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Journal : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 2, NOMOR 4,TAHUN 2013
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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ABSTRACTAlong with the development of business scale and the sharpening of competition in thebusiness world growing needs of the community as well. Traditional market in Indonesiacontinues to try to survive the attack of the modern market. Government has theresponsibility to implement the protection of traditional traders tersebutkarena welfare rightsare part of the economic rights to be one right dalamkovenan social economic and culturalrights. The unit of analysis in the study is the traditional market traders who opened hisbusiness in the Market Peterongan. Collection techniques used observation, documents andquestionnaires. Analysis of the data compiled in the frequency of symptoms then describedby the object under study. The results showed traders perception of the traditional marketprotection program by the City of Semarang includes not good. Traders feel that theprotection of traditional markets by the City of Semarang appropriate Minister of TradeRegulation No. 53/M-DAG/PER/12/2008 on Guidelines for Planning and Development ofTraditional Markets, Shopping Centers and Stores Modern in Semarang City has not gonewell. Local governments and managers of traditional markets, particularly the City ofSemarang and Peterongan market manager, suggested significantly invest in theimprovement of traditional markets and establish minimum service standard
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 5, No 03 (2016): Volume 5,Number 3, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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ABSTRACTGender-based violence to women is an act of violence which caused suffering to womenon the basis of the victims were women. Violence against women due to gender inequality and injusticecompounded by the unequal power that still exist between men with women. The existence ofpatriarchal ideology that puts the position of women under men also triggers perpetuation of acts ofviolence towards women.In attempt to make protection to women victims of gender-based violence in Central Java,Central Java Provincial Government through the Agency for Child Protection of Women'sEmpowerment and Family Planning (Badan Pemberdayaan Perempuan Perlindungan Anak danKeluarga Berencana/BP3AKB) as the Regional Work Units (Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah/SKPD) incharge of the issue of violence against women have been trying to do a variety of ways such ascooperation with state agencies and other non-state role in networking PPT, cooperating with LawEnforcement (APH), as well as with other provinces. The study was conducted using a qualitativeapproach, the research methods used to examine the condition of natural objects (natural setting).The results showed a very dominant role of BP3AKB but has not run optimal because of thelack of gender awareness and commitment which considers that the issue of gender-based violence isan important issue and must be addressed both by law enforcement officials, Regents/Mayors and otherprovinces. Bad service hosted by the service provider at the district / city and the ranks of lawenforcement officers to make the victim into a traumatic and not handled properly. BP3AKB supposedrole is to provide assistance and training to PPT / P2TP2A not run well and many people were not ableto be handled regency / city and referred to the province. It also needs assessment to the regency / cityin Central Java to quickly create a gender-sensitive local regulations such as local regulations on theprotection of women as well as local regulations on gender mainstreaming.Keywords: Violence against women, BP3AKB, Partnership, PPT
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 5, No 04 (2016): Periode Wisuda Oktober 2016
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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The issue of green space, especially parks, often found in big cities in Indonesia. The existence of the city park is often underestimated, because they are considered to have a smaller financial value compared to other assets (such as buildings, infrastructure, roads, etc), when in reality the cost required for the maintenance of the park is quite large. That prompted the Government of Bogor City to cooperate with PT. Pilar Hijau Madani in structuring and maintaining the city parks. This study used qualitative research methods and the data was collected through observation, interviews, documentation and literature. The subjects of this study are Department of Hygiene & Landscaping of Bogor City and PT. Pilar Hijau Madani. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of the partnership between the Government of Bogor City and PT. Pilar Hijau Madani in structuring and maintaining the city park, and also to find out any obstacles thay may arise in estabilishing a partnership between the two sides. This agreement using lease contracts model with several elements in fit, including: 1) PT. Pilar Hijau Madani as the party that partnered in the arrangement and maintaining of the city park; 2) The objects of the partnership are Taman Air Mancur dan Taman Pulau across the Pangrango Plasa; 3) PT. Pilar Hijau Madani is responsible for the entire cost of the arrangement and maintaining of the park; 4) As the compensation,PT. Pilar Hijau Madani was given the permission to put up billboards in the parks area. The result of this study suggest several reason that encourage partnerships between government and the private sectors, such as: 1) as an alternative source of financing for regional development; 2) as a form of contribution of the private sector in regional development; 3) the involvement of the private sector in regional development is a way to encourage the private sector in order to contribute to the acceleration of development.Key Words: Public Private Partnership, Park
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 4, NOMOR 2, TAHUN 2015
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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In terms of rural development, community participation is essential to increase the community’s life quality and welfare. Youth generation, as the agent of change, has major rule in the empowerment since they have pure motivation to develop their area. The Community Empowerment Program in Rural Areas (PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan/PNPM-MD) had facilitated the development program in Buluroto Area from 2009 to 2014. From that background, this undergraduate thesis discussed the research question: “How the youth in Buluroto Village participated in the Community Empowerment Program in Rural Areas (PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan/PNPM-MD)? and What were the obstacles faced by the youth during the implementation of the Community Empowerment Program in Rural Areas (PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan/PNPM-MD) in Buluroto Village?The research used descriptive-qualitative method using the samples obtained based on purposive sample method that was designed by the author and conducted by performing in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. The data were then analyzed by data reduction, data presentation, and making conclusion.The result showed that the level of youth participation in planning process, implementation, monitoring and evaluation as well as implementation of the program was low, while the youth participated well enough in maintaining the outcome of the program. The obstacles during the planning process were less dissemination from the village administration and no youth organization. During the program implementation, the obstacle was that the program was done completely by contractors so that in monitoring and evaluating process, the youth had no chance to monitor and give input related to the problems occurred during the implementation. While in maintenance stage, the obstacles were less information related to SPP and strict selection from the village administration and the implementation team. The village administration is suggested to givemore information to the youth about the development of the area, while the youth is suggested to be more proactive and care about the development in Buluroto Village.Key words: Youth, participation, empowerment.
Analisis Resistensi Masyarakata Terhadap Pembangunan Waduk Logung Di Desa Kangdangmas Kecamatan Dawe Kabupaten Kudus Finda Octafiyanti; Puji Astuti; Sulistyowati .
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 6, No 03 (2017): Periode Wisuda Agustus 2017
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Abstract. Land is the most important matter in human’s life. Regardless of the activities, humans always need their land. Development, in every aspect, is paramount for society, and in accordance to development, our government has contributed in building public road, markets, dam, and many other in order to fulfill our public concerns. This public development requires vast area to occupy, and considering the requirement, either a land acquisition or retribution by the government should be done under the patronage of our Constitution of 1945. Acquiring available land for public concerns is prior to development process in order to improve prosperity by securing law and rights of the rightful ones. Nevertheless, some negations are still emerging, which means some people might accept and the rest might refuse the governmental proposal.This research uses qualitative approach by collecting some information through interview and documents review. The interviewees are Kepala Dinas Cipta Karya dan Tata Ruang Kabupaten Kudus, Tim Panitia Pengadaan Tanah, Kepala Desa Kandangmas, Ketua Koordinator Forum Komunikasi Masyarakat Korban Embung Logung (Forkomakembung), and Masyarakat Desa Kadangmas Kecamatan Dawe Kabupaten Kudus.The following results show that there are steps of process of Waduk Logung building plan, which are planning and its execution. The process as follows: locating and measuring the target area, establishing committee of area acquirement, funding the building plan, establishing committee of fund appraisal, socializing and holding a conference, acquiring the target area and funding for compensation. The reason behind the public refusal is that there is massive anxiety in the land acquirement and its retribution, communication error, and also the absence of public relation, which all of these cause social, political and economical problems. Our government has tried to overcome this public refusal by applying the theory of conflict and its resolution, which are negotiation, mediation, reconciliation, and arbitration approach, by Marc Galanter. These approaches have been held by our government to console the massive anxiety, yet it did not work as it should be. Thus, our government is reaching for a resolution through adjudication and has been through in consignment.There is a better recommendation for Pemerintah Kabupaten Kudus. Its government, in acquiring land, should be, first of all, socializing the regulations in acquiring land so that its society understands the roles of land in social development, especially in Waduk Logung case. There should be an improved communication between the government and its society, and voices should be heard and be given fast responses in order to avoid unnecessary conflict. Considering the retribution, the committee should let people give their opinions so that there would be a good relation between the government and its society.Key words: Land Procurement, Resistance, Land Acquisition and Indemnification
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 8, No 03 (2019): Periode Wisuda Agustus 2019
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Health insurance is a very important requirement for the society, but still can be found that not all people have health insurance, this is due to the existence of several social problems, one of which is poverty, Wagstaff in his book explaining that the level of poverty is inversely proportional to the level of health, if in one area the poverty level is high then the level of public health will definitely be low. In order to improve the quality of health, the City of Semarang implemented a Universal Health Coverage Program targeting the people of Semarang who do not have health insurance.This study uses qualitative research methods supported by qualitative formative evaluation theory and implementation theory, the site of this study is Semarang City Health Office and the people of Semarang who have become Universal Health Coverage participants.The results of the study obtained from field related to the implementation of the Universal Health Coverage program since the beginning of the program have been running until now that the program has run quite well, but still needed some improvements in the context of supervision and ways of socialization to be more effective and efficient.Keywords : Universal Health Coverage, Implementasi Program, Evaluasi Program
KEBONDOWO VILLAGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DISTRICT Banyubiru Semarang through VILLAGE TOUR PROGRAM arum puspita nugraheni; kushandajani kushandajani; puji astuti
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 5, No 4 (2015): Periode Wisuda Oktober 2015
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Community empowerent is a solution to alleviate poverty problems in Indonesia. By looking at the potential of rural tourism is very abundant, the government issued a community empowerment program through the tourist village. Kebondowo Tourism Village is one of the first of 14 tourist villages in the district of Semarang. However, since early 2009 the village was used as a tourist village did not show significant impact on the reduction of the number of poor families and the welfare of Kebondowo village. Thus this study aims to determine the factors that hinder the development of this tourist village program and to provide suggestions for the village and Pokdarwis Tourism Village Kebondowo to face many obstacles that exist so that this tourist village program can run smoothly and improve the welfare of citizens.               The purpose of this study was to identify factors for the failure of community empowerment through Village Tourism Kebondowo program and to provide input in overcoming the obstacles that hinder the development of tourism village Kebondowo. This study is a qualitative research method, the type of research used in this research is descriptive analytic study. Data taken from the interview has yet, documentation, and data from documents of the village.               By looking at the studies in the field and interviews, the factors that inhibit include the human resource due to the low level of education of rural communities and its minimal training to improve human resources rural communities. The second thing is a non-human resource factor (SDNM), among others, the lack of facilities in tourist areas, a lack of funding to the passage of a tourist village program, the shortage of accommodation and infrastructure is not good. The last factor is communication, poor communication between government and Pokdarwis Tourism Village Kebondowo with the Municipality of Semarang and Central Java Provincial Government. Therefore it is very necessary concrete efforts from the government and village communities to jointly develop tourism villages by improving rural infrastructure, building adequate facilities, makes the work of the villagers into a tourist attraction, giving special attention to providing special funding for tourist villages and improve communication patterns between rural and government.               Some of the factors that hinder the development of village tourism is a human resources, village facilities, rural infrastructure, communication is woven villages and lack of funding. Some of the solutions offered are training to villagers Kebondowo human resources, giving special budget for tourism activities, Improving your rural infrastructure and increase community participation.
Pencegahan dan Penanganan Korban Kekerasan Berbasis Gender dan Anak di Kabupaten Pemalang tahun 2013-2015 Balqis Dwi Indraswari; Puji Astuti; Fitriyah undip
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 7, No 1 (2018): Periode Wisuda Januari 2018
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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The assumption that women and children are weak, makes some of them become victims of violence. The type of violences that occurs are diverse such phisical abuse/ domestic violence, sexual abuse, psychic abuse, human trafficing, economic abuse, etc. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of protection trough prevention efforts and treatment by goverment and knowing the use of allocated budget to the victims based on genre and children in Pemalang 2013-2015.The method that used in this study is qualitative approach with data collection technique by interviews and documentations. Informant in this study is Head of Departement Social KBBP Pemalang, Head of improvement quality of life section, Women empowerment and also as Coordinator of Jayandu Widuri Pemalang, Doctor IPKR RSUD Dr. M. Azhari Pemalang, Head of protection of women and children unit (UPPA) Polres Pemalang, and the victims and the family of the victims based on genre and children Pemalang.The study shows that (1) In Pemalang, there are still many women who become victims of phisical abuse / domestic violence which the suspect is their husband, (2) In Pemalang there are many children who become victims of sexual abuse and the suspect is from outside, not the victim’s family (3) The prevention efforts are not yet optimal while the handling efforts are quite optimal (4) The budget allocation still needs to be increased in number. Key Words  :  Women and children violence, preventions, budget
Evaluasi Kebijakan Kenaikan Tarif Parkir Tepi Jalan Umum Menurut Perda No 2 Tahun 2012 Tentang Retribusi Jasa Umum di Kota Semarang Rendra Miswandaru; Puji Astuti; Turtiantoro .
Journal of Politic and Government Studies VOLUME 4, NOMOR 2, TAHUN 2015
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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On the edge of public street parking retribution revenue is the source of the lack of an effective semarang.The public street parking rates based on the region regulation no. 2 on next year ' s general service retribution to be able to provide a change in the distribution of income, that the contribution of public street parking retribution revenue of semarang could increase.These problems arise when the revenue target is not based on the previous year and tended to be stagnant.To uncover problems and objective approach diskriptif m a qualitative researcher on research.The analysis is use deskriptif-kualitatif.The aim of this research is to find meaning, the goal, and the market economy and the implementation of bylaw no 2 / 2009 about 2012 general service retribution income for an increase in public street of semarang.Data obtained used to formulate recommendations as a form of implementation of parking on the road side of the public.The results of research showing that, found in the field there was a policy rate hike parkir the edge of a public road because of this constitutional amendment no. 28 / 2009 on local taxes and retribution, and habit of parking attendats that has been raising rates dilapangan.It is in use the government to raise potential revenue from parkir the edge of a public road.But worse management plus the absence of the balance between the management of parking the edge of public roads and smooth traffic maketh cabuk the weakness of the management of parking in the city of semarang.In order to increase the raise of the edge of the parking fee public streets in semarang city , recommendation that can be given is: the government should be able to recalculating the parking the earning potential of the edge of a public road , and trying to increase facilities and infrastructures to the parking area for the harmony of the .Not only that , there must be balance the management and kelancarancaran traffic with the extra such an activity related institutions , repair mechanism the flow of charges for parking and renewal in a bylaw no 1 year 2004 on the implementation of and levies public parking on the street .
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Volume 5
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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This writing is due to explain about how politics analysis related to the proposition of the district expansion of Simalungun, North Sumatera and factors influenced the process of expanding the District. The Method of this research is Descriptive Qualitatif. Technique of collecting data is by using direct observation to the object observed, which the researcher will do an interview to the informan related to the research being observed. Population of the Research are the Manager of Expantion Preparation Agency to District Simalungun, Special Agency of House of Representatives in District Simalungun, Component Secretary of House of Represntative in District Simalungun and Jurnalism.The Result of the Research will show that the political Process about the expansion plan, consist of some steps, such as collecting and filtering people's aspiration, designing the Agency of Expansion's Plan, Align of Agreement to the related Agency (executive and judicative) regional and  central area. Furtherly, to the political dynamic and political negitiation in level of district, province and central which may effect to the delaying the District Expansion, North Sumatera. Key Word: District Expansion, Political Dynamic
Co-Authors - Kusmuriyanto -, Kardiyem -, Sumarsi A. A. Istri Agung Rai Sudiatmika A. Junaidi Abdul Azis Abdul Jalil Hermawan, Abdul Jalil Abidin, Z Achmad Saiful Hadi ADAM ADAM Ade Fatma Lubis Aditya Rakhmawan Agata Rangga Pamungkas Agus Sutedjo Ahmad N Albaari Aisyah Kiki Farashinta Akhmad Zakaria Akhyadi, Ade Sadikin Akrom, Akrom Ali, Mad Alim, Atus Sholikah Alisa, Yudiana Noor Amalia Sapriati Ana Dhiqfaini Sultan Andi Muhammad Refil Andini, Vaika Putri Anggia, Putri Dewi Annas Priyadi Antonia Klara Antonius Hintono Arif Satria Arik Aranta Arnetta D Maharani Arockia Selvakumar arum puspita nugraheni Asep Taufik Muharram Ashadi Ashadi Asih, Neng Sri Sinta Asmarani Kusumawati Atjo Wahyu Ayu Retno Ambarwati Azhar Azhar Badriatin, Tine Baiq Sri Hartina Balqis Dwi Indraswari Bambang Pramujati Banyu Biru, Rembulan Catra Basri Modding Bayu Adhi Nugroho Bayu Suta, I Wayan Ade Ben Adin FT Benedictus Kusmanto Budiman, Nita Andriyani Cahyaning Setyo Hutomo Cindi Nadya Putri Conteh, Saikou D. Tri Widayati Dahliana Dahliana Davit Irawan Dessy Ambarsari Destri Susilaningrum Dewi Susita Dhina Maylani Rusdha Dian Hidayati Dian Hudawan Dian Kusumaningtyas, Dian Diana Hayati DIMAS RUSVIANTO Diyah Asmawati Dody Iskandar Dr. I Nyoman Tika,M.Si . Dudung Angkasa Dwi Lauran Lumbantoruan Dwi Rustam Kendarto Dwi Teguh Rahardjo Dyah Widiastuti Efnita, Annike Eka Julinas ELA YULAELIAH Eni Muryani Eni Sumiarsih Epi Supriyani Siregar Eva Banowati Fahri, Muhamad Farida Arum Widayah Fatimah - Ferdy Faizal Prasetya Putra Finda Octafiyanti Fiorentina Dewantari Fitri adifa Fitri Mahmudah Fitriyah . Fitriyah undip Gatot Riwi Gusti Ayu Indraswari Hadi Pranoto Halim Sobri Hania Aminah, Hania Harry Firman Hasan Eldin Adimu Hasanah, Viena Rusmiati Hawignyo Hawignyo Hendra Kusuma Hendrawaty Hendrawaty Hermin Werdiningsih Hernomo Ontoseno Kusumobroto Heru Mugiarso Hidayat Hidayat Hidayat, Mochmad Nur Huzaeni Huzaeni I Nyoman Sudarmada I Wayan Gede Artawan Eka Putra, I Wayan Gede Artawan Eka I Wayan Karyasa I Wayan Subagia Ibrahim HS Ida Bagus Satriya Wibawa Ida Suryani Idar Mappangara Iip Saripah, Iip Ika Wahyu Mayangsari Indra Perdana Simanjuntak Indri Yuliafitri Irma Andriani ISMAIL, BASSEM Jaleha - jenita jenita, jenita Jiwandani, Mona Juanita Juanita Juanita, Juanita Jufri, Alfina Jufrizal Jufrizal Jusmawati Massalesse Jutamat Sutduean Juwita Sari, Putu Devya K Setiawati K. Suharto Kahfi Dwi Septian Kasbawati Kasbawati Ketut Prasetyo Khasan Setiaji Krisna Dharmayanti Kusdini, Nenden Kushandajani . KUSNANTO, DANANG Kusrianti, Eri Laina Maulida Laksono Trisnantoro Larasati, Rani Mei Clara Latifa Fekri Lilis Mardiyana Lim Bing Tiam lisana azkia zaiyan Lubis, Amany Lucky Radi Rinandiyana Luh Dian Pradnyantika Luh Gede Eka Wahyuni Lumbessy, Salnida Yuniarti M.Yamin Jinca Ma'ruf Hafidz Made Dian Ratnawati Made Hery Santosa Made Intan Pradnyamita Made Sudarma Maful Taufiq Mahyus Mahyus Mashari S.H., M.H. Meyra Fajarochwati Mohd Rizal FahmiAdha Muhammad Arhan Rajab Muhammad Asyhari Rahmat Muhammad Erlangga Wicaksono Muhammad Fauzi Muhammad Luthfi Muhammad Mulia Al-Amien Muhammad Rizqi Aditia Muhani, Nova Mulyana Sastri Munggaran, Wulan Syakinah Murtedjo, Murtedjo Musdar M Mutiah Salamah Nabila Farhaini Nabilla Rahmadhiya Ekasanti Nadiyah Nadiyah Naimah Aris Neksidin, Neksidin Neneng Sri Mulyati Neneng Sunengsih Ni Luh Putu Eka Diarthini Ni Made Dian Prabayanti Ni Made Wiratini Ni Nyoman Suarniki Ni Putu Dina Rahmawati Ni Putu Nanik Puspita Sari Ni Putu Wardani Novita Dewi Nunu Heryanto, Nunu Nur Asia Umar Nur Erawaty Nurahmi, Latifah Nurfidianty Annafi Nurnazmi Laelah Okta Nofri Pande Putu Januraga Pangestika Ayu Ashari Panjisakti Basunanda Panjisakti Basunanda Pramudia, Joni Rahmat Prapnuwanti, Ni Putu Ias Prasetyo, Adhit Cahyo Prastika N Prianggi Amelasasih Prihanto Arimbawa, Komang Agus Priyatno H Priytno Harsasto Puput Nur Fadilah Qaddura, Zafirah Hanna R Hanung Ismono Rafiq Zulkarnaen Rahim, Elika Maret Rahma Hayati Rahmayati, Nadiya Putri Rahmiati - Ramlan Sahputera Sagala Ratna D, Mukti Ratna Sariningsih Rendra Miswandaru Retno Handajani Revina Rizqiyani, Revina Ricky Zulfiandry Riezky Maya Probosari Rilus Kinseng Ririn Septina Arthasari Riyadlus Mei Sakinah Rizky Rizky Rositasari, Neva Rosramadhana Rosramadhana Rudi Salam Sinaga Rudiana Agustini Rudyk Nababan Rully Fachrurozi Rusmanto - S. Sunendar Sari, Eva Sarlota Arrang Ratang Sekar Astuti Setya Budi M Abduh Sinaga, Amelia Sari Alam Sitti Sahriman Soegimin W.W Soffya Putri Sri Astuti Thamrin Sri Nurhayati Sri Redjeki St. Syahdan, St. Subuh, Subuh Sudirman Sudirman Sulis Sulistiowati Sulistyowati . Sunaryo Sunaryo Sunawan Sunawan Suratinah Suratinah Suriaty Situmorang Suryadi, Aldian Sutrisniati, Dwi Syafrizal syahrul, muhammad Syaifullah K Boli Syamsul Falah Syihabuddin Syihabuddin Tanto Hariyanto Taryono, Taryono Taufik Ali Rahman TH, Dalfian Adnan Tjan Sian Hwa TRIA ANDARI ARNA SARAGIH Turtiantoro Turtiantoro Ulung Pribadi Unggul Wasiwitono Usuli, Sudarto Utari Sumarmo Utari, Elitha M Vallentina Chelsy Veny Hadju Vina Eka Aristya Vony Wahyunurani Wahdah Anugrah Yusuf Wahyu Hidayat Wahyu Widi Astuti Wahyuni Putri Awalia Wiad Rosyana Widiani, Luh Putu Susi Widiyani Widiyani Widyadi Setiawan Wirawan Fadly wirza zulfajri Wiwik Misaco Yuniarti YANUAR DENY PAMBUDI Yasir, Saddan Yasir Yoga Yuniadi Yos Johan Utama Yoyoh Jubaedah Yoyok Budi Pramono Yuli Retnani Yunita Yunita Yusnita Wahyuni Silitonga Zainal Arifin Zanella, Selly