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Journal : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 3, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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This study describes the implementation of cooperation between Indonesia with Australia in the field of rule of law in the matter of people smuggling. Law enforcement cooperation agreements exist on Lombok on November 13, 2006. Indonesia as a transit Country people smuggling to Australia destinations.Based on the terms of Indonesia and Australia are facing the same threats, namely in the form of people smuggling crimes.The authors obtained data from journals, official documents, theses, books, the internet to analyze the implementation of law enforcement cooperation in the field of smuggling people between Indonesia with Australia. Theoretical framework the author use in research this is the realist perspective, theory of transnational crime from Monica Massari and Gustavo Cano, and the theory of cooperation from K. j. Holsti.Implementation of law enforcement cooperation in the field of people smuggling between Indonesia with Australia that is through dialogue, consultation and cooperation in capacity building of law enforcement, operating together in intensifying cooperation between police forces, cooperation between the institutions of Indonesia and Australia.Keywords: Treaty of Lombok, Indonesia, Australia, people smuggling, law enforcement
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 3, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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This research is about a contemporery issue in international relations study which gives description and analyzes about implementations of GITEWS (German-Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System) project in Padang as efforts to build InaTEWS (Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System). Padang is area which high in earthquake and tsunami potential. According to the research based on the number of population in coastal area, Padang is the highest in tsunami risk in the world., so Padang needs tsunami early warning system to minimize impacts that will caused by the disaster. This research was developed based on the framework of pluralism perspective that is supported by the theory of international cooperation, as well as the level of analysis using the state as the main actor in international relations. This research used qualitative methods with data collection through observation, interviews, and secondary data collection. GITEWS project in Padang implemented through capacity building with the theme "Capacity Building in Local Communities" and the development of equipment. The project contributes greatly to the development InaTEWS in Padang, one of which is the establishment of the legal basis for the implementation of a tsunami early warning system in Padang.Keywords: Tsunami, Implementations, GITEWS project, Padang, InaTEWS.
KEPENTINGAN INDONESIA AKTIF DALAM CTI (Coral Triangle Initiative) Magdalena.M, Tetty; Iskandar, Irwan
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 3, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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The purpose of this research is to observe Indonesian’s interest active in CTI (Coral Triangle Initiative) from 2006-2015. Indonesia as a maritime country with 17.504 islands and coral reefs which reached 50 875 km² made Indonesia be the one of marine biodiversity. Coral reefs have dominant contributed to Indonesia. Based on benefits of coral reefs and condition of the reefs that three quarters under threatened, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as a President has initiated CTI (Coral Triangle Initiative) and invited Philippines, Malaysia, Solomon Islands, Timor Leste and Papua New Guinea to cooperating. The fifth countries are also has a lot of coral reefs and located in the Asia-Pacific.This research theoretically has built with Pluralist perspective on international relations. This research is qualitative research which is used by library observation. Data which is gotten and collected through the journal books, the last thesis and then from internet has related to the problems.Researcher has formulated answered-hypothesis which reveals that Indonesia is active in CTI (Coral Trianngle Initiative) from 2006-2015 because Indonesia has political’s interest relating to border security and political imagery; economic’s interest with benefits arising from the utilization of coral reefs both as a medicine and as a tourist attraction that brings many advantages. But illegal fishing and destructive fishing in marine biodiversity and undermine ecosystem; and the Environment’s interest based on amount of abrasion that occurs as a result of damaged coral reefs as well as extreme climate change that also contributes to the destruction of coral reefs that requires action from the six countries to overcome that build commitment to each region to establish marine protected areas for ecosystem restoration.Keywords : CTI (Coral Triangle Initiative), Six Countries, National Interest, CTI-CFF(Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security)
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 3, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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The purpose of this research is to understand what Indonesian’s Steps Facing European Union Allegations Against Dumping Practies Indonesian Biodiesel Product In 2013. Indonesia as a biofuel exporting countries in the world, even 90% of EU imports of biodiesel from Indonesia. However, the European Union claim that Indonesia has been selling biodiesel to EU members at a price below their normal value. According to the results of the EU investigation, imposition of additional import duties for the biodiesel industry in the European Union harmed by imports of biodiesel from Indonesia and Argentina.This research theoretically has built with Liberalism perspectives on International Relations and supported by Absolute Advantage theory Adam Smith. Formulation of all arguments, facts, and theoretical framework on this research is guided by qualitative explanation methods. Technique in this research is through by the study of library. Data is gotten and collected from the journal books, the last thesis and then from internet has related to the problems.the research found that Indonesian’s Step Facing European Union Allegations Against Dumping Practies Indonesian Biodiesel Product In 2013 through suing the EU to the World Trade Organization. Indonesia suing the EU through the secretariat of the World Trade Organization (WTO) on June 10, 2014 and a request for consultations with the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) of the WTO as a third party. The Government through the Ministry of Trade will be sent a letter of objection to the European Union on the decision. The objection letter will be sent to embassies in Jakarta. Delivery of the letter will be done by the government through the Ministry of TradeKeywords : European Union, Dumping Practices, Economic, Indonesian, Biodiesel,Allegations
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol. 5: Edisi I Januari - Juni 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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This research review the Impact of SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) on Turkish Economy and Politics. Turkey's interest in SCO seen as an attempt to achieve economic interests from international trade activities. SCO is used by Turkey as a forum to expand and diversify market which has been dominated by European countries In the process of forming SCO, positive developments towards economic regionalism began to be created among Central Asian, Tiongkok and Russian based on mutual trust, and cooperation. Economic Cooperation is one of the key cooperation sectors for SCO, although at first it seemed to be covered by high levels of cooperation in the security sector. This research has theoretically been build using the Neoliberal Institutionalism perspective. This type of research is qualitative research. Data presented on secondary data through literature studies such as books, internet and others. Result of this research is through SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) has a positive impact on Turkish Economy and Politics. Many efforts have been made Turkey to join the European Union but Turkey has not been recognized as a member Turkey conflict with Greece related Cyprus problems becomes a Turkey barrier to join the European Union. Different The SCO that opens the door for Turkey to join as Dialogue Partner and Erdogan's desire to become a permanent member of SCO. Turkey was chosen to be a leader in SCO Energy Club activities. Turkey's economy increased after joining as a Dialogue Partner. It is expected to continue increase if Turkey's request to become a permanent member of SCO is accepted. Turki economy has increased and turkey economic cooperation in the field of export and import has increased as well as the welfare of the Turki community. Keywords: Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Economic and Politic
DAMPAK EKSPOR UBI KAYU INDONESIA KE MALAYSIA (2009-2014) Saaduddin, Awal Fitrah; Iskandar, Irwan
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 3, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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This research discuss about the impact of export Indonesia’s cassava to Malaysia (2009-2014). The aim of this research is it know what export cassava’s impact to the economic and political sectors in Indonesia. Cassava was choosen as a research subject because as one of the best commodities in national commodities. Not only in a good climate, good temperature, good human and natural resources. But also easy in the planting, growing, and having ability to be food stufle and industrial raw is the reason this research appointment. Based on author would like to see what is the impact of economic and political term. From cassava’s export after that cooperation process for Indonesia which is able to be a reference for other.This also explain how the Indonesia government’s efforts in building these commodities and makes this commodity is able to full fill domestic demand and take it off as an export commodity based a second cooperation between Indonesia and Malaysia regarding of foodcrops cooperation. In the other case, demands to the Indonesia government in has role foe that success of this cassava’s commodity export to Malaysia is needed all efforts both in pro-farmers, regulation, policy, strategy, innovation, and good accomodation like of export equipment, and capital. The government should be able to accommodate every farmer’s need, which is the success of a country for farmers is the creation of an agribusiness based on national and international agricultural.Keywords: impact, export, cassava, national commodity, Indonesia, Malaysia.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 2, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2015
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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This research purpose to determine Pacu Jalur as a tourist attraction in Kuantan Singingi district Riau Province. This research uses a descriptive quantitative method to study the issue discussed. The sample in this research is 100 respondents which were taken by using accidental sampling. While data collection techniques in this research using observation, questionnaire, and interview by using a likert scale as a measure to determine the length of the short interval. Based on the research that has been done, Pacu Jalur As a Tourist Attractions in Kuantan Singingi District Riau Province are included in the category of strongly agree, because Pacu Jalur is a rare cultural tradition. Keywords : Tourist Attraction, Rare, Tourism, Pacu Jalur, Kuantan Singingi district, Riau Province
Co-Authors - Fakhrurrazi A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abd Basir Laupe Abdush Shomad Adinda Sih P. R. Utami ADMIRAL ADMIRAL Afriza, Dinny Agus Setyawan Agus Subagio Ahmad Fauzul Hakim Hasibuan Ahmad Muhtadi Ahmad Thalib Ahyar Pulungan Ai Sumirah Setiawati Aldi Budi Riyanta Alfin Pania Aloysius, Mudji Triatmo Melkias Alya Putri Nabila Zahra Amran Amran Anak Agung Ketut Sudharmawan Andi Alimuddin Unde, Andi Alimuddin Andi Farmadi Andi Khaeriyah Andyka Dwi Acsazha Angger Sukma Mahendra Anik Juniwati Anis Kristiani Anis Kristiani Anis Suryaningsih Anis Suryaningsih, Anis Anong Hansakul Aprilia, Isnani AR, Machmud Arabela Grania Chaniago Ari Hernawan Ariesta, Ariesta Arina Hayati Arkha Cristya Artika Widya Sari Asep Supriyadi Asni Anwar Asri Dinapradipta Asri, Audiva Cahya Asril Asril Baharia Laitung, Baharia Baharuddin Hamzah Bambang Soemardiono Barirah Barirah Barirah, Barirah Basri Basri Berliana, Religia Fatihasari Budi I Setiawan Budi Rudianto Burhanuddin Burhanuddin Candra Ahmadi Chairuni AR Chelsy Yesicha Collinthia Erwindi Dadang Hermawan Darmansyah Darmansyah DEBBY TRISMA Defiana, Ima Desak Putu Damayanti Desak Putu Damayanti Dewi Gunawati Dewi, Putri Melati Dewisari, Devi Diah, Anang Wahid M. Dian Qurrota A'yun Didik Setiyo Widodo Djalal Er Riyanto Djoko Suryo Doune Macdonald, Doune Dwi Setyowati Dyah Rini Indriyanti Ediwar Ediwar Efni Noor Salam Ekasiwi, S.N.N. Elsiana, Feny Elya Wibawa Syarifoeddin Emiria Krisanda Endang Sutriani Ermawati Ermawati Erna Yuliandari Erna Yuliandri Erwin Sudarma Fahmi, M. Rizal Faisal Faisal Faiz Ramadiansyah Fanny Florencia Cussoy Faranita Dwi Hapsari Fatma Indriani Febby Rahmatullah Masruchin Feny Elsiana Feriza Nadiar Firmansyah Firmansyah Fuadi Fuadi Fujiastuti, Fujiastuti FX Teddy Badai Samodra Gari, Nelia Guntoro, Muhammad Yogi Guspia Ningsih Guspia Ningsih Hablinur Alkindi Hadiati E HAMIDY THALIB, HAMIDY Hamsah Hamsah Hanum Soraya Happy Ratna Santosa Harijanto Pangestu Hartono Hartono Hasrullah Hasrullah, Hasrullah Haznan Abimanyu Hendra Amijaya∗ Hera Monica Herdi Herdi Heru Nurcahyo Hugo Cantona I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna I Gede Putu Wirarama Wedashwara I Irvansjah I Ketut Sudarnaya I Ketut Suwantara I Made Denny Krishnantara Surya I Made Tangkas I Putu Sastra Wingarta I Wayan Karang Utama Imam Mutaqqijn Imas Yoyoh Ina, Ina Indra Arifin Indra Dwisaputra Irhamni . Irman Hermadi Isna Basonggo Jamaluddin Sakung Jamidi, Jamidi Jatmiko Endro Suseno Johan Irmansyah JONNI JONNI Joshua Alexandre Pratasik Joshua Gama Wastara Juliana, Anggi Junanah ., Junanah K.Y.Margiati ., K.Y.Margiati Kalsum A. M. Tobuali Kendall Malik Kiky Corneliasari Sembiring Komang Gita Krishna Murti La Harudu Lilik B Prasetyo Louise McCuaig, Louise Luh Ayu Dewi Martina Lukman Fauzi Luthfiana Nurul Hidayati M. Sulhan M.Cs S.Kom I Made Agus Wirawan . Machfud Machmud Al Rasyid Mahdi Irfani Muhammad Maria Fernanda Maria Krisnawati Marleni Marleni Martunis Martunis Meylianda Moch. Abdul Mukid Moh Syahru Romadhon Sholeh Moh. Muchtarom Muchtarom Muchtarom, Muchtarom Muhamad Shoful Ulum Muhammad Dayyan Muhammad Iffrin Delifiano Muhammad Nur Muhammad Nur Muhammad Ridwan Lubis MUHAMMAD TAUFIK Munardi Munardi Munawwaroh Kurniawati, Munawwaroh Mundi Rahayu Mustafid Mustafid Narmoatmojo, Winarno Nazaina Nazaina Nazli Hasan Ngisomuddin Ngisomuddin Ni Putu Aulia Nanda Diana Nina Dwiastuty Ninik Darmini Noerwasito, Vincentius Totok Noni Marlianingsih Norma Yunita Nova Yohana Novesar Jamarun Novi Murdiyanti Nugroho, Beny Nune Wire Panji Sakti Nur Siyam Nurdin, Apriliana Hidayati Nurmatias Nurmatias Nurmin, Marzuki Nurrohman Nurrohman Oktia Woro Kasmini H Oktia Woro Kasmini Handayani P. Jhon Alfred D.D. Pardamean Lubis Pornsuk Hunnirun Pradina, Siska Purnama, Shilmy Puteri Fitriaty Putri Fazriyanti, Putri Putri Melati Dewi Putri Meutia Sari Putri, Wella C. Putu Candra Sasmita R. A. Antari Innaka Rahmaniyah Dwi Astuti Ratman Ratman Redemtus Heru Tjahjana Reflina Suak Rena Rahmanegoro Rendy Bayu Aditya Resmi Kurnia Julia Sari Ridarta, Wimbi Julio Rina Supriatnaningsih RINEL MA FITLAYENI S.Sos Ririen Hardani Ririn Sulpiani Ririn Wahyuningtyas, Ririn Ririn Yusliar Rahman Rizky Rachmadanti Rizvanda Ryan Savero Rizvanda Ryan Savero RO’IS, IHSAN Rolastin, Boy Ronalmanto Ronalmanto Rosaria Eka Pratiwi Rosma Hani Damayanti, Rosma Hani Rudatin Windraswara Rudolf Y. Ompusunggu Ruly Pahlevi Rum Hastuti Rusdian Noor Dermawan Saaduddin, Awal Fitrah Sadida Aghnia Saifuddin Zuhri Qudsy Sajidan Sajidan Saldy Yusuf Salma Rahma Chrisya Adriani Samsul Ode Santo F Wijaya Santo F. Wijaya Santo Fernandi Wijaya Sateria, Angga SATRIYAS ILYAS Satriyo Adhy Sawitri Septi Triana Sinung Khoirot Siti Halidjah Siti Sofro Sidiq Sitti Arwati Slamet, Muji Sofian Deo Ananto Songpol Tornee Sri Nastiti Nugrahani Ekasiwi SRI RAHAYU Sri Winarti Durandt SRIYANTO SRIYANTO Sudarno Sudarno Sudiyarmanto Sudiyarmanto Sukmawati Sukmawati Sumiyarti Sumiyarti Supriyatno, Tri Octivan Susan Sutardi Sutardi Suwarso Suwarso Syafniati Syafniati Syahrur Razy Syaiful Rassa, Syaiful syakir syakir Syamsuri Syamsuri Syarifatunnisa Tandiyo Rahayu Tandyo Rahayu Taufiq El Rahman Tetty Magdalena.M, Tetty Theodorus Mulyanandrio Wicaksono Tiara Kartika Rini Totok Noerwasito Udi Harmoko Umra Hi. A. Ambai Wahyu Adi Kristanto Wakhid Ahmad Jauhari Washinton, Rahmad Wening Udasmoro Widodo Brontowijoyo, Widodo Wila Prakasita Scotiswara Supomo Winarno Winarno Winarno Winarno Winarno Winarno Winarno Winda Lestari Windi Novianti WINGARTA, I PUTU Wisnu Retno Kartika Sari Yani Nurhadryani Yasin Setiawan Yasir Yasir Yasir Yasir Yeni Ariza Rostia, Yeni Ariza Yerianne Christa Haywood Yundari, Yundari Yunes Aplia Mustika, Yunes Aplia Yunita, Norma Yunus Kendek Paluin Yurnalis Yurnalis Yusni Ikhwan Siregar Yusuf Ariyanto Zufriwandi Siregar Zulham Apandy Harahap Zulkarnain Zulkarnain Zulkifli - Zuly Qodir