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Journal : Tsaqofah: Jurnal Penelitian Guru Indonesia

Analisis Kesulitan Belajar Matematika dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Siswa Kelas V SDN Karawaci 1 Ayu Anjani; Een Unaenah; Moh Zamroni
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (489.573 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v2i5.536


This study aims to identify the difficulties faced by grade V students at SDN Karawaci 1 in solving story-shaped problems in mathematics subjects and identify factors that cause students to have difficulty learning mathematics. This research is a type of descriptive qualitative research with a case study approach. The subjects in this study were 5 grade V students of SDN Karawaci 1. Data collection techniques use observations, tests, interviews, and document studies. The results showed that the types of learning difficulties experienced by students in solving decimal fractional material story questions were 23 times students who had difficulty in understanding the questions, as many as 8 times students who had difficulty in using counting operations, as many as 11 times students who had difficulty solving questions, and as many as 21 times students who had difficulty in drawing conclusions. Factors that cause students to have learning difficulties are consisting of internal factors and external factors. Internal factors include students' attitudes in learning, student learning motivation, intellectual abilities and the health of the student's body. Meanwhile, external factors include the lack of variety of teaching methods used by teachers, the use of media that has not been maximized, school facilities and infrastructure, and a less supportive family environment.
Analisis Penilaian Matematika pada Materi Bilangan Cacah melalui Media Nilai Tempat Bilangan di SDN Pasar Baru 1 Arman Wijaya; Een Unaenah; Ahmad Alvinda Akbar
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v3i5.1856


This study aims to analyze the assessment of whole number material using place value media for second grade students at SDN Pasar Baru 1. Regarding knowledge in whole number material, second grade students still need concrete objects to understand whole number material. This is what makes the obstacles that occur in class II in whole number material, class II students have difficulty determining the place of numbers, many students are not careful in writing numbers in Latin and many students do not understand using dots on numbers. Therefore, the solution to overcome these obstacles is by using place value media because it can attract students' understanding to make it easier to understand the whole number material. This type of research used is qualitative research with descriptive methods. Data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, documentation and tests. The research subjects were class II teachers. The results obtained in this research are that students achieve 95 and the lowest score is 50, this is important for students to increase their scores. In the assessment the teacher gives the appropriate value.
Co-Authors Aam Amaliyah Afifah Agustya Rizkyani Agnes Ismawanti Ahmad Alvinda Akbar Aida Nabila Aira Apriliani Alfira Fazriandina Alma Novianti Gunawan Amalia Septiani Amalia Sri Wulandari Ananda Sinta Ramadan Anas Farhan Awaludin Angele Melyana Ani Nur Anggraeni Arman Wijaya Aura Luthfia Saharani Ayanih Ayanih Ayu Anjani Azayya Syafinka Azzahra Dhiya Afiyah Cahya Wulandari Candra Puspita Rini Cantika Rofiqoh Azhar Chika Meiliana Putri Dea Oktaviani Yoranda Dea Yuliawati Defi Prasasti Dela Anisa Dela Oktavia Dessiana Zaudah Devi Sartika Disa Cahaya Putri Dwi Ayu Aprilia Dwi Rahayu Kusuma Ningrum Eka Aryanih Eni Nuraeni Epriliani Rahmita Siregar Erdhita Oktrifianty Erdhita Oktrifianty Eva Nurlaela Fadel Sabil Fathiya Cahaya Qur’ani Fernita Dwi Azzahra Fitri Alia Fitri Maulida Awalina Frizori Rendy Sukma Gabriella Sinthia Marctines Hamdah Siti Hamsanah Fitriani Ina Magdalena Indah Zianira Fitri Intan Pandini Joya Syurgaini Kurotul Aen Laura Amalya Safitri Linda Lestari M. Azdi Marshanda Istikharah Mawardi Mawardi Melina Elyipuspita Moh Zamroni Muhammad Abu Bakar Muttaqijn, Muhammad Imam Nabila Ilyasa Nabila Irmawati Nabila Putri Pertiwi Nabila Zahra Safira Nabilah Aulia Nabilah Nabilah Nabilah Septianih Nabilla Aisyah R. Nada Salsabila Nadia Nurrohmah Nafisah Nur Rohmah Nanda Citra Kumarani Nanda Nahzifa Nesfi Berliana Netri Netri Novia Putri Yuliani Novia Putri \Yuliani Novitasari Novitasari Nur Aliza Sefani Nur Azizah Nur Karmilah Nurfadilah Nurfadilah Nurlianti Rahmah Nurul Amallia Nurul Fazriah Nurvitasari Nurvitasari Puji Lestari Putri Adinda Sahrurosi Putri Bunga Aulia Putri Nurjamilah Qulu Bunur Heruni Rahma Rizkiya Wahyu Rahmanika Cahyani Raja Ashabul Humayah Manjaya Rangga Rizky Setiawan Renny Agustin Riski Pratama Rizka Oktapiani Rizki Zuliani Salsa Nabila Rahma Salwa Ramadhanty Sarah As-sikah Sarah Maulidya Sarah Sarah Saskia Ramadanti Savina Nurrahmadanti Ramdhan Sela Safitri Shifa Nur Asmoro Siti Azkiatul Ummah Siti Mariyam Siti Robiah Al Damiyah Al Damiyah Siti Ropidoh Sri Hikmatulfazriyah Sri Wulandari Sunardin Sunardin Syafani Mayang Septi Tania Julianis Tarisa Amalia Aprilianti Tiara Safitri Ulia Uswatun Hasana Vivi Luftiyah Widia Kartika Wiradatul Mufidah Yanti Ardia Ningsih Yeni Nuraeni Yufaida Nurzahro Zahra Aulya Zahra Weningtyas Zuanita Hershifani Uthantry