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Hubungan Peran Kelompok Tani Dengan Kapasitas Petani Penangkar Benih Padi Sawah (Oriza Sativa L) Di Kabupaten Lampung Timur Robinson Putra; Amiruddin Saleh; Ninuk Purnaningsih
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 14 No. 1 (2016): Februari 2016
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (426.418 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/14201613555


The aim of this research are to: (1) analyze the role of the seed farmers in East Lampung regency; (2) analyze the capacity ofseed farmers in East Lampung regency; (3) analyzing role of farmer groups’relation with the capacity of seed farmers for paddy rice sources in East Lampung regency. The study was conducted in East Lampung district seed farmers group with total sample of 59 farmers seed breeders. The method of analysis was used Pearson's correlation matrix. The results showed that: (1) the role of the seed farmers group as partnership forum and marketing units is the most important with the higher category results than group's role as learning forum and production units with the medium category; (2) the capacity of farmers in the seed production preparation and sustainability efforts was in the high category, while in the mastery of innovation, the application of technology components, and marketing orientation was in the medium category; (3) generally there is a significant corelation between the role of farmer groups with the capacity of breeder farmers with the exception relation of partnership forum, unit production and marketing unit with the application of technology components, and marketing unit with the marketing orientation and a partnership.Keywords: capacity, farmer breeders, role of group, seed
Peranan Opinion Leader Dalam Kelompok Nelayan Pesisir Titien Yusnita; Sarwiti S Agung; Amiruddin Saleh
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 14 No. 1 (2016): Februari 2016
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (429.635 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/14201613557


Fishing community is a part of Indonesian people which survives by managing fishery resources. As a society living in an offshore area, fishing community has unique social characteristics which differentiates it from land community. This study aimed to see the cause of poverty and  livelihood strategy of poor household as well as to design the community based-sustainable livelihood strategy. The literature study shows that prosperous coastal fishermen existed among poor coastal fishermen. They differed in social and economic condition. It happened because of the role of a coastal fishermen group which was capable of managing the fund got from government or another institutions. In this case the role of group leader as the opinion leader was very significant that established an effective communication.Keywords : coastal fisherman group, opinion leader      
Pola Penggunaan Televisi Untuk Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Informasi Dan Peningkatan Keterampilan Bagi Peternak Sapi Potong Di Bojonegoro Gian Hendra; Amiruddin Saleh; Retno Sri Hartati Mulyandari
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 14 No. 2 (2016): Juli 2016
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (420.236 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/14201613758


Breeding beef cattle is one of the agriculture sector which is very important in Indonesia. In fact the household consumption of beef can’t be fulfilled by the production in the country. The attention to the human resources which arecattle ranchers have a vital role in the form of increasing knowledges and skills to advance the production of beef cattle. Television is one of a mass media that has potential to increase farmers’ knowledges like cultivation knowledgeand marketing knowledge in Ngantru Village, Bojonegoro District, East Java Province. The purpose of this research are 1) to analyze the characteristics, motives and patterns of breeder cattle in watching television, 2) to analyze therelation between the motifs and patterns of breeder cattle watching television with the information needs of breeding beef cattle, 3) to analyze the relation between farmers beef cattle in watching the television with the fulfillment ofinformation needs of beef cattle breeding, and 4) to analyze the relation between the information needs of farmers skills in beef breeding. This study was designed as a survey research, with a quantitative approach supported by qualitative data with the number of respondents which are 50 people selected randomly. Analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistical with Chi-Square analysis test and Spearman Rank test. The results of this research is there is a real connection between the level’s of ownership of livestock with a duration of watching television. The entertainment motif has related with beef cattle farmers’ pattern in watching television, like the frequency and duration. The frequency of beef cattle farmers in watching television also related with entertainment needs.Keywords: cattle breeding, information needs, motif, scheme, television
Pengaruh Penyajian Visual Dan Gaya Bahasa Pada Video Tentang Pariwisata Di Kabupaten Garut Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Testa Pradia Nirwana; Amiruddin Saleh; Krishnarini Matindas
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 14 No. 2 (2016): Juli 2016
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (416.547 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/14201613766


Tourism is one of sectors that is much enthused by the world community, this demand has increased annually. Garut is one of the districts in West Java which is interested by tourists. Furthermore, the promotion for the tourism product roles the prominent for the development of communities and regions. The promotion can use media of video through social media. This media is used to provide an illustration and the knowledge of tourism, and convince young travelers to visit the tourist attraction which is offered. The purpose of this study involves 1) to test the effect of visual presentation and style of language through video in increasing students’ knowledge, 2) to analyze the most effective message combination on the media of video about tourism in Garut regency, 3) to analyze the relationship between individual characteristics with improvement knowledge of students. This study employed true experimental methods with 2 x 2 factorial design by using pretest posttest control group design. Dealing with this, factors are used in the visual presentation consists of photos and infographics, and the language style consists of formal and conversational forms. The subjects participating in this study are 75 students of Bogor Agricultural University. The result of this study confirms that the visual presentation and the language style through video have significant influence on the increase of knowledge. The whole combination of treatment is not significantly different from the improvement of knowledge, and the individual characteristics are not significantly related to the improvement knowledge.Keywords: improvement knowledge, language style, video tourism, visual presentation
Hubungan Penggunaan Sumber Informasi Kampanye Dan Partisipasi Politik Pada Kasus Pilpres 2014 Di Kecamatan Cibinong Bogor Layung Paramesti Martha; Amiruddin Saleh; Parlaungan Adil Rangkuti
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 13 No. 2 (2015): Juli 2015
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (486.218 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/13201513779


Indonesian presidential election campaigns had been held by the candidates and the campaign team respectively from June, 4th-July, 5th 2014. This study was aimed to know the extent of utilization of communication channels both mass media and social media (new media) as source of information, compared with interpersonal communication channel, and how the level of utilization of the information sources by voters during the political campaign influenced the level of political participation in Cibinong. This study had been conducted in September-Oktober 2014 at Sub-District of Cibinong, Bogor Regency. A number of 200 people were chosen as respondents by using purposive sampling technique. The collected data were analyzed with Spearman’s Rank correlation test. Results showed that political participation in the engagement of campaigns as well as the surveillance were poor, while the participation in voting was quite good. In the variable of demographic characteristics, a negative significant correlation was found between political affiliation and the campaign engagement and so between the birthplace and voting engagement. On the contrary, the variable of age, income, and education had no correlation with all dimensions of the campaigns engagement. All dimensions of demographic characteristics including sex, birthplace, and environment had  a significant negative correlation with political participation. The indicator of sex and birthplace had a significant negative correlation with the amount of source of information use. The in dicator of birthplace also had a significant negative correlation with the frequent of accessing campaign sources of information. The utilization of campaign sources of information had a significant positive correlation with political participation in the dimension of the engagement in the campaign, voting, and surveillance for the election. Keywords: Political participation, source of information use, political campaign
Analisis Program Tanggung Jawab Sosial PT Bumi Konawe Mining Tetiana Maksymchuk; Djuara Lubis; Ma’mun Sarma; Amiruddin Saleh
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 15 No. 1 (2017): Februari 2017
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (610.584 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/15201722769


PT Bumi Konawe Mining (PT BKM) is a company with foreign (Russian) investment which is working in the field of excavating and trading nickel ore overseas. So far, the company owns only one nickel location, in Indonesia, which is on Wowonii island, South East Sulawesi. Company works through local consultant, because the owners are foreigners, which makes local community not to trust them. So the aim of this research is to reveal which level of the CSR mechanism fails to deliver proper result. The goals for the research are (1) To analyze the satisfaction of local community members by CSR program of PT. BKM; (2) To analyze the Corporate Image of PT BKM; (3) To maintain analysis of multi- cultural communication of PT. BKM and describe its mechanism on the basis of their carrying out the CSR program. The method used in this research is quantitative method with a questionnaire and supported by qualitative data obtained through direct interviews with data and respondents using the guide questions. The tool used for the quantitative section is SEM (structural equation modeling). Research using significance level 0.05 or 95% confidence level. The research results reflect that age significantly influence CSR Program, which means the younger the age, the bigger the satisfaction of the CSR Program. CSR program also significantly influence the Perception of the Company by local community members, if the value of a CSR program increases, so does the value of Perception of the Company by local community members, represented by the Image of the Company and Cross-Cultural Communication.
Pengaruh Majalah Ilmiah Kampus Pengawasan terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Sikap APIP terhadap Fraud, serta Citra Pusdiklatwas BPKP Dian Setyawati; Amiruddin Saleh; Musa Hubeis
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 15 No. 1 (2017): Februari 2017
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (741.302 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/15201722778


APIP is an internal government supervisory agency with the strategic function, but its capabilities are still to be improved. Especially the auditor’s competence to prevent and detect fraud. Pusdiklatwas BPKP in supporting the mission of the organization and maintain also enhance the image of the organization, has published a scientific magazine Kampus Pengawasan (KP). The purpose of this study is (1) to test the effect of the use of media magazine KP to change knowledge and attitudes APIP about fraud, (2) test the effect of media usage Magazine KP to the image of the organization, (3) analyze the effect of the characteristics of the reader, the information needs, assess the effectiveness of magazines and selectivity to improve the knowledge and attitudes APIP about fraud and the organization's image. This research uses quasy experimental method with a pretest and posttest nonekuivalen group design. Respondents in this study were 80 auditors from the Inspektorat office throughout Indonesia who are following the training program in Pusdiklatwas BPKP. The research proves that the scientific magazine KP significantly influence the rising effect of the magazine in the form of knowledge and attitudes APIP about fraud but does not significantly affect the organization's image enhancement both image institution and the teacher's image. Other variables that contributed significantly affect the influence of the magazine is characteristic of the reader, the assessment of effectiveness and selectivity while the organization's image is affected by characteristic of the reader.
Implementasi Pembinaan Program Forum Komunikasi UMKM terhadap Kinerja Pelaku UMKM di Kelurahan Bantarjati, Kota Bogor Amiruddin Saleh; R.Ng Handhoyo
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 15 No. 2 (2017): Juli 2017
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (558.174 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/15201722799


MSME’s in Indonesia are increasingly important in the process of national economic development in Indonesia. The MSME’s institution is considered an important source of job creation and the main driving force of regional economic development in Indonesia. With regard to poverty reduction and unemployment policies, the government continues to commit to building and empowering MSME’s in Indonesia. Improving the work of the perpetrators can be seen after the evaluation of the guidance program MSME’s actors. Implementation of MSME’s development program in forming an ideal MSEE practice is influenced by input, process and output of MSME’s program development. The input factor is measured from the individual characteristics of SME actors, the majority are in the middle adult age, the education is dominated by the SMA level, the average business actor runs less than 10 years and the majority only once training, the process factor is measured from the MSME’s development program; capital assistance including high class, low partnership development, high training and promotion of SME’s in  the moderate class while the output factor is seen from the performance of SME’s actors; income levels are moderate, increasing the number of medium consumers, low competition level and low product selling power. The research method used is quantitative research, namely the use of instruments in the form of questionnaires and supported qualitative data obtained through in-depth interviews. The result of the research shows that there is no real correlation between individual characteristic and coaching program, beside that individual characteristic also have no correlation with performance of MSME’s actor only at educational level indicator with sales level having relationship, while coaching program has influence with performance improvement of MSME’s actors , it is necessary to evaluate the coaching program so that the future of this program get maximum results in accordance with the government's goal for improvement on the perpetrators of MSME’s.
Pemanfaatan Internet sebagai Media Komunikasi oleh Pengelola Sekretariat Dewan Ketahanan Pangan Provinsi Munawar Khalil; Amiruddin Saleh; Basita Ginting
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 15 No. 2 (2017): Juli 2017
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (602.63 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/15201722800


This research work was carried out to analyze the utilization of internet as a communication media by Staff of Provincial DKP Secretariat. The population of the study is Staff of Provincial DKP Secretariat in 34 province in Indonesia. Survey method of the research and stratified random sampling were used to select 68 Staff for the study. The data was presented and analyzed in tables and average scores. The research found that internet exposure of Staff of Provincial DKP Secretariat is high. However, its utilization is still low. The research also showed that: (1) individual characteristics (age, period of work, and training) are significantly correlated with internet exposure (frequency and channel variety); (2) motivation (intrinsic motivation) is significantly correlated with internet exposure (duration and the situation of exposure); (3) internet exposure (duration, frequency, and the situation of exposure) are significantly correlated with utilization of internet (communication and coordination).
Diskursus Pembangunan Poros Maritim Dunia: Telaah Kritis Kebijakan Ema Ema; Amiruddin Saleh; Heri Budianto
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 16 No. 1 (2018): Februari 2018
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (504.441 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/16201825122


This study aimed to reveal the development discourses about the vision of Jokowi-JK World Maritime Axis. Discourse is a public communication in which power generates knowledge through discourses, systems thinking and ideas that then establish the concept that binds a country to the planned changes. Through the discussion of Regulation No. 16 of the year 2017 on maritime policy in Indonesia, it is linked to the context of the social, cultural, economic and political aspects that influenced it. By analysing critical discourses about disclosure and disinformation over injustice and supremacy in the discussion. Research carried out by government agencies regulation-makers, observers and the public. Research using a basic data source, a Regulation 16/2017 document, an interview with an author, observers and the public. Results of the analysis show that the micro level, Corpus text regulation, represents the vision of the power of the ' Neoliberal ' ideology and of open foreign political systems. Communicate relationships using the data, symbols, promise and purpose of the power. In the communication entity, a symbol of power used to give emphasis, doctrine, appeal, orders, and supporting policies. As for the level of meso, discursive events in the production process, there is institutional interest as the existence of the new ministership. To help realize the axis of vision of the World Maritime Jokowi-JK with distribution to foreign countries and international fora, hence the introduction of government capital investment projects. At the macro level, in the maritime limits that conflict with the Circumpolar Sea Indonesia poses a threat to the security and safety of our becomes territorial integrity. Institutionally the role of the maritime Coordinator's dominance to prevent the other wing of the Maritime Administration. While socially poor marine infrastructure leads to disparity between the West and East of Indonesia.
Co-Authors - Hamdi - Riana . Dahri . Warcito Abdul Fat-Han Ismail Adi Firmansyah Afrina Sari Agung Wijayanto Agus Fanar Syukri Agus Sandra Agus Triyanto Aida V.S. Hubeis Aida Vitayala Hubeis Aida Vitayala Hubeis Aida Vitayala S Hubeis Aida Vitayala S Hubeis Aida Vitayala S Hubeis Aida Vitayala S Hubeis Aida Vitayala S. Hubeis Aida Vitayala S. Hubeis Aida Viyala S Hubeis Aida VS Hubeis Akmadi Abbas Akrom, Akrom Al Furqon, Mohammad Fuad Alfathan, Ibnu Harits Alyssa Nahla Amir Aminah Swarnawati Amri Jahi Amri Jahi Andi Faisal Bakti & Venny Eka Meidasari Anis Fahri Anna Fatchiya Anna Fatchiya Anna Gustina Zainal Anuar Rasyid Anwas, E Oos M Arif Satria Arifin Derajat Suryana Baban Sarbana Baban Sarbana Bambang Widuri Basita Ginting Basita Ginting Basita Ginting Sugihen Basita Ginting Sugihen Basita Ginting Sugihen Basita Sugihen Budi Saharjo Budi Suharjo C Maydiana Cahya Maydiana Damayanti . Darwin Kadarisman David Rizar Nugroho Dedeh Kurniasih Kurniasih Devi Nur Faddhila Silitonga Devi Nurul Faddhila Silitonga Dian Purnama Soleha Dian Setyawati Diana Anggraeni Difa Maulina Syahidah Djoko Susanto Djuara P Lubis Dody Ginanjar Dorlan Sipahutar Dwi Sadono E. Namaken Sembiring Ema Ema Enden Darjatul Ulya Endriatmo Soetarto Eni Kardi Wiyati Ernita Arif Ezi Hendri Fadil Arfianto Fahira Fahmi Faizal Maad Fakhry Khotibul Umam Farina Ekarini Fazrina Andriani Sakinah Lubis Gian Hendra Gusmia Arianti Hafied Cangara Harahap, Hamida Syari Harsono Suwardi Hartrisari Hardjomidjojo Hasan Subkhie Heni Nuraeni Zaenudin Heri Budianto Herien Puspitawati Herwindo Dharmawan Hudi Santoso I Gusti Putu Purnaba I. Gede Putu Purnaba Ibnu Harits Alfathan Ika Yuliasari Ivanovich Agusta Iwan Armawan Johan David Wetik Khairunnisa Khairunnisa Khairunnisa Khairunnisa Kiagus Abdul Rofi Krishnarini Matindas Krishnarini Matindas Kudang Boro Seminar Kuswanti, Ana Lia Sutiani M. Hajat Syafi'i Ma'mun Sarma Martha, Layung Paramesti Marwan Albab Maya Safrina Suraningsih Meilvis Meilvis E. Tahitu Mintarti Muhamad Hidayat Muhamad Hidayat Muhammad Firdaus Muhammad Firdaus Muhammad Izzul Fikri Noor Muhammad Luthfie Muhammad Romadhon Muhammad Sabilal Muhajirin Muhammad Syamsun Munawar Khalil Muqsith, Munadhil Abdul Mursyid Ma’sum Mursyid Ma’sum Musa Darmawan Musa Darmawan, Musa Musa Hubeis Musa Hubeis Musa Hubeis Musa Hubeis Nadia Nur Rahmadani Narso Narso Narso Narso nfn Sumardjo Nilamsari, Natalina Ninuk Purnaningsih Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurmala Katrina Pandjaitan Nurul Mukhlishah Oos M Anwas Palupi, Nurheni Sri Pang S Asngari Pang S Asngari Pang S. Asngari Pang S. Asngari Parlaungan A. Rangkuti Parlaungan Adil Rangkuti Prabowo Tjitropranoto Pudji Muljono R.Ng Handhoyo Rahmawati Zulfiningrum Ramli Toha Ratri Virianita Restiawan Permana Retno Sri Hartati Mulyandari Richard W.E. Lumintang Rilus Kinseng Risyart.A Far Far RITA NUR SUHAETI Rita Nur Suhaeti Robby Firliandoko Robby Firliandoko Robinson Putra Rofi, Kiagus Abdul Romadhon, Muhammad Saepul Asikin Sang Ayu Made Sri Tandewi Sapar . Sapar Sapar Sapar Sapar Sapta Raharja dan Maya Dwiyuni Sarwiti S Agung Serly Silviyanti Sigit Pamungkas Sik Sumaedi Silvi Siski Andini Sukowati Sri Wahyuni Sumardjo Sumardjo Sumardjo Suryahadi (Suryahadi) Susri Adeni Susy Hartati Sutisna Riyanto Syamsul Maarif Syamsul Maarif Tatik Yuniarti Testa Pradia Nirwana Tetiana Maksymchuk Teuku Mufadzal Hoesni Titien Yusnita Tonni Kusuma Ujang Sehabudin, Ujang Wahyu Budi Priatna Wahyu Budi Priatna Warcito Warcito Warcito Warcito Warcito, Warcito Yannefri Bachtiar Yannefri Bakhtiar Zakiah Zakiah Zarifa Olivia