penjajah Barat ini merupakan masyarakat majemuk, masyarakat yang terpisah-pisah berdasarkan kelas sosial, suku, agama, ras, dan antar golongan. Antara penguasa dan rakyat terpisah secara garis rasial. Selain itu ada pe-misahan suku bangsa terkait dengan ekonomi, pendidikan, dan hubungan-hubungan sosial. Setelah Indonesia merdeka situasi masyarakat majemuk terus berlangsung. Berakhirnya Orde Baru telah membuka kotak pandora  buruknya hubungan antar etnik dan antar agama. Akibatnya banyak terjadi konflik-konflik yang berdasarkan perbedaan etnik dan agama. Hal itu semakin meruncing ketika kepentingan-kepentingan politik masuk. Proses reformasi  politik melahirkan kesadaran baru tentang hubungan antar etnik dan agama. Titik awal perubahan ini ketika  Presiden Abdurahman Wahid membuka sekat-sekat hubungan multikultural yang menghormati  perbedaan dalam orientasi budaya di kalangan etnik yang ada. Sejak itu konsep multikulturalisme mengalami proses sosialisi dalam masyarakat Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Pluralisme, Multikultural, Kolonial, Orde Baru, Sosialisasi.    
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 22, No 1 (2012): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v22i1.1842


Mangkunagaran is one of government and cultural center of Java in the Dutch colonial period. It was formed in 1757 through Salatiga Agreement, as product of Jawa War succession. At the beginning Praja Mangkunagaran was a district of Kasunanan, then it raised into a small empire. Government modernization was done since Mangkunagara IV by establishing some new institution. Increasingly sophisticated modernization carried out in the early twentieth century during the reign of Mangkunagara VI and Mangkunagara VII. Modernization of gover-nance is heavily influenced by the Dutch colonial governance combined with Javanese culture. The rise of new governance generates new identity that is different from another Javanese culture center. Key words: modernization, governance, Mangkunagaran  Mangkunagaran merupakan salah satu pusat pemerintahan dan budaya Jawa pada masa Kolonial Belanda. Ia terbentuk pada tahun 1757 melalui perjanjian Salatiga, sebagai hasil perang suksesi di Jawa. Praja ini semula hanya merupakan sebuah kabupaten, namun dalam perkembangannya berkembang menjadi sebuah kerajaan kecil. Modernisasi pemerintahan dilakukan sejak Mangkunagara IV dengan membentuk lembaga-lembaga kerajaan yang berbeda dengan Kasunanan Surakarta. Modernisasi semakin canggih dilakukan pada awal abad XX pada masa pemerintahan Mangkunagara VI dan Mangkunagara VII. Modernisasi tata pemerintahan banyak dipengaruhi oleh tata pemerintahan Kolonial Belanda dipadukan dengan kebudayaan Jawa. Lahirnya tata pemerintahan baru menghasilkan identitas baru yang berbeda dengan pusat-pusat budaya Jawa lain, Kasunanan dan Paku Alaman. Kata kunci: modernisasi, pemerintahan, Mangkunagara  
From Assimilation to Pluralism and Multiculturalism Policy:State Policy Towards Ethnic Chinese in Indonesia Wasino, Wasino; Putro, Saptono; Aji, Ananto; Kurniawan, Edi; Shintasiwi, Fitri Amalia
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 29, No 2 (2019): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v29i2.20869


Indonesian society inherits plural society of Dutch colonization. One of the major problems is related to the minority ethnicity and its position towards the majority. One of the ethnicities which receives special attention from the government is Chinese. This article is trying to analyse the history of Indonesia Government Policy from Indonesian Independence to Reformasi. The results show that from Indonesian Independence to The New Order era, discrimination politics to Chinese in Indonesia occurs. Chinese is trying to create their image being Indonesian by imitating the majority’s cultural identity or practicing assimilation based on the location where they live. After Reformasi in 1998, the state politics changed by respecting cultures or multicultural society. Therefore, some Chinese identities start to strengthen, but most of them still follow the majority culture. Masyarakat Indonesia mewarisi masyarakat majemuk penjajahan Belanda. Salah satu masalah utama terkait dengan etnis minoritas dan posisinya terhadap mayoritas. Salah satu etnis yang mendapat perhatian khusus dari pemerintah adalah Cina. Artikel ini mencoba menganalisis sejarah Kebijakan Pemerintah Indonesia dari era Kemerdekaan Indonesia hingga Reformasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari kemerdekaan Indonesia ke era Orde Baru, terjadi diskriminasi politik terhadap Tionghoa di Indonesia. Orang Tionghoa mencoba membuat citra mereka menjadi orang Indonesia dengan meniru identitas budaya mayoritas atau mempraktikkan asimilasi berdasarkan lokasi tempat mereka tinggal. Setelah era reformasi pada tahun 1998, politik negara berubah dengan menghormati budaya atau masyarakat multikultural. Oleh karena itu, beberapa identitas Cina mulai menguat, tetapi kebanyakan dari mereka masih mengikuti budaya mayoritas. 
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 21, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v21i1.1028


The results showed that groups who empowered society are Department of Culture and Tourism is Kudus Regency, Site Conservation Forum Patiayam, interpreters maintained, and the Society of Conservation Society Patiayam Site. Form of empowerment to do is socialize Heritage Law, the socialization of the Master Plan which is equipped with RTBL, to socialize and fossil sites Patiayam, lift the savior maintain Patiayam fossils at the site, and create a mini museum Patiayam site. Studies on community participation suggests that public understanding of the importance of the Patiayam as Heritage Objects, including the criteria to be positive both in terms of preservation Patiayam site. Public awareness in the form of active participation in preserving good sites including Patiayam. Active participation in preserving good sites that carry the impact of the sustainability of the site remains in preventive and curative.   Keywords: empowerment, society, sites, patiayam  
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 20, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v20i2.1049


Application of KTSP as a curriculum based on competency requires the implementation of strategies and methods that can deliver a number of learners achieving a particular competence. IPS as a subject who has a noble purpose, namely to prepare students to be good citizens, should be taught to students through appropriate strategies and methods by utilizing various media sources and learning. Most social studies teachers still promote the use of expository strategies in presenting lessons of Social Science education and the use of resources and learning media are minimal. Environment, as a laboratory of IPS is not utilized properly.The study shows that most teachers still tend to use expository teaching strategies, use of resources and learning media that are less varied, and integrated approaches to teaching social studies can not be realized by the teachers due to various constraints.   Keywords: learning, IPS, junior school, KTSP   Penerapan KTSP sebagai kurikulum berbasis kompetensi membutuhkan penerapan strategi dan metode yang dapat memberikan sejumlah peserta didik mencapai kompetensi tertentu. IPS sebagai subjek yang memiliki tujuan mulia, yaitu untuk mempersiapkan siswa untuk menjadi warga negara yang baik, harus diajarkan kepada siswa melalui strategi yang tepat dan metode dengan memanfaatkan berbagai sumber media dan pembelajaran. Kebanyakan guru IPS masih menggunakan strategi ekspositori dalam menyajikan meteri pelajaran IPS dengan menggunakan sumber daya dan media pembelajaran yang minimal. Lingkungan sekitar, sebagai laboratorium IPS tidak digunakan menunjukkan pembelajaran yang baik. Kebanyakan guru masih cenderung untuk menggunakan strategi pengajaran ekspositori, penggunaan sumber daya dan media pembelajaran yang kurang bervariasi, dan pendekatan terpadu untuk mengajar IPS, sehingga tidak dapat direalisasikan oleh para guru karena berbagai kendala.   Kata kunci: pembelajaran, IPS, SMP, KTSP  
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 26, No 1 (2016): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v26i1.5146


After Indonesia declared its independence, the management of the private companies became a big problem for a new government, Indonesia. Expropriation efforts for those western private plantation companies actually had been developed in the first year of the independence and it continued until the Dutch-Indonesian Round Table Conference. There were three processes passed through companies’ transformation of the western private plantation in Indonesia, namely decolonization, Indonesia-nization and nationalization. Nationalization was legally based on the Indonesian Ordinance number 86 1958, but the real process occured since a year ago. Therefore,  Indonesia had to give financial compensation to the owner, but the reality was that this aspect was still unfinished until the end of Sukarno regime. The compensation had been continued in Suharto era and was fully paid in 2002. Setelah Indonesia menyatakan kemerdekaannya, manajemen perusahaan swasta menjadi masalah besar bagi pemerintahan baru, Indonesia. Upaya pengambilalihan bagi perusahaan perkebunan swasta Barat sebenarnya telah dikembangkan pada tahun pertama kemerdekaan dan itu berlanjut hingga Konferensi Meja Bundar Belanda-Indonesia. Ada tiga proses melewati transformasi perusahaan 'dari perkebunan swasta Barat di Indonesia, yaitu dekolonisasi, Indonesia-nization dan nasionalisasi. Nasionalisasi secara hukum berdasarkan jumlah Ordonansi Indonesia 86 tahun 1958, tetapi proses nyata terjadi sejak setahun yang lalu. Oleh karena itu, Indonesia harus memberikan kompensasi finansial kepada pemilik, tetapi kenyataannya adalah bahwa aspek ini masih belum selesai sampai akhir rezim Sukarno. Kompensasi telah berlanjut di era Soeharto dan telah dilunasi pada tahun 2002.  
Jurnal Teknologi Terapan Vol 5, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Teknologi Terapan
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Indramayu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1102.334 KB) | DOI: 10.31884/jtt.v5i2.229


In Gunungkidul district, there are many tourist destinations that are worth visiting and have become tourist destinations from various regions outside Gunungkidul district. The context of the problem that underlies this research is the growing interest in developing applications through online map services using Google maps. The purpose of building a google map-based tourist destination information application is to make it easier for tourists to get tourist destination information through an integrated map with the web. The method used to gather needs and analysis is a fact-finding method with conducting unstructured interviews. The author also made direct observations on the spot, this method is very effective for analyzing and discovering system functions and gaining direct knowledge about activities, operations, and processes. The results of this study are database design that has been normalized to the 3rd normal form, and the application of travel information on Google maps. Through functional testing, this application has run well using travel data taken directly in Gunungkidul district.
Co-Authors A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abdul Muntholib Aditya Rizki Alkautsar Aditya Tanuwijaya Agus Nuryatin Ahmad, Nanang Rendi Ahmad, Nanang Rendi Aisyah Nur Sayidatun Nisa, Aisyah Nur Sayidatun Albert Albert Ali Djamhuri Amin Yusuf Amna, Radhiah Anak Agung Gede Sugianthara Ananto Aji, Ananto Andy Suryadi Anggraeni Kusnadi Anthony Anthony Apik Budi Santoso Argitha Aricindy Argitha Aricindy Arief Subakti Ariyanto Arif Purnomo Armylia, Manzila Asmarani, Kartika Aspin, Pipin Yunita At. Sugeng P Atika Wijaya Atno Atno Aulia Rahmana Bagus Mulyawan Bain Bain Bianca Debby Cahyo Budi Utomo Cahyo Budi Utomo Cahyo Seftyono Carissa Liora chandra, Septian Adi Chandra, Septian Adi Christy, Dian Eka Dali Santun Naga Daniel Hadiyanto Dedi Trisnawarman Denis Gunawan Desi Arisandi Desi Arisandi Dewanti, Retno Yuni Dewanti, Retno Yuni Dewi Liesnoor Setyowati Dewi Lisnoor Setyowati, Dewi Lisnoor Diki Tri Apriansyah Putra Djoko Widodo Eddy Waluyo, Eddy Edi Sutrisna Edy Trihatmoko Edy, Agus Nowo Eko Handoyo Eko Handoyo Elysia Putri Elysia Putri, Elysia Endah Sri Hartatik Endah Sri Hartatik Erma Susilowati, Erma Ery Dewayani Eunike Eunike Fahrudin Alfi Huda Fandy Fandy Farida Ratu Wargadalem Felicia Kasinda Fitria Dwi Prasetyaningtyas Francisca Francisca Fransisca Pranata Ginanjar, Asep Hadi Sutopo Hadi Sutopo Hadi, Tjokro Hamdan Tri Atmaja Hamdan Tri Atmaja Handani, Lisa Novia Handani, Lisa Novia Handoko, Susanto T Happy Ardeena Haryono Haryono Hendra Hendra Hendra Hendra Hendro Ari Wibowo, Hendro Ari Hermanu Joebagio Hermanu Joebagio I Ketut Sudiana Ibnu Sodiq Ifada Retno Ekaningrum Jap Tji Beng Jayusman Jayusman Jeanny Pragantha Jeffri Alfred Jeffri Alfred, Jeffri Johyandi Lukmana Junaidi Junaidi Juwita Juwita Juwita Juwita, Juwita Kittisak Jermsittiparsert Kristina Kristina Kurniawan, Yanuar Rezza Luh Putu Ratna Sundari Lukmansyah, Nurul Lukmansyah, Nurul Manatap Dolok Lauro, Manatap Dolok Martitah Martitah Masrukhi Masrukhi Mawardi Mawardi Melani Asta Rosari Meli Adriani Hotma Hasibuane Meyliani Tanjung Mudiyono Mudiyono Mufti Riyani Mufti Riyani Muhammad Iqbal Birsyada Muhammad Iqbal Birsyada Muhammad Mujibur Rohman, Muhammad Mujibur Nadya Aliwarga, Nadya Nimas Puspitasari, Nimas Noeratri Andanwerti Novandi, Ardhi Setyawan Noviandi Noviandi Nugroho Trisnu Brata P. Eko Prasetyo Pamikat, Renardi Parhadi Parhadi Parhadi Parhadi, Parhadi Priyanto, Agustinus Sugeng Purbiyanti, Elis Dwi Purwadi Suhandini Putri Agus Wijayanti Rabeea Mohammed Mansour Imleesha Rachel Noveris Sukisman Radhiah Rini Amna, Radhiah Rini Rahman, Abdul Haris Bahtiar Retno Suminar Rianafik, Ifti Rifqi Aulia Abdillah, Rifqi Aulia Risman Risman Robert Robert Ronald Chandra Ronald Chandra Rosikhatul Ilmiyah, Rosikhatul Rusdarti - S.Pd., Musonef Saptono Putro Satya Budi Nugraha Sayuti, Akhmad Sayuti, Akhmad Sharon Yosephine Shintasiwi, Fitri Amalia Siti Nur Fatimah Slamet . Sri Sudarsih Steven Steven Subagyo Subagyo Sugeng P Sugiyo Sugiyo, Sugiyo Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyadi Suyahmo Suyahmo Suyahmo Suyahmo Tedjo Mulyono Thiwaty Arsal Thriwaty Arsal Timothius Simon Timothy Rufus Tjokro Hadi Tony Tony Tony Tony Trhiwaty Arsal Tri Handayani Tri Joko Raharjo Tri Suminar Triwardaya Triwardaya Triwardaya Triwardaya Triwardaya Triwardaya, Triwardaya Tsabit Azinar Ahmad Udi Utomo Umi Darojah, Umi Valencia Ilona vincent sandrya Vincentius Gunawan, Vincentius Wahyu Tri Putra Wahyu Tri Putra, Wahyu Tri Warsiti Warsiti Wasro Wasro, Wasro Watcharin Joemsittiprasert Wicaksono, Teguh Mulyo William Hermawan Yansen Henly Halim Yunepto Yunepto Yuni Suprapto Yuni Suprapto Yustinus Eka Wiyana Yustinus Eka Wiyana, Yustinus Eka Zyad Rusdi Zyad Rusdi Zyad Rusdi