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Journal : ANWARUL: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Dakwah

Analisis Kesulitan Siswa pada Materi Pecahan Een Unaenah; Nafisah Nur Rohmah; Nur Aliza Sefani
ANWARUL Vol 3 No 5 (2023): OKTOBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/anwarul.v3i5.1456


This study aims to find out whether learning simple fractions in this elementary school students are able to solve simple fraction questions and understand the basic concepts of simple fractions and ascertain whether there are difficulties students experience in solving simple fraction problems. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The object of this study was to interview several teachers and students covering simple fractions in grade 5. The data collection methods used were analysis, interviews, tests, and documentation. he results of the students' workmanship test were used to collect data related to the difficulties students had when working on math problems on fraction material where the difficulty of the test was an indication of a lack of understanding of the concept of fractions. As for interview guidelines for teachers. The purpose of interviewing teachers is to find deeper information about mathematics learning activities on fractions and mistakes that students often make in solving problems about fractions.
Analisis Kesulitan Belajar Matematika pada Materi Jarak, Waktu, dan Kecepatan di Kelas 5 SD Een Unaenah; Eni Nuraeni; Shifa Nur Asmoro
ANWARUL Vol 3 No 6 (2023): DESEMBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/anwarul.v3i6.1596


This study attempts to discover whether primary school students who are learning mathematics can solve issues involving distance, time, and speed and comprehend the solution, also whether there are any difficulties they encounter. Quantitative Descriptive research is this kind of study. This study aims to test students' knowledge of speed, distance, and time. It also conducts an interview with the instructor. Analyzing, interviews, tests, and documentation are among the ways used to acquire data. As for the descriptive methodology used in this study. The results of the student workmanship test were used to gather information about the challenges students encountered when solving math problems involving distance, time, and speed. The test's difficulty was a sign of students' lack of comprehension of the concepts of distance, time, and speed. Regarding the requirements for teacher interviews. The goal of interviewing teachers is to understand more about mathematics learning activities including distance, time, and speed as well as common errors made by pupils while attempting to solve problems using these concepts. According to the study's findings, arithmetic proficiency in the areas of time, distance, and speed in grade 5 SD is 80.06% in average, placing it in the "Very High" category. This problem arises dute to the basic mathematical abilities in the areas of distance, time, and speed have not yet been attained. Factors that lead to mistakes when working on test questions, internal factors, and external variables are some of the elements that make it difficult to master mathematics in the subject of distance, time, and speed. The requirement for specialised instruction as enrichment and healing (remedial), employing inventive and creative teaching methods, and developing conditioning (reinforcement, rewards, encouragement), exercises, are all recommendations for resolving the issue of learning challenges in distance, time, and speed.
Kemampuan Siswa Kelas V dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Materi Pengelolahan Data di SD Negeri Curug II Een Unaenah; Ani Nur Anggraeni; Rahma Rizkiya Wahyu
ANWARUL Vol 3 No 6 (2023): DESEMBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/anwarul.v3i6.1598


This study aims to describe the understanding of grade 5 students in learning data processing and to identify the types of errors that are often made by students. This study originates from the law of the Ministry of Learning of the Republic of Indonesia, No. 57 in 2014 on demonstrating essential skills of mathematics in specialization development, communication and life adjustment. This study used full-time and student checks of 34 students from SD. Data was collected through interviews, questionnaires and tests. Data processing includes making tables, line diagrams and bar diagrams. The results of the study show that students' understanding of data processing still needs to be improved. Common errors are conceptual errors, data usage errors, data interpretation errors, technical and input errors. Errors in the conclusions listed are common errors. Data processing education should be improved by providing a better understanding of basic data processing concepts and teaching students the proper way to use, interpret, and present data. It is also important to choose learning methods that are interactive, relevant and interesting to students. This research helps improve computer science education in grade 5 elementary schools and informs more effective learning efforts to improve students' understanding of mathematics.
Analisis Pembelajaran KPK dan FPB Kelas 4 SD Een Unaenah; Angele Melyana; Siti Azkiatul Ummah
ANWARUL Vol 3 No 6 (2023): DESEMBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/anwarul.v3i6.1600


The purpose of this study was to see how the learning of the Least Common Multiple (KPK) and Greatest Common Factor (FPB) learning is carried out in grade 4 of Elementary School (SD). The concepts of KPK and FPB have important relevance in the development of students' understanding of mathematics, but are often taught fundamentally without regard to prerequisite concepts and variations of effective learning models. In this study, using the literature study method, we explore the concepts of KPK and FPB, effective teaching strategies, and their benefits in developing students' understanding of mathematics. We also identify challenges that may arise in KPK and FPB learning and provide solutions to overcome these challenges. The results of the study found that with a strong understanding of KPK and FPB, students can develop better mathematical skills and be ready to face more complex mathematical concepts in the future. By implementing appropriate teaching strategies and handling challenges that arise, learning from KPK and FPB is expected to improve students' understanding of mathematics in grade 4 elementary school.
Media Konkret untuk Mengajarkan Bangun Datar Een Unaenah; Rizka Oktapiani; Wiradatul Mufidah
ANWARUL Vol 3 No 6 (2023): DESEMBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/anwarul.v3i6.1603


Learning will continue to be tiring if educators generally organize learning and teaching exercises. So that in the end Students will experience boredom and lack of enthusiasm enthusiastic to imitate. This arrangement The purpose of this is to show that there is an increase in the learning outcomes of class VI students at SDN Buaran Bambu III Pakuhaji Region, after involving substantial media such as cardboard, wall clocks, three-sided rulers in mathematical illustrations related to the material. Substantial Media for Displaying Level Forms. Basic information acquired in this study expressed that out of 42 understudies, just 25 kids scored over 65 or expressed to have graduated, 17 children had not completed their exams, because the scores obtained were still below 65 in cycle I. The information obtained indicated that the expansion of learning outcomes. student. It was informed that out of 32 students, 27 children had graduated and 15 children had not finished studying. Based on these findings, the second cycle was carried out, Additionally, the outcomes show a huge expansion in understudies' comprehension: 84% of the assignments according to the research findings. Instructors ought to utilize learning media or instructing helps that are genuine on the grounds that they can be utilized as an elective wellspring of advancing by focusing on understudy exercises and custom fitted to their requirements their contents.
Analisis Kesulitan yang Dihadapi pada Siswa Kelas V dalam Pembelajaran Bangun Ruang Een Unaenah; Nanda Citra Kumarani; Sri Wulandari
ANWARUL Vol 3 No 6 (2023): DESEMBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/anwarul.v3i6.1604


Students' inability to comprehend the nature of abstract geometry and the unstable nature of the concept of geometric properties are the driving forces behind this study. It is anticipated that geometry teaching aids will enhance teacher performance, learning outcomes for students, and learning activities for students. use math instruments to further develop learning results, understudy learning exercises, and instructor execution. Two brothers assisted in the execution of this exercise. According to the findings of this study, the BES (Education Guidance) tutoring center in the Batu Ceper area of Tangerang has students' comprehension of class V mathematical concepts. Both succeeded, however coming up short on vital information to figure out this mathematical shape. Information handling procedures use methods for perception and tests. Qualitative analysis methods were used to analyze the data. In light of perceptions and tests, 75% of respondents had the option to figure out math, while 25% of respondents couldn't comprehend arithmetic in view of one of the variables above.
Co-Authors Aam Amaliyah Afifah Agustya Rizkyani Agnes Ismawanti Ahmad Alvinda Akbar Aida Nabila Aira Apriliani Alfira Fazriandina Alma Novianti Gunawan Amalia Septiani Amalia Sri Wulandari Ananda Sinta Ramadan Anas Farhan Awaludin Angele Melyana Ani Nur Anggraeni Arman Wijaya Aura Luthfia Saharani Ayanih Ayanih Ayu Anjani Azayya Syafinka Azzahra Dhiya Afiyah Cahya Wulandari Candra Puspita Rini Cantika Rofiqoh Azhar Chika Meiliana Putri Dea Oktaviani Yoranda Dea Yuliawati Defi Prasasti Dela Anisa Dela Oktavia Dessiana Zaudah Devi Sartika Disa Cahaya Putri Dwi Ayu Aprilia Dwi Rahayu Kusuma Ningrum Eka Aryanih Eni Nuraeni Epriliani Rahmita Siregar Erdhita Oktrifianty Erdhita Oktrifianty Eva Nurlaela Fadel Sabil Fathiya Cahaya Qur’ani Fernita Dwi Azzahra Fitri Alia Fitri Maulida Awalina Frizori Rendy Sukma Gabriella Sinthia Marctines Hamdah Siti Hamsanah Fitriani Ina Magdalena Indah Zianira Fitri Intan Pandini Joya Syurgaini Kurotul Aen Laura Amalya Safitri Linda Lestari M. Azdi Marshanda Istikharah Mawardi Mawardi Melina Elyipuspita Moh Zamroni Muhammad Abu Bakar Muttaqijn, Muhammad Imam Nabila Ilyasa Nabila Irmawati Nabila Putri Pertiwi Nabila Zahra Safira Nabilah Aulia Nabilah Nabilah Nabilah Septianih Nabilla Aisyah R. Nada Salsabila Nadia Nurrohmah Nafisah Nur Rohmah Nanda Citra Kumarani Nanda Nahzifa Nesfi Berliana Netri Netri Novia Putri Yuliani Novia Putri \Yuliani Novitasari Novitasari Nur Aliza Sefani Nur Azizah Nur Karmilah Nurfadilah Nurfadilah Nurlianti Rahmah Nurul Amallia Nurul Fazriah Nurvitasari Nurvitasari Puji Lestari Putri Adinda Sahrurosi Putri Bunga Aulia Putri Nurjamilah Qulu Bunur Heruni Rahma Rizkiya Wahyu Rahmanika Cahyani Raja Ashabul Humayah Manjaya Rangga Rizky Setiawan Renny Agustin Riski Pratama Rizka Oktapiani Rizki Zuliani Salsa Nabila Rahma Salwa Ramadhanty Sarah As-sikah Sarah Maulidya Sarah Sarah Saskia Ramadanti Savina Nurrahmadanti Ramdhan Sela Safitri Shifa Nur Asmoro Siti Azkiatul Ummah Siti Mariyam Siti Robiah Al Damiyah Al Damiyah Siti Ropidoh Sri Hikmatulfazriyah Sri Wulandari Sunardin Sunardin Syafani Mayang Septi Tania Julianis Tarisa Amalia Aprilianti Tiara Safitri Ulia Uswatun Hasana Vivi Luftiyah Widia Kartika Wiradatul Mufidah Yanti Ardia Ningsih Yeni Nuraeni Yufaida Nurzahro Zahra Aulya Zahra Weningtyas Zuanita Hershifani Uthantry