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Sosiohumaniora Vol 18, No 1 (2016): SOSIOHUMANIORA, MARET 2016
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.831 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/sosiohumaniora.v18i1.9355


Pengembangan sagu di Maluku Tengah Provinsi Maluku bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan sagu melalui pengembangan kapasitas pengelola sagu. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan daya saing sagu dari Maluku Tengah yang semakin menurun sedangkan permintaan sagu semakin meningkat untuk memunuhi kebutuhan pangan dan non pangan termasuk energi, tidak hanya di Indonesia tetapi juga di dunia. Peningkatan pemanfaatan dan daya saing sagu membutuhkan pengelola-pengelola sagu dengan kapasitas yang baik, karena itu, pengembangan kapasitas pengelola sagu penting dilakukan dan membutuhkan strategi yang tepat untuk melakukannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan strategi pengembangan kapasitas pengelola sagu di Maluku Tengah. Analisis SWOT digunakan untuk menemukan strategi yang tepat berdasarkan data yang dikumpulkan melalui berbagai diskusi dengan berbagai stakeholders terkait, yaitu akademisi, praktisi sagu, pemerintah, tokoh-tokoh masyarakat, dan petani sagu. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa ada empat prioritasstrategi untuk peningkatan pemanfaatan sagu, yaitu:(1) Penyiapan pengelola sagu untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatan sagu, (2) Penyiapan penyuluh/tenaga pendamping yang berkompeten di bidang pengelolaan sagu, (3) Penguatan kesadaran dan pengakuan masyarakat terhadap fungsi sosial dan budaya sagu untuk menjamin keberlanjutan usahapemanfaatan sagu sebagai salah satu budaya Maluku, dan (4) Pemantapan koordinasi dan sinkronisasi kebijakan perencanaan program pengembangan sagu antar lembaga pemerintah dengan pihak-pihak terkait. 
The Impact of Regulation Policy In Indonesia Against Women's Family Head Ana Kuswanti; Amiruddin Saleh; Aida Vitayala S Hubeis; Herien Puspitawati; Munadhil Abdul Muqsith
Jurnal Cita Hukum Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jch.v8i1.14264


Abstract. The female head of the family has a dual role, that is, a housewife and breadwinner to meet family needs. The study aims to analyze the effect of female head of household characteristics and group characteristics on participatory communication of groups and economic independence of women household heads. Respondents were Pekka groups in twelve villages in Batang City, Central Java, as many as 229 heads of households aged 22-74 years. The characteristics measured include 5 dimensions namely: age, education, marital status, number of dependents, and income. Data were analyzed descriptively and multiple linear regression testing was carried out. The results showed that there was a direct positive effect on the characteristics of female household heads in participatory communication and the economic independence of female household heads. and there is a direct negative effect on group characteristics on participatory communication and the economic independence of the female household headKeywords: regulation effect, female head of a family, Pekka group, economic independence Abstrak.Kepala keluarga perempuan memiliki peran ganda, yaitu, seorang ibu rumah tangga dan pencari nafkah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh karakteristik kepala rumah tangga perempuan dan karakteristik kelompok terhadap komunikasi partisipatif kelompok dan kemandirian ekonomi kepala rumah tangga perempuan. Responden adalah kelompok Pekka di dua belas desa di Kota Batang, Jawa Tengah, sebanyak 229 kepala keluarga berusia 22-74 tahun. Karakteristik yang diukur meliputi 5 dimensi yaitu: usia, pendidikan, status perkawinan, jumlah tanggungan, dan pendapatan. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan dilakukan uji regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh positif langsung pada karakteristik kepala rumah tangga perempuan dalam komunikasi partisipatif dan kemandirian ekonomi kepala rumah tangga perempuan. Selain itu, ada efek negatif langsung pada karakteristik kelompok pada komunikasi partisipatif dan kemandirian ekonomi kepala rumah tangga perempuanKata kunci: efek regulasi, kepala keluarga wanita, kelompok Pekka, kemandirian ekonomi Аннотация.Женщина как глава семьи играет двойную роль, то есть роль домохозяйки и кормильца семьи. Цель исследования - проанализировать влияние характеристики женщин как главы семьи и групповой характеристики на групповое совместное общение и экономическую независимость женщин как главы семьи. Респондентой была группа Pekka (Полномочия семей с женщинами как главами семьи) в двенадцати деревнях в городе Батанг, в Центральной Яве, 229 глав семьи в возрасте 22-74 лет. Измеренные характеристики включают 5 параметров, а именно: возраст, образование, семейное положение, количество иждивенцев и доход. Данные были проанализированы описательно, и было проведено множественное линейное регрессионное тестирование. Результаты показали, что непосредственное положительное влияние оказали характеристики женщин как глава семьи в совместном общении и экономической независимости. Кроме того, существует прямое негативное влияние на групповые характеристики на совместное общение и экономическую независимость женщин как глав семьи.Ключевые слова: Эффект регулирования, Женщина как глава семьи, Группа Pekka, Экономическая независимость.
Climate Communication on Improvement of Group Capacity Eni Kardi Wiyati; Amiruddin Saleh; Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo; Aida Vitayala S Hubeis
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 12 No. 1 (2014): Februari 2014
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (352.862 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/1220148562


Group is one of medium  used by the change agents to improve farmers' knowledge. The Ministry of Agriculture through the  Bureau of Human Resources Extension outreach groups to improve the welfare state of the poor in the province of Central Sulawesi. One of the efforts made to increase the capacity of the group to provide guidance to the group. Group formed tailored to the type of commodity that is owned by the community. The existence of the group is influenced by many factors, one of which is climate of group communication. Diff erences in the degree of group climate, is influenced by how the group reach a level of reaction that members of the group create process of communication, participation raises the warmth and friendship,  mutual trust, mutually acceptable, so that each member feels recognized and seriously satisfied to be in the group. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the group communication atmosphere in conjunction with effort to empower the group capacity. The Population are group members of READ (KR)  in Poso District in Central Sulawesi Province. The study was designed using survey research is description.Keywords: Group Characteristics, Climate Communication and Capacity Improvement Building Group
Communication Behavior Based on Gender Reponsive in Primary School Ernita Arif; Aida Vitayala S Hubeis; Basita Ginting Sugihen; Ninuk Purnaningsih; Amiruddin Saleh
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 12 No. 1 (2014): Februari 2014
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (281.604 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/1220148563


In addition to poor communication, the teacher is still  differentiate between male and female students. If the  communication behavior of the teacher in the learning process is not gender responsive, it will affect the successful of the learning process. Gender responsive teacher communication behavior will improve the quality of learning. The objective of this research were to analyze the communication behavior of male and female teacher in urban and rural areas. The research was conducted in the city of Padang and Padang Pariaman District began in August to December 2013. Total sample of 200 people consisting of 100 male and 100 female  were scattered in cities and in villages.Data analysis using  Spearman rank,  Chi Sguare correlation. The research results showed that verbal communication  behaviors that include snarl words, purr words, degrading words, confirmation, taboos and euphemisms including the high category is spoken by male and female the teacher in both  urban and rural, communication behavior nonverbal such as tone of voice, facial expression, eye contact, proximity, and the average time high.Keywords: teacher, communication behavior, verbal and nonverbal, gender responsive
Discourse of Rural Development in Indonesia Local Media Ika Yuliasari; Amiruddin Saleh; Musa Hubeis; Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 12 No. 1 (2014): Februari 2014
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (222.633 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/1220148564


AbstractThis article describes the existence of local media, discourse of media information dissemination, and implication of construction of reality in local media. Furthermore, this article contributes in study about top  down communication and bottom up communication in rural development, especially in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The change of development paradigm in the world has involved the communication development shift after 1970. The old model of communication development have been rising since the implementation of modernization in the third  world. With the pattern of trickle down effect, communication model have been designed as the linier communication process. Nowadays, we can learn about the phenomenon: development communication in globalization, human interaction as information society, roles of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), participation of grass root in community development, and more. Because of that reasons the application of linier communication model does not  suitable for the communication system in rural development. Therefore the development communication have no relevance with another system in globalization era. Indonesia is a developing countries with many issues of rural development  such as the poverty, political intrigue, conflict of interest, disparity of wealthiness, and sovereignity. Huge amount of the rural community in Indonesia should be the consideration in development policies. Local society in Yogyakarta have strong cultural heritage. Information flow in communication development will be an important point of the communication effectiveness. The grass root people in local area need the right informations which are related with the struggle to reach sovereignity. According  to the social culture factor, many local media and community media did the construction of media news with local wisdom discourse.Key words:  development, development communication, local media, community media,  construction of reality, local wisdom.
Aktivitas Komunikasi Organisasi dan Kinerja Pendamping dalam Program Gernas Kakao di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar Nurul Mukhlishah; Amiruddin Saleh; Dwi Sadono
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 12 No. 2 (2014): Juli 2014
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (362.374 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/1220148655


AbstractGernas  programs  utilize  partners  to  deliver  innovative  messages  and  informations  that  able to empower  thefarmers.  However, in the process of mentoring  it  is not  neglecting the competences of the are performance of the partners.  One effort which can control the performance of the partners is through communication.  Communication serves as a main tool for success or failure organization in conjunction with the enviro nment duty. The objectives of this study is  to  analyze the correlation of organizational communication with the performance  of the partners.  This research was conducted at Polewali Mandar using survey method. The number of respondents were 33 people based on  census  method and using  correlational  analysis  to  process the results.  Results of the study  that the  frequency  of organizational  communication significantly  correlated to quality  of work, a  good  cooperation of the partners, and knowledge about job, and the level of use a communication channels significantly correlated  to quality and quantity of work, a good cooperation of the partners, and knowledge about job.Key words: Organizational communication, performance, program’s partner
Analisis Efektivitas Musyawarah Perencanaanpembangunan Ezi Hendri; Ninuk Purnaningsih; Amiruddin Saleh
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 12 No. 2 (2014): Juli 2014
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (492.342 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/1220148656


ABSTRACTDevelopment Planning Conference (Musrenbang) is a government program that aims for the community development programs related to a region. The purpose of this study is to look at the effectiveness of Musrenbang forum on villagelevel (Musrenbangkel). This research was conducted in March to April 2014 in the Village Pabuaran, Cibinong subdistrict, Bogor regency with the total respondents were 51 people. The hypothesis was tested with Spearman rank correlation. Correlation coefficient results showed that the effectiveness Musrenbangkel forum  as measured by three indicators, namely productivity, satisfaction, and morale is high. While gender relations, the characteristics of the group, guiding role and level of participation of group members is relatively good with moderate to very high category.Keywords: effectiveness, Musrenangkel, participation 
Efektivitas Komunikasi Program Optimalisasi Lahan Pekarangan Restiawan Permana; Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo; Djoko Susanto; Amiruddin Saleh
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 9 No. 1: Februari 2011
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (241.81 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/920119038


Abstract For change and renewal in society, effectiveness communications is needed so as to produce a change in the rate of cognitive, affective, and conative. In the Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL) program, effectiveness communications is absolutely essential for their future as a program participant is able to adopt and implement the optimalization of their backyards so as not to let it alone. The purpose of this study were to (1) analyze the effectiveness communications KRPL program in the Mulyasari Village Ciampel District Karawang of West Java, (2) analyze the relationship between individual characteristics variable and external factors variable to the effectiveness communications variable of KRPL program in the Mulyasari Village Ciampel District Karawang of West Java, and (3) analyze the relationship between the effectiveness communications variable of KRPL program with the optimalization of backyard variable in the Mulyasari Village Ciampel District Karawang of West Java. The study were designed to use quantitative survey methods explanation research. These results indicate that (1) KRPL program conducted in the Mulyasari Village District Ciampel Karawang of West Java is quite effective at the level of cognitive, affective, and conative. It is evident that most participants KRPL program can understand the information they get from the instructor of the program, they also want to implement this optimalization program of their backyards, and they also run the program from The Ministry of Agriculture in optimize their backyards that they have, (2) individual characteristics significantly and positively related to the effectiveness communication is an indicator of education and yard area. The external factor significantly and positively related to the effectiveness communication is an access to information, public policy, and the illumination intensity, and (3) effectiveness communications (cognitive, affective, conative) of KRPL program significantly and positively related to optimalization of their utilization backyards. Keywords: effectiveness communication, backyard optimization
Keragaan Komunikasi Pada Gapoktan Penerima Dana Program Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Perdesaan Di Kecamatan Siak Kecil Kabupaten Bengkalis Riau Susy Hartati; Amiruddin Saleh; Basita Sugihen
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 9 No. 1: Februari 2011
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (360.88 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/920119040


ABSTRACT Rural Agribusiness Development Program (PUAP) is a program that focuses in reducing poverty and also creating a huge work field in rural area by providing venture capital to support on farm and off farm activities. Farmers’ association group (gapoktan) as an implementer of PUAP has a pivotal function to distribute incentives, venture capital, and also as the managers of all the programs given. From that perspective gapoktan holds an important role for the success of this program. Communication process among group members in gapoktan and interpersonal communication between agents of change and the gapoktan needed to be inquired because it was estimated as one of the important factor that influencing PUAP program. The objectives of this research were: (1) to describe the characteristic and the communication process (2) to see the communication among agents of change (3) to see the role and the ability of gapoktan (4) to analysis the correlation between all of the variables. This research resulted several outputs, namely: The characteristics were categorized good, role and the ability were not enough, communication of gapoktan was good and the communication agents of change were not enough until less than not enough. There were a significant correlation between the characteristics with the communication of gapoktan, between the communication of agents of change with the role of gapoktan and between role with ability of farmers’ group association. Keywords: communication, farmers’ group association, agent of change, role, ability
Respons Instansi Terhadap Program Kiwari Rri Bogor Dalam Pelayanan Publik (Rumah Sakit PMI dan PT TASPEN Bogor) C Maydiana; Amiruddin Saleh
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 9 No. 2: Juli 2011
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (222.451 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/920119041


ABSTRACT The RRI Bogor Kiwari’s program besides has a role to increase the quality of public service which helped by dependent instances like The Indonesian Red Cross Hospital and PT TASPEN in Bogor also has other role to provide public service to fulfill the listener’s needs that effected the listener’s satisfaction to the instances worthiness services through Bogor Kiwari’s programme as a place to keep and tell the society’s sights. The aims of this research are: (1) to analyze the instances’s responses to the Kiwari RRI Bogor’s programme of public services in Bogor, (2) to analyze the actions of professional instances services in Bogor, (3) to analyze the models of professional instances services to public in Bogor. The data were taken and collected on January until February 2010. This research was used constructivist paradigm. The research subjects and key informans were the leaders and staffs of The Indonesian Red Cross Hospital and PT TASPEN in Bogor that became a messenger as speakers in Bogor Kiwari’s talk show programme and also RRI Bogor’s staff who concerned about Bogor Kiwari’s programme. The data were taken by using technique of data collection through: document study, observation, indepth interview and FGD. The results of this research were: (1) Bogor Kiwari’s programme got enough satisfaction responses from The Indonesian Red Cross Hospital and PT TASPEN in Bogor; (2) The Indonesian Red Cross Hospital and PT TASPEN in Bogor when done the actions had three aspects, namely: (a) quality of service, (b) efficiency and appropriate actions, (c) employee rationalization; (3) The services  strategies that done by The Indonesian Red Cross Hospital and PT TASPEN in Bogor were quick and exact service to overcome public’s sights, had coordination with government, given the satisfy facilitations. Key words: responses, Kiwari RRI Bogor’s programme, the instances’s actions, public services
Co-Authors - Hamdi - Riana . Dahri . Warcito Abdul Fat-Han Ismail Adi Firmansyah Afrina Sari Agung Wijayanto Agus Fanar Syukri Agus Sandra Agus Triyanto Aida V.S. Hubeis Aida Vitayala Hubeis Aida Vitayala Hubeis Aida Vitayala S Hubeis Aida Vitayala S Hubeis Aida Vitayala S Hubeis Aida Vitayala S Hubeis Aida Vitayala S. Hubeis Aida Vitayala S. Hubeis Aida Viyala S Hubeis Aida VS Hubeis Akmadi Abbas Akrom, Akrom Al Furqon, Mohammad Fuad Alfathan, Ibnu Harits Alyssa Nahla Amir Aminah Swarnawati Amri Jahi Amri Jahi Andi Faisal Bakti & Venny Eka Meidasari Anis Fahri Anna Fatchiya Anna Fatchiya Anna Gustina Zainal Anuar Rasyid Anwas, E Oos M Arif Satria Arifin Derajat Suryana Baban Sarbana Baban Sarbana Bambang Widuri Basita Ginting Basita Ginting Basita Ginting Sugihen Basita Ginting Sugihen Basita Ginting Sugihen Basita Sugihen Budi Saharjo Budi Suharjo C Maydiana Cahya Maydiana Damayanti . Darwin Kadarisman David Rizar Nugroho Dedeh Kurniasih Kurniasih Devi Nur Faddhila Silitonga Devi Nurul Faddhila Silitonga Dian Purnama Soleha Dian Setyawati Diana Anggraeni Difa Maulina Syahidah Djoko Susanto Djuara P Lubis Dody Ginanjar Dorlan Sipahutar Dwi Sadono E. Namaken Sembiring Ema Ema Enden Darjatul Ulya Endriatmo Soetarto Eni Kardi Wiyati Ernita Arif Ezi Hendri Fadil Arfianto Fahira Fahmi Faizal Maad Fakhry Khotibul Umam Farina Ekarini Fazrina Andriani Sakinah Lubis Gian Hendra Gusmia Arianti Hafied Cangara Harahap, Hamida Syari Harsono Suwardi Hartrisari Hardjomidjojo Hasan Subkhie Heni Nuraeni Zaenudin Heri Budianto Herien Puspitawati Herwindo Dharmawan Hudi Santoso I Gusti Putu Purnaba I. Gede Putu Purnaba Ibnu Harits Alfathan Ika Yuliasari Ivanovich Agusta Iwan Armawan Johan David Wetik Khairunnisa Khairunnisa Khairunnisa Khairunnisa Kiagus Abdul Rofi Krishnarini Matindas Krishnarini Matindas Kudang Boro Seminar Kuswanti, Ana Lia Sutiani M. Hajat Syafi'i Ma'mun Sarma Martha, Layung Paramesti Marwan Albab Maya Safrina Suraningsih Meilvis Meilvis E. Tahitu Mintarti Muhamad Hidayat Muhamad Hidayat Muhammad Firdaus Muhammad Firdaus Muhammad Izzul Fikri Noor Muhammad Luthfie Muhammad Romadhon Muhammad Sabilal Muhajirin Muhammad Syamsun Munawar Khalil Muqsith, Munadhil Abdul Mursyid Ma’sum Mursyid Ma’sum Musa Darmawan Musa Darmawan, Musa Musa Hubeis Musa Hubeis Musa Hubeis Musa Hubeis Nadia Nur Rahmadani Narso Narso Narso Narso nfn Sumardjo Nilamsari, Natalina Ninuk Purnaningsih Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurmala Katrina Pandjaitan Nurul Mukhlishah Oos M Anwas Palupi, Nurheni Sri Pang S Asngari Pang S Asngari Pang S. Asngari Pang S. Asngari Parlaungan A. Rangkuti Parlaungan Adil Rangkuti Prabowo Tjitropranoto Pudji Muljono R.Ng Handhoyo Rahmawati Zulfiningrum Ramli Toha Ratri Virianita Restiawan Permana Retno Sri Hartati Mulyandari Richard W.E. Lumintang Rilus Kinseng Risyart.A Far Far RITA NUR SUHAETI Rita Nur Suhaeti Robby Firliandoko Robby Firliandoko Robinson Putra Rofi, Kiagus Abdul Romadhon, Muhammad Saepul Asikin Sang Ayu Made Sri Tandewi Sapar . Sapar Sapar Sapar Sapar Sapta Raharja dan Maya Dwiyuni Sarwiti S Agung Serly Silviyanti Sigit Pamungkas Sik Sumaedi Silvi Siski Andini Sukowati Sri Wahyuni Sumardjo Sumardjo Sumardjo Suryahadi (Suryahadi) Susri Adeni Susy Hartati Sutisna Riyanto Syamsul Maarif Syamsul Maarif Tatik Yuniarti Testa Pradia Nirwana Tetiana Maksymchuk Teuku Mufadzal Hoesni Titien Yusnita Tonni Kusuma Ujang Sehabudin, Ujang Wahyu Budi Priatna Wahyu Budi Priatna Warcito Warcito Warcito Warcito Warcito, Warcito Yannefri Bachtiar Yannefri Bakhtiar Zakiah Zakiah Zarifa Olivia