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All Journal Indonesian Journal of Geography Jurnal Kebidanan Cakrawala Pendidikan Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Geo Media: Majalah Ilmiah dan Informasi Kegeografian Dinamika Bahasa dan Budaya Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur TEKNIK BIOTROPIA - The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) Jurnal Media Infotama Jurnal Sains Dasar Empathy : Jurnal Fakultas Psikologi Paradikma: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Abdimas Jurnal Celtic Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Potensia AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Prosiding Semnastek Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management) Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Suhuf Forum Geografi JOURNAL OF HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE JKG (Jurnal Keperawatan Global) Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Wahana Teknik Sipil: Jurnal Pengembangan Teknik Sipil BANGUN REKAPRIMA REINWARDTIA BERITA BIOLOGI Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Kimia IJNP (Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices) Sosial Horizon: Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Terapan Seminar Nasional Pendidikan IPA DWIJA CENDEKIA: Jurnal Riset Pedagogik UNM Journal of Biological Education Al-Daulah : Jurnal Hukum dan Perundangan Islam Gondang: Jurnal Seni dan Budaya Journal of Natural Science and Integration Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis Syariah Metode : Jurnal Teknik Industri Mimbar Ilmu International Journal of Supply Chain Management Jurnal Kelautan Nasional Jurnal Teladan: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Efektor Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan Jurnal Penelitian GERVASI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat as-sibyan : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Al-Munawwarah : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHEs): Conference Series Al-Bayan: Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur'an dan Hadist Jurnal Kesmas Prima Indonesia JURNAL TEKNIK Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory (IJCPML) International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) BENING Journal of Community Empowerment for Health Jurnal Teras Fisika : Teori, Modeling, dan Aplikasi Fisika Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin JURNAL AKTUAL AKUNTANSI KEUANGAN BISNIS TERAPAN (AKUNBISNIS) Jurnal Dunia Gizi Unilib: Jurnal Perpustakaan Jurnal Pendidikan Tadarus Tarbawy : Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Pendidikan Jurnal Farmasi Jurnal Bedah Hukum Jurnal Serambi Abdimas SRIWIJAYA JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Madrasah Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Indonesia (JPPMI) Jurnal Pengabdian Vokasi Journal of Information Systems for Public Health SAINSTECH: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengkajian Sains dan Teknologi JALHu Journal of Public Transportation Community Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana Jurnal Kompetitif Bisnis Jurnal Kajian dan Terapan Matematika Prosiding Seminar Nasional Unimus Jurnal Inovasi Daerah Ophthalmologica Indonesiana Reinwardtia
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Jurnal Kesmas Prima Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020): Edisi Juli
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Prima Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34012/jkpi.v2i2.1442


Hingga Maret 2019 dilaporkan ada 338.363 kasus orang yang teinfeksi HIV di Indonesia. ODHIV mengalami tantangan secara fisik dan mental diakibatkan stigma dari diri dan masyarakat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari pelaksanaan intervensi workshop body mapping dalam meningkatkan self-esteem (harga diri) pada ODHIV. Penelitian ini menggunakan quasi-experimental one group pretest- posttest design. Subjek penelitian adalah 30 orang dengan HIV yang direkrut menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Pretest dan Postest berupa kuesioner self-esteem diberikan kepada peserta sebelum dan sesudah workshop untuk mengumpulkan data yang dibutuhkan. Lalu, data diuji menggunakan paired sample t-test. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh workshop body mapping dalam meningkatkan self-esteem pada ODHIV.
Jurnal Teknik Vol 8, No 2 (2019): Juli-Desember 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31000/jt.v8i2.2227


PT. GMF Aero Asia is Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO). The Cabin Maintenance Unit (Furnishing Service and Uphostery) is responsible for work related to the interior area of the aircraft. Included in the component is the Passenger Seat. Cabin Maintenance Office at GMF in performing maintenance services which have several different types of problems, namely in terms of billing to customers there are two indicators, including material, manpower and man hours. The company has an old system, the SAP 2010 series, where all work processes cannot be covered so it requires several additional applications. In response to this, the company provides a new system that can make all data analysis in one application. The system has been used by several airlines throughout the world. Namely the latest SAP with the name SWIFT SAP Enterprise, but the new system is not running without problems. Because basically the use of SWIFT SAP Enterprises which refers to the applicable maintenance manual is very inflexible as well as a lot of actual time in the field that is not counted in billing. In this case, improvements will be made by comparing the application of one of the principles of Time Motion Study to the system used by PT. GMF Aero Asia recently. All aspects will be examined so that the best results can be known. The questionnaire will also be distributed before and after the application of the method. So that it can be seen from all aspects related not only production but all supporting staff who are in the Maintenance area. The research will also solve the problem of both the general aspects of the unit's production and finance as a whole for one year. So that it can be known with certainty the advantages and disadvantages that occur during the treatment process. After all the analysis was done, it was found that there were some deficiencies that occurred in the SAP Enterprises system, where a lot of profit was lost from the maintenance process that occurred. So there are several alternatives that can be taken by Cabin Base Maintenance shop units. Alternatives taken include making rearranging work hours based on actual time with the draft that has been made. Arranging training schedules for employees regarding the Swift system in accordance with their work area. And counseling about financial issues related to the flow of work in the Workshop Seat Cabin maintenance area. Keywords: SWIFT SAP Enterprise, Passenger Seats, Time Movement Study, Stop Time, Normal Time, Cycle Time, Overtime, Calculator
Hubungan Pengetahuan Guru Dan Pengelola Kantin Tentang Gizi BTP (Bahan Tambahan Pangan) Terhadap Penggunaan BTP Beresiko Pada Makanan Anak SD Di Surakarta Siti Handayani; Hartono Hartono
Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 5 No 2 (2016): INTEREST : JURNAL ILMU KESEHATAN
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/interest.v5i2.53


Abstract: Knowledge, BTP, Metanyl Yellow, Rodhamin B, Borax, Formalin. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge Nutrition (BTP) Teachers and business school canteens with the use of food additives in food risk children in elementary schools in Surakarta. This type of research is descriptive analytic survey method. The population in this study is Professor and catering manager/ cafeteria in five elementary schools in Surakarta totaling 50 respondents, totaling 34 kinds of food samples. The sampling technique used in this study is a cluster random sampling. The statistical test used is descriptive statistics. The level of knowledge of teachers and canteen manager is; 84% good, and 16% adequate. There is no BTP (methanyl yellow, rodhamin B, borax and formaldehyde) in food in the school canteen, and there is a correlation level of knowledge with the use of BTP.
Pengaruh Pemberian Seledri (Apium Graveolens L.) Terhadap Penurunan Hiperkolesterolemia Pada Lansia Di Panti Wreda Darma Bhakti Kasih Surakarta Hartono Hartono; Siti Handayani
Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 6 No 2 (2017): INTEREST : JURNAL ILMU KESEHATAN
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/interest.v6i2.105


Abstract: Celery, Hypercholesterolemia. Dyslipidemia is a lipid metabolic disorder characterized by elevated total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides above normal values and a decrease in HDL cholesterol. In traditional medicine, herb celery has been used as a medicine to lower cholesterol levels because of the content of unsaturated fatty acids in celery plants. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of celery extract on the decrease of hypercholesterolemia in Elderly. Type The design of this study is quasi experimental with one group pre test post test design. The population in this study were all elderly in Panti Wreda Darma Bhakti Kasih Surakarta in 2016 with total sampling that is all respondents of the research after examination total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL at Parahita Diagnostic Center Surakarta Laboratory with high cholesterol result of 29 people. Result of Analyst Paired t-test Total Cholesteol levels before and after giving Celery extract in Elderly showed P value 0.029 which means there is influence between before and after giving Celery extract. Result of Willcoxon test analysis of Triglyceride level before and after giving Celery extract in Elderly obtained P value: 0,414 which means no influence between before and after giving Celery extract. The results of Willcoxon test analysis of LDL levels before and after giving Celery extract in Elderly obtained P value: 0,102 which means no influence between before and after giving extract Celery
Pengaruh Penggunaan Panduan Tanggap Bencana Terhadap Strategi Koping Keluarga Dalam Menghadapi Kerentanan Bencana Tsunami Di Desa Gunturharjo Kabupaten Wonogiri Suyanto Suyanto; Hartono Hartono
Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 8 No 1 (2019): INTEREST : JURNAL ILMU KESEHATAN
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37341/interest.v8i1.119


Background: Tsunamis are one of the most frequent disasters in Indonesia and are very risky along the southern coast of the island of Java, including the area of Wonogiri Regency which has a southern coastline. The tsunami resulted in losses not only of loss of property and lives but also of the psychosocial impact of mental health disorders. Therefore tsunami disaster preparedness is carried out not only on physical aspects but also on psychosocial aspects such as disaster response by improving family coping strategies. Methods: This study wanted to see the effect of using disaster response guidebooks on family coping strategies to deal with tsunamis. The population of this study was people living in the coastal area of Nampu, Guntur Harjo sub-district, Parang Gupito, Wonogiri Regency, Central Java, with a sample of 240 households. The study design used one group pre-post test with a quasi-experimental approach where the research data collected were analyzed using a Chi-Square test. Result: The results showed that p-Value = 0,000 <0,005 so it can be concluded that there are differences in family coping strategies between before and after using the tsunami disaster response guidelines. Conclusion: It is recommended to continue preparedness efforts and disaster response efforts using existing guidelines and conduct research on areas that have different characteristics.
POTENSIA: Jurnal Kependidikan Islam Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/potensia.v1i1.1241


Tulisan ini bertujuan membahas plus minusnya pelaksanaan otonomi pendidikan di lembaga pendidikan serta realisasi kegiatan dimaksud. Otonomi pendidikan dimaksudkan sebagai pemberian sebagian wewenang dalam pengelolaan pendidikan kepada daerah, tanpa mengabaikan wewenang Pusat dan standarisasi nasional. Nilai lebih dari otonomi pendidikan dapat dilihat dari kemandirian SDM yang ada di daerah dalam mengelola pendidikan, dan masyarakat daerah dapat merasa memiliki hasil pembangunan pendidikan di daerahnya sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kondisi setempat. Efek negatif yang mungkin menjadi nilai minus bagi pelaksanaan otonomi pendidikan adalh memungkinkan terjadinya arogansi daerah, yang disebabkan oleh perbedaan mencolok antar berbagai daerah yang ada.Realisasi otonomi pendidikan di Indonesia dapat dilihat dari manajemen berbasis sekolah, di mana pengambilan keputusan yang semula berada di Pusat/Kanwil/Kandep ke level sekolah dan pendidikan berbasis masyarakat, di mana masyarakat sebagai elemen sosial diberdayakan melalui peran serta mereka dalam penyelenggaraan dan pengendalian mutu layanan pendidikan dengan membentuk komite sekolah.
Monitoring mangrove disappearance by remote sensing: A case study in Surabaya, East Java-Indonesia Hartono Hartono; Bangun Muljosukojo
Indonesian Journal of Geography Vol 21, No 61 (1991): Indonesian Journal of Geography
Publisher : Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ijg.2194


This study deals with the application of remote sensing in monitoring mangrove disappearance. Color aerial photograph scaled to 1:30.000 of 1981, numerical data of Landsat satellite taken in 1985 and SPOT satellite data of August 30, 1988 were used. The photograph was interpreted manually, while the digital analysis with DIDACTIM software was applied to the Landsat and SPOT data. Barycentric supervised classification procedure was used in clasiffing mangrove and land use classes. Key interpretation of mangrove type was obtained by field check in 1989.Two types of mangrove (Avicennia sp and mixed mangrove) could be identified both on the aerial photograph and on the SPOT data. The extent of mangrove in 1981 was measured manually, while those in 1985 and 1988 were obtained by multiplying the number of pixel (picture element) and the spatial resolution of Landsat and SPOT respectively. During seven years (1981-1988), there were 852 hectares of mangrove in the study area which have been cut.For mangrove reforestation purposes, two mangrove zonations are presented ; one is based on the salinity gradient, while the other is based on the Ciloto formula. It seems that the second zonation is quite good for the study area.
The Use Of Remote Sensing For Mangrove Ecosystem.Monitoring In Segara Anakan Central Ja Va Hartono Hartono
Indonesian Journal of Geography Vol 39, No 2 (2007): Indonesian Journal of Geography
Publisher : Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ijg.2242


The paper deals with an actual condition of mangrove ecosystem in Segara Anakan Central Java by analysing them from remote sensing satellite image such as SPOT XS and Landsat 1M recorded in between 1981 and 2003. Digital and manual image analysis were applied Field checks were conducted in 199 3 and in 2005.The result show that three aspects of mangrove ecosystem can be studied from the remote sensing data, i.e. mangrove zonation, land cover changes and mangrove physical ecosystem changes. In mangrove zonation, it showed that three to four zones in mangrove forest zonation can be identified by satellite digital data analysis, especially in accretion areas. Mangrove of these areas actually suffers from human pressures, mainly for fishery and agriculture activities, and environmental changes. Lagoon morphometric decreased considerably and its influenced the existence of the mangroves. Mangrove extend in Segara Anakan, the mangrove forest covers 8600ha in 1987 and 7500ha in 1998, and in 2008 it decreased considerably. The lagoon of Segara Anakan undergoes to be disappeared by sedimentation processes from its hinterland In consequence mangrove ecosystem in the region is in dangerous condition
Jurnal Kebidanan Vol 5, No 1 (2016): JURNAL KEBIDANAN
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (251.963 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/jk.5.1.2016.30-34


Latar Belakang : Kondisi bayi baru lahir cenderung secara neuromuscular dan fisik tergantung pada proses pematangan janin selama kehamilan. Dan untuk mematangkan sistem neuromuscular dapat dilakukan dengan pelatihan Ballard Score. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan stimulus pada bayi baru lahir melalui gerakan-gerakan yang akan meningkatkan kematangan neuromuscularnya. Tujuan Penelitian: Ingin mengetahui adakah manfaat terhadap kematangan neuromuscular dengan metode ballard score pada bayi baru lahir. Metode : Jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 23 sampel dengan tenik purposive sampling. Hasil : Berdasarkan analisa data, didapatkan nilai t hitung 5,089. Apabila dk = 22, dan taraf kesalahan ditetapkan sebesar ? (5%) maka harga t tabel = 2,074. Harga t hitung adalah harga mutlak, jadi tidak dilihat (+) atau (-)nya. Ternyata t hitung > t tabel, (|-5,089|>2,074) dengan demikian Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima yang berarti bahwa terdapat manfaat kematangan neuromuscular sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan pelatihan ballard score. Simpulan: Berdasarkan rumusan masalah dari hasil penelitian dilakukan di RSUD Dr. M. Ashari Pemalang, maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa terdapat Manfaat Kematangan Neuromuscular Dengan Metode Ballard Pada Bayi Baru Lahir.
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan No 2 (2006): Cakrawala Pendidikan, Juni 2006, Th. XXV, No.2
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3381.226 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v1i2.8525


icle is based on a classroom action research aimed at1I11"'1r"l11~ ....n'TO'fl~01n't in classes of Bahasa Indonesia at........... ,..,., ............, .... V ..... IIoJI'lIlo"_IJI,.V were VIJI,._~"'_.II.Jl.II.VLanguage A....Iu.'~"""'Q".4."AVJLA'"A....Iu.·~"""'''''... ''.a.V'A.a. Study Programs, numbering fifty-one,and thirty-eight, respectively. The analysis the__.11.'"'1-'.11..11. __ through observations, tests, and writing assignments, wasand qualitatively descriptive.o"'r.ln........\~111C"n1!4r'\O't'\,. were based on the levelworks, which was indicated by the scores obtained.The resultsof the action research can be asfollows. First, the students' skills writing scientific works arecategorized good so that the learning model employed in theresearch, composedof discussion, assignment the form writingpractice, and lecture related to theoryof writing complete withwritten material of various forms, is considered good or appropriate.Second, an explorationof students' needs and a discussion to anagreement about the learning material, model, and evaluation haveimproved their awarenessof significant matters and theirresponsibilities in classes.
Co-Authors Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Abdillah Abdillah Abdullah Nur Aziz abdullah nur aziz Achmad Noor Fatirul Achmad Setiyo Prabowo Adeng Slamet Adi Nugroho Aditya Aditya Rinanjani Agus Iwan Santoso Agustina Ayu Andira Ahmad Zazili Ainun Jariah Alaya Fadllu Hadi Mukhamad Alpin Prima Laia Ambar Kusumandari Ambika Putri Perdani Ana Musdalifah Andri Winata Anis Widaryanti Mahardika Anis Widaryanti Mahardika Anisa Nur Hidayah Anny Nurbasari Ari Natalia Probandari ARIF HIDAYAT Ashar Ashar atiek suprapti Aulia Windyandari Aulia Windyandari Ayu Fadhilah Ayu Sholiha Ariyani Raharjo Baharuddin Baharuddin Bambang Sulistyo Bambang Tjahjono Bangun Muljosukojo Bani Nurul Adha Berlian Arswendo Adietya Bulan Kakanita Hermasari Cau Kim Jiu Cindy Asli Pravesti Dian Armanto Didik Ariwibowo Didik Purwadi Donna Sampaleng Drs. INDARTONO M.Par M.Si Dwi Lestari Dwi Lestari EF Sigit Rochadi Effendi Nawawi Endah Dwi Maharsi Erna Sukestini Erni Jumiastuti Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari Fachrudy Asj’ari Fanny Saptiani Fardzaneala Suwarto Farid, Dimas Ardika Miftah Farzand Abdullatif Fathimah Nur Hasanah Fatya Azizah Feber Antarius Ginting Febi Wahyu Lastika Sari Febi Wahyu Lastika Sari Fenny Saptiani Fiqqih Faizah Fitri Daryanti FM. Judajana Frans Judea Samosir Frida Ramadian Fuad Abd Rachman Hadiyah Hadiyah Haris Saefurrahman Hasmiana Hasmiana Hendra Rohman Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha Heri Sudarmadji Histiarini, Aprisa Rian Husna Arifah I Made Bagus Dwiarta Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo Ignatius Gunawan Widodo Imam Barnadib Imam Teguh Prasetyo Indartono Indartono Indri Erwhani Iwan Setiawan Jati Handayani Jati Utomo Dwi H Jesi Irwanto K Anom W Kasmiah Kasmiah Kastam Syamsi Krisna Dwi Purnomo Jati Kurnia Adiati Putri Kurniawan Findiatmaja Kus Prihantoso Krisnawan Kustori Kustori Kuswadi Kuswadi Lasmita sari Latifah Aulia Harini Lely Tri Pangesti Livia Ary Kusumastuti Lukman Lukman Lusiana Novita WS Lutfan Lazuardi M. Ariza Eka Yusendra Maefa Eka Haryani Maghfirotul Lathifah Malarsih Malarsih Marhadi Saputro Maria Theresia Heni Widyarti Marlinang Isabella Silalahi Marlita Pramuharti Masryna Siagian Matsuri Matsuri Meiyanti Widyaningrum Meliana Hardianti Melly Ariska Moch Abd Azis Mochammad Maksum Machfoedz Mochammad Noor Akhmadi Moh Nur Sholeh Mohammad Fachrurrozy Mohd Ridwan Muh irfan Muhammad Ilham Syarif Muhammad Jazuli Muhammad Khalifah Mustami Muhammad Sehah Mukhammad Yusuf Hakim Nastiti Anggraini Ni&#039;mah Nersiwad Nersiwad Ninik Lukiana Nurhalim Nurhalim Nurmaningsih, Nurmaningsih Nyaris Pambudiyatno Paisal Halim Pangi Pangi pargaulian siagian siagian Perry Boy Chandra Siahaan Pipit Skriptianata Putra Pranida Pradika, Jaka Pratama, Kharisma Priska Windayani Projo Danoedoro purwadi purwadi Qadriathi Dg Bau Rahmat Maulana Yasin Retno Ekantini Retno Winarni Rhini Fatmasari Rifdian IS Rifdian Sudjoko Rika Subarniati Riki Maulana Rochmat Martanto ROEKMOWATI ROEKMOWATI Ronggo Sadono Roy Ardiansyah Rufi'i Rufi'i Sadiman Sadiman Safriana, Eni Sahrul Iksan Sahrul Syah Sinaga Salma Sukmawati Nur Aisah Sambas Sundana Sehah Allasimy Sehah Sehah Seno Darmanto Seno Darmanto Septian Yudha Kusuma Setiaji Setiaji Setio Utomo Sigit Prihanto Utomo Simon Petrus Silalahi Siti Bilqis Sulaiman Siti Handayani Siti Nor Fazila binti Ramly Siti Zubaidah Slamet Hariyadi Sobron Y Lubis Sofyan Djamil Sri Anggarini Parwatiningsih Sri Endayani Sri Marmoah Sri Murhayati St. Y. Slamet Stefanus Rumangkit Sucilia Saputri Sugi Sugito Sugito Sugito Suhanto Suhanto Sularmi Sularmi Sunarso Sugeng Sunarto Sunarto Suparman Suparman Susilawati Cicilia Laurentia Suyanto Suyanto Syamsiah Badruddin Tatang Talka Gani Tedjo Mulyono Teguh Agustian Thoif Zara Amrullah Tina Hernawati Suryatman Totok Gunawan Totok Sumaryanto Totok Warsito Triana Pramadanti Trio Nur Wibowo Utin Desy Susiaty Vince Prima Waruwu Wahjoedi Wahjoedi Wahyu Lestari Wandra Irvandi Warso Warso Wempy Brilliansya Widia Febrianti Panjaitan Widodo J. Pudjirahardjo Yadi Ardiawan Yusuf Umardani Yuyun Suprapto Zarnzani Zarnzani Zulaika Putri Rokhimah