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Journal : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Vol 29, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jpp.v29i1.5639


The academic purpose of kindergarten differs from any other academic puposes of schools. This fact implies differences in both learning process and evaluation. In kindergarten, the learning is thematic, and the evaluation is meant to know the students’ development. In schools, learning in each subject of study is independent, and the evaluation is to know how far the competence each student reaches. In addition, the difference causes to task of kindergarten teacher. So to evaluate kindergarten teacher needs special instrument of teacher’s performance appraisal which differs from any instruments related to teacher appraisals. This research is to formulate kindergarten teacher performance appraisal instrument (KTPAI). This research takes place in Surakarta which involve supervisor, headmaster, and teacher of kindergarten. Data evaluation of factual KTPAI and need asessment of KTPAI are compiled by supervisor and headmaster of kindergarten. The result of this research insists to develop factual KTPAI. Developed KTPAI is differences from factual KTPAI. The differences are: (a) comprehensive competence appraised, (b) distinctness in appraisal procedur and describer of each indicator, (c) compability of instrument with the kindergarten teacher’s task , (d) cohesiveness dan transparency in result of appraisal, and (e) certainty of appraisal result status, and follow up planning.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Vol 28, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jpp.v28i2.5638


The problem of this study were (1) how the model construction and evaluation instruments (2) whether the instrument can be used to evaluate the results of the implementation of learning English curriculum in Biological Science Education Program UNNES lecturer in terms of performance indicators. Development of research aims to produce an evaluation instrument and whether the instrument can be used to find English-language classes are conducted in accordance with the expected success criteria I-MHERE program for faculty performance indicators. Methods of model development to take some model development procedure Borg & Gall. Model validation is done through focus group discussions and request a written opinion of an expert. The data were analyzed descriptively and used to produce products in the form of evaluation instruments for use in model evaluation context, input, prosses, and product or the Stufflebeam CIPP. The results component in the form of instruments to evaluate faculty input, the input component of the curriculum, and the components of the curriculum implementation process of learning English I-MHERE Prodi Education in Biology, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, in particular to review the indicators UNNES lecturer. The instrument has been developed to serve the purpose of such instruments are developed until the early trials.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Vol 28, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jpp.v28i2.5638


The problem of this study were (1) how the model construction and evaluation instruments (2) whether the instrument can be used to evaluate the results of the implementation of learning English curriculum in Biological Science Education Program UNNES lecturer in terms of performance indicators. Development of research aims to produce an evaluation instrument and whether the instrument can be used to find English-language classes are conducted in accordance with the expected success criteria I-MHERE program for faculty performance indicators. Methods of model development to take some model development procedure Borg & Gall. Model validation is done through focus group discussions and request a written opinion of an expert. The data were analyzed descriptively and used to produce products in the form of evaluation instruments for use in model evaluation context, input, prosses, and product or the Stufflebeam CIPP. The results component in the form of instruments to evaluate faculty input, the input component of the curriculum, and the components of the curriculum implementation process of learning English I-MHERE Prodi Education in Biology, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, in particular to review the indicators UNNES lecturer. The instrument has been developed to serve the purpose of such instruments are developed until the early trials.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Vol 29, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jpp.v29i1.5639


The academic purpose of kindergarten differs from any other academic puposes of schools. This fact implies differences in both learning process and evaluation. In kindergarten, the learning is thematic, and the evaluation is meant to know the students’ development. In schools, learning in each subject of study is independent, and the evaluation is to know how far the competence each student reaches. In addition, the difference causes to task of kindergarten teacher. So to evaluate kindergarten teacher needs special instrument of teacher’s performance appraisal which differs from any instruments related to teacher appraisals. This research is to formulate kindergarten teacher performance appraisal instrument (KTPAI). This research takes place in Surakarta which involve supervisor, headmaster, and teacher of kindergarten. Data evaluation of factual KTPAI and need asessment of KTPAI are compiled by supervisor and headmaster of kindergarten. The result of this research insists to develop factual KTPAI. Developed KTPAI is differences from factual KTPAI. The differences are: (a) comprehensive competence appraised, (b) distinctness in appraisal procedur and describer of each indicator, (c) compability of instrument with the kindergarten teacher’s task , (d) cohesiveness dan transparency in result of appraisal, and (e) certainty of appraisal result status, and follow up planning.
Co-Authors Abda Lail Isro, Abda Lail Abdul Aziz Nasihuddin Adhika Junara Karunianto Adiningsih, Ambar adiningsih Aditya Marianti Afandi, Asep Agi Ginanjar Agusminarti, Agusminarti Agustin Suraswati, Agustin Ahmad Sulaiman, Ahmad Ainur Rifqi, Ainur Akimi, Akimi Al Faruq, Muhammad Hamzah Ali Djamhuri Ali, Bintang Hidir Ana Fatonah, Ana Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani Andreas Priyono Budi Prasetyo Anita Fitriyanti Anna Mariyani Apri Heri Iswanto Ardanariswari, Riris Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto Asfan, Dian Farida Askur Rahman Asmalidar Asmalidar Asmi, Adhitya Rol Atok Subiakto Ayu Fatmasary, Ayu Azim, Fauzan Bambang Hero Saharjo Bambang Priyono Bambang Soetopo Basuki Wasis Budi Utomo Budy, Agung Cahya Christina, Natalia DARIMIYYA HIDAYATI Dede J Sudrajat Defi Fahrul Meilina, Defi Fahrul Deni Almanda Deviani Deviani Dewi, Dias Aprita Diana Prameswari, Diana Dr.Ir. Yunianta, DEA Dwi Haryanto Dwi Sarwani Sri Rejeki Efendi, Dwi Marisa Effendy, Fauzan Endah Peniati ERNY ROESMININGSIH Fajri, Iqbal Fantika Vera Entrisnasari, Fantika Vera Faradi, Muhammad Andi Faselia, Reni Fathmawati Fathmawati Fidin, Nadia Izzatu Florentina, Jenny Gita Widya Laksmini Soerjoatmodjo, Gita Widya Laksmini Handoko, Sugeng Hargiati, Dian Puji Hartuti Purnaweni Haryadini, Adilla Fitriana Hassan, Rahayu HENDRI PURBO WASESO, HENDRI PURBO Henti Hendalastuti R., Henti Hendalastuti Heny Arwati Heny Lestari, Heny Hery Irwan Hidayat, Rama Agas Husain Umar Ichya Musytafizur Ziqri, Ichya Musytafizur Iffan Maflahah Iklimah, Ayu Ilahi, Rizki Iskandar Fitri, Iskandar ISKANDAR ZULKARNAEN SIREGAR Ismanto Ismanto Jamaluddin Jamaluddin Jefree Fahana Jessie, Jessie Juniardi, Arifto Kadar Pamuji Karunia Galih Permadani, Karunia Galih Khairul Bariyah, Khairul Kusyogo Cahyo Lilis Astria Ika Luviana Lina Karlinasari Lindita, Tiara Lisdiana Lisdiana M, Rifa'i M. Iqbal Prawira-Atmaja, M. Mahmudah, Rizki Maridi Maridi Martiani Martiani, Martiani Martien Herna Susanti Marwah, Nella Masrukhi Masrukhi Meliyani, Meliyani Mintoro, Sigit Mojiono, Mojiono Muhammad Najih Farihanto, Muhammad Najih Mulyantini, Sri mun'im, muhammad Muslimin Muslimin Mutammimah, Siti Mu’tamar, Mohammad Fuad Fauzul Nana Karia, Nana Nelly Anna Nina Widowati Noor Aini Habibah Nor Azizah, Nor Nugrahaningsih Wahyu Harini, Nugrahaningsih Wahyu Nunung Nurhayati Nurdayati, Nurdayati Nurfuadi Nurfuadi Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurlinda Nurlinda, Nurlinda Nursinta Adi Wahanani Pardiman Pardiman Penny Setyowati, Penny Prabewi, Nur Pramono Pramono Pratama, Gigih Wira Prijanto Pamoengkas Priyantini Widiyaningrum Purwanto, Hadi Purwanto Puspitasari, Fantika Febry Putri, Meilinda Cendana Raden Faridz, Raden Rahmattullah, Muhammad Rahmatullah, Sidik Refdilzon Yasra, Refdilzon Retno Nugroho Whidhiasih Retno Sri Iswari Riani, Elen Dining Riani, Elen Dining Rif'an, Muhammad Rifa'i, Muhaimin Rio Putra, Rio Rizki Puspita Dewi, Rizki Puspita Rukmananda, Hanum Rais Angga Rustam Rustam Sa’idi, Ahmad Muthohar Saiful Ridlo Saparso Saparso Saputro, Agil Dwi selly Selly Selviana Selviana SIMON BAMBANG WIDJANARKO Sintia, Sintia Sinuraya, Junus Slamet Rosyadi Soe, Janice Soetam Rizky Wicaksono Sri Huning Anwariningsih Suryono Suryono Sutarti Rahayu, Sutarti Suwito, Nuryo Suyahmo Suyahmo Syarifuddin Syarifuddin Syarifuddin Teguh Prasetio Titis Purwanti, Titis Tri Marhaeni Puji Astuti WB, Simon WB, Simon Widya FATRIASARI Wijaya, Fabiana Mentari Putri Windha Amalia Putri, Windha Amalia Yulia Dwi Anggita, Yulia Dwi Yulia Hafsah Wulandari, Yulia Hafsah Zainal Arifin