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Evaluasi Tes Catur Wulan di Madrasah Aliyah Kota Pekanbaru Hartono Hartono; Imam Barnadib
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 2, No 3 (2000)
Publisher : Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/pep.v2i3.2093


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan tes cawu di Madrasah Aliyah kodya Pekanbaru. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan butir soal tes cawu dan kualitas perangkat tes cawu. Untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan butir soal dilakukan analisis deskriptif terhadap guru-guru pembuat butir soal, sedangkan kualitas butir soal diukur dengan analisis empiris hasil tes cawu berupa lembar jawaban asli siswa yang dipilih secara random. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model kesenjangan (Discrepancy Model), yakni penilaian kesenjangan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesesuaian antara keadaan ideal secara teoritik dengan kondisi yang sesungguhnya. Analisis butir soal bentuk objektif dilakukan dengan komputer yakni dengan program item and analysis (ITEMAN). Sedangkan analysis butir soal bentuk essay dengan perhitungan manual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Proses pembuatan butir soal tes cawu belum mengikuti langkah baku dalam membuat tes yang standar. Butir soal yang digunakan belum pemah diuji coba dan dianalisis, sehingga karakteristik butir soal tidak diketahui. (2) Perangkat tes cawu yang digunakan oleh Madrasah Aliyah kodya Pekanbaru masih rendah. Hal ini diketahui dari hasil analisis empiris lembar jawaban asli siswa. Rendahnya kualitas butir tes cawu yang digunakan oleh Madrasah Aliyah kodya Pekanbaru sebenamya merupakan konsekuensi dari proses pembuatan butir soal yang tidak mengikuti langkah-langkah ideal secara teoritik dalam membuat soal.
Geo Media: Majalah Ilmiah dan Informasi Kegeografian Vol 5, No 2 (2007): Geo Media: Majalah Ilmiah dan Informasi Kegeografian
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/gm.v5i2.14062


Abstrak Permasalahan yang sering muncul di pusatkotapada kota-kota besar dan menengah, seperti halnyaYogyakartaadalah masalah transportasi yang pada umumnya terjadi akibat ketimpangan antara kepesatan peningkatan sarana transportasi dan rendahnya kemampuan penyediaan prasarana transportasi. Citra Quickbird dapat digunakan untuk menyajikan data dan informasi beberapa parameter yang berkaitan dengan kemacetan lalu lintas sehingga dapat digunakan untuk manajemen lalulintas dalam pemecahan masalah transportasi. Data dari 8 parameter yang digunakan sebagai masukan dalam managemen lalu lintas, 5 parameter dapat diinterpretasi dari citra Quickbird, yaitu: unsur geometrik jalan yang dipakai sebagai dasar dalam perhitungan tingkat pelayanan dan derajat kejenuhan, penggunaan lahan, bentuk persimpangan, trotoar, dan kondisi parkir. Data spasial yang diperole memiliki akurasi yang baik dengan ketelitian 98 % masing-masing untuk penggunaan lahan dan data lebar jalan. Kata Kunci: Quickbird, SIG, Kemacetan Lalulintas, Manajemen Lalulintas
Geo Media: Majalah Ilmiah dan Informasi Kegeografian Vol 5, No 1 (2007): Geo Media: Majalah Ilmiah dan Informasi Kegeografian
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/gm.v5i1.14201


The aims of this research are: 1) to build city environment spatial database using GIS based on Quickbird Satellite Imagery interpretation, secondary data, and field data, 2) to make city green space optimal model based on city environmental spatial database, and 3) to apply the model in form of Yogyakarta City Green Space Optimal Map.Research method mainly consists of four steps, they are: 1) collecting primary data and secondary data, 2) building the database, 3) arrange city green space optimal model, and 4) apply the model. Primary data are Quickbird satellite imagery and field measurement, while the secondary data obtained from the related institutions. Parameters that were used to build city environment database are comfortable level, number and distance from traffic light, number and distance from main road intersection, the distance from main road, air and noise pollution of each land use category, qualitative of inhabitant oxygen necessity of each land use category, actual green space, and potential land for green space. The database consits of spatial data in vector format and attribute data in relational structure. Spatial model was built from three overlay methods in sequencial way : they are rating method, weighted rating method, and join spatial method. The results of the research are: 1) from the imagery can be produced Land Use, Road Network, Green Space, Potential Land for Green Space Maps with interpretation accuracy are 91.1%, 100%, 95.8%, and 94.8% respectively, 2) GIS procedure is able to build city environment spatial database and to perform a model of city green space optimal distribution, 3) The need of green space is 1022.9 ha, actual green space available is 94.87 ha, and potential land for green space in Yogyakarta city  is 111.92 ha, 4) Distribution of the need of green space are along the main roads and its intersections. The areas cover along the roads of : 1) Adisucipto-Urip Sumoharjo– Sudirman–Diponegoro – Kyai Mojo–Godean streets (to city boundary), 2)  Kusumanegara-Sultan Agung-Ahmad Dahlan–Wirobrajan–Martadinata streets (to city boundary), 3) Supeno-Sugiono–Sutoyo–M.T.Haryono–Sugeng Jeroni streets, 4) Magelang,-Herman Yohannes-Sutomo–Suryopranoto-Bausasran–Juminahan–Suryat majan–Gadjah Mada-Mataram–Suryotomo streets, 5) Cokroaminoto–Kapten Tandean–Bugisan (to city boundary), Suprapto–Wahid Hasyim–Bantul streets, and 6) Katamso–Parangtritis streets (to city boundary). Key words : Quickbird Imagery, Geographical Information System, Spatial Modelling, City Green Space Optimal Distribution
Dinamika Bahasa dan Budaya Vol 5 No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Stikubank (UNISBANK) Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35315/bb.v5i1.383


There has been a hot debate concerning the effectiveness of feedback provision especially grammatical feedbacks in second language writing.  The proponents of feedback provision argue that it can help students recognize their linguistic shortcomings.  If a teacher points out to a student a grammatical error he has made, and provides -indirectly or directly- the correct form, the student will then understand the mistake he has made, learn from it, and his ability to write accurately will improve.  The opponents, on the other side, argue that the practice is ineffective and harmful and that it should be abandoned.   It make no difference who the students are, how many mistakes are corrected, which mistakes are corrected, how detailed the comments are, or in what form they are presented, the corrections have no effect.  This research was aimed at finding out the effectiveness of feedback from the perspective of the students and the pre and post writing tasks.  Forty students participated as respondents.  They were the students of Writing 4 course at College of Language of Sultan Agung Islamic University.  The participants in the research wrote essays and the teacher provided feedbacks for the grammatical errors found in the essays. At the end of the experiment, questionnaire of Likert-scale type inquiring their perception about the provision grammatical feedbacks were distributed. The data were analyzed descriptively. Their pre and post task writing scores were also compared statistically.   Keywords: grammatical feedback, effective, second language writing
Kekuatan Tarik Komposit Matrik Polimer Berpenguat Serat Alam Bambu Gigantochloa Apus Jenis Anyaman Diamond Braid dan Plain Weave Sofyan Djamil; Sobron Y Lubis; Hartono Hartono
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 7 No 1 (2014): April 2014
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

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Abstrak : Komposit merupakan suatu struktur material yang terdiri dari dua atau lebih konstituen yangdikombinasikan secara makroskopi, kombinasi tersebut tidak saling melarutkan. Matrikmenggunakan polymer dan reinforcement berupa fiber bahan alam bambu jenis gigantochloaapus dipotong berbentuk serat. Metode penelitian diawali dengan pembuatan cetakan(molding) dengan ukuran 500 x 500 x 20 mm, pemotongan bambu sebagai reinforcementberbentuk serat dengan ketebalan 1,5 mm, pembuatan anyaman tipe diamond braid dan plainweave, proses manufaktur bahan komposit dengan metode hand lay-up, ketebalan bahankomposit 4 mm, pembuatan spesimen dengan standar ASTM D3039 dengan sudut orientasi 0o,45o, 90o. Selanjutnya dilakukan proses pengujian tarik untuk mendapatkan nilai kekuatan tarikmaksimum (ultimate tensile strength). Nilai kekuatan tarik maksimum untuk spesimen diamondbraid sudut orientasi 0?: 1,963 N/mm2, 45?: 2,387 N/mm2 dan 90?: 2,253 N/mm2. Nilaikekuatan tarik maksimum untuk spesimen plain weave sudut orientasi 0?: 4,2 N/mm2, 45?:2,017 N/mm2 dan 90?: 4,2 N/mm2.Kata kunci: gigantochloa apus, diamond braid, plain weave, hand lay-up, ultimate tensilestreng.Abstract : Composite is a structure consisting of two or more constituents which combinedmacroscopically. The combination is not mutually dissolve. Using a polymer as a matrix andfiber reinforcement material in the form of natural bamboo Gigantochloa apus of fiber-shapedcut. The research method begins with making the mold with a size of 500 x 500 x 20 mm.Cutting-shaped bamboo as reinforcement fibers with a thickness of 1.5 mm, the manufacture ofwoven braid-type diamond and plain weave, the manufacturing process of composite materialsby hand lay-up method, the thickness of 4 mm of composite materials, the manufacture of thespecimen with ASTM D3039 at an angle variation of 0° orientation, 45o, 90o. Tensile testingprocess is then performed to obtain the maximum value of the tensile strength (ultimate tensilestrength). The maximum tensile strength values for diamond braid specimen : 2.253 N?: 2,387 N/ mm2 and 90?: 1.963 N / mm2, 45?orientation angle 0 / mm2. The maximum tensile strengthvalues for plain weave specimen orientation : 4.2 N / mm2.?: 2,017 N / mm2 and 90?: 4.2 N /mm2, 45?angle 0Keywords : gigantochloa apus, diamond braid, plain weave, hand lay-up, ultimate tensilestrength
The difference of Natural Killer cell activities of the people live in the aircraft noise area of Adi Soemarmo Airport Boyolali, Surakarta, Indonesia Hartono Hartono
Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) Vol 43, No 01 (2011)
Publisher : Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (611.068 KB)


Exposure to noises contributes to a health risk. There is sufficient scientific evidence that noise exposure couldinduce hearing impairment, hypertension and ischemic heart disease, annoyance, sleep disturbances, and decreasedschool performance. Other evidence as changes in the immune system and birth defects is limited. The aims of thisstudy is to find out the difference of Natural Killer (NK) cell activities of the people live in the aircraft noise area ofAdi Sumarmo Airport, Boyolali, Surakarta, Indonesia. The research design was an analytical with a cross sectionalapproach, taking location at the Dibal and Gagak Sipat Villages, Ngemplak Sub district, Boyolali District. The studywas conducted from June 2008 to June 2009. The number of subjects involved was 39. They were divided into 3groups. Group 1 was exposed to 52.17 dB of noise level (13 respondents). Group 2 was exposed to 71.79 dB ofnoise level (13 respondents), and Group 3was exposed to 92.29 dB of noise level (13 respondents). The cytotoxicitiesof NK cells was measured by flowcytometric and using a non-radioactive method. The samples were taken using asimple random sampling. The data were analyzed by Anova followed by Post Hoc Test using LSD test completedwith Homogenous Subsets. The results showed that the activity of NK cells of Group 1, 2 and 3 were 12.50 +3.25%,17.20 3.06%, and 22.33 6.30 %, respectively. The Anova test showed that there was a significantdifference of NK cell activities, in the groups of respondents (p =0.000). In conclusion, there was a significantdifference of the NK cell activities of the people live in the aircraft noise area of Adi Sumarmo Airport, Boyolali,Surakarta, Indonesia.Key words : noise-immune system-flowcytometric-blood mononuclear cells-health risk
Poland anomaly associated with ocular anomalies Hartono Hartono
Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) Vol 24, No 01 (1992)
Publisher : Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran)

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A 6-year old boy suffering from Poland anomaly has been reported. The patient showed a complete picture of this malformation which consisted of aplastic greater pectoral muscle and breast on the left side of the chest, as well as oligodactily of the left hand.Other anomalies found were ocular and oral anomalies. The ocular anomalies consisted of hypertelorism, bilateral esotropias due to bilateral abducent palsy, and bilateral optic nerve hypoplasia. Oral anomalies consist of the inability to close the mouth properly and the inability to smile may be due to the defect of oral muscles.Key Words: Poland anomaly - chest anomaly - oligodactily - ocular anomalies - oral anomalies
Colour vision and the genetics of colour vision defect Hartono Hartono
Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) Vol 22, No 03 (1990)
Publisher : Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran)

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Colour vision is one of the visual functions which is very important in daily life. The phenomenon of normal colour vision has been explained briefly in order to understand colour vision defects.The theory of colour vision has been proposed for a long time by Young and Helmholtz. According to this theory there are three kinds of cones in the retina, namely red, green, and blue cones. Each cone has maximum absorbance for red, green, and blue colours respectively, but their absorbance curves overlap each other.The absence of the function of red, green, and blue cones will cause red blindness (pro tanopia) , green blindness (deuteroanopia), and blue blindness (tritanopia) respectively. On the other hand, partial disturbances of red, green, and blue cones give rise to red weakness (protanomaly), green weakness (dcuteroanomaly), and blue weakness (tritoanomaly).The great majority of colour defects are hereditary or genetic diseases. Congenital red and green blindness are X-linked recessive diseases. The location of red and green colour vision genes and their alleles (genes for red and green colour vision defects) are in the end of the long arm of chromosome X. The two genes arc very close to each other. Congenital blue colour defect, on the other hand, is an autosomal recessive disease, and the location of the gene is at the end of the long arm of chromosome 7.Key Words: ophthalmology - colour vision defects - X-linked recessive diseases - autosomal recessive diseases - gene locations
Genetic syndromes associated with ocular anomalies Hartono Hartono
Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) Vol 19, No 02 (1987)
Publisher : Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran)

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A syndrome is defined as the concurrence or running together of constant patterns of abnormal signs or symptoms. Syndromes can be either genetic or non-genetic in origins. Genetic diseases consist of genic diseases, chromosomic diseases and embryopathies. Genetic syndromes also consist of genic disease syndromes, chromosomic disease syndromes and embryopathic syndromes. Syndromes of genic diseases are caused by pleiotropic mutation of the genes which give rise to multiple (pleiotropic) effects. Syndromes of chromosomic diseases are caused by chromosomal derangement either by the abnormalities of their structure or their number. There are many genetic syndromes associated with ocular anomalies. Geeraets has collected 436 ocular syndromes either genetic and non-genetic in origins, and 49 of 135 recognizable human malformations collected by Smith are also associated with ocular defects. Some important chromosomic syndromes such as tkisomy 21, Patau, Edward, and cri-du-chat syndromes are also associated with ocular anomalies. Key Words: genetic diseases - pleiotropic effects - ocular anomalies - chromosomic syndromes - embryopathies
Congenital cataract: A case report of two sisters Hartono Hartono
Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) Vol 18, No 04 (1986)
Publisher : Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran)

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Two sisters suffering from bilateral congenital zonular cataract have been reported-. Their parents and their one and only sister were perfectly normal. The older sister was 2 years old whereas the younger was 8 months when they were first examined and they immediately underwent discission and evacuation. It was likely that the two cases carried autosomal dominant genes for congenital zonular cataract, either non-penetrant genes or a fresh mutation of the germ cell of one of their parents. In the former the recurrence risk was 50%, whereas in the latter such risk was practically zero. Key Words: congenital zonular cataract - autosomal dominance - non-penetrant gene - fresh mutation - recurrence risk
Co-Authors Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Abdillah Abdillah Abdullah Nur Aziz abdullah nur aziz Achmad Noor Fatirul Achmad Setiyo Prabowo Adeng Slamet Adi Nugroho Aditya Aditya Rinanjani Agus Iwan Santoso Agustina Ayu Andira Ahmad Zazili Ainun Jariah Alaya Fadllu Hadi Mukhamad Alpin Prima Laia Ambar Kusumandari Ambika Putri Perdani Ana Musdalifah Andri Winata Anis Widaryanti Mahardika Anis Widaryanti Mahardika Anisa Nur Hidayah Anny Nurbasari Ari Natalia Probandari ARIF HIDAYAT Ashar Ashar atiek suprapti Aulia Windyandari Aulia Windyandari Ayu Fadhilah Ayu Sholiha Ariyani Raharjo Baharuddin Baharuddin Bambang Sulistyo Bambang Tjahjono Bangun Muljosukojo Bani Nurul Adha Berlian Arswendo Adietya Bulan Kakanita Hermasari Cau Kim Jiu Cindy Asli Pravesti Dian Armanto Didik Ariwibowo Didik Purwadi Donna Sampaleng Drs. INDARTONO M.Par M.Si Dwi Lestari Dwi Lestari EF Sigit Rochadi Effendi Nawawi Endah Dwi Maharsi Erna Sukestini Erni Jumiastuti Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari Fachrudy Asj’ari Fanny Saptiani Fardzaneala Suwarto Farid, Dimas Ardika Miftah Farzand Abdullatif Fathimah Nur Hasanah Fatya Azizah Feber Antarius Ginting Febi Wahyu Lastika Sari Febi Wahyu Lastika Sari Fenny Saptiani Fiqqih Faizah Fitri Daryanti FM. Judajana Frans Judea Samosir Frida Ramadian Fuad Abd Rachman Hadiyah Hadiyah Haris Saefurrahman Hasmiana Hasmiana Hendra Rohman Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha Heri Sudarmadji Histiarini, Aprisa Rian Husna Arifah I Made Bagus Dwiarta Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo Ignatius Gunawan Widodo Imam Barnadib Imam Teguh Prasetyo Indartono Indartono Indri Erwhani Iwan Setiawan Jati Handayani Jati Utomo Dwi H Jesi Irwanto K Anom W Kasmiah Kasmiah Kastam Syamsi Krisna Dwi Purnomo Jati Kurnia Adiati Putri Kurniawan Findiatmaja Kus Prihantoso Krisnawan Kustori Kustori Kuswadi Kuswadi Lasmita sari Latifah Aulia Harini Lely Tri Pangesti Livia Ary Kusumastuti Lukman Lukman Lusiana Novita WS Lutfan Lazuardi M. Ariza Eka Yusendra Maefa Eka Haryani Maghfirotul Lathifah Malarsih Malarsih Marhadi Saputro Maria Theresia Heni Widyarti Marlinang Isabella Silalahi Marlita Pramuharti Masryna Siagian Matsuri Matsuri Meiyanti Widyaningrum Meliana Hardianti Melly Ariska Moch Abd Azis Mochammad Maksum Machfoedz Mochammad Noor Akhmadi Moh Nur Sholeh Mohammad Fachrurrozy Mohd Ridwan Muh irfan Muhammad Ilham Syarif Muhammad Jazuli Muhammad Khalifah Mustami Muhammad Sehah Mukhammad Yusuf Hakim Nastiti Anggraini Ni'mah Nersiwad Nersiwad Ninik Lukiana Nurhalim Nurhalim Nurmaningsih, Nurmaningsih Nyaris Pambudiyatno Paisal Halim Pangi Pangi pargaulian siagian siagian Perry Boy Chandra Siahaan Pipit Skriptianata Putra Pranida Pradika, Jaka Pratama, Kharisma Priska Windayani Projo Danoedoro purwadi purwadi Qadriathi Dg Bau Rahmat Maulana Yasin Retno Ekantini Retno Winarni Rhini Fatmasari Rifdian IS Rifdian Sudjoko Rika Subarniati Riki Maulana Rochmat Martanto ROEKMOWATI ROEKMOWATI Ronggo Sadono Roy Ardiansyah Rufi'i Rufi'i Sadiman Sadiman Safriana, Eni Sahrul Iksan Sahrul Syah Sinaga Salma Sukmawati Nur Aisah Sambas Sundana Sehah Allasimy Sehah Sehah Seno Darmanto Seno Darmanto Septian Yudha Kusuma Setiaji Setiaji Setio Utomo Sigit Prihanto Utomo Simon Petrus Silalahi Siti Bilqis Sulaiman Siti Handayani Siti Nor Fazila binti Ramly Siti Zubaidah Slamet Hariyadi Sobron Y Lubis Sofyan Djamil Sri Anggarini Parwatiningsih Sri Endayani Sri Marmoah Sri Murhayati St. Y. Slamet Stefanus Rumangkit Sucilia Saputri Sugi Sugito Sugito Sugito Suhanto Suhanto Sularmi Sularmi Sunarso Sugeng Sunarto Sunarto Suparman Suparman Susilawati Cicilia Laurentia Suyanto Suyanto Syamsiah Badruddin Tatang Talka Gani Tedjo Mulyono Teguh Agustian Thoif Zara Amrullah Tina Hernawati Suryatman Totok Gunawan Totok Sumaryanto Totok Warsito Triana Pramadanti Trio Nur Wibowo Utin Desy Susiaty Vince Prima Waruwu Wahjoedi Wahjoedi Wahyu Lestari Wandra Irvandi Warso Warso Wempy Brilliansya Widia Febrianti Panjaitan Widodo J. Pudjirahardjo Yadi Ardiawan Yusuf Umardani Yuyun Suprapto Zarnzani Zarnzani Zulaika Putri Rokhimah