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KERAGAMAN SOSIOKULTURAL MASYARAKAT Fauziah Nasution; Meiliza Sartika; M. Farhan Dwiky Nanda; Adinda Dea Nazhira
Lokakarya Journal of Research and Education Studies Vol 2, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami lebih dalam tentang keragaman sosiokultural. Untuk memahami sosiokultural lebih dalam maka penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang konsep yang berkaitan tentang sosiokultural yakni identitas budaya, pluralisme, multikulturalisme serta ingin melihat keragaman sosiokultural yang ada pada interkasi antara budaya. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus karena penelitian ini mencari data dari sumber buku dan jurnal terdahulu. Hasil penelitian ini adalah, penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang konsep-konsep seperti identitas budaya, pluralisme, dan multikulturalisme memberikan kerangka kerja untuk memahami dan menghargai perbedaan dalam masyarakat. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan interaksi antarbudaya dari penelitian terdahulu tentang pengungkapan identitas kultural, akulturasi, dan kesadaran budaya.Kata Kunci: Sosiokultural, keragaman sosiokultural, interaksi antar budaya
Analysis Planting Character Belief Self Child Age 4-5 Years through Storytelling Method Lia Rahmawati; Fauziah Nasution
TA'DIB: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN ISLAM Vol 12, No 2 (2023): Ta'dib: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Pusat Penerbitan Universitas (P2U) Unisba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/tjpi.v12i2.12370


Low student curiosity, lack of communication between teacher and students during the teaching and learning process, and some children who still cannot speak fluently have low student self-confidence. The purpose of this study was to give children the confidence they need to introduce their favorite animals to their teachers and friends and to discuss their favorite animals in front of their friends and teachers. The subjects of this study were 20 students from Bakti Pertiwi PAUD, Batang Pane II Village, East Halongonan District, Kab. North Padang Lawas, observations were made while collecting data through interviews with the school and teachers. Miles and Huberman's model is used in data analysis techniques, and there are four stages in the data analysis process: data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions, and verification with triangulation. According to the research findings, some children started speaking more confidently after Bakti Pertiwi PAUD started using storytelling techniques because children started to feel more comfortable sharing stories about their favorite animals.
Peran Keluarga Dalam Pembentukan Mental  dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Perkembangan Kognitif pada Anak Fauziah Nasution; Junita Hanum Eka Putri; Mutiara Salsabila; Andika Apriansyah
El-Mujtama: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4 No 1 (2024): El-Mujtama: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (In Press)
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/elmujtama.v4i1.3117


This article aims to reveal the importance of parental awareness in understanding children's growth and development. Parents are the first madrasah and teachers are the second education for early childhood. This research is a descriptive qualitative research in the form of a case study. Data obtained by means of observation and interviews with parents and teachers. The results of the study are the role of parents in stimulating children's cognitive development, namely as: ( observer, motivator, facilitator, madrasah, and problem server ); the second is the impact of the role of parents on children's cognitive development, namely: children are motivated to study at home, children become more critical, become more active, experience an increase in the achievement of learning outcomes, are able to set goals, and are able to bring up a character of responsibility and self-confidence. Keywords: Cognitive Development, Early Childhood
Peran Pendidikan Orangtua Dalam Mengatur Pola Asuh Anak Fauziah Nasution; Dwi Amalia Susilo; Nakita Augydia Lesmana; Nur Anissa; Salsabila Assyifa
El-Mujtama: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4 No 1 (2024): El-Mujtama: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (In Press)
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/elmujtama.v4i1.3132


This article aims to know and describe the Role of Parental Education in Organizing Childcare. The method used in this research is a literature study to find out about the Role of Parental Education in Organizing Childcare. Parents have a role to help optimize children's growth and development, so that they can achieve their developmental tasks well. The education level of mothers and fathers is an important factor that influences the parenting style of mothers and fathers. This article is written with the aim of conveying information to readers, so that it can be used as a reference to increase readers' knowledge, and can have an academic impact on the author. This article contains about how the Role of Parental Education in Organizing Parenting. Keywords: Parents, Parenting Patterns for Children
Pendidikan Remaja Dalam Perspektif Psikologi Pendidikan dan Peran Guru Bimbingan Konseling   Fauziah Nasution; Mutia Adella; Ichsani Walidaini; Mahyuni Harahap; Lisna Marselina
El-Mujtama: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4 No 1 (2024): El-Mujtama: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (In Press)
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/elmujtama.v4i1.3133


Each phase of age that the human being undergoes has special characteristics that distinguish it from other phases of growth. The purpose of this study was to find out how influential psychology education is on adolescent education. This research uses qualitative research methods, namely by utilizing sources from previous research and utilizing other sources that are library analysis as the main object of research. The results of this study are the most appropriate learning model in adolescent psychology when facing various problems that relate physical, cognitive, emotional and psychosocial. It takes the role of parents, teachers and the community to recognize their world and provide opportunities to develop within their potential. Like a form of giving rules that are looser but still controlled because they are starting to be independent. Giving praise, appreciation, affection, and growing confidence in interacting with the environment. Confidence here is when a child feels he is capable and dares to be different and holds firm to his principles when what he brings is true. The role of the counseling teacher or counselor is not only focused on helping students with problems, but on assisting all students in developing a variety of potentials, including the development of learning/academic, career, personal, and social aspects. Keywords: Teenager, psychology , counselor
Analisa Mengenai Kependidikan pada MAS PAB 1 Sampali Nursholihat Ujung; Addilla Addilla; Ariyani Pasaribu; Fauziah Nasution
El-Mujtama: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4 No 2 (2024): El-Mujtama: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (In Press)
Publisher : Intitut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/elmujtama.v4i2.4198


MAS PAB 1 Sampali is located at Jalan Pasar Hitam No. 69 Sampali, Sampali Village, Sampali Village, Percut SEI Tuan sub-district, Sampali Village, Deli Serdang district, North Sumatra Province. MAS PAB Sampali is a private school, this school is incorporated in one area or one entrance gate with several schools, so the PAB Educational Institution organizes formal education. MAS PAB 1 SAMPALI School is an educational facility located at JL. Black Market No. 69 Sampali, Sampali Village, Percut SEI Tuan sub-district, Sampali Sub-district, Deli Serdang district, North Sumatra Province was established and operational in 1988 and is still operating today. Apart from being a place of education, this school also has educators and administrators as well as school administrators with the best quality and competence in their fields, learning support activities such as extracurriculars, student organizations, learning communities, sports teams, and libraries so that students can learn optimally. MAS PAB 1 SAMPALI also guides students to have good morals (noble character), and is also a place to hone talents in various fields such as: sports in the arts and also other extracurricular activities such as Osis, Scouts and Paskibra. The facilities at the Madrasah MAS PAB 1 Sampali school can also be said to be adequate, even though the BK room is still attached to the principal's room, administration room, and UKS but there is already a special room for BK, if there are students who experience problems, they need guidance, or if you need counseling, you can go to the counseling room, the counseling room there is not too big, and there is a bathroom in it. Keywords: Madrasah, Education, Students.
Penerapan Micro Teaching Sebagai Strategi Inovatif Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pengajaran Pada Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Fauziah Nasution; Septi Ayu Harahap; Masdeani Dasopang; Dini Rosmana Tanjung; Zulham Efendi Marpaung
Tarbiatuna: Journal of Islamic Education Studies Vol 4 No 1 (2024): Tarbiatuna:  Journal of   Islamic Education Studies (In Press)
Publisher : PKP Pusat Jurnal LPPM IAi Nasional Laaroiba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i1.4491


One of the innovative strategies that has been proven effective in improving the quality of teaching is the Micro Teaching method. This method involves teaching simulations on a small scale with a focus on the important components of learning. This article aims to explain the application of Micro Teaching as an innovative strategy in improving the quality of teaching in early childhood Islamic education. This article outlines the basic principles of Micro Teaching and how their application can make a positive contribution to teaching in the context of early childhood Islamic education. The research used a descriptive-analytical approach with literature analysis. This research is qualitative in nature, where we did not collect primary data through surveys or interviews. the application of Micro Teaching as an innovative strategy in early childhood Islamic education has great potential to improve teaching quality, religious understanding, and the holistic development of Muslim children. With commitment and good cooperation from all related parties, it is hoped that the application of Micro Teaching can have a positive and sustainable impact on early childhood Islamic education.
Peran Magang Microteaching dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru dalam Mengajar Keterampilan Dasar pada Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Alia Rohali; Cut Nurul Haniyah; Fauziah Nasution; Mastianur Daulay; Nurlaila Hayati
Tarbiatuna: Journal of Islamic Education Studies Vol 4 No 1 (2024): Tarbiatuna:  Journal of   Islamic Education Studies (In Press)
Publisher : PKP Pusat Jurnal LPPM IAi Nasional Laaroiba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i1.4492


One of the efforts to increase the ability to teach masterfully is through microteaching which is carried out to maintain the quality of teaching ability, learning performance and also a good and structured learning experience. With qualified teaching skills that affect classroom management skills as well as increasing learning outcomes according to standards, it is expected to increase competitiveness through human resources that are able to turn challenges into repeaters. The aim of research is the development of microtelaching asselmel learning as an effort to prepare prospective graduates with qualified skills and teaching experience in the future for gurus through improving teaching skills. Online microtelaching as an effort to prepare professional and qualified academic candidates during the Covid-19 pandemic was designed and implemented in the learning process in microtelaching courses. Kelyword : Microtelaching, competency
Peran Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran di Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Fauziah Nasution; Khoilula Hanum Tanjung; Annisa Hadisti Rahayu; Intan Puspita Sari; Nisafira Yulianti
Tarbiatuna: Journal of Islamic Education Studies Vol 4 No 1 (2024): Tarbiatuna:  Journal of   Islamic Education Studies (In Press)
Publisher : PKP Pusat Jurnal LPPM IAi Nasional Laaroiba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/tarbiatuna.v4i1.4613


Early childhood education is the initial stage in forming a strong educational foundation for children. At this stage, the quality of learning is very important in developing children's potential optimally. One of the factors that play an important role in improving the quality of learning in early childhood education is the basic teaching skills possessed by educators. This study aims to explore and analyze the role of basic teaching skills in improving the quality of learning in early childhood education. The research used a descriptive-analytical approach with literature analysis. This research is qualitative in nature, where we did not collect primary data through surveys or interviews. basic teaching skills have a significant role in improving the quality of learning in early childhood education. Teacher educators need to develop and strengthen their basic teaching skills through continuous training and professional development. Improving the quality of learning in early childhood education will have a positive impact on children's development and their preparation for the next stage of education
ENTINAS: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Teknologi Pembelajaran Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JULI-DESEMBER

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Inclusive education emphasizes fairness, equality and recognition in the educational environment. Students’ self-confidence is important for improving their participation and achievement. This study examined the influence of parenting style on students’ selfconfidence in inclusive education. The quantitative study involved 200 students from inclusive schools in North Sumatra. Questionnaires were used to measure parenting styles and students’ self-confidence. Regression analysis showed that authoritative parenting style had a positive and significant effect on students’ self-confidence, while permissive and authoritarian parenting styles were not significantly related. It is important for educators and parents to pay attention to parenting styles that support the development of students’ self-confidence in inclusive education. Future research could look at other factors that influence students’ self-confidence and extend to a wider geographical area.
Co-Authors Abdul Halim Abdurrahim Abdurrahim Adawiyah Barus Addilla Addilla Ade Nurcahyani Ritonga Adinda Dea Nazhira Adinda Fuadilah Alhumaira Adinda Hariana Safitri Adliya Salsabila Adrian Prasetya Telaumbanua Afia Nur Meiza Afifah Umli Afrah Nadhilah Hasibuan Ali Hasnan Alia Rohali Alsya Fitri Amanda Hijriani Andika Apriansyah Anggun Hasanah Anggun Siska Pratiwi Anni Kholilah Siregar Annisa Hadisti Rahayu Annisa Hadisti Rahayu Annisa Zakhra Manullang Anti Pebriani Syahpitri Arfan Syahputra Pulungan Ariyani Pasaribu Aryanti Devi Harahap Asrul Astrid Natasya Aulia Ananda Putri Suhada Saragih Ayu Ramadani Ayu windari Br Tarigan Ayunda Syahfira Azhari Akmal Tarigan Azur Aini Harahap Bagus Pribadi Bima Khoirur Rozzaq Cantika Cantika Cici Ramadhani Putri Citra Dewi Utami Cut Nurul Haniyah Cut Nurul Haniyah Dahlia Aulia Dea Miftahul Jannah Dea Putri Jelita Delia Nurrahmah Rangkuti Desi Fitri Ramadhani Destya Aulia Dewi Purnama Sari Dia Ayu Khairani Dinda Asmidar Tanjung Dini Rosmana Tanjung Dini Rosmana Tanjung Dwi Agustia Kurnianingsih Dwi Amalia Susilo Eka Jelita Lubis Eka Riski Pitriana Eka wahyuni Elfina Yanti Siregar Eliska Eliska Eliyanti Manurung Ely Armayani Elza Fauziah Harahap Era Rahimi Br. Siregar Fadilah Sani Fadillah Ajeng Ningrum Fakhirah Batubara Fathia Jogi Septriwinti Fatin Az-Zahra Fatin Az-Zahra Fatma Gustina Fazra Khaliana Sitorus Fitra Handayani Fitrah Isna Muhabbah Nst Fitri Hayati Fitri Hayati Fitri Hayati Fitriani Harahap Fitriani Pramita Gurning Gadis Anggun Fitrah Ghina Nabilla Gisa Zel Dita Pinem Habib Munawir Hasibuan Hafizah Wichayani Rawi Hasibuan, Reni Ria Armayani Hawa Alfina Hayatun Nufus Hikmah Chairunnisa Hotma Sari Harahap Husni Nur Sakinah Husnia Rahmah Ichsani Walidaini Ikha Putri Rangkuti Inayatu Safitri Indah Fitri Anna Indri Ariani Innaya Rahmadhini Edith Insyafiatul Ummi Intan Puspita Sari Intan Syahdila Intan Wahyuni Irda Wahyuni Hasibuan Irma Qurata Aini Irwan S Irwan S Jamilah Harahap Jasmine Dwi Aulia Jihan Nabila Luqiana Junaidi Arsyad Junaidi Arsyad Juni Hati Hangoluan Siregar Junita Hanum Eka Putri Juwita Sari Karima Karima Kartika Susila Putri Khadijah Khadijah Khadijah Khadijah Khadijah Khadijah Khadijah Khadijah Khadijah Khadijah Khairani Khairani Khairani Khairun Nisa Khairunnisa Kharisma Nurfaridah Khoilula Hanum Tanjung Khoilula Hanum Tanjung Khoiriyah Anggina Br. Lubis Khumairani Putri Lannia Rojannah Siregar Lia Rahmawati Lili Yulia Anggraini Linda Mutiara Harahap Lisa Dwi Afri Lisna Marselina Luthfia Rizka M Aulia Fadlan Aminullah M. Farhan Dwiky Nanda M. Habib Rifki Nasution M. Hadad Alwi M. Maulana Mahyuni Harahap Maisyarah Maisyarah Maqbul Matondang Mardhatillah Syahril Mardianto, Mardianto Mardiatul Husna Rambe Masdeani Dasopang Mastianur Daulay Maulida Rahmah Daulay Maulida Rahmah Daulay Mawaddah Pasaribu Meiliza Sartika Mesiono Mesiono Mhd Syafi’i Saragih Mhd Yogi Heriawan Miftahul Jannah Miftahul Nizah Dalimunthe Mira Dena Pytri Panggabean Muhammad Ancha Sitorus Muhammad Faisal Hajmi Muhammad Farhan Dwizar Muhammad Sholeh Mukhyar Luthfi Murni Dahlena Nst Mutia Adella Mutiara Salsabila Nadia Afrillia. AR Nadia Meilita Nadiaul Haq Nadila Adelia Putri Nahda Sahriani Lubis Najla Siregar Najwa Kholida Najwa Rahmi Nakita Augydia Lesmana Naura Najipa Ni Komang Nandhita Dharma Santy Nisafira Yulianti Nofi Susanti Nova Sari Novia Lestari Nur Afifa Daulay Nur Ainun Nur Aisyah Saragih Nur Amina Lubis Nur Anissa Nur Laila Safitri Nur Maulida Nur Maulida Nur Rizky Tarigan Nurdelita Anggraini Nurhayati Harahap Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati Nuri Anggriyani Nurjannah Rangkuti Nurlaila Hayati Nurlaila Hayati Nurlaili Nurlaili Nursholihat Ujung Nurtia Sumarni Hasibuan Nurul Aisyah Salsabila Panjaitan Nurul Azmi Nurul Hidayah Al Haj Nurul Khoirunnisa Dalimunthe Peby Utami Puput Nurshafnita Puspa Dewi Putra Apriadi Siregar Qisthina Hasibuan Qisti Aqila Rahma Rachman Rachman Rahma Adlya Rahma Yani Rahmad Ahadi Rahmayani Bancin Rahmi Aulia Raisya Nafilah Lubis Raja Syahputra Rama Yuspika Sari Raudotul Ilmia amir Raya Idul Fitri Reni Armayani Nasution Reni Ria Armayani Hasibuan Rida Khairani Risa Ummah Pratiwi Risda Risda Riska Anita Siregar Riska Aziza Riska Rahmadani Risqi Aulia Safitri risya indriyanti surya Rizka Aulia Yanda Runi Novita Lestari Sinaga Rusman, Abdul Aziz Ryzka Aulia Sahfitri Ahwani Sahmiral Amri Raja Guk Guk Sahri Wulandari Salsabila Assyifa Salsabila Henrita Sari Salsabilah Salsabilah Samsul Harahap Sapri Sapri Sarah Rizki Aulia Sarina Wahyuni Sartika Dara Alida Harahap Sehat Harahap Selfi Purnama Lubis Septi Ayu Harahap Septi Ayu Harahap Shinta Zumana Harahap Shoni Faried Sopiyanto Sihati Sihati Silvi Dwi Nitami Silvia A nggraini Siska Astria Br Ginting Siti Aisyah Br. Purba Siti Hajar Siti Halisah Siti Khodijah Nasution Siti Kholijah Siti Nurhaliza Muda Siti Sarah Sitorus Pane Siti Suhaila Nasution Sri Ugika Wulandari Suci Mutiara Fitriah Lubis Suci Permata Hati Sumita Sabilla Supia Supia Suriani Sitorus Suriani Sitorus Syahdia Shinta Simanjuntak Syahvira Rachman Syanti Laura Berutu Syazkia Salsabila Rais Sylvina Febriant Tanti Jumaisyaroh Siregar Tara Latifah Tazkiya Aulia Ibriza Tiara Angelly Tiara Putri Mahisani Tiara Winanda Tina Alfina Sari Tria Mayanjani Tsuaibatul Aslamiyah Nasution Ulfa Hermaini Ulfa Kiranti Ulvia Nisa Ansari Ulysa Humayrah Ummi Kalsum Wafiq Syafina TP Wahyu Indah Sari Wahyuni Dazura Wahyuni Juliani Wardatul Jannah Wariono Wariono Watni Marpaung Wenny Aminiar Widi Ahmad Wildani Wildani Winy Wiranti Yohana Fransisca Yola Adela Sindy Yola Noperiyanti Yuli Anisah Hasibuan Yulia Khairina Ashar Yulia Khairina Ashar Yulia Sri Hikma Hutasuhut Yusnaili Budianti Yusnaili Budianti Yusnita Rani Hasibuan Yusri Khairani Pulungan Zachra Aulia Zahra Yunita Zahwa Nazhifah Limbeng Zakiah Nur Harahap Zuhrona Siregar Zulham Efendi Marpaung Zurriyati Putri