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Journal : Buletin Kebun Raya

INVASIVE WEEDS IN BOGOR BOTANIC GARDENS, INDONESIA AND ITS IMPLICATION ON SURROUNDING LANDSCAPES Santosa, Edi; Widiyanto, Gunar; Lontoh, Adolf Pieter; Agustin, Elly Kristiati; Takahata, Ken; Mine, Yoko; Sugiyama, Nobuo
Buletin Kebun Raya Vol 17, No 2 (2014): Buletin Kebun Raya Vol. 17 (2) July 2014
Publisher : Center for Plant Conservation Bogor Botanic Garden, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

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Conservation areas with the objective for collection and exchange plant materials have been speculated as weed bank for surrounding areas. Objective of this study was to identify and characterize ruderal invasive weeds in the Bogor Botanic Gardens (BBG). Observations were conducted in all vak (collection blocks) in the BBG in order to identify the weeds species, determine their invasiveness, dominance and distribution. Weeds associations with host plants were observed. Current weed control program and data of dead trees collection were analyzed in relevant to weed. Distribution of weeds outside BBG was observed by transects method following river and road directions. Results showed that there were seven invasive weeds, i.e., Cecropia adenopus (Cecropiaceae), Cissus nodosa Blume (Vitaceae), Cissus sicyoides Blume (Vitaceae), Dioscorea bulbifera L. (Dioscoreaceae), Ficus elastica Roxb. (Moraceae), Mikania micrantha H.B.K. (Asteraceae) and Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen (Fabaceae). These seven weeds species invaded 41 out of 215 plant families in BBG. Six species of weeds, i.e., C. adenopus, C. nodosa Blume., C. sicyoides Blume., D. bulbifera L., M. micrantha H.B.K. and P. falcataria (L.) Nielsen, were introduced as BBG collections for the first time while the F. elastica Roxb was considered as native. It is most likely that the weeds dispersal agents are the wind, birds, bats, visitors, and waters. All of these weeds existed in surrounding areas outside BBG. Given the detrimental impact of invasive weeds on the plant collection in BBG, it is necessary to develop long–term comprehensive control measures both inside and neighboring areas by involving other government authorities beyond BBG.
Co-Authors , Hariyadi , Kholidi , Susilawati Abdoellah, Soetanto Abdul Gani Gani Tarigan Abdul Harris Burhan Achmad Taufiq Ade Wachjar Ade Wachjar Ade Wahjar Aditya Wira Tantra Adolf P. Lonto Adolf Pieter Lontoh, Adolf Pieter Agik Suprayogi Agus Buono Agus Sufyan Ahmad Fadli Alghifari AHMAD JUNAEDI Ahmad Zamzami Ajmir Akmal Almas Lathuf Assyura Anas D. Susila Anas D. Susila Anas Dinnurrohman Susila Anas Dinurrohman Susila Anas Dinurrohman Susila Andreas Kefi ANDRIA AGUSTA Ani Kurniawati Ani Kurniawati Ani Kurniawati Anung Wahyudi Aptika Hana Prastiwi Nareswari Arief Hartono Ariny Jihan Thifany Arisa Noguchi Arjuna, Rizka Tri Arya Widura Ritonga Atang Sutandi Bambang S. Purwoko Bambang Sapta Purwoko Budiman, dan Candra Careca Sepdihan Rahmat Hidayatullah Chairunnisak Chairunnisak Chairunnisak, Chairunnisak Chun Lan Lian Deden Derajat Matra Deden Drajat Matra Delvi Maretta Desta Wirnas Dhika Prita Hapsari Diaguna, Ridwan Didy Sopandie Diny Dinarty Dulbari, Dulbari Dwi Guntoro Dwi Sutari Laksono Efendi, Darda Eko Sulistyono Elda Kristiani Paisey Elly Kristiati Agustin, Elly Kristiati Endang Gunawan Fajar Delli Wihartiko Ferdianto Budi Samudra Fifin Nashirotun Nisya Gatot Pramuhadi Gerson Hans Maure Ginanjar Pramudya Sakti Gunar Widiyanto, Gunar Hajime Nakano HAJRIAL ASWIDINNOOR Heni Purnamawati Herdhata Agusta Herdhata Agusta Herman Wafom Tubur I Wayan Astika Imam Fauzi Fauzi Tanjung Imdad Julian Purwanto Imron Gempur Saputro Ince Raden Indra Mario Stefano Intan Dewi Puspitasari Irfan Rabani Irfanda, Munandar Is Helianti Ismadi Ismadi Iswandi Anas Iswandi Anas Joan Joulanda Grace Kailola Juang Gema Kartika Karmanah, Karmanah Kazi Liaquat Hossain Ken Takahata Ken Takahata Ken Takahata, Ken Luh Putu Ratna Sundari Lutfy Ditya Cahyanti M A Chozin Machfud Machfud Maghfirah Marcella Putriantari Marchella Putriantari Martini Aji Maryarti Sari Maryati Sari Md. Abdul Wadud Md. Abul Kashem Md. Shajahan Ali Memen Surahman Mohamad Rahmad Suhartanto Mohammad Abdul Wadud Muhamad Zainul Fattah Muhammad dan Heni Purnamawati Haryadi Danang Faqihhudin Muhammad Raihan Ferdiansyah Muhammad Thamrin Munandar Irfanda MUNIF GHULAMAHDI Nadia Dwi Kartika Nani Yulianti Nina Ariesta Nobuo Sugiyama Nobuo Sugiyama Nobuo Sugiyama Nobuo Sugiyama Nurlela, Nurlela Nurul Hidayah NURUL HIDAYAH Nurul Khumaida Okti Syah Isyani Permatasari Panca Dewi Manu Hara Karti Purwanto, Imdad Julian Purwono Purwono Purwono Rahayu Safitri Rahman Rahmat Budiarto Rd. Selvy Handayani Rianto, Dwi Fajar Ridwan Diaguna Riska sukmawati Rizka Tri Arjuna ROEDHY POERWANTO Rohman, Fadil Rosdiana, Siska Sandra Arifin Aziz Santun RP Sitorus Sigit Pramono Siska Rosdiana Siti Halimah Slamet Susanto Sobir Sobir Sobir Sobir Soekisman Tjitrosemito Sofyan Zaman sofyan zaman Sri Nurdiati Sri Suryo Sukoraharjo SUBOWO GITOSUWONDO Sugiyanta Sulassih, . Supijatno Supijatno Supijatno Susilawati Suwarto Syaiful Anwar Tantra, Aditya Wira Tjahja Muhandri Ulfha Junita Ulinnuha, Zulfa Utami Prawati Wijaya, Aldi Kamal Winarso D. Widodo Winarso Drajad Widodo Yoko Mine Yoko Mine Yoko Mine Yoko Mine Yonny Koesmaryono Yonny Koesmaryono Zulfa Ulinnuha