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All Journal Katalogis Jurnal Psikologi JURNAL AKUNTANSI DAN AUDITING Prosiding Seminar Nasional MIPA UG Journal Jurnal Curvanomic Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran IBDA` : Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya REKA KARSA Jurnal Sains dan Pendidikan Fisika LaGeografiA Journal of Marine Research Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani Avatara Majalah Kedokteran Bandung AKSIOMA Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia ULUL ALBAB Analisis: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Jurnal Theologia Proceeding Buffalo International Conference Progresiva : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam Al-Ulum Jurnal technoscientia Jurnal Teknologi Jurnal Rekavasi Cendekia Jurnal Muadalah KURVA S JURNAL MAHASISWA Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Biotropika PRESTASI ThufuLA: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Guru Raudhatul Athfal Jurnal Matematika & Sains COMPETITIVENESS JOURNAL Business UHO: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis REZ PUBLICA Proceeding SENDI_U Justicia Islamica : Jurnal Kajian Hukum dan Sosial Tanzil: Jurnal Studi Al-Quran Register: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi Musawa : Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam GARIS Jurnal Mahasiswa Jurusan Arsitektur Binus Business Review JMPM (Jurnal Material dan Proses Manufaktur) Journal of Governance and Public Policy Journal of Health Education Indonesian Journal of History Education BIOLINK (Jurnal Biologi Lingkungan, Industri, Kesehatan) LET: Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching Journal Chimica et Natura Acta SYAMIL: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam (Journal of Islamic Education) Syntax Literate : Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia Kinerja: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen Forum Ekonomi : Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Akuntansi JURNAL MANAJEMEN SAMARAH: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam Jurnal BALIRESO Jurnal Laut Khatulistiwa Jurnal Ilmiah Professional Indonesia Tarbiyatuna Proceeding INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR IMPROVING TROPICAL ANIMAL PRODUCTION FOR FOOD SECURITY Tawazun: Journal of Sharia Economic Law Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review Scientific Journal of Reflection : Economic, Accounting, Management and Business Jurnal BISNIS & KEWIRAUSAHAAN Jurnal Sosial Humaniora JURNAL AKUNIDA Warta Penelitian Perhubungan Al-Hikmah: Jurnal Agama dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Proceeding - Sari Mutiara Indonesia International Conference on Health International Journal of Active Learning Rainbow : Journal of Literature, Linguistics and Cultural Studies SALTeL Journal (Southeast Asia Language Teaching and Learning) IJISH (International Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities) JURNAL MEDIA HUKUM DAN PERADILAN International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Borneo TSAQOFIYA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Jurnal Berdaya Mandiri Al-Azkiya : Jurnal Pendidikan MI/SD JURNAL PUBLISITAS JURNAL CIVIC EDUCATION: MEDIA KAJIAN PANCASILA DAN KEWARGANEGARAAN Jurnal Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan (Indonesian Journal of Road Safety) Janaka : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat SUHUF: Jurnal Pengkajian Al-Qur'an dan Budaya JURNAL CAPITAL : Kebijakan Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Akuntansi Virtuoso: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Musik JURNAL TEKNOLOGI TECHNOSCIENTIA Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies Jurnal Ilmiah Abdi Mas TPB Unram Maslahah: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Nusantara Hasana Journal Edible : Jedb Journal of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacy (JECP) Proceeding Biology Education Conference Malikussaleh Journal of Mechanical Science Technology Dinamis @-Publik: Jurnal Administrasi Publik
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JURNAL TEKNOLOGI TECHNOSCIENTIA Technoscentia Vol 1 No 2 Februari 2009
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (127.305 KB) | DOI: 10.34151/technoscientia.v1i2.400


Determining the best level of aggregation in a centralized supply chain is one of the most difficult problems because of the conflicting objectives and demand uncertainty. PT. Nampar Nos is one of leading drinking water company with various range market in some regions in Flores, even in some islands in East of Nusa Tenggara. It’s width service area and demand uncertainty. Causes the company has a good decision to decide where the warehouse should be located, and how much the optimal number of warehouses to satisfy the demand. This research uses bi-criteria model to determine the best distribution network between Warehouse and Demand Region. There are two steps in data process-ing that will be done. The first step is to determine the cost that relation with the old distri-bution network in Flores use Gaur and Ravindran model and the second step is to de-velop the new alternative use trial and error method and then calculate the total cost and also responsiveness. After the solver output, we get the best one configuration from 2 alternative configuration distribution network that is developed. Alternative 1 is the best configuration network amount warehouse and demand region which is yield in decreasing total cost per month about Rp 49.996.000 or 11% from level Rp 417.280.400 to Rp 367.284.400. And also decreasing product miles about 7.500 or 5% from 153.500 become 146.000.
Analisis Pengetahuan Masyarakat Kota Pekanbaru tentang Wisata Syariah Zulkifli, Zulkifli; Bakhri, Boy Syamsul; Yusuf, Muhammad
Al-Hikmah: Jurnal Agama dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Vol 15 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Al-Hikmah
Publisher : UIR Press

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The background of this research emerged from the phenomenon that there is a global economic development at this time, namely the seven sectors of Islamic economy that have increased significantly. One of them is sharia tourism, whereas the sector carries the concept of halal in each of its products. In Pekanbaru City, sharia tourism experiences a very significant development with the vision of Pekanbaru City as Madani city. For this reason, the writers want to examine how the understanding of Pekanbaru City people about sharia tourism. The purpose of this study was to find out how well the enderstanding of Pekanbaru City people about sharia tourism. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method with qualitative research. The population in this study was 1,038,118 people. The sample is taken from the entire population of 100 people, with the sampling technique using the Slovin formula. Based on the results of research on the analysis of people’s undersanding in Pekanbaru City about sharia tourism which was processed through respondents' answers, it can be concluded that P = 83.86%, which means that the analysis of the people’s understanding in Pekanbaru City on sharia tourism showed "very strong / know" with a percentage of 81% -100% .
An Analysis of Management Wisdom on Occupational Health and Safety at Tanjung Pura Hospital, Langkat District – 2018 Yusuf, Muhammad; Ketaren, Otniel; Dachi, Rahmat Alyakin
Proceeding - Sari Mutiara Indonesia International Conference on Health Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Sari Mutiara Indonesia International Conference on Health
Publisher : Sari Mutiara Indonesia University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.286 KB)


The result of a preliminary survey by the writer found that Tanjung Pura Hospital not yet implemented and a team for Occupational Health and Safety. Whereas, that was stated in ministry regulation at number PERMENKES 66/2016 and has to prove it with the absence of report due to occupational health and safety cases in Tanjung Pura Hospital. Based on the background, this study aimed to analyze the management wisdom on occupational health and safety. This study used the qualitative method with case study design. To collect the data the writer used interviews with several informants, that is Director of Tanjung Pura Hospital, Head of Division, Quality Team, and Occupational Health and Safety’s Team. The result of the study found that the regulation of occupational health and safety in Tanjung Pura Hospital not formed yet. In another hand, the planning and also the implementation process of monitoring and evaluation of occupational health and safety not worked. In conclusion, all the wisdom of occupational health and safety at Tanjung Pura Hospital not operated, and this study should be the basis to implement the ministry regulation PERMENKES 66/2016.
Theme Markedness in EFL Students’ Recount Texts: A Systemic Functional Analysis Hanafiah, Ridwan; Yusuf, Muhammad; Aswani, Aprilza
SALTeL Journal (Southeast Asia Language Teaching and Learning) Vol 1, No 1: January 2018
Publisher : Association of Language Teachers in Southeast Asia (ALTSA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (487.28 KB) | DOI: 10.35307/saltel.v1i1.3


This study is aimed to discover the types and the dominant type of theme markedness in EFL students’ recount texts based on the theory of systemic functional linguistics. Qualitative content analysis approach was utilized in this study. Writing sheets were utilized as the instruments of collecting the data. The data were in the form of clauses taken from 33 recount texts written by second-year students of English literature department of University of Sumatera Utara. Based on the analysis, it was discovered that there were 1144 clauses in the data. Then, in terms of theme markedness, marked theme (MT) had 213 occurrences (18.62%) and unmarked theme (UMT) had 931 occurrences (81.38%). The conclusion can be drawn that there were 2 types of markedness namely marked theme (MT) and unmarked theme (UMT), and the dominant type of theme markedness was unmarked theme (UMT). It means that the students dominantly used unmarked theme in their recount texts.Keywords: markedness, theme, recount text, systemic functional, content analysis

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The aims of this research are: (1) to test influence leadership style to satisfaction (2) to analyze the effect of organization culture to job satisfaction (3) to analyze the effect of ledership style to ferformance (4) to analyze the effect of organization style to performance (5) to analyze the effect of job satisfaction to performance. The Research used primary data tougth a survey on 131 teacher is samples taken from the total 194 teacher who already had minimum one year of service as military teacher per December 2014, The research was done from April to December 2015. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) by used to analyze this data. The results of the research show that: 1) Leadership style had positive direct and significant effect to satisfaction 2) organization culture had positive direct and significant effect job satisfaction 3) leadership style had negative effect to performance 4) organization culture had negative effect to performance 5) job satisfaction had positive direct and significant effect to performance.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Borneo Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM UBT

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2212.307 KB) | DOI: 10.35334/jpmb.v3i1.795


Program Pengembangan Kewirausahaan (PPK) merupakan usaha untuk menumbuhkan minat mahasiswa berwirausaha. Peran perguruan tinggi dalam mempersiapkan wirausaha pada hakikatnya persiapan kader wirausaha dalam segi penempaan karakter wirausaha. Dengan maksud lain, persiapan mahasiswa untuk melaksanakan wirausaha terletak pada penempaan semua daya kekuatan pribadi mahasiswa itu untuk menjadikannya dinamis dan kreatif, di samping mampu berusaha untuk hidup maju dan berprestasi, mengasah jiwa wirausaha, meningkatkan soft skill dengan terlibat langsung di dunia kerja, dan berani membuka usaha serta cakap, terampil menumbuhkan sense of business sehingga tercipta wirausaha muda potensial berbasis ipteks. Evaluasi kegiatan ini berfungsi memberi gambaran terhadap obyek yang diteliti melalui pengumpulan data terhadap populasi. Data diperoleh dari hasil kuisioner, wawancara dan observasi langsung di lapangan terhadap obyek penelitian. Sumber data adalah pengelola kegiatan PPK, dosen pembimbing kelompok usaha (tenant), dan mahasiswa kelompok usaha (tenant). Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif dengan penyajian data menggunakan pictogram, rata-rata (mean), simpangan baku (standart deviasi), skor maksimum dan minimum. Validitas dan reliabilitas instrument dianalisis menggunakan alpha cronbach’s. Hasil akhir pelaksanaan program PPK adalah 1) pengelolaan administrasi rerata 3,143 kategori baik. 2) pelaksanaan kegiatan rerata 3,452 kategori baik. 3) pencapaian tujuan rerata 3,193 kategori baik. 4) tindak lanjut pendampingan program rerata 3,578 kategori baik. Faktor pendukung program PPK adalah aspek pemahaman program, meningkatkan kemampuan dan pengalaman menyelenggarakan merupakan faktor pendukung sedangkan fakor penghambat adalah dana block grant yang diberikan pemerintah lambat, waktu yang kurang, minimnya dana stimulan untuk membuka usaha, sulitnya mencari sumber dana dari tempat lain.
Business UHO: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Vol 2, No 2 (2017): Business UHO: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (157.037 KB) | DOI: 10.52423/bujab.v2i2.9489


This study aims: To determine the effect of Employee Work Professionalism on Taxpayer Service Quality (Company) at the Primary Tax Office of Kendari City. The benefits of this research are as thought or information material in conducting research on Employee Work Professionalism on Taxpayer Service Quality, as information and study material for comparison to other researchers who have anything to do with this research. The sample of respondents in this study amounted to 30 people consisting of 25 corporate taxpayers and 5 employees of the Primary Tax Office of Kendari City. This study uses simple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the work professionalism of employees had a significant effect on the Quality of Taxpayer Services (Companies) at the Primary Tax Office of Kendari City
Jurnal Rekavasi Vol 1 No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Industri, Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (752.563 KB)


CV. Creative 71 merupakan salah satu usaha produksi pembuatan kursi bus di Yogyakarta. Pada divisi perakitan dan pengerolan kondisi kerja kurang baik, dan dapat mengakibatkan adanya cedera pada pekerja, terutama cedera pada sistem musculoskeletal. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis postur pekerja para pekerja di bagian divisi perakitan dan pengerolan dengan menggunakan metode Manual Tasks Risks Assesment (ManTRA) ManTRA, Ovako Working Posture Analysis (OWAS), dan Rapid Upper Limb Environment (RULA). Berdasarkan penelitian ini, diperoleh identifikasi postur kerja berdasarkan metode ManTRA pada divisi perakitan, jumlah pengerahan tenaga dan kekakuan adalah 9, dan nilai kumulatif resiko keseluruhan adalah 15, sehingga perlu tindakan perbaikan. Berdasarkan metode OWAS pada divisi perakitan, elemen pekerjaan 1 dan 2 termasuk kategori 4 (resiko tinggi), elemen pekerjaan 3 termasuk kategori 2 (resiko sedang). Pada divisi pengerolan, elemen pekerjaan 1,2, dan 3, termasuk kategori 2 (resiko sedang). Pengamatan postur tubuh dengan metode RULA skor total divisi perakitan, pada bagian pemasangan busa, pemasangan hidrolik dan pemasangan cover pada bagian tubuh kanan dan kiri adalah 7 (tindakan perbaikan secepatnya). Pada divisi pengerolan,skor total elemen pekerjaan 1 bagian tubuh kanan dan kiri adalah 7 (tindakan perbaikan secepatnya), skor total elemen pekerjaan 2 bagian tubuh kanan dan kiri adalah 6 (tindakan perbaikan dalam waktu dekat), skor total elemen pekerjaan 3 bagian tubuh kanan dan kiri adalah 7 (tindakan perbaikan secepatnya).
Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Hukum Jinayat di Aceh Yusuf, Muhammad
Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Islamic Family Law Department, Sharia and Law Faculty, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (239.92 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/sjhk.v3i1.3668


Efektif tidaknya sebuah aturan hukum dapat dilihat seberapa banyak masyarakat mematuhi aturan tersebut, jika sebuah aturan hukum dipatuhi lebih dari 50 (limapuluh) persen masyarakat sudah dapat dikatakan aturan tersebut efektif. Ukuran lainnya  untuk melihat sebuah aturan hukum efektif adalah dari penurunan jumlah kasus pelanggaran hukum.  Efektivitas sebuah aturan hukum sangat dipengaruhi oleh materi hukum itu sendiri, penegak hukum dan tingkat pemahaman masyarakat terhadap hukum. Dalam kajian ini, ukuran yang dipakai untuk melihat efektivitas  hukum adalah dari segi jumlah kasus atau pelanggaran hukum yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat. Kemudian pengaruh  efektivitas hukum dikaji dari sejauh mana pemahaman masyarakat terhadap hukum yang diberlakukan kepada mereka khususnya dalam hal ini adalah tentang hukum jinayat. Tingkat pemahaman masyarakat sangat ditentukan oleh keseriusan pihak yang bertanggungjawab mensosialisasikan hukum kedalam masyarakat. Khusus untuk hukum jinayat yang diberlakukan di Aceh, maka pihak yang sangat bertanggungjawab melaksanakan sosialisasi hukum adalah Dinas Syari’at Islam sebagai perpanjangan tangan Pemerintah Aceh.
The Implementation of Learning Device using Problem-Based Learning Model to Optimize Students’ Science Problem-Solving Skill Yusuf, Muhammad; Rahman, Sari Rahayu
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 4, No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (682.666 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/ijal.v4i1.20023


A research on learning device development using problem-based learning model on junior high students has been conducted. The research aims to describe the implementation result of learning device using a problem-based learning model to optimize high school students? science problem-solving skill. This research is conducted as an effort to improve education quality especially the learning process. It is a Research and Development (R&D) kind of research which is to develop learning device. 4D steps by Thiagarajan are applied in developing learning device. In addition, the learning device is tested for validity and feasibility by the expert. The research process is conducted through some phases, such as device development phase, expert test, limited test, and extended tryout on science subject of Junior High school grade VIII in Bone Bolango district. This research discusses the implementation result on an extended tryout. The findings show that the developed learning device can optimize learning management, students? activities, and students? response in which each is in good and very good category. Meanwhile, individual student learning achievement is 91% accomplished. Problem-based learning model can be applied at high school students of grade VIII especially on science subject, lesson of motion and energy.
Co-Authors A L Toleng A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abdul Latief Toleng, Abdul Latief Abdul Mutalib Ade Irma Adi Setiawan Adi, Arfiyansyah Adrian Tawai Affandi, Ikhwan Afif, M Nur Afif, Muhammad Nur Ahmad Asroni, Ahmad Akbar, muhammad fitrah Aldina, Cindy Alief Saputro Amida, Nur Amir, Muh Amri Nur Ikhsan Andi Meinar Dwi Rantisari Andi Muhibuddin, Andi Anggia Murni Ani Purwanti Anni Anggraeni, Anni Aprilianti, Lidia Ar Rouf, M Solakhudin Aswani, Aprilza Aswani, Aprilza Audra Junita, Devanya Aunurrahman Aunurrahman Bagaskoro, Andrian Yupi Bahraen, Muhammad Jauzil Bahri, Alim Baiti, Noor Bakhri, Boy Syamsul beny firman, beny Berlian, Ong Budiarti, Rery Butanil, Afwan Cahyani, Anugrah Intan Cyrilla Indri Parwati Damanik, Muhd Hayyanul Dany Try Hutama Hutabarat Darmawijoyo, Darmawijoyo Deddy Kurniawan Dedes Kusumawati, Dedes Desni Yuniarni Dewi Paramitasari, Dewi Dewi, Anna Mailasari Kusuma Dheo Rimbano Dianpurnama Dianpurnama Diasari, Nur Reta Djoni Prawira Rahardja Edward Leyn, Edward Effendi Abustam Eka Yusnaldi Endang Arisoesilaningsih Endang Widuri Asih Erni Hastuti Farid, Nurfiddin Farizka Susandra Farokah, Farokah Faruq, Muhammad Khalid Fatmawati Fatmawati Fazrin, Siti Daniati Febrianza, Muhammad Firman Tejo Supriyanto, Firman Tejo Firnanda, Amand Fitria Fitria Fitrianti, Dini Fuadi, Bakhtiar Fahmi Ginting, Sinta P Amelia Gunanjar, Aris Candra H, Yusniati Haeruddin, Karnila Hakim Akbar, Fadhli Hamdani Hamdani Hanafiah, Ridwan Hanafiah, Ridwan Hardhaka, Tri Hariyanto, Erdin Haryani, Rika Hasnita, Hasnita Hatta Abdi Muhammad Hazali, Hazali Helga Yermadona Hendra Suwardana, Hendra Herlina, Ulin Hermiyetti Hidayat, Afif Hidayat, Yunia Amanda Husein Hernadi Bahti Ibnu Hajar ILHAM ILHAM Imam Sodikin Imam Syafi’i Inayati Rif’ah, Mega Indri Susilawati Indriana, Ayu Insani, Virginia Putri Irrawan, Sandra Nur Irza Sukmana, Irza Ismail Suardi Wekke Isnaini, Junyah Leli Jeva Setty, Esterani JMV Mulyadi Joao Mario Freitas Joko Susetyo Julianto, April Julianto, Lafirsto Yogkismun Jumharis, Jumharis Kaukab, M. Elfan Ketaren, Otniel Kholik, Kusnul Khumaerah, Ratu KIKI NURTJAHJA Kurnia Itsnaini, Kurnia Laily, Zainul Larasati, Ida Ayu Putri Lasmana, Andy Lasmana, Andy Latelay, Rio Markasi Lilik Setiawan Listya Indriani, Listya liwaul, liwaul M. Munir M. Nasir Karim, M. Nasir Ma’sum, Toha Maba, Aprezo Pardodi Mahadi Mahadi Maharani, Dewi Mahyudin Ritonga Malau, Handio Oktavani Manguntara, La Mawarni, Rilla Metta Kusumaningtyas Miftachul Munir Minsas, Sukal Mira Dharma Susilawaty MUCHLIS Muhamad Ali Muhammad Elwan, La Ode Muhammad Helmi Muliawan Hamdani, Muliawan Mursal Mursal Mustaqim, Ahmad Muyassaroh Muyassaroh Nabila, Jihan Nadia Siregar, Fatin Nahdhiyah Nahdhiyah, Nahdhiyah Nazunda, Nazunda Ngatiyo - Novianti, Fani Noviyanti, Anneke Nugraheni Restu Pertiwi, Nugraheni Restu Nugroho, F.X. Kurnianto nurfitriana nurfitriana NURLAILY, NURLAILY Nurrahman Nurrahman P, M Haris Yugo P. Wisnubroto, P. Pambudi, Satrio Aji Pedia Aldy Petrus Wisnubroto Prasetya, Vicky Pratiwi, Betty Dwi Purwanto, Pratama Bimo Putra, Yandha Carbela Putri Siregar, Annisa R, Akhmad Saikhu R Saikhu R. Ukun M.S. Soedjanaatmadja Rachmat Imam Santoso, Rachmat Imam Radityo Anggoro, Radityo Rafiq, Arif Ainur Rahmadini, Ayu Rahmat Alyakin Dakhi Rahmat Hidayat Rahmawati, Agus Rangkuti, Rahmadsyah Ratih Pratiwi Rawi, Miftahul Khoiroh Reski Sudrajat Retna Putri Fauzia Rindiani, Rindiani Rini Kurnia Sari, Rini Kurnia Risma Adelina Simanjuntak Riyan Saputro, Riyan Romandhon, Romandhon Romli, Mochammad Rosliana Lubis, Rosliana Rosmini Maru Sahiruddin Sahiruddin Saputro, Ardi Saputro, Ardi Sardiyo Sardiyo, Sardiyo Sari Rahayu Rahman Sartono Sartono, Sartono Selvia, Febi Renico Setiawan, Prayitno Shirley Wahadamaputera Sidarto Sidarto Sinta Wardani Sirait, M.Munawir Siregar, Hendri ST Mubaroqah, ST Mubaroqah Sudirman Baco, Sudirman Suhaya, Yoyo Sukma Nuswantara Sulistyaningsih, Eka Sulistyawati, Endah Supitra, Iyas Supriyono Supriyono Suriani Suriani Syamsul Alam, Syamsul tania, tania Tasrief, Tasrief Taupiqurrohman, Opik Taupiqurrohman, Opik Teddy Oswari Titin Isna Oesman Toto Subroto Triyadin, Adit Tsabit Azinar Ahmad Ufi Saraswati, Ufi Ustadi, Noorchamid Wahyu Iskandar Wahyu Purnomo, Wahyu Wahyu Triyono, Wahyu Wahyuni, Rahmi Fitri Widiani, Cindy Clara Wijaya, Sebrian Hari Willy Yusmawan, Willy Winarni Winarni WISNU Wisnubroto , Petrus Yuliandi, Yuliandi Yulianti, Erni Yundari, Yundari Yunika, Kanthi Yusniati, H Yusrizal Yusrizal Zaman, Mokhammad Nur Zulkarnaim, mawardi A. Asja Zulkifli Zulkifli Zuly Qodir